IDF Annihilates 50 Families in Gaza

George, your obsession with Jews is not only pathetic, but extremely erie.

I'm willing to bet that if Israel was an Arab or Christian country, but the history was exactly the same, you wouldn't have any interest.

Why so Muslims think they own the entire Middle East?

I think it is obvious to anyone with brains that Dhimmi George needs a scapegoat for his own failure in life; and he apparently thinks the Jews in L.A. held him back so life wasn't that good for him and still isn't. You are right, though. If there were no Jews in the area, Dhimmi George would have no interest in this forum at all since it is quite apparent that he doesn't care what is happening to the Arabs elsewhere where no Jews are involved. He would be posting away on another forum trying to drag in his scapegoats for anything wrong elsewhere in the world.

Are you applauding Israel's choice to become the next racist, apartheid state to go the way of White South Africa?

Maybe you can get a good buy on Arab land in Gaza?

Israel needs to take off the kid gloves and up the death count. Hamas won't give in until they are all dead.
George, your obsession with Jews is not only pathetic, but extremely erie.

I'm willing to bet that if Israel was an Arab or Christian country, but the history was exactly the same, you wouldn't have any interest.

Why so Muslims think they own the entire Middle East?

I think it is obvious to anyone with brains that Dhimmi George needs a scapegoat for his own failure in life; and he apparently thinks the Jews in L.A. held him back so life wasn't that good for him and still isn't. You are right, though. If there were no Jews in the area, Dhimmi George would have no interest in this forum at all since it is quite apparent that he doesn't care what is happening to the Arabs elsewhere where no Jews are involved. He would be posting away on another forum trying to drag in his scapegoats for anything wrong elsewhere in the world.

Israel needs to take off the kid gloves and up the death count. Hamas won't give in until they are all dead.
Israel is killing far more civilians than militants...


...Why do Jews target children playing on an empty beach?
There is much evidence that four children are dead as a result of that incident.

There is not yet any evidence whatsoever that the IDF knew they were children at the time of the shooting.

Eyewitnesses cannot even agree on whether it was the result of offshore Israeli naval gunfire or an IDF artillery barrage or an IDF airstrike.

And zero - zero - has surfaced so far, with respect to targeting, or the sequencing and information passed as part of the fire mission.

Until such time as additional information comes to light, from reliable sources...

We have the tragedy of four Palestinian kids who died as a result of an IDF fire-mission...

We have NO data on whether or not the shooters knew they were targeting children...

Israel needs to take off the kid gloves and up the death count. Hamas won't give in until they are all dead.
Israel is killing far more civilians than militants.
Why do Jews target children playing on an empty beach?

Well, when the terrorists are hiding amongst civilians and even prevent civilians from leaving the area, what did you expect to happen?

Hamas wants it to happen. It energizes their idiot supporters.
Israel needs to take off the kid gloves and up the death count. Hamas won't give in until they are all dead.
Israel is killing far more civilians than militants.
Why do Jews target children playing on an empty beach?

Wrong question.
What were kids doing in the middle of a war zone.
After being cooped up for nine days by indiscriminate Israeli shelling, the kids defied their parents' orders and went to a peaceful beach to kick a soccer ball around. An IDF gunboat cruising offshore fired two shells, thirty seconds apart. The first shell killed a single kid and sent the others running for their lives. The second shell landed a hundred years from the first, killing three more children; it's how Israel convinces Arab parents to leave the land between the River and the sea.
Israel needs to take off the kid gloves and up the death count. Hamas won't give in until they are all dead.
Israel is killing far more civilians than militants...


...Why do Jews target children playing on an empty beach?
There is much evidence that four children are dead as a result of that incident.

There is not yet any evidence whatsoever that the IDF knew they were children at the time of the shooting.

Eyewitnesses cannot even agree on whether it was the result of offshore Israeli naval gunfire or an IDF artillery barrage or an IDF airstrike.

And zero - zero - has surfaced so far, with respect to targeting, or the sequencing and information passed as part of the fire mission.

Until such time as additional information comes to light, from reliable sources...

We have the tragedy of four Palestinian kids who died as a result of an IDF fire-mission...

We have NO data on whether or not the shooters knew they were targeting children...

