IDF airstrike kills top terrorist in north Gaza

Not a reliable site, bullshit article.

Any site that labels IDF as IOF "Israel Occupational Forces" goes straight into the toilet.

Ha ha ha.
The only thing that is bullshit is you thinking you can get away with a baseless accusation with nothing to back it up while acting like you actually said something.

Your posts are the equivalent of a rodeo clown.
His identity.

See, the idea behind Targeted Hit, is the "targeted". Means you know who you wanna kill and what they have done. His identity was known and his role in the rocket launching system was known.

How? dunnot. I don't work in the Shabbak nor Amman.
Until you can provide a pre-ponderence of the evidence, his role in the "rocket launching system" was "alleged" and nothing more.

Just because you accuse someone of something, doesn't make them guilty.

However, you thinking you can go around shooting whomever you feel like, closes the book on that claim of being the "only democratic nation" in the ME. Democracy's have due process, tyrannical governments do extra-judicial killings.

Any normal human being would.

Yet they call the killer of the father of 5 "hero" and the killers of the Fogels are praised in Gaza.

"Any normal being would" my a**
You don't really have the moral high ground when you use these kids deaths for your own benefit. You parade these tragedy's around to invoke emotionally angry responses from people towards the Palestinian's because it allows you more time to avoid addressing your own country's role in the violence. As long as there are more Pals to blame, there's no pressure to deal with what your country is doing wrong. And when I see all you zionists constantly jumping through hoops to avoid any personal responsibility for the things you do, two things are quite obvious:
  1. you really are a bunch of fuckin' pussy's
  2. and you're scared shitless about dealing with this reality
But hey, look at the bright side, Germany was able to deal with theirs and you're no where near as bad as that. But you are pretty bad.
Not a reliable site, bullshit article.

Any site that labels IDF as IOF "Israel Occupational Forces" goes straight into the toilet.

Ha ha ha.
The only thing that is bullshit is you thinking you can get away with a baseless accusation with nothing to back it up while acting like you actually said something.

Your posts are the equivalent of a rodeo clown.
The correct name for the Israeli army is IDF. It ain't what some dumbass Islamist terrorist website says. Ho ho ho!

Any normal human being would.

Yet they call the killer of the father of 5 "hero" and the killers of the Fogels are praised in Gaza.

"Any normal being would" my a**
You don't really have the moral high ground when you use these kids deaths for your own benefit. You parade these tragedy's around to invoke emotionally angry responses from people towards the Palestinian's because it allows you more time to avoid addressing your own country's role in the violence. As long as there are more Pals to blame, there's no pressure to deal with what your country is doing wrong. And when I see all you zionists constantly jumping through hoops to avoid any personal responsibility for the things you do, two things are quite obvious:
  1. you really are a bunch of fuckin' pussy's
  2. and you're scared shitless about dealing with this reality
But hey, look at the bright side, Germany was able to deal with theirs and you're no where near as bad as that. But you are pretty bad.
But hey, at least it's not brainwashing little kids to become suicide bombers, like the bloodsucking Palis.

Palestinians are among the most depraved, evil barbaric of cultures. "Moral high ground" Yeah my ass!

Ha ha ha.
His identity.

See, the idea behind Targeted Hit, is the "targeted". Means you know who you wanna kill and what they have done. His identity was known and his role in the rocket launching system was known.

How? dunnot. I don't work in the Shabbak nor Amman.
Until you can provide a pre-ponderence of the evidence, his role in the "rocket launching system" was "alleged" and nothing more.

Just because you accuse someone of something, doesn't make them guilty.

However, you thinking you can go around shooting whomever you feel like, closes the book on that claim of being the "only democratic nation" in the ME. Democracy's have due process, tyrannical governments do extra-judicial killings.

The bold just shows how little you now about the IDF. It seems you are suffering from Palestinian Mentality syndrome. If I were you , I would seek immediate treatment !
The primary phase of treatment for this syndrome is removing the immense amounts of Arab propaganda that is lodged in your brain. Good luck !
His identity.

