I'd ask this question, but no one would want to answert: Have you ever been unjustly convicted?


Platinum Member
Apr 22, 2024
Have you ever been accused / convicted of something you did not do?

I am guessing something like at least 30 million Americans could answer Yes to this question.

And I say 100% of us can say that we have been accused outside a court of law of many things we did not do. I say this because I know what a-holes people in general can be...

So yeh... Trump has a lot of empathy from us.
Again.......when Trump was president people complained about an unjust justice system.

Trump called them SOB's.

I answered.
Have you ever been accused / convicted of something you did not do?

I am guessing something like at least 30 million Americans could answer Yes to this question.

And I say 100% of us can say that we have been accused outside a court of law of many things we did not do. I say this because I know what a-holes people in general can be...

So yeh... Trump has a lot of empathy from us.
Usually such accusations “outside of a court of law” don’t come with 5 weeks of testimony, exhibits, tape recordings being played....

The blob is guilty as sin.

And this was probably the hardest of the four cases to win from a prosecution standpoint.
Have you ever been accused / convicted of something you did not do?
Yes, but finally I came to understand that I wasn't wrongly accused.
And that's the whole point with Trump. He's been correctly accused and convicted and he doesn't possess the adult responsibility to admit it and accept it.

He can't now because it would be politically suicidal, even if he wanted to grow.

And yet he's still the best choice on avoiding nuclear world war!
Have you ever been accused / convicted of something you did not do?

I am guessing something like at least 30 million Americans could answer Yes to this question.

And I say 100% of us can say that we have been accused outside a court of law of many things we did not do. I say this because I know what a-holes people in general can be...

So yeh... Trump has a lot of empathy from us.
I was not convicted but the Court ruled against me.
I purchased a new car. At the dealer we agreed on the deal they showed me in writing. I picked the car up a day or 2 later. I signed papers and handed them a cashiers check for the full amount. I never originated any of the papers. The dealer had management approve the deal on paper.

I drove my car home and maybe a week later got told by the dealer I owed them another thousand in round numbers. I said what? I paid what you asked me to pay. I paid in full.
They took me to court. Lawyers i knew said I was sure to win. I was called up to the bench and the Judge told me he had a case like this when he was the lawyer and he lost his case. I was shocked. I can't tell you his case because what difference would that make? Essentially he said I lost. He had my reply in writing but I was not able to testify nor to even use witnesses. Sure the license charge not shown to me by the dealer was his mistake. But what is on paper is what counts. I paid the dealer the costs the court awarded the dealer. This happened in 1994.
Have you ever been accused / convicted of something you did not do?

I am guessing something like at least 30 million Americans could answer Yes to this question.

And I say 100% of us can say that we have been accused outside a court of law of many things we did not do. I say this because I know what a-holes people in general can be...

So yeh... Trump has a lot of empathy from us.
I got a moving violation once I thought was unjustified. It was for running a stop sign, but the stop sign was down and the cop was just waiting for someone to miss it.

I went to court, the judge still found me guilty but thanked me for my honesty.
I was not convicted but the Court ruled against me.
I purchased a new car. At the dealer we agreed on the deal they showed me in writing. I picked the car up a day or 2 later. I signed papers and handed them a cashiers check for the full amount. I never originated any of the papers. The dealer had management approve the deal on paper.

I drove my car home and maybe a week later got told by the dealer I owed them another thousand in round numbers. I said what? I paid what you asked me to pay. I paid in full.
They took me to court. Lawyers i knew said I was sure to win. I was called up to the bench and the Judge told me he had a case like this when he was the lawyer and he lost his case. I was shocked. I can't tell you his case because what difference would that make? Essentially he said I lost. He had my reply in writing but I was not able to testify nor to even use witnesses. Sure the license charge not shown to me by the dealer was his mistake. But what is on paper is what counts. I paid the dealer the costs the court awarded the dealer. This happened in 1994.
Interesting! I had a similar experience that was about insuring expensive allow wheels by the dealer and the cost of the search they do on used vehicles that is law in B.C.

When they handed me the legal document to sign I noticed that they had added $1000 that wan't agreed upon. They said that it was always done that way and that I had to pay it.

I told the sales manager they called into the room that they could keep the car.

They took the $1000 off for me.

Is that sort of what should have happened to you?
I got a moving violation once I thought was unjustified. It was for running a stop sign, but the stop sign was down and the cop was just waiting for someone to miss it.

