"ICU is full of the unvaccinated – my patience with them is wearing thin"

Which part of the article do you disagree with ?
This article is more than 8 months old

ICU is full of the unvaccinated – my patience with them is wearing thin​

This article is more than 8 months old
The Secret Consultant
lol...OK for starters...
...if that doctor [or any doctor] were here in the states his patience would not be wearing thin, his wallet would be growing fat due to the fact that he would be making more money for everyone he helps, anytime he feels overwhelmed he can step aside and let another doctor get paid, because here in the states the lines are not for patients but for doctors wanting to help...
as an example Mt. Sinai hospital [to cite one of many] in NYC has quite a number of English/British doctors both on staff and waiting to join the hospital...they are quite good, as one Dr. Greenfield [may not be the correct name but its close] saved my sons life, and we had no bills to pay either...
In fact we have never had a hospital bill and I have had several sports related knee surgeries and stayed in rooms with AC, television, phones, wi-fi access etc...its really a good life here in America, in fact I would rather be in the hospital than Canada :abgg2q.jpg:

I know the bogus request to reference the articles inaccuracies was merely a way to buy plenty of time [considering the Herculean task that it would be just to point them all out, never mind explain them] but if you would like me to do so I will offer it up as undeniable proof the article is a rant to cover for the predicament socialized medicine finds itself.
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The writer is a Doctor. He does a good job listing the various reasons that the unvaxxed fail to get vaxxed and its hard not to feel some sympathy with some of their arguments.

But here they are killing themselves and potentially killing other people. Apparently, all covid disinformation emanates from a few dozen anonymous social media accounts. These idiots should be tried for murder because they are killing thousands.

On the whole I support mask and vax mandates. Longer term I would like businesses to be certified so that I can buy with confidence. At some point science will solve this but until then we need to take our responsibilities as citizens seriously.
Golly gee tito tommy this aged really well



Government reveals the Quadruple/Triple Vaccinated now account for 92% of COVID Deaths across Canada​

Posted on July 20, 2022 by Constitutional Nobody

As Communist Justin Castro Trudeau shows the people he is supposed to serve his true colors as an enemy to them, the Canadian government has released information the demonstrate that all those Canadians who have been triple and quadruple jabbed with the experimental COVID shot, fraudulently referred to as a vaccine, are accounting for 92% of alleged “COVID” deaths across Canada.
The Expose reports:
The latest official figures published by the Government of Canada reveal the vaccinated population now account for 92% of Covid-19 deaths across Canada, with nearly half of those deaths being recorded among the quadruple vaccinated population.

The Government of Canada produces a daily Covid-19 Epidemiology update, in which they sporadically provide new data on Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations and deaths as and when they feel like it.
The following table is taken from their 15th July update, found here, and shows the number of cases, hospitalisations and deaths by vaccination status up to June 12th 2022 –


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Official Data from Australia: 98 % of Covid Infections are Double Jabbed​

February 4, 2022 Algora Blog Leave a comment

Spread the Word

via GGI
Vaccinated people account for the majority of COVID cases, hospitalizations, and deaths in an Australian state. People who had two vaccinations accounted for roughly three-quarters of ICU patients and COVID deaths.

The great majority of COVID-19 infections and deaths in Australia’s biggest state are caused by vaccinated individuals, fueling the highest spike in New South Wales ever since virus’s emergence.

According to the New South Wales Department of Health’s (NSW Health) most recent COVID monitoring report, a record surge in cases since the introduction of Omicron late last year has been mainly related to the vaccinated.

Between November 26, 2021 and January 8, 2022, almost 90% of people in the state that screened positive for coronavirus and had a known vaccination status received “two effective doses” of a COVID vaccine. Individuals with “two effective doses” have got a second jab “at least 14 days prior to known exposure to COVID-19 or arrival in Australia,” according to NSW Health.

When children under the age of 12 were excluded because they are ineligible for the immunizations, double-vaccinated adults accounted for an astounding 98 percent of cases with documented vaccination status. The unvaccinated, on the other hand, accounted for less than 1% of instances.