See, the idea behind Targeted Hit, is the "targeted". Means you know who you wanna kill and what they have done. His identity was known and his role in the rocket launching system was known.

How? dunnot. I don't work in the Shabbak nor Amman.
Until you can provide a pre-ponderence of the evidence, his role in the "rocket launching system" was "alleged" and nothing more.

Just because you accuse someone of something, doesn't make them guilty.

However, you thinking you can go around shooting whomever you feel like, closes the book on that claim of being the "only democratic nation" in the ME. Democracy's have due process, tyrannical governments do extra-judicial killings.

The bold just shows how little you now about the IDF. It seems you are suffering from Palestinian Mentality syndrome. If I were you , I would seek immediate treatment !
The primary phase of treatment for this syndrome is removing the immense amounts of Arab propaganda that is lodged in your brain. Good luck !

LISTEN TO SOLDIERS. Listen to WHAT THEY HAVE TO SAY ABOUT WHAT THEY DID IN THE IDF! I listened to this video and about how one morning a soldier could not look at himself in the mirror anymore and he founded Breaking The Silence!
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The bold just shows how little you now about the IDF. It seems you are suffering from Palestinian Mentality syndrome. If I were you , I would seek immediate treatment !
The primary phase of treatment for this syndrome is removing the immense amounts of Arab propaganda that is lodged in your brain. Good luck !
Don't talk about my mental health when you expect people to believe that a group who routinely shoots at people fishing and farming would actually take measures to distinguish between military and civilian targets?

That's pretty out there!
But hey, at least it's not brainwashing little kids to become suicide bombers, like the bloodsucking Palis.

Palestinians are among the most depraved, evil barbaric of cultures. "Moral high ground" Yeah my ass!

Ha ha ha.
The more you say shit like that, shows the evil is within you, not them.
The correct name for the Israeli army is IDF. It ain't what some dumbass Islamist terrorist website says. Ho ho ho!
And when that Israeli Defense Force occupy's land that isn't Israel's, there's nothing wrong with calling them the Israeli Occupational Force. Because 1) they're Israel's and 2) they're occupying and 3) they're a force. 1+1+1=3.

When they are in Israel, they are a Defense Force.

We all know why you say shit like that. You're not fooling anyone. Instead of doing the right thing and ending the occupation, you fuckers think you can get away with simply ending the mention of the word "occupation". If no one says that word, then there's no occupation. Someday, when you get to the 4th grade, you'll find out that shit doesn't fly with the rest of the planet.
His identity.

See, the idea behind Targeted Hit, is the "targeted". Means you know who you wanna kill and what they have done. His identity was known and his role in the rocket launching system was known.

How? dunnot. I don't work in the Shabbak nor Amman.
Until you can provide a pre-ponderence of the evidence, his role in the "rocket launching system" was "alleged" and nothing more.

Just because you accuse someone of something, doesn't make them guilty.

However, you thinking you can go around shooting whomever you feel like, closes the book on that claim of being the "only democratic nation" in the ME. Democracy's have due process, tyrannical governments do extra-judicial killings.

The evidence are in the hands of our government, not mine. I have no doubt that if he was targeted, it was well deserved.

Should not have launched those rockets to begin with. They know that doing so will get them targeted. they choose to act foolishly.

They should not cry later.

Any normal human being would.

Yet they call the killer of the father of 5 "hero" and the killers of the Fogels are praised in Gaza.

"Any normal being would" my a**
You don't really have the moral high ground when you use these kids deaths for your own benefit. You parade these tragedy's around to invoke emotionally angry responses from people towards the Palestinian's because it allows you more time to avoid addressing your own country's role in the violence. As long as there are more Pals to blame, there's no pressure to deal with what your country is doing wrong. And when I see all you zionists constantly jumping through hoops to avoid any personal responsibility for the things you do, two things are quite obvious:
  1. you really are a bunch of fuckin' pussy's
  2. and you're scared shitless about dealing with this reality
But hey, look at the bright side, Germany was able to deal with theirs and you're no where near as bad as that. But you are pretty bad.

