Idea For New Constitutional Amendment: "The Child Consideration Amendment"

Children's needs over adult's wants & desires as the dominant law?

  • Yes, this is long overdue.

  • No, adults come first.

Results are only viewable after voting.
SCOTUS was ruling on adults and not children.

Sil cannot attack homosexual marriages without attacking single parent households.

Those are a mere two of several dozen flaws in the Sil Cult.
What's wrong with attacking contrived single parent households? It plays into the same logic that betrays the well being of children. That's what this is about. The priority of protecting those who need protection the most; children.
"contrived single parent households" What the fuck is that? Oh, never mind, it is where your children live after your wife took them away from the crazy, hateful SOB they had as a father.
Always using the anecdotal to justify a bad thing. Like George Burns living to 100 proves that smoking is good for you.
Single motherhood by choice has nothing to do with the occasional bad father. It's instead a contrivance. Like homo parenting. That's what is meant by contrived single parent household. When a parent is intentionally omitted.
The children argument has been the one most substantial argument against legal homo marriage. It is exactly why the homonazi agenda avoided it and focused on religion instead. Now it's time for the children argument to be made.

Read the Obergefell ruling. It addresses children head on.

You've already lost this argument too.
Give me a link, I'll read it and shoot it down.
To be fair, one time he made an anti-black thread. So he does have at least one other interest. :rofl:

Do you have a link to a thread where you accuse me of being a racist? If not, be prepared to be reported.
Reported to who? Is there a place I can report assholes who lie here; who make up things to support their asinine views? I would have be cutting and pasting your nonsense for hours if there were such a place.
The children argument has been the one most substantial argument against legal homo marriage. It is exactly why the homonazi agenda avoided it and focused on religion instead. Now it's time for the children argument to be made.
Now? That was the argument that was made in every Court case about gay marriage. They made the argument, they simply were unable to offer any evidence to support the argument. In fact, the evidence presented demonstrated just the opposite; that gay couples are actually a little better at parenting than straight couples. Of course, gay couples actually had to want the children they have. Unlike many straight couples, they did not become parents by accident.
SCOTUS was ruling on adults and not children.

Sil cannot attack homosexual marriages without attacking single parent households.

Those are a mere two of several dozen flaws in the Sil Cult.
What's wrong with attacking contrived single parent households? It plays into the same logic that betrays the well being of children. That's what this is about. The priority of protecting those who need protection the most; children.
"contrived single parent households" What the fuck is that? Oh, never mind, it is where your children live after your wife took them away from the crazy, hateful SOB they had as a father.
Always using the anecdotal to justify a bad thing. Like George Burns living to 100 proves that smoking is good for you.
Single motherhood by choice has nothing to do with the occasional bad father. It's instead a contrivance. Like homo parenting. That's what is meant by contrived single parent household. When a parent is intentionally omitted.
Whether a person chooses to raise a child with another person or not is none of your fucking business. Single motherhood by choice has everything to do with assholes like you.
To rob a child of a loving, father and mother home by deliberately constructing a domestic structure that omits one or the other is cruel and selfish. .

Millions of children are being raised by a single parent because one or both parents have deliberately constructed a domestic structure that omits one or the other.

I look forward to Silhouette's campaign to protect children by outlawing the divorce of parents.
The children argument has been the one most substantial argument against legal homo marriage. It is exactly why the homonazi agenda avoided it and focused on religion instead. Now it's time for the children argument to be made.

Read the Obergefell ruling. It addresses children head on.

You've already lost this argument too.
Give me a link, I'll read it and shoot it down.

You can read it. But your personal opinion on the issue is irrelevant to the court ruling. If you agree, if you disagree, the issue is already legally settled.
The children argument has been the one most substantial argument against legal homo marriage. It is exactly why the homonazi agenda avoided it and focused on religion instead. Now it's time for the children argument to be made.

Read the Obergefell ruling. It addresses children head on.

You've already lost this argument too.
Give me a link, I'll read it and shoot it down.
Typically lazy right winger. Engages in a debate about a topic without ever bothering to educate himself on it. You will need to read more than the ruling; you will need to read the transcripts of the more than dozen trials where there was actual evidence presented. In none of those cases could your side present credible evidence that having gay parents had any detrimental effect on kids. Frankly, the only harm is that they run the risk of being exposed to hateful pricks like you who would take their hatred of gay people out of their children.
Shall we kill people that get divorced?
No, if the divorce is for the best interest of the children...if the parents' hatred for each other affects the sanctity of the home, the divorce is granted.. The gold standard is not violated. This is simple stuff. The children's wellbeing always wins. Always. That's how you put anything, including divorce upon the scales.
What's the choice between a gay couple raising children vs. a childhood in foster care?

