I'd enjoy an intellectual discussion-

9/11 Controlled Demolition Debate! Niels Harrit (Chemist) vs. Denis Rancourt (Physicist)

I am neither a Chemist, or a Physicist- but, I do know that 2+2 = 4. I also know the US gov't and it's lackey presstitutes are the lyingest entities on the planet-

There is a pod cast in the link, and no, I didn't listen to it- I did read the accompanying article though, and I have followed this 9/11 stuff for years-

From the article- if anyone cares- which I doubt- the size of a gnat attention span is what liars depend on.

As I wrote then:

On my November 6 (2010) show physics professor/activist Denis Rancourt and I spent the first hour amicably discussing 9/11, and mostly agreeing with each other. During the second hour, we had a heated debate (temperatures almost high enough to vaporize steel!) about what happened to the Twin Towers: I argued that the controlled demolition hypothesis best explains the facts, while Denis, who admits that WTC-7 was a controlled demolition, claimed that the Towers could have collapsed due to plane crashes and fires as the government says.

Let me assert- 2 planes hit 2 bldg's in 2 different locations, near the tops, and brought them down in near identical fashion- in an unprecedented manner at near free fall speed- really?
I figure it won't be long before one of our enemies Joe's friend blow America off the map, New Babylon. Never has a more dirty piece of shit been in the White House. Stupid Tyrant Joe When the mine is that gone the body usually goes with it If Joe was smart he would shut his mouth before some one crams it full of something dark and real stinky. All through school we learned the facts of nature and science just to throw it in the trash to believe what government told us about 9/11. Sorry I just can't fall for that impossibility. Now just because democrats would hold this as fact means nothing except genocide has it's good points.
I am not going to repeat something i have already stated a thousand times previously in my other posts that caused the twin towers collapse...................

You're going to have to repeat it one more time because you haven't made yourself clear on what you know or believe.

And you're going to have to do so in just a few words, because that's all that are necessary.

For example of what you believe/know:

1. Explosives were planted inside the twin towers

2. Explosives were contained in the aluminum airplanes. (coke cans)

3 It was done with lasers by government/Saudis/terrorists/Martians/whoever.

4. Some other.

If you choose 4 then a brief explanation is required and would be appreciated.
good god a kid could understand my posts that i have clearly been talking about number one.wow you sure like to put words in peoples mouths,you must have me confused with someone else that must have said this to you one time in the past cause NONE of my posts indicated i ever came close to saying i thought it was done with 2 or 3.

again watch the fucking videos and stop going by what I say and listen too the best experts in the world in those videos me and PF tinmore have posted and you will see why only an idiot would say fires brought down the three buildings,i can only lead a horse to the water but i cannot make the horse drink the water.:cuckoo:

till you watch our videos were done.
There are people that believe biden and people that believe bush but we send them to school and our Federal Reserve out of the kindness of their cold stone hearts buy them their books they don't know how to read. So what's hard to believe that they believe what government said on 9/11. Let's see it went something like this Jet fuel aka kerosene with continued fuel will burn at 1.400 degrees it won't melt concrete or steel

I admit to not watching the whole hour- the opening said it all- and there is some credible, hear say evidence presented, in the 16 or so minutes I watched.

The opening said two things that are vitally important. (1) it was a crime- mass murder as a matter of fact.... but, there was no criminal investigation. (2) follow the money....... you'll see the agenda, I'll add, and have used that line for years for everything this fed gov't does and has done for generations. No, it doesn't make me smart, just observant.

Add the 9/11 commissions job of how to prevent it from happening again and the evidence is strengthened to have an independent, thorough, criminal investigation - but, as with the many other atrocities (or anomaly's if you prefer) the "official story" reigns supreme-

I'm amazed at how many will concede that the gov't may have been, at least complicit, maybe even involved, but still trust the gov't, or, don't care- or, choose to remain ignorant.

I've brought up Silverstein on other message boards (and did here as well) and was called anti-semite- as though that changes everything- SMH-
For the braindead zombies on the planet and on this board who say the fires caused the collapse,you got shit all over your face. NOBODY including everyone on this thread has an answer for bld 7,not NIST,nobody. bld 7 was not hit by an airliner and there have been other buildings that have burned for HOURS on end over the decades with blazing infernals fires yet the structure remained standing.i should not have to keep repeating that fact just to watch it get ignored over and over.