How exactly we're using them to our own benefit? Anti-Israeli propagandonist speech again?:cuckoo:

" You parade these tragedy's around to invoke emotionally angry responses from people towards the Palestinian's"

We remind of the truth. When Palestinian do the same you aren't really pissed, are you?

Hypocrisy much?!

" As long as there are more Pals to blame, there's no pressure to deal with what your country is doing wrong"... Oh it is clear to us that Israel screwes up, no one said otherwise, but as I said before, we won't take responsibility for something we are not responsible for.

The killing of Eviatar Borovsky? that's Fatah and 'Palestine' with his blood on their hands. trying to blame it on him, or Israel, won't be acceptable. Just like many others who try and say that since they are the ones being 'occupied', they can kill how many Israelis they wish, because they're so "poor" and "miserable" (boo-hoo!) that they can spill how much blood they want, without anyone telling them- "get real! it's not the solution or the way of solving things!"

"you really are a bunch of fuckin' pussy's"

Said by a keyboard hero who's probably getting fat on the couch and never been living or visiting here.

Yeah, real "pussy's"!
But hey, at least it's not brainwashing little kids to become suicide bombers, like the bloodsucking Palis.

Palestinians are among the most depraved, evil barbaric of cultures. "Moral high ground" Yeah my ass!

Ha ha ha.
The more you say shit like that, shows the evil is within you, not them.

Yet he is 100% correct. Loiny.

Sucks, heh?:eusa_whistle:
Yet he is 100% correct. Loiny.

Sucks, heh?:eusa_whistle:
Every society has its extremists and fanatics, but it's wrong to treat the entire population like that.

You don't like it when people treat you like someone you're not, so why do the same thing to them?

Any normal human being would.

Yet they call the killer of the father of 5 "hero" and the killers of the Fogels are praised in Gaza.

"Any normal being would" my a**
You don't really have the moral high ground when you use these kids deaths for your own benefit. You parade these tragedy's around to invoke emotionally angry responses from people towards the Palestinian's because it allows you more time to avoid addressing your own country's role in the violence. As long as there are more Pals to blame, there's no pressure to deal with what your country is doing wrong. And when I see all you zionists constantly jumping through hoops to avoid any personal responsibility for the things you do, two things are quite obvious:
  1. you really are a bunch of fuckin' pussy's
  2. and you're scared shitless about dealing with this reality
But hey, look at the bright side, Germany was able to deal with theirs and you're no where near as bad as that. But you are pretty bad.

How exactly we're using them to our own benefit? Anti-Israeli propagandonist speech again?:cuckoo:

" You parade these tragedy's around to invoke emotionally angry responses from people towards the Palestinian's"

We remind of the truth. When Palestinian do the same you aren't really pissed, are you?

Hypocrisy much?!

" As long as there are more Pals to blame, there's no pressure to deal with what your country is doing wrong"... Oh it is clear to us that Israel screwes up, no one said otherwise, but as I said before, we won't take responsibility for something we are not responsible for.

The killing of Eviatar Borovsky? that's Fatah and 'Palestine' with his blood on their hands. trying to blame it on him, or Israel, won't be acceptable. Just like many others who try and say that since they are the ones being 'occupied', they can kill how many Israelis they wish, because they're so "poor" and "miserable" (boo-hoo!) that they can spill how much blood they want, without anyone telling them- "get real! it's not the solution or the way of solving things!"

"you really are a bunch of fuckin' pussy's"

Said by a keyboard hero who's probably getting fat on the couch and never been living or visiting here.

Yeah, real "pussy's"!

Well, I always find myself back looking at the very same facts, Israel massacred over 1500 Children in Palestine since 2000 and 500 in Palestine in the last 5 years. AND Hamas killed 1 Israeli child in the last 5 years. It is crystal clear who stands out and gets first place prize for top war criminals and top baby killers and top barbarians. It is the Zionist Regime, the Rogue Nation of baby killers! NOONE DOES IT LIKE YOU DO, YOU ARE IN A CLASS OF YOUR VERY OWN! And your very own NGO Btselem confirms this all to be true!
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How exactly we're using them to our own benefit? Anti-Israeli propagandonist speech again?:cuckoo:

We remind of the truth. When Palestinian do the same you aren't really pissed, are you?

