IDF airstrike kills top terrorist in north Gaza

You know how many Arab towns sit on ruins of Jewish villages which have been destroyed? How many Palestinian residents and buildings in Judea and Samaria are originally Jewish owned? those who lost lands?
Once the land is jewish owned, it cannot transfer to anyone else but a jew.

Apartheid policies like that are part of the problem.
Just like Palestinians lose lands? .
Palestinian lands are taken, not lost.
Not at the rate and frequency they do.
I can't answer that. But then again, they're not the occupiers, they're the occupied.
Do Palestinians feel sorry when they see the pictures of Jewish children killed by their hands?
Any normal human being would.
Why are WE are always the ones in need to feel empathy?
I didn't say that.

I was just looking for signs that you had any. You keep talking about Israeli suffering, as well you should. But to put this in perspective, the Pals suffer at 10x the rate Israeli's do, yet you act like it's 50-50.

Any normal human being would.

Yet they call the killer of the father of 5 "hero" and the killers of the Fogels are praised in Gaza.

"Any normal being would" my a**
Palestinian lands are taken, not lost.

Our lands have been taken too. Cry me a river.

Not at the rate and frequency they do.

Point taken.

But then again, they're not the occupiers, they're the occupied.

Then they should go after our governments. Simple people in here wish to go to work, and come back in the evening in time to be with their children and be able to feed them.

Not only in the PA and Gaza people deserve that.

I was just looking for signs that you had any. You keep talking about Israeli suffering, as well you should. But to put this in perspective, the Pals suffer at 10x the rate Israeli's do, yet you act like it's 50-50.

Personally, for me, it's not 50-50. it's 90-10 at best.

When you're side of a conflict, not matter how nicely you try to paint it, you are never objective.

I don't try to be. I'm being honest, not objective. Not my job, and if I say things I do not believe in or try to paint the picture otherwise of how I feel, I will be a hypocrite.
Terrorists opened fire at IDF (Israel Defense Forces) soldiers while they were performing routine activity adjacent to the security fence," an Israeli military spokeswoman told Reuters in Jerusalem.

So this lying sack of shit in Israel suggests that attacks on foreign troops is terrorism.

It is just part of Israel's "terrorist" propaganda campaign.

So when these terrorists opened fire on the IDF, did you expect them to run away :lol:

Any attack on civilians or military will be met with force.
Alright big brain, where does it say you can board a ship (sailing under the flag of a sovereign nation) in international waters?
Simon sez. Check out Admiralty and Maritime Laws.

I remember reading someplace that only commercial and military vessels can be blockaded but religious, medical, and philanthropic vessels cannot.

Anybody have any info on this?
Does anyone commenting on things they know nothing about have the simple ability to enter "Admiralty And Maritime Laws" into the search box and click the search button? Aha! I didn't think so. Or..... they don't want to know.
Alright big brain, where does it say you can board a ship (sailing under the flag of a sovereign nation) in international waters?
Simon sez. Check out Admiralty and Maritime Laws.

I remember reading someplace that only commercial and military vessels can be blockaded but religious, medical, and philanthropic vessels cannot.

Anybody have any info on this?
Read somewhere. The back of a box of Wheaties?
Terrorists opened fire at IDF (Israel Defense Forces) soldiers while they were performing routine activity adjacent to the security fence," an Israeli military spokeswoman told Reuters in Jerusalem.

So this lying sack of shit in Israel suggests that attacks on foreign troops is terrorism.

It is just part of Israel's "terrorist" propaganda campaign.

So when these terrorists opened fire on the IDF, did you expect them to run away :lol:

Any attack on civilians or military will be met with force.

ISRAEL chose to deliberately target and kill a child and that was unlawful and a war crime.
So this lying sack of shit in Israel suggests that attacks on foreign troops is terrorism.

It is just part of Israel's "terrorist" propaganda campaign.

So when these terrorists opened fire on the IDF, did you expect them to run away :lol:

Any attack on civilians or military will be met with force.

ISRAEL chose to deliberately target and kill a child and that was unlawful and a war crime.
That is what YOU and those stupid Islamic propaganda sites claim. And we all know what your claims are worth. FLUSH.
That is what human rights organizations keep saying over and over and over, that Israel unlawfully targets civilians.
That is what human rights organizations keep saying over and over and over, that Israel unlawfully targets civilians.
Meh. I asked you for proof that Israel intentionally targetted that boy and this is the best you got? "That is what 'they say'"?! Ha ha ha. Get a life, will ya? Looser.
That is what human rights organizations keep saying over and over and over, that Israel unlawfully targets civilians.

Didn't anyone ever tell you that just because you repeat the crap over and over, it doesn't make it true. Now shut up and go back in your cage Nazi woman !
That is what human rights organizations keep saying over and over and over, that Israel unlawfully targets civilians.
Meh. I asked you for proof that Israel intentionally targetted that boy and this is the best you got? "That is what 'they say'"?! Ha ha ha. Get a life, will ya? Looser.

You know the Nazi propagandist has her back to the wall when.....
That is what human rights organizations keep saying over and over and over, that Israel unlawfully targets civilians.

Lots of people repeat libels over and over they are the fuel that
run GENOCIDES ----and pogroms and lynchings-----your kith and kin
have been doing it for MILLENIA over the dead bodies of hundreds of
millions ------some really insightful "persons" knew that the more
you guys repeat a lie ----the more your fellow scum will believe it

...........over and over....and over....and....over

repetition of the same lies ---over and over ..and over ... and over and ......
in the name of isa..... AMEEEEEEEN
That is what human rights organizations keep saying over and over and over, that Israel unlawfully targets civilians.

Lots of people repeat libels over and over they are the fuel that
run GENOCIDES ----and pogroms and lynchings-----your kith and kin
have been doing it for MILLENIA over the dead bodies of hundreds of
millions ------some really insightful "persons" knew that the more
you guys repeat a lie ----the more your fellow scum will believe it

...........over and over....and over....and....over

repetition of the same lies ---over and over ..and over ... and over and ......
in the name of isa..... AMEEEEEEEN
And over and over and over again...don't those damn Zionists care about Palestine?

"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine..."

MILLENIA have little or nothing to do with the ethnic cleansing that Zionists have practiced in Palestine since Lord Rothschild and the Royal Navy decided on their little loyal Jewish Ulster in the heart of Arab OIL.

Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
That is what human rights organizations keep saying over and over and over, that Israel unlawfully targets civilians.

Lots of people repeat libels over and over they are the fuel that
run GENOCIDES ----and pogroms and lynchings-----your kith and kin
have been doing it for MILLENIA over the dead bodies of hundreds of
millions ------some really insightful "persons" knew that the more
you guys repeat a lie ----the more your fellow scum will believe it

...........over and over....and over....and....over

repetition of the same lies ---over and over ..and over ... and over and ......
in the name of isa..... AMEEEEEEEN
And over and over and over again...don't those damn Zionists care about Palestine?

"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine..."

MILLENIA have little or nothing to do with the ethnic cleansing that Zionists have practiced in Palestine since Lord Rothschild and the Royal Navy decided on their little loyal Jewish Ulster in the heart of Arab OIL.

Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

try again georgie-----the royal navy switched from coal to oil in 1911 By that time
ISRAEL had been a FAIT ACCOMPLI for more than 50 years Now---to support your
filthy propaganda shit----PROVE that rothchild benefitted from the oil in the middle
east ------and prove that he invented ZIONISM its ok you are bent on proving
that you are an idiot-----so parrot the really stupid islamo nazi propaganda

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