Idaho Gov Little activates National Guard to fight COVID


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
Four ICU beds in the entire state and only 39% of Idahoans are fully vaxed - Fourth worst in the country. The Governor visited a COVID ward in Boise yesterday. Average age was 43. ALL unvaxed.

Trumplings don’t care of course. I do - My daughter, her family, and many beloved longtime friends are in Boise. I was in Boise all last week. I have to go back in a month for a medical procedure. That will be cancelled if they go into crisis standards of care.

Listen to the Governor. Please?

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Four ICU beds in the entire state and only 39% of Idahoans are fully vaxed - Fourth worst in the country. The Governor visited a COVID ward in Boise yesterday. Average age was 43. ALL unvaxed.

Trumplings don’t care of course. I do - My daughter, her family, and many beloved longtime friends are in Boise. I was in Boise all last week. I have to go back in a month for a medical procedure. That will be cancelled if they go into crisis standards of care.

Listen to the Governor. Please?

Those vaccine numbers are quite low. What will the function of the National Guard be in this circumstance?
Four ICU beds in the entire state and only 39% of Idahoans are fully vaxed - Fourth worst in the country. The Governor visited a COVID ward in Boise yesterday. Average age was 43. ALL unvaxed.

Trumplings don’t care of course. I do - My daughter, her family, and many beloved longtime friends are in Boise. I was in Boise all last week. I have to go back in a month for a medical procedure. That will be cancelled if they go into crisis standards of care.

Listen to the Governor. Please?

Recall red State governors not blue State governors!
Too many vaxxers pissing in the water supply.

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Those vaccine numbers are quite low. What will the function of the National Guard be in this circumstance?
To scare folks into compliance with the NWO paradigm?

The Bitter Truth: There’s Still No Rhyme or Reason to COVID-19​

". . .Many of the Times’s readers were frightfully upset by this blunt assessment of the facts. On Twitter, MSNBC’s Kyle Griffin put his fingers in his ears and screamed, “This is not true.” “And,” he added, “you know it. Do better.” Soledad O’Brien, meanwhile, went so far as to describe the piece as “journalistic malpractice.” What a strange, neat little world some people have made for themselves.

What Griffin, O’Brien, and others wanted the Times to say was that Red States Are Bad and Blue States Are Good — or, perhaps, as Paul Krugman argued over the weekend, that the North Is Good and the South Is Bad, Just Like During the Civil War. But this simply isn’t correct. If it were, what could possibly account for the death-rate pairings of New York and Mississippi? Of Alabama and Connecticut? Of Michigan and Arkansas? Of Texas and Delaware? Of Idaho and Colorado? For months, many in the press have banged on and on and on about Florida’s governor and then been shocked to learn that, even after a terrible spike — a spike that, mercifully, is beginning to fade — Florida’s record remains better than those of New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Michigan, and Illinois; that the number of children who have died in Florida (per capita) is not only exactly in line with the national average, but around five times lower than D.C.’s number, and just over half of New York’s; that, far from lagging behind, Florida’s vaccination rate is above the national average; and that, despite having a disproportionately old population, Florida sits in the bottom half for deaths among senior citizens. The state of Louisiana, which seems to get hit around the same time as Florida each time there is a wave of COVID-19 infections, currently boasts many policies that Florida does not — among them, an ongoing indoor mask mandate that applies even to the vaccinated, a statewide school-mask mandate for all students over the age of five, and, in the city of New Orleans, a system of vaccine passports. Despite this, Louisiana’s death rate is the fourth worst in the nation, while Florida — which has a much older population (as of 2020, Florida has the largest senior population in the union; Louisiana’s is 42nd) — sits in 20th place. What gives?. . . "

I find that hard to believe. Every hospital has ICU beds and I'd guess there is more than one hospital in the State. As for vaccines I'd say many decided not to get vaccinated cause it available and has been.
I find that hard to believe. Every hospital has ICU beds and I'd guess there is more than one hospital in the State. As for vaccines I'd say many decided not to get vaccinated cause it available and has been.
WTF are you trying to say…
Four ICU beds in the entire state and only 39% of Idahoans are fully vaxed - Fourth worst in the country. The Governor visited a COVID ward in Boise yesterday. Average age was 43. ALL unvaxed.

Trumplings don’t care of course. I do - My daughter, her family, and many beloved longtime friends are in Boise. I was in Boise all last week. I have to go back in a month for a medical procedure. That will be cancelled if they go into crisis standards of care.

Listen to the Governor. Please?

How many Tolly-ban were fully vaxxed?
Recall red State governors not blue State governors!
Some of them are doing a decent job. I don't have that many bones to pick with Brad Little who's at least never downplayed the virus although he's yet to implement a statewide mask mandate and more vaccination requirements for state workers. But at least he's not interfering with the decisions of private businesses, local mayors, school boards and city councils as are the idiots in FL and TX. The worst of the worst? Southern governors all suck - Every last one of 'em.
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What's a bit creepy about this is, Idaho is one of the states that Biden was sending busloads of criminal invaders to. Many were sick. Thousands were just dropped off.

This could be the problem.
Meh - A tiny part of the problem MAYBE. The problem in Idaho is rural Goobers, their MAGA hats and their refusal to vaccinate and mask.
I find that hard to believe. Every hospital has ICU beds and I'd guess there is more than one hospital in the State. As for vaccines I'd say many decided not to get vaccinated cause it available and has been.

You've been misinformed.

Those vaccine numbers are quite low. What will the function of the National Guard be in this circumstance?
The National Guard in my state were called up twice for covid. First time their medical teams were sent in to all of our nursing homes, to train or retrain nurses and nurses aids on wearing infectious disease protective gear properly etc, to prevent the spread in the homes.

Second time they were called up was for vaccinations, primarily helping the pharmacies on vaccinating the elderly in nursing homes.

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