I'd enjoy an intellectual discussion-

Moved by a coward hiding behind a question mark avatar- imagine that!
What idiot moved this? How can facts be a conspiracy?
how did the buildings fall?
Oh, all that is in the videos that you did not watch. Why do you ask for information that has already been provided?

Amen,could not have said it better myself. WHY people would not bother watching these truthful videos for a crime that took away all out civil lbertys and changed the world makes no sense at all. My video in post# 133 answers all that. if you dont have an an interest in hearing the truth how they brought them down,then why would anybody be on here posting?:cuckoo:

I can only lead a horse to the water so many times but i cannot make the horse drink the water,the water is that video again in post # 133 of mine below here as you saw.

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The free fall of Building 7 is one of the clearest of many "smoking guns" that proves explosives were planted in the World Trade Center buildings prior to September 11, 2001
How would charges be installed in occupied buildings?
I'm not going to waste my time watching an hour video
Of course not- you're afraid to see the truth-
:thankusmile: Obviously.whats even far more baffling is you would think he would be afraid to see the truth that the virus is a hoax as well sense it is a much more grand operation involving the world leaders around the world and they are using that to depopulate thw world

.he will look at the evidence of the virus being a hoax with all the leaders around the world being involved,yet incredibly,he wont look at the evidence of 9/11 being an inside job which was a much smaller operation. this is all i can say to that.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

as i said before,i would be much less surprised if someone accepted 9/11 was an inside job but would not look at the evidence the virus is a hoax the fact it requires all the leaders around the world to be involved yet 9/11 does not yet.

he will look at the evidence on the virus but wont on 9/11. i cant even come up for words for that one other than WOW:cuckoo:
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I do wonder if he got his inspiration from the Clancy book,
You think US Intelligence(?) doesn't read novels? Or watch movies? I recall Bush saying he'd like for hollywood to make a movie, or some movies, to show the bad guys for what we're supposed to believe- why? People already accept that the saints in the US gov't would never perpetrate crimes against its own people-

Hollywood obviously knew 9/11 was going to happen making that episode the lone gunman where sme government officials highjack an airliner and try tp fly it into the trade center months before it happened.

Bart simpson knew as well and was involved insider trading.:abgg2q.jpg:

cant find it now but there used to be a gif where bart was holding dollars up to the world trade center.
Intelligent conversation that starts with 9/11 was done by the U.S. Government..... that's a non starter
Anyone who believes the government’s story on 9/11 is a self admitted ignoramus.
Is it true Chaney took control of norad? Because if norad was being run properly the second plane would have never hit its target. Same for the one that hit the pentagon.

Awfully suspicious if he really took control of norad before 9-11.
I don’t know. Just the mere facts of the terrible event can’t be reconciled by the government’s explanation. Why would they lie unless they are covering up something.
After seeing how no amount of information is enough for Trump supporters to realize he lost the election, I don't know if anything will convince you 9-11 wasn't an inside job.

problem with your babble shill is you have failed to DISPROVE facts he only lost the election cause of massive vote fraud you lying fag.
Moved by a coward hiding behind a question mark avatar- imagine that!
What idiot moved this? How can facts be a conspiracy?
how did the buildings fall?
Oh, all that is in the videos that you did not watch. Why do you ask for information that has already been provided?

Amen,could not have said it better myself. WHY people would not bother watching these truthful videos for a crime that took away all out civil lbertys and changed the world makes no sense at all. My video in post# 133 answers all that. if you dont have an an interest in hearing the truth how they brought them down,then why would anybody be on here posting?:cuckoo:

I can only lead a horse to the water so many times but i cannot make the horse drink the water,the water is that video again in post # 133 of mine below here as you saw.

Nobody has disproving the facts in this video in post# 133 of mine NIST lied and explosives brought the towers down or the facts i stated in this post that prove it was an inside job and the government committed a criminal act destroying the evidence
Moved by a coward hiding behind a question mark avatar- imagine that!
What idiot moved this? How can facts be a conspiracy?
how did the buildings fall?
Oh, all that is in the videos that you did not watch. Why do you ask for information that has already been provided?

Amen,could not have said it better myself. WHY people would not bother watching these truthful videos for a crime that took away all out civil lbertys and changed the world makes no sense at all. My video in post# 133 answers all that. if you dont have an an interest in hearing the truth how they brought them down,then why would anybody be on here posting?:cuckoo:

I can only lead a horse to the water so many times but i cannot make the horse drink the water,the water is that video again in post # 133 of mine below here as you saw.

