‘I’d be dead without Medicare!’: Trump voters are already sharing their deep regrets



'I'd be dead without Medicare!': Trump voters are already sharing their deep regrets

As it turns out, one of the biggest fears from Trump supporters is losing their Medicare benefits. Trump has so far not publicly opposed House Speaker Paul Ryan’s plans to dismantle Medicare and turn it into a voucher system for private health insurance plans. Right-wing commentator Ann Coulter’s tweet bashing Trump’s Medicare plan brought out lots of Trumpgrets:


A Republican state senator in West Virginia said she hoped the person she elected president wouldn’t kick some 200,000 impoverished West Virginians off of the state’s Medicaid rolls.

(This next one is fucking hilarious!)

Bizarrely, one woman who voted for Trump claimed she did so to close the gender pay gap. Making sure women earned equal pay to their male counterparts was a primary plank of Hillary Clinton’s campaign platform, though Twitter user Sandi Haynes either didn’t know that, or assumed Trump would do the same.



Do a search "Trump voters regret vote" and it's totally hilarious. Very funny reading.
Ann Coulter's #Trumpgret :laugh2:


Yes, Ann, it is your fault for being so fucking stupid. Trump made it crystal clear exactly who and what he was - a lying flimflammer. A chameleon constantly changing colors. Now you have some idea how the Germans felt after electing Adolf Hitler.
"Donald Trump said tonight he could save Medicare billions of dollars by allowing it to negotiate drug prices directly with pharmaceutical companies -- embracing a position Democrats have championed and Republicans have opposed for years.

The Associated Press quotes Trump as telling a crowd in Farmington, N.H., that Medicare, a huge buyer of prescription drugs, could "save $300 billion" a year if it negotiated discounts."

Trump backs Medicare negotiating drug prices
'I'd be dead without Medicare!': Trump voters are already sharing their deep regrets

As it turns out, one of the biggest fears from Trump supporters is losing their Medicare benefits. Trump has so far not publicly opposed House Speaker Paul Ryan’s plans to dismantle Medicare and turn it into a voucher system for private health insurance plans. Right-wing commentator Ann Coulter’s tweet bashing Trump’s Medicare plan brought out lots of Trumpgrets:


A Republican state senator in West Virginia said she hoped the person she elected president wouldn’t kick some 200,000 impoverished West Virginians off of the state’s Medicaid rolls.

(This next one is fucking hilarious!)

Bizarrely, one woman who voted for Trump claimed she did so to close the gender pay gap. Making sure women earned equal pay to their male counterparts was a primary plank of Hillary Clinton’s campaign platform, though Twitter user Sandi Haynes either didn’t know that, or assumed Trump would do the same.



Do a search "Trump voters regret vote" and it's totally hilarious. Very funny reading.

It's funny until you consider the alternative-

'I'd be dead without Medicare!': Trump voters are already sharing their deep regrets

As it turns out, one of the biggest fears from Trump supporters is losing their Medicare benefits. Trump has so far not publicly opposed House Speaker Paul Ryan’s plans to dismantle Medicare and turn it into a voucher system for private health insurance plans. Right-wing commentator Ann Coulter’s tweet bashing Trump’s Medicare plan brought out lots of Trumpgrets:


A Republican state senator in West Virginia said she hoped the person she elected president wouldn’t kick some 200,000 impoverished West Virginians off of the state’s Medicaid rolls.

(This next one is fucking hilarious!)

Bizarrely, one woman who voted for Trump claimed she did so to close the gender pay gap. Making sure women earned equal pay to their male counterparts was a primary plank of Hillary Clinton’s campaign platform, though Twitter user Sandi Haynes either didn’t know that, or assumed Trump would do the same.



Do a search "Trump voters regret vote" and it's totally hilarious. Very funny reading.
Funny if it wasn't fucking us all instead of just the Trump voters. I just turned 60. Now I have to wonder if SS and Medicare is going to be around in a few years when I become eligible.
There's no question that many millions people would have died by now without the safetynet and life would be far harder. Repubicans seem to enjoy making life harder...
Just more proof that Trump supporters are the absolute dumbest among us!

They truly are...They'd turn this country into a third world shit hole with the rich taking it all before they'll admit that maybe we're right. Yet, they have the nerve to call me dumb? hahahaha.
There's no question that many millions people would have died by now without the safetynet and life would be far harder. Repubicans seem to enjoy making life harder...
"The Commonwealth of Massachusetts passed a health care reform law in 2006 with the aim of providing health insurance to nearly all of its residents. The law mandated that nearly every resident of Massachusetts obtain a minimum level of insurance coverage, provided free health care insurance for residents earning less than 150% of the federal poverty level (FPL) and mandated employers with more than 10 "full-time" employees to provide healthcare insurance."
Massachusetts health care reform - Wikipedia

I always wonder how little people know about their country. Many of those are politically active, they are time bombs.
Just more proof that Trump supporters are the absolute dumbest among us!

Some must be if they're believing the bullshit propaganda you regressives have been throwing around since you got your asses kicked.
'I'd be dead without Medicare!': Trump voters are already sharing their deep regrets

As it turns out, one of the biggest fears from Trump supporters is losing their Medicare benefits. Trump has so far not publicly opposed House Speaker Paul Ryan’s plans to dismantle Medicare and turn it into a voucher system for private health insurance plans. Right-wing commentator Ann Coulter’s tweet bashing Trump’s Medicare plan brought out lots of Trumpgrets:


A Republican state senator in West Virginia said she hoped the person she elected president wouldn’t kick some 200,000 impoverished West Virginians off of the state’s Medicaid rolls.

(This next one is fucking hilarious!)

Bizarrely, one woman who voted for Trump claimed she did so to close the gender pay gap. Making sure women earned equal pay to their male counterparts was a primary plank of Hillary Clinton’s campaign platform, though Twitter user Sandi Haynes either didn’t know that, or assumed Trump would do the same.



Do a search "Trump voters regret vote" and it's totally hilarious. Very funny reading.

It's funny until you consider the alternative-

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lol total deflection. That's all you nutters can do when you know liberals are correct.

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