I went to court, the judge still found me guilty but thanked me for my honesty.
I was appraising property in Saratoga, CA I believe and as I entered the main road, I am factually saying I was quickly speeding. A sheriff saw me and used Radar. The defense I used in court was my speed was reasonable even if above the posted limit. The Judge said it was a good defense and he slashed the fine to a very small amount.
I got a moving violation once I thought was unjustified. It was for running a stop sign, but the stop sign was down and the cop was just waiting for someone to miss it.

I went to court, the judge still found me guilty but thanked me for my honesty.
Good story Joe! I bet you learned a lesson from that!
This is still about Trump not being capable of learning.
When you have lots of money, you usually don't ever have to learn. Usually! LOL
I was not convicted but the Court ruled against me.
I purchased a new car. At the dealer we agreed on the deal they showed me in writing. I picked the car up a day or 2 later. I signed papers and handed them a cashiers check for the full amount. I never originated any of the papers. The dealer had management approve the deal on paper.

I drove my car home and maybe a week later got told by the dealer I owed them another thousand in round numbers. I said what? I paid what you asked me to pay. I paid in full.
They took me to court. Lawyers i knew said I was sure to win. I was called up to the bench and the Judge told me he had a case like this when he was the lawyer and he lost his case. I was shocked. I can't tell you his case because what difference would that make? Essentially he said I lost. He had my reply in writing but I was not able to testify nor to even use witnesses. Sure the license charge not shown to me by the dealer was his mistake. But what is on paper is what counts. I paid the dealer the costs the court awarded the dealer. This happened in 1994.

well, like I say, everyone has been cheated when in the right.

Everyone in America can relate to Trump and how stupid the verdict is.

Strangest story in American history... Even after conviction, the dude brings in massive donations! LOL
Interesting! I had a similar experience that was about insuring expensive allow wheels by the dealer and the cost of the search they do on used vehicles that is law in B.C.

When they handed me the legal document to sign I noticed that they had added $1000 that wan't agreed upon. They said that it was always done that way and that I had to pay it.

I told the sales manager they called into the room that they could keep the car.

They took the $1000 off for me.

Is that sort of what should have happened to you?
In my case the charge was ignored on the sales papers so I said tough luck. But the Judge decided to charge me for the license plates. Since I owned the car and could not drive it with no plates, I just paid them what the judge awarded. What annoyed me so much is the sales agent knew I was shopping dealers. And to me she skipped a price to get the deal. And when I went back 2 days later, the management still used her figures. She made the mistake. I guess let her pay for her error. Anyway lawyers I knew agreed with me.
I was appraising property in Saratoga, CA I believe and as I entered the main road, I am factually saying I was quickly speeding. A sheriff saw me and used Radar. The defense I used in court was my speed was reasonable even if above the posted limit. The Judge said it was a good defense and he slashed the fine to a very small amount.
well, I wanted stories about victims of injustice. But thanks for this. I'll try that the next time I'm speeding

I had heard that when a cop's radar is aimed at two lanes with one care in each lane, the charge won't go to court.

I told the cop that it was the other car that was speeding and not me. The cop said that he even saw the front end of my car dip down when I hit the brakes. I told the cop that I would be going to court over this false charge.

The cop just gave me a warning and no ticket for speeding. And to this day I've never been caught speeding. That was over 30 year ago!

I learned the cheap way!
I will say yes more than once, and I will leave it at that. Not convicted but accused.
In my case the charge was ignored on the sales papers so I said tough luck. But the Judge decided to charge me for the license plates. Since I owned the car and could not drive it with no plates, I just paid them what the judge awarded. What annoyed me so much is the sales agent knew I was shopping dealers. And to me she skipped a price to get the deal. And when I went back 2 days later, the management still used her figures. She made the mistake. I guess let her pay for her error. Anyway lawyers I knew agreed with me.
It sounds a lot like your system cheated you,, but I wouldn't say for certain without the 'other' story and the complete story.

Canadians are largely protected against that sort of criminal business activities.
well, like I say, everyone has been cheated when in the right.

Everyone in America can relate to Trump and how stupid the verdict is.

Strangest story in American history... Even after conviction, the dude brings in massive donations! LOL
My cell phone was flooded with requests. After I was told that the Republican party no longer had me as a member. I deleted mails and numbers. Still I get flooded by requests for funds. I am happy for Trump others send him money. I have not.

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