The unvaccinated are classified as having “no effective dose” by NSW Health, which even encompasses anybody who received the very first dosage of a two-dose vaccination regimen within 21 days after COVID contact or entry in Australia.

Pandemic of the vaccinated​

Across the same time frame, the double-jabbed monopolised New South Wales’ rising COVID-19 hospitalizations and fatalities.

Amongst individuals hospitalised for the virus that had a vaccination history, 82 percent had gotten two doses – or 87 percent if children who were ineligible for immunisation were excluded.

People who had two vaccinations accounted for roughly three-quarters of ICU patients and COVID deaths.

As of late November, 91.5 percent of individuals aged 12 and over were “fully vaccinated” in New South Wales. Despite this, infections in Western Australia have soared to historic levels in over the last week, owing to a record amount of breakthrough infections.

According to NSW Health, COVID cases and hospitalizations have surpassed prior high from September 2021 and nearly doubled in the week ending January 8 compared to the previous week.

Before majority of Australians became “fully vaccinated,” the state observed a seven-day average of roughly 1,400 infections during the peak of the Delta wave in September. Daily instances reached at almost 90,000 in early January.

According to Our World in Data, the number of Coronavirus fatalities in New South Wales has also increased from January 8, with an average of 40 per day now, up from approximately one at the end of December.

Considering the overwhelming indications that the vaccines are faltering, New South Wales continues to demand health care personnel, teachers, airport workers, and senior care staff to be “fully vaccinated.”

COVID-19 is still curable and survivable for the vast majority of people who contract it, according to NSW Health data. Between November 26 and January 8, 99.4 percent of unvaccinated patients aged 12 and up who screened positive for COVID in New South Wales did not die. Unvaccinated youngsters under the age of 18 have a mortality rate of less than .1%.

“Since the start of the pandemic, 0.2% of cases (738 people) have died,” NSW Health noted. “This includes 122 residents of aged care facilities.”

The vaccinated pandemic in New South Wales matches comparable COVID patterns in Europe, wherein recent data from Denmark, the United Kingdom, and Iceland show increased infection rates amongst vaccinated individuals.

According to the U.K. Health Security Agency, unvaccinated people exhibit fewer infection numbers than double-vaccinated people throughout all age categories older than 18 in the U.K. as of late January. The vaccinated also outnumbered the unvaccinated by approximately five to one in British COVID fatalities previous month.
Science already knows how to solve epidemics, and it is NOT by stretching them out over a longer period of time, by flattening the curve.
When you "flatten the curve" with masks and social distancing, you do not reduce the infection rate below 1.0, so then it is NOT an improvement.
Instead, each second things get worse and worse.
The only way to improve is to cut infection rates below 1.0, and that can only be done with herd immunity.
And the best way to achieve herd immunity is by deliberate infection, last March, of those most likely to survive.

Vaccines would normally be a great way to speed up herd immunity without having to risk deliberate infection/quarantine, but these mRNA injections are not a vaccine in any way. They only stimulate antibody production for up to 4 months, but then have no permanent memory effect.
And they are very risky in design.
For example, instead of containing an actual virus or even spike proteins, they just contain instructions for or own sells to start growing spike proteins.
That has absolutely no quantity control, with some people responding by not producing any spike proteins, while others will produce a fatal over amount.
These mRNA instructions also a mobile, so can get to risky cells you do not want to start growing spikes, like the heart, brain, capillaries, etc.

The science is not settled on these mRNA injections at all.
Real scientists find them extremely troubling.

Herd immunity is not going to happen with Covid 19. This was originally thought to be because of the anti vaxers but now simply because you can pick it up almost as soon as you have finished with these new strains which thankfully are much less fierce than the original ones.
Herd immunity is not going to happen with Covid 19. This was originally thought to be because of the anti vaxers but now simply because you can pick it up almost as soon as you have finished with these new strains which thankfully are much less fierce than the original ones.
So you're saying that science is full of shit and that our antibodies don't exist?
So you're saying that science is full of shit and that our antibodies don't exist?
No, i am saying what we have been told. If you look at papers soon after the vaccine came out they believed that it was antivaxers who were stopping herd immunity. It wasn't happening. Normally herd immunity is apparently caused by everyone being vaccinated and it possibly was anti vaxers who were stopping it at that time. When it was taken through to last autumn this spring it was realized that because people could get it almost immediately after having it before there simply was no possibility of herd immunity. That is pretty much what I said before. The shit and our antibodies not existing is your problem.

