Identical twins, one gay, one ain't


VIP Member
Aug 31, 2006
I've know one of them for a while, and met her identical twin sister only once. One had longer hair so that's the only way I could tell them apart. One is normal, married, one child. The other is gay, "domestic partner", and has a kid through artificial means.

Someone explain to me how this is possible, if homosexuality is a genetic trait.
I heard that everyone has cancerous cells. But how they mutate, get killed off, and/orrepair themselves that will or will not result in someone "having cancer."

Or something like that.

Maybe everyone has the trait (gene) but how it morphs in one's body make the difference?

FWIW, my jury is out on whether it is genetic or not.
Cancer's a mutation that occurs after your born. Oh, I suppose it could occur while in the womb, but with all that protection from the environment it seems unlikely.
Maybe, while the babies were in the womb, the positioning of one blocked the other from hearing the Barry Manilow music when mom played it?
Hear about the mall that wants to pipe in BM (and the initials are NOT a coincidence) music to keep the kids away?

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — It'll be Barry Manilow versus the mall rats. The New Zealand city of Christchurch hopes that putting the American crooner's smooth and gentle tones into the mix of music to be broadcast through the central mall district can pacify unruly teens who congregate there_ or at least convince them to go elsewhere.

"The intention is to change the environment in a positive way ... so nobody feels threatened or intimidated," Central City Business Association manager Paul Lonsdale told The Associated Press. "I did not say Barry Manilow is a weapon of mass destruction."

A group of several dozen young people regularly spread rubbish, spray graffiti, get intoxicated, use drugs, swear and intimidate patrons at the outdoor mall, he said.

The city council, police and local property owners covering 410 businesses agree that "nice, easy listening" music like Manilow's "Can't Smile Without You," "Mandy" and other hits might change the behavior of loitering teens.

But one 16-year-old told The Press newspaper that unfashionable music wouldn't deter them.

"We would just bring a stereo and play it louder," Emma Belcher said.

Lonsdale countered that the city would then hit them with anti-noise laws.

The Associated Press: Mall wants Manilow music to drive out unruly teens
In essense, they are bisexual.
No, the couple that gave birth via artificial insemination (OK, I told y'all) are in a committed, long term, lesbian relationship. Yet the identical twin sister is in a normal marriage.
In essense, they are bisexual.
No, the couple that gave birth via artificial insemination (OK, I told y'all) are in a committed, long term, lesbian relationship. Yet the identical twin sister is in a normal marriage.

No. I'm talking about the identical twins. Genetically speaking, they are one "person"...making that one person bisexual.
What's the difference between a "normal marriage" and an "abnormal marriage" Glock?

Why was my friend Chris born with half an arm, and his identical twin brother born with both arms?
What's the difference between a "normal marriage" and an "abnormal marriage" Glock?

Why was my friend Chris born with half an arm, and his identical twin brother born with both arms?

Not the same and you know it.

If Genetics determine homosexuality how is it an identical twin is gay but the other is not? When two or more fetus are in a womb it is possible for lots of physical ailments to manifest due to the constraints put on the fetus.
In essense, they are bisexual.

That would be my guess. History would suggest (outside of Abrahamic religions bisexuality/homosexuality was common) that many, but not all, people are biologically capable of bisexuality, but those who are bisexual can be pushed one way or another by environmental factors. It seems that it isn't everybody though. For example, I have exactly zero qualms with the homosexual lifestyle, but I have zero desire to join in. To me, this suggests that my status as heterosexual is not a choice, at this point. There's no reason not to suspect the same applies to some, if not most, homosexuals. But if you think it's a choice, you must be bisexual. Whether that was determined genetically or not is hard to say. I wasn't born thinking about sex, but most of our our genes are not being used at any given time. Most likely it's a complex interaction effect between many factors including but not limited to genes.

I heard that everyone has cancerous cells. But how they mutate, get killed off, and/orrepair themselves that will or will not result in someone "having cancer."

Or something like that.

Maybe everyone has the trait (gene) but how it morphs in one's body make the difference?

FWIW, my jury is out on whether it is genetic or not.

Multicellular organisms evolved so that cells destroy themselves (apoptosis) and stop dividing when their DNA is damaged and cannot be repaired, allowing the error to die with the defective cell. Your DNA is constantly being damaged by carcinogenic compounds and background radiation. Adding further insults (tanning, eating burnt food) increases the risk, and antioxidants decrease the risk (neutralize free radicals). So long as the control mechanisms are in place the cell will not become cancerous. But when the DNA coding for one or more of the control mechanisms themselves is damaged, the cell line can proliferate uncontrollably, disrupting the overall function of the organism. Your immune system tries to label and destroy such defective cells as well. When that last line of defense is crossed cancer occurs.

Example of a critical control protein:
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No. I'm talking about the identical twins. Genetically speaking, they are one "person"...making that one person bisexual.
OK I see your position now. However, Normal Gal is married to real old school guy. I guarantee you that he wouldn't put up with that shit.
What's the difference between a "normal marriage" and an "abnormal marriage" Glock?

Why was my friend Chris born with half an arm, and his identical twin brother born with both arms?

Normal is defined statistically as one or two standard deviations within the fat part of the bell curve. Outside of this range is considered abnormal. The term by itself does not indicate good or bad.

I suspect the arm deformation occurred at sometime in utero.
It doesn't matter if homosexuality is genetic or not.

What matters is that there are homosexuals and that they DO NOT choose to be homosexual but simply ARE homosexual. It can not be cured (despite what you've might've heard from those religious institutions). Think of sexuality as a spectrum: 0 being straight and 10 being homosexual. Everyone fits into that spectrum, some 0, some 10, but most of us at the bottom of the scale like 1 and 2, a few of us at 8 and 9, and some between 4 and 7. Those who are "cured" would most likely be found around the 4 to 7 range. Essentially, they are bi-sexual, tended to find their own gender more attractive, but can make a life with the opposite gender.

The point is, homosexuals are gay. They don't choose to be gay any more than you choose to be straight. They just are. And we shouldn't punish them for it. Especially since being gay doesn't hurt anybody.
It doesn't matter if homosexuality is genetic or not.

What matters is that there are homosexuals and that they DO NOT choose to be homosexual but simply ARE homosexual. It can not be cured (despite what you've might've heard from those religious institutions). Think of sexuality as a spectrum: 0 being straight and 10 being homosexual. Everyone fits into that spectrum, some 0, some 10, but most of us at the bottom of the scale like 1 and 2, a few of us at 8 and 9, and some between 4 and 7. Those who are "cured" would most likely be found around the 4 to 7 range. Essentially, they are bi-sexual, tended to find their own gender more attractive, but can make a life with the opposite gender.

The point is, homosexuals are gay. They don't choose to be gay any more than you choose to be straight. They just are. And we shouldn't punish them for it. Especially since being gay doesn't hurt anybody.

Your position seems to be 'they are, therefore they are'. Its illogical.

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