That is not the question. A child in foster care should be protected by the law from being handed over to a couple of sodomites. This is about Parents and their children and changing the constitution to transfer rights of the parent over to rights of the Child.

So Jeremiah- you want to prevent these children from being fostered or adopted by these men?


The couple contacted Credo Care, an organisation that specialises in disability foster placements. Shortly after, Armand arrived.

"He arrived in March, 10 years ago," explains David. Born in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, six-year-old Armand had lived in hospital for most of his short life. A wheelchair user, he has severe learning disabilities, a tracheotomy and is fed through a Peg [percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy].

"He came to us when he was six and was the first one to arrive. Four months later, we had an emergency phone call, asking us if we'd take a boy from Derby. Luke arrived that afternoon. He was 12 and had Duchenne muscular dystrophy. In those days he could shuffle around, but now, he's totally … well, the disease has got hold of his body. He's 22 now. He's a great lad, he really is. He's brilliant."

A couple of months after Luke joined the household, the couple were asked to take Steven, who was five and had cerebral palsy and learning difficulties. They have looked after the three boys ever since. Two years ago, they adopted a little girl. Sadly, she wasn't well and didn't live long.

"We had 17 wonderful months," says David. "She was three when she died. It was just 10 days after the adoption was completed, and it was very sudden, so … we haven't gone down that road again," he adds, choosing his words carefully to describe what must have been a devastating experience.

The latest addition to the household arrived earlier this year. Three-year-old Emma is immobile, has limited vision and breathes via a tracheotomy, but appears to be thriving in their care.

"She's making huge progress," says Andrew. "She was in a place in Surrey, where she had lots of different people working with her. She couldn't make connections with people. Now she just has two voices that she hears all the time – the same people caring for her. And we have the luxury of spending time with her."

Talking to David and Andrew, I am struck by how matter-of-factly they talk about their family setup. They clearly derive great joy and reward from their role as carers, speaking about each child with affection and deep pride. To an unexperienced outsider, the idea of caring full-time for a child with severe learning difficulties – who may not be expected to live until adulthood – probably falls into the category of every parent's worst nightmare. However, the couple are a testament to the fact that it doesn't have to be regarded that way.

Gay foster carers I love every minute of it Life and style The Guardian
Shall we kill people that get divorced?
No, if the divorce is for the best interest of the children...if the parents' hatred for each other affects the sanctity of the home, the divorce is granted.. The gold standard is not violated. This is simple stuff. The children's wellbeing always wins. Always. That's how you put anything, including divorce upon the scales.
What's the choice between a gay couple raising children vs. a childhood in foster care?

That is not the question. A child in foster care should be protected by the law from being handed over to a couple of sodomites. This is about Parents and their children and changing the constitution to transfer rights of the parent over to rights of the Child.

So Jeremiah- you want to prevent these children from being fostered or adopted by these men?


The couple contacted Credo Care, an organisation that specialises in disability foster placements. Shortly after, Armand arrived.

"He arrived in March, 10 years ago," explains David. Born in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, six-year-old Armand had lived in hospital for most of his short life. A wheelchair user, he has severe learning disabilities, a tracheotomy and is fed through a Peg [percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy].

"He came to us when he was six and was the first one to arrive. Four months later, we had an emergency phone call, asking us if we'd take a boy from Derby. Luke arrived that afternoon. He was 12 and had Duchenne muscular dystrophy. In those days he could shuffle around, but now, he's totally … well, the disease has got hold of his body. He's 22 now. He's a great lad, he really is. He's brilliant."

A couple of months after Luke joined the household, the couple were asked to take Steven, who was five and had cerebral palsy and learning difficulties. They have looked after the three boys ever since. Two years ago, they adopted a little girl. Sadly, she wasn't well and didn't live long.

"We had 17 wonderful months," says David. "She was three when she died. It was just 10 days after the adoption was completed, and it was very sudden, so … we haven't gone down that road again," he adds, choosing his words carefully to describe what must have been a devastating experience.