Nobody has failed to disprove the facts in this video NIST in post# 133 of mine NIST lied and explosives brought the towers down.
People generally don’t prove a negative
I'm not going to waste my time watching an hour video
Of course not- you're afraid to see the truth-
:thankusmile: Obviously.whats even far more baffling is you would think he would be afraid to see the truth that the virus is a hoax as well sense it is a much more grand operation involving the world leaders around the world and they are using that to depopulate thw world

.he will look at the evidence of the virus being a hoax with all the leaders around the world being involved,yet incredibly,he wont look at the evidence of 9/11 being an inside job which was a much smaller operation. this is all i can say to that.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

as i said before,i would be much less surprised if someone accepted 9/11 was an inside job but would not look at the evidence the virus is a hoax the fact it requires all the leaders around the world to be involved yet 9/11 does not yet.

he will look at the evidence on the virus but wont on 9/11. i cant even come up for words for that one other than WOW:cuckoo:
I saw a jumbo jet slam into a high rise building. You need to provide other evidence that something else happened. I’m just saying
Moved by a coward hiding behind a question mark avatar- imagine that!
What idiot moved this? How can facts be a conspiracy?
how did the buildings fall?
Oh, all that is in the videos that you did not watch. Why do you ask for information that has already been provided?

Amen,could not have said it better myself. WHY people would not bother watching these truthful videos for a crime that took away all out civil lbertys and changed the world makes no sense at all. My video in post# 133 answers all that. if you dont have an an interest in hearing the truth how they brought them down,then why would anybody be on here posting?:cuckoo:

I can only lead a horse to the water so many times but i cannot make the horse drink the water,the water is that video again in post # 133 of mine below here as you saw.

Nobody has disproving the facts in this video in post# 133 of mine NIST lied and explosives brought the towers down or the facts i stated in this post that prove it was an inside job and the government committed a criminal act destroying the evidence
Explain how changes would have been installed in the buildings. They have security
The free fall of Building 7 is one of the clearest of many "smoking guns" that proves explosives were planted in the World Trade Center buildings prior to September 11, 2001.

David Chandler received a BS degree in a hybrid physics and engineering program at Harvey Mudd College, Claremont CA and a MS degree in mathematics from Cal Poly University, Pomona CA. He has taught physics, mathematics, and astronomy since 1972 at both the high school and college levels. His 9/11-related videos are featured on AE911Truth.org and on AE911Truth's YouTube channel. His own 9/11-related website is 911SpeakOut.org. = CREDIBLE vs the second lyingest entity onthe planet depending on which story is referred to.
bld 7 is the crux of the 9/11 coverup they cant get around that explosives brought the towers down the fact it was not hit by a jet and the witness testimonys of a few surviving witnesses that heard explosives in the basement and murdered off later on when they talked on live tv of hearing explosivves,there was even a lady that came on alex jones show once talking about hearing explosives in saying that if she wound up dying and she was listed as a suicide,to not believe the official cause of death report,that she would never take her own life and then later same as other witnesses,she wound up dying,later being found hanging herself.

the pattern follows the jfk assassination,witnesses who gace version different than the governments wound up dying very mysterious deaths yet nutcases say fires brought the towrs down,they obviously skipped junior high school science classes cause if they did not,they would know that the towers were built in antiicipation of that,and that it is impossible for a steel frame tower to collapse in its own footprint and accelerate and diisintregrate into powder,what drugs are these people on saying the fires caused it?:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301: junior high school physics tells you the towers would have TIPPED over sideways and would have only collapsedgradudally over a long period of time,that was how the designeers built it even in antitipation of an airliner slamming into it.

they dont want to hear from the best architects and engineers in the world hearing from experts that have debunked the lies of NIST,it is soooooooo obvious they are in denial mode afraid of the truth otherwise they would watch the video.

thse nuts that keep ignoring the best architects and engineers in the world as well as explosive experts are either on drugs or they believe in magic bullets as well and think oswald shot jfk also.

knowing them they probably DO believe in magic bullets the fact they skipped through junior high school science classses. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
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9/11 Controlled Demolition Debate! Niels Harrit (Chemist) vs. Denis Rancourt (Physicist)

I am neither a Chemist, or a Physicist- but, I do know that 2+2 = 4. I also know the US gov't and it's lackey presstitutes are the lyingest entities on the planet-

There is a pod cast in the link, and no, I didn't listen to it- I did read the accompanying article though, and I have followed this 9/11 stuff for years-

From the article- if anyone cares- which I doubt- the size of a gnat attention span is what liars depend on.

As I wrote then:

On my November 6 (2010) show physics professor/activist Denis Rancourt and I spent the first hour amicably discussing 9/11, and mostly agreeing with each other. During the second hour, we had a heated debate (temperatures almost high enough to vaporize steel!) about what happened to the Twin Towers: I argued that the controlled demolition hypothesis best explains the facts, while Denis, who admits that WTC-7 was a controlled demolition, claimed that the Towers could have collapsed due to plane crashes and fires as the government says.