jet fuel fires only burn at 1600 degrees. for steel to melt and all girders to collapse like that you have to have fires over 2700 degrees at least. so it was IMPOSSIBLE for the towers to collapse straight down at free fall speed in 12 seconds due to mere gasolibe fires :cuckoo: oh and the towers were designed to take hits from MULTIPLE airliners

the government illegally violated the law that day as well not following standard protocols of gathering evidece,they DESTROYED the evidence hauling off the evidence with 40 vans a day shipping it off to china,there was never an investigation into it.they did not seal off the area and collect the evidence and take it off to study the wreackage like you do when an airliner crashes AND NIST did not even test for explosives which is unreal the fact these were the twin towers and never in mankinds history had a steel skyscraper fallen by fires.

the 9/11 apologists who say the fires caused it to collapse obviously skipped junior high school science classes. :laughing0301: The op tried to expalin it to you all that the towers IFit was just fires,should have TIPPED over to the edge not fallen down in its own footprint with no steel girders remaining.all these best architects and engineers are saying that,why do you all act like an idiot and ignore these people saying this saying crap me and the OP are the ones saying this when we are the messengers for them?,must make you feel good about yourselves to pretend we are the only two saying this and that we are not just messengers fotr the best experts in the world:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

If you watch this two hour video,DONT WATCH IT ALL AT ONE TIME,JUST WATCH IT IN PARTS LIKE 30 MINUTES AT a time,you HEAR THE BEST ARCHITECTS,ENGINEERS,EXPLOSIVES EXPERTS say the government committed a crime that day destroying the evidence and not testing for explosives.

NIST when they asked if there was melted steel found LIED and said nobody saw melted steel or there was any evidence of it ignoring as you can see and hear in the video,firefighters saying they saw puddles of MELTED STEEL beneath them. buildings ALSO dont disintegrate into powder as the towers did,there should have been columns there standing not all gone and melted.:laughing0301:

funny that people attack the messenger of the facts saying me and the OP are tin foil hatters when we are messengers for the best architects and engineers of the world and demolition experts as well.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

last time i checked it was a CRIMINAL ACT TO DESTROY EVIDENCE.yet you all want to babble these experts and witnesses many being firefighters experienced in explosives seen in this video are all wrong and you are right.jesus christ what kind of retarded logic is that?

This is the powerful documentary film by Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. Watch and hear the experts in high-rise architecture, structural engineering, metallurgy, chemistry, physics, explosives, and controlled demolition share with you their compelling and convincing professional expertise and insights about the events of 9/11. It’s not "conspiracy theory" it’s forensic evidence. But it is also and very importantly psychology. Pay close attention to eight more experts in the workings of the human mind give their moving explanation as they make clear why this solid research is difficult for some people to deal with.

You owe it to yourself to open your mind, your eyes and your ears and take in this new information. Show it to every friend, relative, associate that you know, and every architect, engineer, media representative, and government official that you can find.

This is the powerful documentary film by Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. Watch and hear the experts in high-rise architecture, structural engineering, metallurgy, chemistry, physics, explosives, and controlled demolition share with you their compelling and convincing professional expertise and insights about the events of 9/11. It’s not "conspiracy theory" it’s forensic evidence. But it is also and very importantly psychology. Pay close attention to eight more experts in the workings of the human mind give their moving explanation as they make clear why this solid research is difficult for some people to deal with.

You owe it to yourself to open your mind, your eyes and your ears and take in this new information. Show it to every friend, relative, associate that you know, and every architect, engineer, media representative, and government official that you can find.

LA, what is your theory?

I admit to not watching the whole hour- the opening said it all- and there is some credible, hear say evidence presented, in the 16 or so minutes I watched.

The opening said two things that are vitally important. (1) it was a crime- mass murder as a matter of fact.... but, there was no criminal investigation. (2) follow the money....... you'll see the agenda, I'll add, and have used that line for years for everything this fed gov't does and has done for generations. No, it doesn't make me smart, just observant.

Add the 9/11 commissions job of how to prevent it from happening again and the evidence is strengthened to have an independent, thorough, criminal investigation - but, as with the many other atrocities (or anomaly's if you prefer) the "official story" reigns supreme-

I'm amazed at how many will concede that the gov't may have been, at least complicit, maybe even involved, but still trust the gov't, or, don't care- or, choose to remain ignorant.

I've brought up Silverstein on other message boards (and did here as well) and was called anti-semite- as though that changes everything- SMH-

Just explain how bldg 7 fell if not fire? Still nothing
I am not going to repeat something i have already stated a thousand times previously in my other posts that caused the twin towers collapse...................

You're going to have to repeat it one more time because you haven't made yourself clear on what you know or believe.

And you're going to have to do so in just a few words, because that's all that are necessary.