The latest addition to the household arrived earlier this year. Three-year-old Emma is immobile, has limited vision and breathes via a tracheotomy, but appears to be thriving in their care.

"She's making huge progress," says Andrew. "She was in a place in Surrey, where she had lots of different people working with her. She couldn't make connections with people. Now she just has two voices that she hears all the time – the same people caring for her. And we have the luxury of spending time with her."

Talking to David and Andrew, I am struck by how matter-of-factly they talk about their family setup. They clearly derive great joy and reward from their role as carers, speaking about each child with affection and deep pride. To an unexperienced outsider, the idea of caring full-time for a child with severe learning difficulties – who may not be expected to live until adulthood – probably falls into the category of every parent's worst nightmare. However, the couple are a testament to the fact that it doesn't have to be regarded that way.

Gay foster carers I love every minute of it Life and style The Guardian

Shall we kill people that get divorced?
No, if the divorce is for the best interest of the children...if the parents' hatred for each other affects the sanctity of the home, the divorce is granted.. The gold standard is not violated. This is simple stuff. The children's wellbeing always wins. Always. That's how you put anything, including divorce upon the scales.
What's the choice between a gay couple raising children vs. a childhood in foster care?

That is not the question. A child in foster care should be protected by the law from being handed over to a couple of sodomites. This is about Parents and their children and changing the constitution to transfer rights of the parent over to rights of the Child.
Better then being handed over to hateful bigots like you.
To be fair, one time he made an anti-black thread. So he does have at least one other interest. :rofl:

Do you have a link to a thread where you accuse me of being a racist? If not, be prepared to be reported.
Reported to who? Is there a place I can report assholes who lie here; who make up things to support their asinine views? I would have be cutting and pasting your nonsense for hours if there were such a place.
The children argument has been the one most substantial argument against legal homo marriage. It is exactly why the homonazi agenda avoided it and focused on religion instead. Now it's time for the children argument to be made.
Now? That was the argument that was made in every Court case about gay marriage. They made the argument, they simply were unable to offer any evidence to support the argument. In fact, the evidence presented demonstrated just the opposite; that gay couples are actually a little better at parenting than straight couples. Of course, gay couples actually had to want the children they have. Unlike many straight couples, they did not become parents by accident.
No argument was made to that effect. Only from a religious standpoint. Nowhere did anyone point to the correlation between the prevalence of a missing gender parent and social demise. Nowhere. It stayed in the religious realm.
Shall we kill people that get divorced?
No, if the divorce is for the best interest of the children...if the parents' hatred for each other affects the sanctity of the home, the divorce is granted.. The gold standard is not violated. This is simple stuff. The children's wellbeing always wins. Always. That's how you put anything, including divorce upon the scales.
What's the choice between a gay couple raising children vs. a childhood in foster care?

That is not the question. A child in foster care should be protected by the law from being handed over to a couple of sodomites. This is about Parents and their children and changing the constitution to transfer rights of the parent over to rights of the Child.
Heterosexual fascists prey on children in far great numbers than "sodomites".

Statistics would prove you correct because Sodomites having access to children through adoption is relatively new. In the future? You'll find that reversed. You cannot go down the road of rebellion against God and His Word and expect it to bear good fruit. We are already hearing the testimonies of children who were raised by same sex parents and the harm it had done them, Jake. Consider the boy who was by two lesbians given drugs to set him up for a sex change operation later. What a horrific story! There should be no question as to why the judgment of God is falling upon this nation.
"What a horrific story" And a completely false one, to boot.
The children argument has been the one most substantial argument against legal homo marriage. It is exactly why the homonazi agenda avoided it and focused on religion instead. Now it's time for the children argument to be made.

Read the Obergefell ruling. It addresses children head on.

You've already lost this argument too.
Give me a link, I'll read it and shoot it down.

You can read it. But your personal opinion on the issue is irrelevant to the court ruling. If you agree, if you disagree, the issue is already legally settled.
That's your take on Dred Scott, too, eh?
Shall we kill people that get divorced?
No, if the divorce is for the best interest of the children...if the parents' hatred for each other affects the sanctity of the home, the divorce is granted.. The gold standard is not violated. This is simple stuff. The children's wellbeing always wins. Always. That's how you put anything, including divorce upon the scales.
What's the choice between a gay couple raising children vs. a childhood in foster care?