Let me assert- 2 planes hit 2 bldg's in 2 different locations, near the tops, and brought them down in near identical fashion- in an unprecedented manner at near free fall speed- really?

You have no clue what intellectual is.

I have an idea, you can be the poster child for the typical American idiot.
But you think enough charges can be installed wirelessly?
What I "think" is immaterial- what I know is; a concrete and steel structure cannot implode, or come down in it's own foot print without help, never mind free fall speed.
The free fall of Building 7 is one of the clearest of many "smoking guns" that proves explosives were planted in the World Trade Center buildings prior to September 11, 2001.

David Chandler received a BS degree in a hybrid physics and engineering program at Harvey Mudd College, Claremont CA and a MS degree in mathematics from Cal Poly University, Pomona CA. He has taught physics, mathematics, and astronomy since 1972 at both the high school and college levels. His 9/11-related videos are featured on AE911Truth.org and on AE911Truth's YouTube channel. His own 9/11-related website is 911SpeakOut.org. = CREDIBLE vs the second lyingest entity onthe planet depending on which story is referred to.
bld 7 is the crux of the 9/11 coverup they cant get around that explosives brought the towers down the fact it was not hit by a jet and the witness testimonys of a few surviving witnesses that heard explosives in the basement and murdered off later on when they talked on live tv of hearing explosivves,there was even a lady that came on alex jones show once talking about hearing explosives in saying that if she wound up dying and she was listed as a suicide,to not believe the official cause of death report,that she would never take her own life and then later same as other witnesses,she wound up dying,later being found hanging herself.

the pattern follows the jfk assassination,witnesses who gace version different than the governments wound up dying very mysterious deaths yet nutcases say fires brought the towrs down,they obviously skipped junior high school science classes cause if they did not,they would know that the towers were built in antiicipation of that,and that it is impossible for a steel frame tower to collapse in its own footprint and accelerate and diisintregrate into powder,what drugs are these people on saying the fires caused it?:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301: junior high school physics tells you the towers would have TIPPED over sideways and would have only collapsedgradudally over a long period of time,that was how the designeers built it even in antitipation of an airliner slamming into it.

they dont want to hear from the best architects and engineers in the world hearing from experts that have debunked the lies of NIST,it is soooooooo obvious they are in denial mode afraid of the truth otherwise they would watch the video.

thse nuts that keep ignoring the best architects and engineers in the world as well as explosive experts are either on drugs or they believe in magic bullets as well and think oswald shot jfk also.

knowing them they probably DO believe in magic bullets the fact they skipped through junior high school science classses. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

one other thing thats similiar about the jfk assassination and 9/11.oswald did not fit the profile of someone killing someone for fame as the warren commission claimed because past assassinawho did that they proud;y BOASTED of killing the person they did,oswald denied it,thats hardly someone that seeing fame denying you did it.same with biden laden,dan rather reported that bidn laden denied he was behind it,Bin laden same as oswald,was a patsy just like him.
9/11 Controlled Demolition Debate! Niels Harrit (Chemist) vs. Denis Rancourt (Physicist)

I am neither a Chemist, or a Physicist- but, I do know that 2+2 = 4. I also know the US gov't and it's lackey presstitutes are the lyingest entities on the planet-

There is a pod cast in the link, and no, I didn't listen to it- I did read the accompanying article though, and I have followed this 9/11 stuff for years-

From the article- if anyone cares- which I doubt- the size of a gnat attention span is what liars depend on.

As I wrote then:

On my November 6 (2010) show physics professor/activist Denis Rancourt and I spent the first hour amicably discussing 9/11, and mostly agreeing with each other. During the second hour, we had a heated debate (temperatures almost high enough to vaporize steel!) about what happened to the Twin Towers: I argued that the controlled demolition hypothesis best explains the facts, while Denis, who admits that WTC-7 was a controlled demolition, claimed that the Towers could have collapsed due to plane crashes and fires as the government says.

Let me assert- 2 planes hit 2 bldg's in 2 different locations, near the tops, and brought them down in near identical fashion- in an unprecedented manner at near free fall speed- really?

You have no clue what intellectual is.

I have an idea, you can be the poster child for the typical American idiot.
so when you cant refute the evidence,you insult,how junvenile.
But you think enough charges can be installed wirelessly?
What I "think" is immaterial- what I know is; a concrete and steel structure cannot implode, or come down in it's own foot print without help, never mind free fall speed.
he covers his ears and closes his eyes when you mention those facts as well as the best architects and engineers and even explosives experts have said that in the video of mine he is afraid to watch.

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