Identify Theft - The Serious Crime Nearly All Illegals Commit


Apr 22, 2007

Have any of you been victim of identity theft? I have. Thankfully they only stole my card number via a skimmer machine. However, I have know people who have had their tax returns stolen, loans open in their name etc.

Nearly all illegal immigrants commit these crimes. Many are "Backgrouders." These people steal lawful US citizens identities. They get jobs in their name, open accounts, get credit lines, health insurance and even welfare benefits. These crimes cause substantial hardship on the victim including monetary. In many cases they can hurt a person's credit, screw up a person's tax return or screw up an employment search because the illegal's job history comes up. It is not a victimless crime and the ramifications and immense and long-term. Many illegal take of further and steal from the victim. They open up loans and disappear. They steal tax returns etc.

Not surprisingly the victims are usually legal Hispanics.

Yet let the left tell you they are all innocent people!

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CIS is a hack propaganda site. Their Big Lie about "72 terrorists" has just been debunked.

As always, you tards got right back in line to be lied to from the very same people!


Why do you do that?

Seriously. WHY DO YOU DO THAT?

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"
In the tard brain, "might have", "could have", "if", and "wouldn't put it past 'em!" add up to irrefutable evidence.

To think these are the people who whine about "fake news". :lol:
Nearly all illegal immigrants commit these crimes

He can't link to the voices in the heads of his propaganda ministers.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

I deleted my post because I didn't see the link at first.
I think the '72 terrists' might be a confusion with the '72 virgins'.
(You know how data and numbers means so much to these people...)

... the cops oughta be suspicious...

... when dey come across an obvious Latino...

... with a name like Steve Smith or Julie Jones.
Identify theft is not all that difficult. Why even a Kenyan could get an American "birth certificate" with no trouble at all!
Yeah, that part was a piece of cake next to being born in Kenya when his mother never even visited that country. I still haven't figured out how he managed that!
CIS is a hack propaganda site. Their Big Lie about "72 terrorists" has just been debunked.

As always, you tards got right back in line to be lied to from the very same people!


Why do you do that?

Seriously. WHY DO YOU DO THAT?

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

Hey Sherlock, where do you think they get S.S. numbers used to get jobs, drivers licenses, bank accounts, and register to vote ? You attacking a source does not change or address the facts that it's true.
This happens with MANY imigrants from all cultures, and I've seen amateur attemps at this first hand, so you should check your own personal info, because your naivety is exactly the type clueless person who get I.D.s stolen.

By the way the huge numbers of illegals take away larger numbers of legal imigration, solve the problem and more legals will be able to be vetted and registered under their own name ID not ours as limits would be raised, and that processing means more jobs as well.
CIS is a hack propaganda site. Their Big Lie about "72 terrorists" has just been debunked.

As always, you tards got right back in line to be lied to from the very same people!


Why do you do that?

Seriously. WHY DO YOU DO THAT?

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

So you are saying that illegals don't steal identities! You can't be that partisan.

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CIS is a hack propaganda site. Their Big Lie about "72 terrorists" has just been debunked.

As always, you tards got right back in line to be lied to from the very same people!


Why do you do that?

Seriously. WHY DO YOU DO THAT?

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

Hey Sherlock, where do you think they get S.S. numbers used to get jobs, drivers licenses, bank accounts, and register to vote ? You attacking a source does not change or address the facts that it's true.
This happens with MANY imigrants from all cultures, and I've seen amateur attemps at this first hand, so you should check your own personal info, because your naivety is exactly the type clueless person who get I.D.s stolen.

By the way the huge numbers of illegals take away larger numbers of legal imigration, solve the problem and more legals will be able to be vetted and registered under their own name ID not ours as limits would be raised, and that processing means more jobs as well.

Well stated!

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CIS is a hack propaganda site. Their Big Lie about "72 terrorists" has just been debunked.

As always, you tards got right back in line to be lied to from the very same people!


Why do you do that?

Seriously. WHY DO YOU DO THAT?

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

So you are saying that illegals don't steal identities!
Nope. That's now what I said, retard.

Try again.

Now get to fucking work proving nearly all illegals commit identity theft, retard.
Nearly all illegal immigrants commit these crimes

He can't link to the voices in the heads of his propaganda ministers.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

Illegal aliens do not have SS numbers or tax numbers legally. They often purchase identities or SS numbers, many of which belong to real people. If they are here and receiving benefits or working, they are using fake or stolen numbers and identities. Otherwise, they couldn't do it.

This problem has been around for decades. The IRS is well aware that numerous tax returns come in each year using the same identities and/or SSNs. They do nothing.

There is a growing problem with SSNs of children being used. They figure it's safer since children won't even use their numbers for years so the theft won't be discovered. Some people have had their retirement accounts hijacked. There are countless incidents of people either facing huge tax bills for jobs they didn't work to people having their credit destroyed because their identity stolen. Many illegals who were finally arrested claimed that they didn't know the identity or SSN were those of real people, as if that makes it okay.