That is not the question. A child in foster care should be protected by the law from being handed over to a couple of sodomites. This is about Parents and their children and changing the constitution to transfer rights of the parent over to rights of the Child.

So Jeremiah- you want to prevent these children from being fostered or adopted by these men?


The couple contacted Credo Care, an organisation that specialises in disability foster placements. Shortly after, Armand arrived.

"He arrived in March, 10 years ago," explains David. Born in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, six-year-old Armand had lived in hospital for most of his short life. A wheelchair user, he has severe learning disabilities, a tracheotomy and is fed through a Peg [percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy].

"He came to us when he was six and was the first one to arrive. Four months later, we had an emergency phone call, asking us if we'd take a boy from Derby. Luke arrived that afternoon. He was 12 and had Duchenne muscular dystrophy. In those days he could shuffle around, but now, he's totally … well, the disease has got hold of his body. He's 22 now. He's a great lad, he really is. He's brilliant."

A couple of months after Luke joined the household, the couple were asked to take Steven, who was five and had cerebral palsy and learning difficulties. They have looked after the three boys ever since. Two years ago, they adopted a little girl. Sadly, she wasn't well and didn't live long.

"We had 17 wonderful months," says David. "She was three when she died. It was just 10 days after the adoption was completed, and it was very sudden, so … we haven't gone down that road again," he adds, choosing his words carefully to describe what must have been a devastating experience.

The latest addition to the household arrived earlier this year. Three-year-old Emma is immobile, has limited vision and breathes via a tracheotomy, but appears to be thriving in their care.

"She's making huge progress," says Andrew. "She was in a place in Surrey, where she had lots of different people working with her. She couldn't make connections with people. Now she just has two voices that she hears all the time – the same people caring for her. And we have the luxury of spending time with her."

Talking to David and Andrew, I am struck by how matter-of-factly they talk about their family setup. They clearly derive great joy and reward from their role as carers, speaking about each child with affection and deep pride. To an unexperienced outsider, the idea of caring full-time for a child with severe learning difficulties – who may not be expected to live until adulthood – probably falls into the category of every parent's worst nightmare. However, the couple are a testament to the fact that it doesn't have to be regarded that way.

Gay foster carers I love every minute of it Life and style The Guardian

He would prefer to see them in an institution where he does not have to be bothered with imperfect creations of God.
The children argument has been the one most substantial argument against legal homo marriage. It is exactly why the homonazi agenda avoided it and focused on religion instead. Now it's time for the children argument to be made.

Read the Obergefell ruling. It addresses children head on.

You've already lost this argument too.
Give me a link, I'll read it and shoot it down.
Typically lazy right winger. Engages in a debate about a topic without ever bothering to educate himself on it. You will need to read more than the ruling; you will need to read the transcripts of the more than dozen trials where there was actual evidence presented. In none of those cases could your side present credible evidence that having gay parents had any detrimental effect on kids. Frankly, the only harm is that they run the risk of being exposed to hateful pricks like you who would take their hatred of gay people out of their children.
I'm fully aware of the decision. It made no point about the prevalence of fatherlessness and how homo marriage could only exacerbate that problem. You need to educate yourself, lazy.
No, if the divorce is for the best interest of the children...if the parents' hatred for each other affects the sanctity of the home, the divorce is granted.. The gold standard is not violated. This is simple stuff. The children's wellbeing always wins. Always. That's how you put anything, including divorce upon the scales.
What's the choice between a gay couple raising children vs. a childhood in foster care?

That is not the question. A child in foster care should be protected by the law from being handed over to a couple of sodomites. This is about Parents and their children and changing the constitution to transfer rights of the parent over to rights of the Child.

So Jeremiah- you want to prevent these children from being fostered or adopted by these men?


The couple contacted Credo Care, an organisation that specialises in disability foster placements. Shortly after, Armand arrived.

"He arrived in March, 10 years ago," explains David. Born in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, six-year-old Armand had lived in hospital for most of his short life. A wheelchair user, he has severe learning disabilities, a tracheotomy and is fed through a Peg [percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy].

"He came to us when he was six and was the first one to arrive. Four months later, we had an emergency phone call, asking us if we'd take a boy from Derby. Luke arrived that afternoon. He was 12 and had Duchenne muscular dystrophy. In those days he could shuffle around, but now, he's totally … well, the disease has got hold of his body. He's 22 now. He's a great lad, he really is. He's brilliant."

