Idaho loses its 'Teacher of the Year' after right-wing parents chase her out of state


Platinum Member
Nov 18, 2021
Idaho's newly minted teacher of the year was chased out of the state by right wing parents. Moving to Illinois.
its my understanding Idaho already has a severe teacher shortage. Don't see how this helps.

Karen Lauritzen, who was named as Idaho's "Teacher of the Year" last year by a Republican administration, has now been chased out of the state by angry right-wing parents.

The Boston Globe reports that, shortly after receiving her award for excellence in teaching, Lauritzen became the target of a right-wing media campaign that flagged her social media posts expressing support for LGBTQ rights and the Black Lives Matter movement.

This led to parents angrily demanding to see her lesson plans, despite the fact that there was no suggestion she ever brought her personal politics into the classroom.

However, parents nonetheless objected to teaching students about other cultures around the world and even teaching them about the United Nations on the grounds that the parents said they "don't believe" in the institution.

“I should have felt celebrated and should have felt like this is a great year, and honestly it was one of the toughest years I have ever had teaching, not only with my community but with parents questioning every decision I made as well,” Lauritzen told the Globe. “Even after 21 years of teaching, my professional judgment was called into question more this year than it ever has in the past.”

The longtime Idaho teacher has since left the state and the Globe reports she is now "taking her talents to a university in Illinois, a long-considered career move hastened by the experience."
Idaho's newly minted teacher of the year was chased out of the state by right wing parents. Moving to Illinois.
its my understanding Idaho already has a severe teacher shortage. Don't see how this helps.

It helps the conservatives with their indoctrination program.
Idaho's newly minted teacher of the year was chased out of the state by right wing parents. Moving to Illinois.
its my understanding Idaho already has a severe teacher shortage. Don't see how this helps.

When you send your child to a community (public) school, you are basically agreeing that he/she might hear SOME things that you have personal beef with.

Back when we were a reasonable society, having your child exposed to something like the United Nations, or different cultures, might have ruffled your feathers, but not the point of demanding to see the teacher's lesson plans.

But my fellow conservatives have a Moral Panic underway, the flip side of the Moral Panic you all had with Covid. Yes, you did. Ugly, isn't it? Silly too.

At any rate, if the teacher is bringing some of these views into the classroom, obviously that's wrong. If she is not, it's not their business.

But as I said: we do so love our Moral Panics in the 21st century. Me, I'm dead sick of them.
Growing up, I didn't even know the personal politics of the vast majority of my teachers. That is because they were teachers.

If children are being exposed to the personal politics of a teacher, that teacher has been indoctrinating, not teaching.
Government school teachers probably should know better than to publicly advocate for extremist politics.

And if the teacher was bringing this kind of Far Left Kookdom into the classroom, that just aggravates the situation.

Ms. Lauritzen should probably just pick up and move to Los Angeles or Portland where this kind of Marxist indoctrination just isn't tolerated, its expected.
Don’t post your leftist BS on social media if you don’t want to be called out on it.

Lefties love to call out everyone else’s Political postings on social media. But then are shocked when it happens to them. You reap what you sow.
Don’t post your leftist BS on social media if you don’t want to be called out on it.

Lefties love to call out everyone else’s Political postings on social media. But then are shocked when it happens to them. You reap what you sow.

There have been plenty of conservatives who have lost jobs because they merelyquestioned the idea of sex changes for children on social media.
When you send your child to a community (public) school, you are basically agreeing that he/she might hear SOME things that you have personal beef with.

Back when we were a reasonable society, having your child exposed to something like the United Nations, or different cultures, might have ruffled your feathers, but not the point of demanding to see the teacher's lesson plans.

But my fellow conservatives have a Moral Panic underway, the flip side of the Moral Panic you all had with Covid. Yes, you did. Ugly, isn't it? Silly too.

At any rate, if the teacher is bringing some of these views into the classroom, obviously that's wrong. If she is not, it's not their business.

But as I said: we do so love our Moral Panics in the 21st century. Me, I'm dead sick of them.
Have you seen the online posts that the teacher made or the objections of conservatives?

I bet you know nothing beyond what the article tells you

were hundreds of parent really objecting to some information having to do with the UN?

Unlike you I would like to hear both sides of the story before making up my mind
Oh thats terrible

One less lib teacher in Idaho to groom children into the homosexual lifestyle

How will libs survive ?
1. Teacher of the year.
2. Literally no proof and a libelous statement that the teacher is grooming for anything except combing their hair.
3. Republicans used to be strongly for education. Now they are for what, drooling?
The article does nothing but besmirch her name. in your world she can't post outside of work? I guess you and I couldn't be teachers under that standard either.
And if the teacher was bringing this kind of Far Left Kookdom into the classroom, that just aggravates the situation.
if if if, your whole world is the supposition of "if," without the need for proof.
Don’t post your leftist BS on social media if you don’t want to be called out on it.
Following your standard you could not be a teacher either.

Idaho deserves what they get.
2. Literally no proof and a libelous statement that the teacher is grooming for anything except combing their hair.
I agree

Thats why I deleted that post

But at the same time where is your evidence that the teacher was harassed by parents?

This is obviously a biased hit piece meant to attack parents who do not accept the woke agenda
Leftest don't know jackshit and shouldn't be teaching anyone.

She would not be welcomed here in Florida.

Maybe the Communists in California would like to have her?
Idaho's newly minted teacher of the year was chased out of the state by right wing parents. Moving to Illinois.
its my understanding Idaho already has a severe teacher shortage. Don't see how this helps.

Well on the plus side she probably is making a lot more bank.

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