What would you consider to be a "reliable source" in this matter?

Name the "eyewitnesses" you claim who can't agree where the shells came from.

Eyewitnesses in the beachfront hotel knew they were children without the benefit of binoculars.

Is there any crime Jews might commit that you won't prompt SQUEALS from you?
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Israel needs to take off the kid gloves and up the death count. Hamas won't give in until they are all dead.
Israel is killing far more civilians than militants.
Why do Jews target children playing on an empty beach?

Well, when the terrorists are hiding amongst civilians and even prevent civilians from leaving the area, what did you expect to happen?

Hamas wants it to happen. It energizes their idiot supporters.
Empty beach.
No Hamas.
No hostilities.
Four kids show up to kick a soccer ball around.
IDF gunboat uses two shells to murder all four children.
Gunnery practice?
Or just another day in Gaza?
Israel is killing far more civilians than militants...


...Why do Jews target children playing on an empty beach?
There is much evidence that four children are dead as a result of that incident.

There is not yet any evidence whatsoever that the IDF knew they were children at the time of the shooting.

Eyewitnesses cannot even agree on whether it was the result of offshore Israeli naval gunfire or an IDF artillery barrage or an IDF airstrike.

And zero - zero - has surfaced so far, with respect to targeting, or the sequencing and information passed as part of the fire mission.

Until such time as additional information comes to light, from reliable sources...

We have the tragedy of four Palestinian kids who died as a result of an IDF fire-mission...

We have NO data on whether or not the shooters knew they were targeting children...

Eyewitnesses in the beachfront hotel knew they were children without the benefit of binoculars.
...What would you consider to be a 'reliable source' in this matter?...
What would I consider a 'reliable source' in this matter?

1. consensus amongst multiple neutral journalists who witnessed the source of the firing?

2. clarification from the IDF, re: whether it was air, sea or land (artillery)?

3. intel from the US (observers, satellite feeds, etc.)

4. video, showing both the targets and the source of the firing, actually doing the firing, from an angle showing cause-and-effect?

Anybody other than the side who is doing the accusing.

Eyewitnesses on a beachfront hotel balcony 100 or 150 meters away, without binoculars, are a lot closer and have a better view, than a jet fighter-bomber bearing in from 10,000 feet at 600 MPH...

Eyewitnesses on a beachfront hotel balcony 100 or 150 meters away, without binoculars, are a lot closer and have a better view, than an artillery firebase 2 or 3 or 10 kilometers away or more, or an observer 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 kilometers away...

Eyewitnesses on a beachfront hotel balcony 100 or 150 meters away, without binoculars, are a lot closer and have a better view, than a naval gunship several hundred meters or a kilometer or two offshore...

Either there was a major screw-up somewhere up-and-down the line, in connection with observers calling-in a fire-mission, or a mistake in target identification or sequencing, or somebody in the IDF deliberately called-in a strike on little kids...

Your money is on 'deliberate targeting of children'...

My money is on 'mistaken targeting of children'... the targeting itself was intentional, and effective, but the observer(s) or those calling-in the fire-mission did not realize that they were targeting children at the time...

There is no little or no evidence that I am aware of, so far, one way or another, which is why I, and most other folks, are content to wait until further clarification can be obtained... not to delay an investigation or to try to sweep it under the carpet, but in order to get the facts, no partisan hype, one way or another...

(*) Personally, if it turns out that the Israelis did, indeed, target those kids, then, it's my hope that all those who had a hand in it, who knew they were dealing with children, and carried through with the hit anyway, should be brought up on criminal charges, and that severe penalties should be handed down, if they are found guilty...

But that doesn't mean that the world is going to skip right over the discovery and arraignment and trial processes on your say-so.

...Name the 'eyewitnesses' you claim who can't agree where the shells came from...

...Peter Beaumont, the Guardian's Jerusalem correspondent, was sitting on a terrace at a beach-front Gaza hotel when he saw explosions on the pier wall...


The initial reports coming from journalists on the scene attributed the explosions to gunfire from Israeli Navy boats that have been firing at targets on the coast in recent days. Beaumont who has covered many wars including Kosovo, Iraq, Afghanistan and Bosnia, says that after he and colleagues began getting a clearer picture, he reached the conclusion that it was most likely an air strike...

