Idaho Lets Teachers bring arms to school

News from flyover goober country

First week of class, gun nut teacher shoots self in foot

Red stated Inbreeding at its finest

Idaho Arms Teachers; Teacher Shoots Himself In Foot On First Week Of Classes
I'm suspecting that the first row is now even less popular than it was before. Here's the new hot fashion...
News from flyover goober country

First week of class, gun nut teacher shoots self in foot

Red stated Inbreeding at its finest

Idaho Arms Teachers; Teacher Shoots Himself In Foot On First Week Of Classes
I'm suspecting that the first row is now even less popular than it was before. Here's the new hot fashion...

This would be a lot funnier if it were not true.

I would not want my child in a classroom with guns and with people who have no idea how to be safe. At least, this time, the nutter shot himself instead of an innocent bystander.
just playing around Luddley !! By the way , how'd you and the Guno like my video of the GOBERMENT trained perfessional shooting himself in da foot ??
Hmm this makes me wonder about the other thread going on right now where a teacher assumed a brown kid's clock was a bomb. If she'd been armed and blasted him away, would conservatives defend her actions? They're defending his arrest as we speak in that thread.
and then theres good old paint ,almost missed him , hows it going Paint ??
Idaho has more legal guns per capita than texas. They are sixth in the nation.
good thread , where is the OP , hope that they and the other lefties are learnin somthin !!

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