Hypocrisy much?!
Listen, you don't even have the balls to remember the things I've said. I know this, because I keep having to repeat them, just so you can forget them later. You can't get anything done that way.

I've said many times, I don't give a shit about either side. It has no affect on my daily life. So why waste my time trying to conjure up some emotion over things that don't matter in my world. In your world they do, in my world they don't.

I just don't allow people to deliberately bullshit me.
Oh it is clear to us that Israel screwes up, no one said otherwise, but as I said before, we won't take responsibility for something we are not responsible for.
Taking responsibility is not about admitting your faults, it's about taking action to correct them. Which I don't see happening.
The killing of Eviatar Borovsky? that's Fatah and 'Palestine' with his blood on their hands. trying to blame it on him, or Israel, won't be acceptable. Just like many others who try and say that since they are the ones being 'occupied', they can kill how many Israelis they wish, because they're so "poor" and "miserable" (boo-hoo!) that they can spill how much blood they want, without anyone telling them- "get real! it's not the solution or the way of solving things!"
Yeah, you're pussy's! You have to make up your own version of what Palestinian's say and think about Israeli's. You use that like a crutch. If you didn't have that, then you might have to look at what they really say and really think. And that scares the shit out of you. I know this from seeing you take the most ridiculous positions imaginable, like:
thinking the occupation is not that bad for the ones being occupied
or there's got to be some reasonable explanation why the IDF shoots at people fishing and farming
or thinking international law doesn't apply, because its just too inconvenient for you to obey
or thinking the Palestinian's are responsible for the majority of the violence​
Or treating them like they're sub-human and expect people to believe their the evil ones.
the only way you would have a case---sherri----would be IF
Israel ----according to the rules of engagement ---Israel
had every right to bomb the truck since they suspected it
of transporting grads ----those are the rules----it was a
LEGAL TARGET-----shooting missiles into Israel ---without
citing a LEGAL TARGET is a gross war crime
How exactly we're using them to our own benefit? Anti-Israeli propagandonist speech again?:cuckoo:

We remind of the truth. When Palestinian do the same you aren't really pissed, are you?

Hypocrisy much?!
Listen, you don't even have the balls to remember the things I've said. I know this, because I keep having to repeat them, just so you can forget them later. You can't get anything done that way.

I've said many times, I don't give a shit about either side. It has no affect on my daily life. So why waste my time trying to conjure up some emotion over things that don't matter in my world. In your world they do, in my world they don't.

I just don't allow people to deliberately bullshit me.
Oh it is clear to us that Israel screwes up, no one said otherwise, but as I said before, we won't take responsibility for something we are not responsible for.
Taking responsibility is not about admitting your faults, it's about taking action to correct them. Which I don't see happening.
The killing of Eviatar Borovsky? that's Fatah and 'Palestine' with his blood on their hands. trying to blame it on him, or Israel, won't be acceptable. Just like many others who try and say that since they are the ones being 'occupied', they can kill how many Israelis they wish, because they're so "poor" and "miserable" (boo-hoo!) that they can spill how much blood they want, without anyone telling them- "get real! it's not the solution or the way of solving things!"
Yeah, you're pussy's! You have to make up your own version of what Palestinian's say and think about Israeli's. You use that like a crutch. If you didn't have that, then you might have to look at what they really say and really think. And that scares the shit out of you. I know this from seeing you take the most ridiculous positions imaginable, like:
thinking the occupation is not that bad for the ones being occupied
or there's got to be some reasonable explanation why the IDF shoots at people fishing and farming
or thinking international law doesn't apply, because its just too inconvenient for you to obey
or thinking the Palestinian's are responsible for the majority of the violence​
Or treating them like they're sub-human and expect people to believe their the evil ones.
The sub humans are the ones cheering whenever a successful attack against Israelis has taken place. Once again, you know nothing about Israel or Israelis. I mean, you thought Sderot was part of the West Bank :lol:

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