An eyewitness account of the attack that killed four children on Gaza beach - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz


...Is this any crime Jews might commit that you won't prompt SQUEALS of protests from you?

This very one.

IF it turns out that children were intentionally targeted, and that the observers and/or shooters knew they wee children, at the time they called-in the fire-mission or actually fired.

As I've already outlined, above, in this very post. (*)

Israel is killing far more civilians than militants.
Why do Jews target children playing on an empty beach?

Well, when the terrorists are hiding amongst civilians and even prevent civilians from leaving the area, what did you expect to happen?

Hamas wants it to happen. It energizes their idiot supporters.
Empty beach.
No Hamas.
No hostilities.
Four kids show up to kick a soccer ball around.
IDF gunboat uses two shells to murder all four children.
Gunnery practice?
Or just another day in Gaza?

1. nobody was murdered, insofar as anyone knows with any certainty

2. four young Palestinians are dead who probably should not be

3. it was probably the fault of the IDF that those youths are dead

4. there is zero proof that the gunners or pilot(s) knew they were aiming at children

5. there is zero proof that the gunners or pilot(s) used those kids for target practice

6. based on past performance, it is far more likely that those kids will be used as propaganda fodder by the Palestinians
Israel is killing far more civilians than militants.
Why do Jews target children playing on an empty beach?

Wrong question.
What were kids doing in the middle of a war zone.

When I was in Beirut in 83 we sure as shit we're playing volleyball on the beach

Palestinians had occupied the homes and cabanas along the beaches, American soldiers lived in a compound down by the airport, Israelis were set up south of the city. Even the military beach had few visitors and many of the hotels along the cornish were destroyed or damaged. Kids that used to play football outside the entrance to the golf club if seen were looking for handouts or selling gum at car windows.

There is much evidence that four children are dead as a result of that incident.

There is not yet any evidence whatsoever that the IDF knew they were children at the time of the shooting.

Eyewitnesses cannot even agree on whether it was the result of offshore Israeli naval gunfire or an IDF artillery barrage or an IDF airstrike.

And zero - zero - has surfaced so far, with respect to targeting, or the sequencing and information passed as part of the fire mission.

Until such time as additional information comes to light, from reliable sources...

We have the tragedy of four Palestinian kids who died as a result of an IDF fire-mission...

We have NO data on whether or not the shooters knew they were targeting children...

Eyewitnesses in the beachfront hotel knew they were children without the benefit of binoculars.

What would I consider a 'reliable source' in this matter?

1. consensus amongst multiple neutral journalists who witnessed the source of the firing?

2. clarification from the IDF, re: whether it was air, sea or land (artillery)?

3. intel from the US (observers, satellite feeds, etc.)

4. video, showing both the targets and the source of the firing, actually doing the firing, from an angle showing cause-and-effect?

Anybody other than the side who is doing the accusing.

Eyewitnesses on a beachfront hotel balcony 100 or 150 meters away, without binoculars, are a lot closer and have a better view, than a jet fighter-bomber bearing in from 10,000 feet at 600 MPH...

Eyewitnesses on a beachfront hotel balcony 100 or 150 meters away, without binoculars, are a lot closer and have a better view, than an artillery firebase 2 or 3 or 10 kilometers away or more, or an observer 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 kilometers away...

Eyewitnesses on a beachfront hotel balcony 100 or 150 meters away, without binoculars, are a lot closer and have a better view, than a naval gunship several hundred meters or a kilometer or two offshore...

Either there was a major screw-up somewhere up-and-down the line, in connection with observers calling-in a fire-mission, or a mistake in target identification or sequencing, or somebody in the IDF deliberately called-in a strike on little kids...

Your money is on 'deliberate targeting of children'...

My money is on 'mistaken targeting of children'... the targeting itself was intentional, and effective, but the observer(s) or those calling-in the fire-mission did not realize that they were targeting children at the time...

There is no little or no evidence that I am aware of, so far, one way or another, which is why I, and most other folks, are content to wait until further clarification can be obtained... not to delay an investigation or to try to sweep it under the carpet, but in order to get the facts, no partisan hype, one way or another...