A couple of months after Luke joined the household, the couple were asked to take Steven, who was five and had cerebral palsy and learning difficulties. They have looked after the three boys ever since. Two years ago, they adopted a little girl. Sadly, she wasn't well and didn't live long.

"We had 17 wonderful months," says David. "She was three when she died. It was just 10 days after the adoption was completed, and it was very sudden, so … we haven't gone down that road again," he adds, choosing his words carefully to describe what must have been a devastating experience.

The latest addition to the household arrived earlier this year. Three-year-old Emma is immobile, has limited vision and breathes via a tracheotomy, but appears to be thriving in their care.

"She's making huge progress," says Andrew. "She was in a place in Surrey, where she had lots of different people working with her. She couldn't make connections with people. Now she just has two voices that she hears all the time – the same people caring for her. And we have the luxury of spending time with her."

Talking to David and Andrew, I am struck by how matter-of-factly they talk about their family setup. They clearly derive great joy and reward from their role as carers, speaking about each child with affection and deep pride. To an unexperienced outsider, the idea of caring full-time for a child with severe learning difficulties – who may not be expected to live until adulthood – probably falls into the category of every parent's worst nightmare. However, the couple are a testament to the fact that it doesn't have to be regarded that way.

Gay foster carers I love every minute of it Life and style The Guardian

He would prefer to see them in an institution where he does not have to be bothered with imperfect creations of God.

Better to be alone with God then in the wrong company.
What's the choice between a gay couple raising children vs. a childhood in foster care?

That is not the question. A child in foster care should be protected by the law from being handed over to a couple of sodomites. This is about Parents and their children and changing the constitution to transfer rights of the parent over to rights of the Child.

So Jeremiah- you want to prevent these children from being fostered or adopted by these men?


The couple contacted Credo Care, an organisation that specialises in disability foster placements. Shortly after, Armand arrived.

"He arrived in March, 10 years ago," explains David. Born in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, six-year-old Armand had lived in hospital for most of his short life. A wheelchair user, he has severe learning disabilities, a tracheotomy and is fed through a Peg [percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy].

"He came to us when he was six and was the first one to arrive. Four months later, we had an emergency phone call, asking us if we'd take a boy from Derby. Luke arrived that afternoon. He was 12 and had Duchenne muscular dystrophy. In those days he could shuffle around, but now, he's totally … well, the disease has got hold of his body. He's 22 now. He's a great lad, he really is. He's brilliant."

A couple of months after Luke joined the household, the couple were asked to take Steven, who was five and had cerebral palsy and learning difficulties. They have looked after the three boys ever since. Two years ago, they adopted a little girl. Sadly, she wasn't well and didn't live long.

"We had 17 wonderful months," says David. "She was three when she died. It was just 10 days after the adoption was completed, and it was very sudden, so … we haven't gone down that road again," he adds, choosing his words carefully to describe what must have been a devastating experience.

The latest addition to the household arrived earlier this year. Three-year-old Emma is immobile, has limited vision and breathes via a tracheotomy, but appears to be thriving in their care.

"She's making huge progress," says Andrew. "She was in a place in Surrey, where she had lots of different people working with her. She couldn't make connections with people. Now she just has two voices that she hears all the time – the same people caring for her. And we have the luxury of spending time with her."

Talking to David and Andrew, I am struck by how matter-of-factly they talk about their family setup. They clearly derive great joy and reward from their role as carers, speaking about each child with affection and deep pride. To an unexperienced outsider, the idea of caring full-time for a child with severe learning difficulties – who may not be expected to live until adulthood – probably falls into the category of every parent's worst nightmare. However, the couple are a testament to the fact that it doesn't have to be regarded that way.

Gay foster carers I love every minute of it Life and style The Guardian

He would prefer to see them in an institution where he does not have to be bothered with imperfect creations of God.

Better to be alone with God then in the wrong company.