For example of what you believe/know:

1. Explosives were planted inside the twin towers

2. Explosives were contained in the aluminum airplanes. (coke cans)

3 It was done with lasers by government/Saudis/terrorists/Martians/whoever.

4. Some other.

If you choose 4 then a brief explanation is required and would be appreciated.
good god a kid could understand my posts that i have clearly been talking about number one.wow you sure like to put words in peoples mouths,you must have me confused with someone else that must have said this to you one time in the past cause NONE of my posts indicated i ever came close to saying i thought it was done with 2 or 3.

again watch the fucking videos and stop going by what I say and listen too the best experts in the world in those videos me and PF tinmore have posted and you will see why only an idiot would say fires brought down the three buildings,i can only lead a horse to the water but i cannot make the horse drink the water.:cuckoo:

till you watch our videos were done.
There are people that believe biden and people that believe bush but we send them to school and our Federal Reserve out of the kindness of their cold stone hearts buy them their books they don't know how to read. So what's hard to believe that they believe what government said on 9/11. Let's see it went something like this Jet fuel aka kerosene with continued fuel will burn at 1.400 degrees it won't melt concrete or steel
Why would anybody think that steel beams and concrete had to be melted to bring the twin towers down?
9/11 Controlled Demolition Debate! Niels Harrit (Chemist) vs. Denis Rancourt (Physicist)

I am neither a Chemist, or a Physicist- but, I do know that 2+2 = 4. I also know the US gov't and it's lackey presstitutes are the lyingest entities on the planet-

There is a pod cast in the link, and no, I didn't listen to it- I did read the accompanying article though, and I have followed this 9/11 stuff for years-

From the article- if anyone cares- which I doubt- the size of a gnat attention span is what liars depend on.

As I wrote then:

On my November 6 (2010) show physics professor/activist Denis Rancourt and I spent the first hour amicably discussing 9/11, and mostly agreeing with each other. During the second hour, we had a heated debate (temperatures almost high enough to vaporize steel!) about what happened to the Twin Towers: I argued that the controlled demolition hypothesis best explains the facts, while Denis, who admits that WTC-7 was a controlled demolition, claimed that the Towers could have collapsed due to plane crashes and fires as the government says.

Let me assert- 2 planes hit 2 bldg's in 2 different locations, near the tops, and brought them down in near identical fashion- in an unprecedented manner at near free fall speed- really?
I figure it won't be long before one of our enemies Joe's friend blow America off the map, New Babylon. Never has a more dirty piece of shit been in the White House. Stupid Tyrant Joe When the mine is that gone the body usually goes with it If Joe was smart he would shut his mouth before some one crams it full of something dark and real stinky. All through school we learned the facts of nature and science just to throw it in the trash to believe what government told us about 9/11. Sorry I just can't fall for that impossibility. Now just because democrats would hold this as fact means nothing except genocide has it's good points.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Sleepy joe is not even Running the country,the Kenyon fraud is.
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I admit to not watching the whole hour- the opening said it all- and there is some credible, hear say evidence presented, in the 16 or so minutes I watched.

The opening said two things that are vitally important. (1) it was a crime- mass murder as a matter of fact.... but, there was no criminal investigation. (2) follow the money....... you'll see the agenda, I'll add, and have used that line for years for everything this fed gov't does and has done for generations. No, it doesn't make me smart, just observant.

Add the 9/11 commissions job of how to prevent it from happening again and the evidence is strengthened to have an independent, thorough, criminal investigation - but, as with the many other atrocities (or anomaly's if you prefer) the "official story" reigns supreme-

I'm amazed at how many will concede that the gov't may have been, at least complicit, maybe even involved, but still trust the gov't, or, don't care- or, choose to remain ignorant.

I've brought up Silverstein on other message boards (and did here as well) and was called anti-semite- as though that changes everything- SMH-

No surprising in the least you got called anti Semitic for bringing up Silversteins role in 9/11. There are lots of shills from Israel thst have penetrated this board.there are dozens of them in the Israel section always calling people that when they expose Israels war mongering.problem with thst babble though is it doesn’t work anymore the fact there are many good Jewish judaism people that are sick of the corrupt Zionism of Israel and want their government reformed as we do here in the states,you can’t call Jewish people anti Semitic.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Be glad you are not a citizen of Israel,they are force vaccinating their citizens and throwing the resisters in concentration camps who resist,that’s going on in China and Canada and Australia as well,those are the countries I know of doing it,who knows how many others there are,if the American people don’t get off their asses and arrest these criminal politicians,it will happen to us as well because they have it planned here in the states also which is why I keep saying 9/11 is the least of our problems now same as the jfk assassination is the least of our problems.
Moved by a coward hiding behind a question mark avatar- imagine that!

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