(*) Personally, if it turns out that the Israelis did, indeed, target those kids, then, it's my hope that all those who had a hand in it, who knew they were dealing with children, and carried through with the hit anyway, should be brought up on criminal charges, and that severe penalties should be handed down, if they are found guilty...

But that doesn't mean that the world is going to skip right over the discovery and arraignment and trial processes on your say-so.

...Name the 'eyewitnesses' you claim who can't agree where the shells came from...

...Peter Beaumont, the Guardian's Jerusalem correspondent, was sitting on a terrace at a beach-front Gaza hotel when he saw explosions on the pier wall...


The initial reports coming from journalists on the scene attributed the explosions to gunfire from Israeli Navy boats that have been firing at targets on the coast in recent days. Beaumont who has covered many wars including Kosovo, Iraq, Afghanistan and Bosnia, says that after he and colleagues began getting a clearer picture, he reached the conclusion that it was most likely an air strike...

An eyewitness account of the attack that killed four children on Gaza beach - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz


...Is this any crime Jews might commit that you won't prompt SQUEALS of protests from you?

This very one.

IF it turns out that children were intentionally targeted, and that the observers and/or shooters knew they wee children, at the time they called-in the fire-mission or actually fired.

As I've already outlined, above, in this very post. (*)

Are you really ignorant enough of the Israeli occupation of Gaza to believe Jews do not regularly murder children in order to convince their parents to leave Palestine?

Now you're expecting the Jews to investigate this particular crime, is that right?

And you will swallow whatever load they bestow?

"The IDF Spokesperson unit had difficulty coming up with an explanation for the explosions which killed the four children and wounded others and it took a few hours for them to begin to respond.

"Toward 8 P.M they began briefing reporters that the first explosion was most likely caused by an attack on a 'legitimate' Hamas target and the second the result of misidentification of the fleeing children as Hamas fighters.

"The incident is still under investigation, said IDF Spokesperson Brigadier General Moti Almoz. He said on Channel One that 'we understand there was a target which was hit after suspects were identified.

"'Remember that Hamas uses civilians as live targets opposite IDF. I don't know officers and soldiers who intentionally act against civilians.' Almoz said that from what the IDF knows so far 'this wasn't fire by the navy but likely an IAF strike.'"

"Beaumont says that he has no idea what the target could have been. 'The building that was hit was just a shipping container next to where one of the kids' father keeps his boat and stores fishing nets. The kids were just playing hide and seek there. They shoot missiles (against Israel) from this neighborhood but none from that location.'"

An eyewitness account of the attack that killed four children on Gaza beach - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz
Well, when the terrorists are hiding amongst civilians and even prevent civilians from leaving the area, what did you expect to happen?

Hamas wants it to happen. It energizes their idiot supporters.
Empty beach.
No Hamas.
No hostilities.
Four kids show up to kick a soccer ball around.
IDF gunboat uses two shells to murder all four children.
Gunnery practice?
Or just another day in Gaza?

1. nobody was murdered, insofar as anyone knows with any certainty

2. four young Palestinians are dead who probably should not be

3. it was probably the fault of the IDF that those youths are dead

4. there is zero proof that the gunners or pilot(s) knew they were aiming at children

5. there is zero proof that the gunners or pilot(s) used those kids for target practice

6. based on past performance, it is far more likely that those kids will be used as propaganda fodder by the Palestinians

"An Israeli rocket killed four young Palestinian cousins on a Gaza beach Wednesday shortly before a five-hour 'humanitarian' ceasefire was declared in the conflict.

"Israel agreed to a temporary Thursday truce even as its troops massed for a possible ground invasion of Gaza, where tens of thousands of residents were warned to leave their home — or else.

"The 'unilateral humanitarian pause' came after the four innocent victims, ages 9 to 11, were hit directly by a rocket fired from an Israeli battleship off the Gaza coast, witnesses said.

“'It’s a cold-blooded massacre,' said an outraged Abdel Kareem Baker, 41, uncle of the four boys whose corpses were left in the sand."

Israel calls 5-hour truce in Gaza after 4 Palestinian children killed on beach by battleship - NY Daily News

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