There are so many sources for the information. Google cases of illegal aliens stealing identities of people, children or purchasing numbers illegally. You won't have time to read them all.

Illegal immigrants turn to identity theft

Identity Theft – United States Illegal Alien Crime Report

Identity and Benefit Fraud

Fraud by illegal immigrants destroying children’s lives

"According to Senator De Léon’s website, SB54 (along with two other bills designed to provide state funds for legal defense for anyone ordered deported) is to be known as “Protecting California’s People and Prosperity Against Immigration Enforcement Overreach.” De Leon has ordered these measures “to prevent the use of state and local resources, including personnel, for immigration enforcement; and the creation of a federal registry” fast-tracked, meaning the normal schedule of hearings that can take weeks will be compressed into less than a week."

"Mr. Chertoff said illegal immigrants had assumed the stolen identities of hundreds of American citizens to get jobs at Swift & Company. And he warned that he intended to aggressively pursue document-theft rings and the illegal immigrant workers who use them, even though he acknowledged that “when we remove the illegal workers, there’s going to be some kind of a slowdown.”

Illegal Immigrants at Center of New Identity Theft Crackdown
Have had identity theft twice. The local cops do absolutely nothing since their IT guys would rather spend time on the net pretending to be 14 year old girls. You have to do all the work yourself to prove you are you. Meanwhile, there are multiple legal scams just to get your Credit Reports. Where the fuck is Congress to enact something to protect individuals. First of all, SS numbers should always have a password associated with them to be accepted.

The most resent is called the Apple Pay iPhone scam. Some gets your chip based credit card number at the supermarket or where ever, then all they need is your phone number. Congress had this great legislation to "port" phone numbers, making it easy to transfer a phone number to a different carrier even without the permission of the owner of the number. Then the criminal can use Apple Pay and pay thousands of dollars of stuff, free for a month. Fortunately my credit card company determined it was a fraud and immediately shut down the card.

It seems like Congress is kind of letting this criminal activity happen for some reason. So easy to prevent it with some common sense legislation.
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My SSN has been stolen, I now owe taxes in several states, I have never worked in, nor lived in. I have to pay to have tax professionals prepare and send in my taxes so they can be verified. I have to prove I have not worked or lived in each state. Last year the Feds said my identity was used four times to file federal taxes. They captured my SSN when I tried to file my taxes online in 2014. This has been a pain in the butt. Guilty until I prove my innocence.
Google and Facebook don't help people's privacy either, do a google search, their spidering goes beyond and into those personal info search companies info and beyond.
Like I said many times, advancing technology with out advancing understanding behavior, psychology, and addresing morality is a recipe for technology to become a stronger tool for destructive behavior instead of constructive uses.

Suggestions: never use your real full name in your email or give them real birthdate. See this mistake to often.
Never use your real full name or real birthdate
in any profile especially social or dating sites.
Strangers on craigslist buying or selling or bartering goods and services seek your phone number all the time, but you can communicate by hidden email to assure the stranger legit including researching who you are communicating with. Giving personal info in resumes on craigslist is naive, Jobs can be email info rather then address and phone and ask for in person interviews to determine it's legitimacy.
Don't trust anyone until you can be assured they are for real, then still don't trust them *L*,
'cause look around, morality is at an all time low.
The Myth of the “Otherwise Law-Abiding” Illegal Alien

Have any of you been victim of identity theft? I have. Thankfully they only stole my card number via a skimmer machine. However, I have know people who have had their tax returns stolen, loans open in their name etc.

Nearly all illegal immigrants commit these crimes. Many are "Backgrouders." These people steal lawful US citizens identities. They get jobs in their name, open accounts, get credit lines, health insurance and even welfare benefits. These crimes cause substantial hardship on the victim including monetary. In many cases they can hurt a person's credit, screw up a person's tax return or screw up an employment search because the illegal's job history comes up. It is not a victimless crime and the ramifications and immense and long-term. Many illegal take of further and steal from the victim. They open up loans and disappear. They steal tax returns etc.

Not surprisingly the victims are usually legal Hispanics.

Yet let the left tell you they are all innocent people!

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My daughter was a victim. Turns out it was a Hispanic woman in Southern California who did it. True story.
CIS is a hack propaganda site. Their Big Lie about "72 terrorists" has just been debunked.

As always, you tards got right back in line to be lied to from the very same people!


Why do you do that?

Seriously. WHY DO YOU DO THAT?

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

So you are saying that illegals don't steal identities!
Nope. That's now what I said, retard.

Try again.

Now get to fucking work proving nearly all illegals commit identity theft, retard.

That is exactly what the thread is about!

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