Yep- not surprised you would prefer those children to die rather than be loved by the 'wrong kind of people'

Just God's will after all.
To be fair, one time he made an anti-black thread. So he does have at least one other interest. :rofl:

Do you have a link to a thread where you accuse me of being a racist? If not, be prepared to be reported.
Reported to who? Is there a place I can report assholes who lie here; who make up things to support their asinine views? I would have be cutting and pasting your nonsense for hours if there were such a place.
The children argument has been the one most substantial argument against legal homo marriage. It is exactly why the homonazi agenda avoided it and focused on religion instead. Now it's time for the children argument to be made.
Now? That was the argument that was made in every Court case about gay marriage. They made the argument, they simply were unable to offer any evidence to support the argument. In fact, the evidence presented demonstrated just the opposite; that gay couples are actually a little better at parenting than straight couples. Of course, gay couples actually had to want the children they have. Unlike many straight couples, they did not become parents by accident.
No argument was made to that effect. Only from a religious standpoint. Nowhere did anyone point to the correlation between the prevalence of a missing gender parent and social demise. Nowhere. It stayed in the religious realm.
First you ask for a link cause you did not bother to read it now you claim that no such argument was made, that only a religious one was made. Fucking moron. No religious argument was made in Oberfell because the lawyers for the state, unlike cretins like you, understand that trying to justify a law on the basis of religion is an absolute loser. They made the argument based on the claim that children need two parents and that allowing gay people to marry will somehow cause straight people to not want to marry. Other cases involved lengthy trials where experts testified for both sides with the one huge difference being that the "experts" for those opposed to gay marriage were utterly destroyed on the witness stand. They had no data to back up their opinions. This happened in not one, but several trials. It happened in the challenge to Proposition 8 case in California. I read the transcript. The anti gay marriage expert ended up agreeing that there really was no harm to the children of a gay couple.
What's the choice between a gay couple raising children vs. a childhood in foster care?

That is not the question. A child in foster care should be protected by the law from being handed over to a couple of sodomites. This is about Parents and their children and changing the constitution to transfer rights of the parent over to rights of the Child.

So Jeremiah- you want to prevent these children from being fostered or adopted by these men?


The couple contacted Credo Care, an organisation that specialises in disability foster placements. Shortly after, Armand arrived.

"He arrived in March, 10 years ago," explains David. Born in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, six-year-old Armand had lived in hospital for most of his short life. A wheelchair user, he has severe learning disabilities, a tracheotomy and is fed through a Peg [percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy].

"He came to us when he was six and was the first one to arrive. Four months later, we had an emergency phone call, asking us if we'd take a boy from Derby. Luke arrived that afternoon. He was 12 and had Duchenne muscular dystrophy. In those days he could shuffle around, but now, he's totally … well, the disease has got hold of his body. He's 22 now. He's a great lad, he really is. He's brilliant."

A couple of months after Luke joined the household, the couple were asked to take Steven, who was five and had cerebral palsy and learning difficulties. They have looked after the three boys ever since. Two years ago, they adopted a little girl. Sadly, she wasn't well and didn't live long.

"We had 17 wonderful months," says David. "She was three when she died. It was just 10 days after the adoption was completed, and it was very sudden, so … we haven't gone down that road again," he adds, choosing his words carefully to describe what must have been a devastating experience.

The latest addition to the household arrived earlier this year. Three-year-old Emma is immobile, has limited vision and breathes via a tracheotomy, but appears to be thriving in their care.

"She's making huge progress," says Andrew. "She was in a place in Surrey, where she had lots of different people working with her. She couldn't make connections with people. Now she just has two voices that she hears all the time – the same people caring for her. And we have the luxury of spending time with her."

Talking to David and Andrew, I am struck by how matter-of-factly they talk about their family setup. They clearly derive great joy and reward from their role as carers, speaking about each child with affection and deep pride. To an unexperienced outsider, the idea of caring full-time for a child with severe learning difficulties – who may not be expected to live until adulthood – probably falls into the category of every parent's worst nightmare. However, the couple are a testament to the fact that it doesn't have to be regarded that way.

Gay foster carers I love every minute of it Life and style The Guardian

He would prefer to see them in an institution where he does not have to be bothered with imperfect creations of God.

Better to be alone with God then in the wrong company.
Do the world a favor and hurry up and go see your God.
SCOTUS was ruling on adults and not children.

Sil cannot attack homosexual marriages without attacking single parent households.

Those are a mere two of several dozen flaws in the Sil Cult.
What's wrong with attacking contrived single parent households? It plays into the same logic that betrays the well being of children. That's what this is about. The priority of protecting those who need protection the most; children.
The contrived two parent household is more dangerous. Two losers who cannot take care of themselves trying to raise children while constantly battling one another should not have children. Take those poor kids and give them to any couple or an person, gay, straight or asexual who will love them and raise them.

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