Government reveals the Quadruple/Triple Vaccinated now account for 92% of COVID Deaths across Canada​

Posted on July 20, 2022 by Constitutional Nobody

As Communist Justin Castro Trudeau shows the people he is supposed to serve his true colors as an enemy to them, the Canadian government has released information the demonstrate that all those Canadians who have been triple and quadruple jabbed with the experimental COVID shot, fraudulently referred to as a vaccine, are accounting for 92% of alleged “COVID” deaths across Canada.
The Expose reports:
The latest official figures published by the Government of Canada reveal the vaccinated population now account for 92% of Covid-19 deaths across Canada, with nearly half of those deaths being recorded among the quadruple vaccinated population.

The Government of Canada produces a daily Covid-19 Epidemiology update, in which they sporadically provide new data on Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations and deaths as and when they feel like it.
The following table is taken from their 15th July update, found here, and shows the number of cases, hospitalisations and deaths by vaccination status up to June 12th 2022 –
Is this because the majority of unvaxxed are dead ?
No, i am saying what we have been told. If you look at papers soon after the vaccine came out they believed that it was antivaxers who were stopping herd immunity. It wasn't happening. Normally herd immunity is apparently caused by everyone being vaccinated and it possibly was anti vaxers who were stopping it at that time. When it was taken through to last autumn this spring it was realized that because people could get it almost immediately after having it before there simply was no possibility of herd immunity. That is pretty much what I said before. The shit and our antibodies not existing is your problem.
No...it's the exact opposite. Herd immunity can be caused either by use of vaccines or people naturally fighting off the virus. They say that catching COVID gives you stronger immunity than some fake vaccine that caused side-effects.

This is what happens when you get Bell's Palsy from a "vaccination". Look up Bell's Palsy...it's caused from a Herpes strain.

The big issue is those injections weren't vaccines.....they only called them vaccines to make people agree to get them.
You need to ask yourself why kids weren't allowed to get a vaccination for the first time that I can remember. We got them in the 60s when I was 8. Why were they off-limits to children? What weren't they telling us?
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No...it's the exact opposite. Herd immunity can be caused either by use of vaccines or people naturally fighting off the virus. They say that catching COVID gives you stronger immunity than some fake vaccine that caused side-effects.
View attachment 676363
This is what happens when get Bell's Palsy from a "vaccination". Look up Bell's Palsy...it's caused from a Herpes strain.

The big issue is those injections weren't vaccines.....they only called them vaccines to make people agree to get them.
You need to ask yourself why kids weren't allowed to get a vaccination for the first time that I can remember. We got them in the 60s when I was 8. Why were they off-limits to children? What weren't they telling us?
yes, that thing about getting covid being better was last years. I am a strange person. I believe what our medical people tell us and that was as I said.
Hey, thread Biden has it again. There is a thread somewhere on this. I don't know how long between the infections but not long.
Herd immunity is not going to happen with Covid 19. This was originally thought to be because of the anti vaxers but now simply because you can pick it up almost as soon as you have finished with these new strains which thankfully are much less fierce than the original ones.

Herd immunity is already reached.

Much to the chagrin of the democrats and their CCP allies.

The writer is a Doctor. He does a good job listing the various reasons that the unvaxxed fail to get vaxxed and its hard not to feel some sympathy with some of their arguments.

But here they are killing themselves and potentially killing other people. Apparently, all covid disinformation emanates from a few dozen anonymous social media accounts. These idiots should be tried for murder because they are killing thousands.

On the whole I support mask and vax mandates. Longer term I would like businesses to be certified so that I can buy with confidence. At some point science will solve this but until then we need to take our responsibilities as citizens seriously.

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