IDF Annihilates 50 Families in Gaza

Some say it has already started. But if Hamas decided to attempt to resume suicide bombings, it would have way more of an negative impact on the Palestinians then Israel.

And, of course, the prospect of Intifada 3, and a resumption of suicide bombings, was (and is) one of the best-possible rationales or justifying arguments, for erecting The Barrier.
And as an extra added bonus Jews stole even more Arab land in Palestine.
Excellent !!!


The Reconquista continues apace.

Gotta love Hamas, for giving the Israelis an endless supply of excuses to seize more.
Why do some of us appear to believe the Jews are entitled to all the land between the River and the sea?

Because Arabs have the rest of the Middle East.
Which doesn't give Jews the right to steal Arab land in Palestine.

In 1947 Jews owned 7% of the land of Palestine and within two years 80% of Palestinians had been dispossessed of their homes, farms, and businesses.

Jewish Owned Land in Palestine as of 1947 - Palestine Remembered
Why do some of us appear to believe the Jews are entitled to all the land between the River and the sea?

Because Arabs have the rest of the Middle East.
Which doesn't give Jews the right to steal Arab land in Palestine.

In 1947 Jews owned 7% of the land of Palestine and within two years 80% of Palestinians had been dispossessed of their homes, farms, and businesses.

Jewish Owned Land in Palestine as of 1947 - Palestine Remembered

It's sad when you back the losing side.
Ah, I love the smell of genocide in the morning you Israel loving ass hats!
"So what can Mr. Kerry do?

"Nothing of substance in the Middle East.

"He could, perhaps, influence Mr. Obama to cut funding to Israel, and condemn the genocide that is now taking place. One thinks that any decent human being would condemn the indiscriminate bombing of children.

"And if human decency isn’t a sufficient deterrent, perhaps the Hague Convention of 1907 might help. Article 27 reads as follows:

"‘In sieges and bombardments all necessary steps must be taken to spare, as far as possible, buildings dedicated to religion, art, science, or charitable purposes, historic monuments, hospitals, and places where the sick and wounded are collected, provided they are not being used at the time for military purposes.

“'It is the duty of the besieged to indicate the presence of such buildings or places by distinctive and visible signs, which shall be notified to the enemy beforehand.’"

"There is, of course, no evidence that hospitals, mosques and universities in Gaza, all bombed in the current onslaught by Israel, were being used for military purposes.

"Israel says ‘militants’ are interspersed among these facilities. Unfortunately, in one of the most densely populated places on the planet, any defense does not have the luxury of establishing a base in some remote area."

Hamas brought this latest onslaught on itself when it agreed to a Unity Government with Fatah. If there's one thing Israel has proven over and over again, it's no land for peace.


Israel?s Goal is Not Peace » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Don't you think that Hamas should have told these families to flee, Dhimmi George, instead of using them as propaganda purposes when they are dead. Meanwhile, can you tell us how many families have been killed in the rest of the Middle East with the conflicts going on? After all, everyone there is not coming out alive, you know. Over 150,000 people have been killed in Syria alone, Dhimmi George, and that is quite a huge number, wouldn't you say? I think many of the viewers realize that you will only bring up dead people if you can blame your favorite scapegoats, the Jews, but once in a while try to show that you care about those who have been killed in other Middle East countries.

leaflets, phone calls, warning bomb "knocking", bull horn calling to clear the building.
What do you want, for IDF to help them pack and load a moving van and have IDF pay the hotel bill till the family can find another apartment or home?
I want to IDF to lift its belligerent occupation of Gaza.
I want heroic Jews on gunboats to stop murdering children playing on a Gaza pier.
I want Jews and their US enablers to lift the illegal blockade that's responsible for Hamas war crimes.
Jews who believe they alone are entitled to all the land between the River and the sea should be the ones calling for a moving van.
I hear France is offering warm welcomes.

Can you make some guarantee that no bombs or weapons will be imported?
Can you make some guarantee that building material will not be used for tunnels?
Can you guarantee that any illegal tunnels to Israel or Egypt will be disclosed and dismantled?
Can you guarantee that weapons still existing will be removed? That schools and mosques will be weapon free?
Can you guarantee that there will be no more attacks on Israel or the Sinai?
Can you guarantee that Hamas will alter it's charter and work peaceably with Fatah to negotiate for a balanced and fair peace agreement with Israel?
Can you guarantee that any money given the PA/Hamas in the future by foreign countries will be used to rebuild homes, infrastructure and the creation of legal jobs, and not for waging war of any kind on Israel or lining greedy pockets?
Can you guarantee that school books, TV and other media will stop calling for war, violence, hate or spreading of lies against Israel or the jewish people?
Can you guarantee that jews who want to become palestinians and join their spouses will be treated as equals and not abused?
leaflets, phone calls, warning bomb "knocking", bull horn calling to clear the building.
What do you want, for IDF to help them pack and load a moving van and have IDF pay the hotel bill till the family can find another apartment or home?
I want to IDF to lift its belligerent occupation of Gaza.
I want heroic Jews on gunboats to stop murdering children playing on a Gaza pier.
I want Jews and their US enablers to lift the illegal blockade that's responsible for Hamas war crimes.
Jews who believe they alone are entitled to all the land between the River and the sea should be the ones calling for a moving van.
I hear France is offering warm welcomes.

Can you make some guarantee that no bombs or weapons will be imported?
Can you make some guarantee that building material will not be used for tunnels?
Can you guarantee that any illegal tunnels to Israel or Egypt will be disclosed and dismantled?
Can you guarantee that weapons still existing will be removed? That schools and mosques will be weapon free?
Can you guarantee that there will be no more attacks on Israel or the Sinai?
Can you guarantee that Hamas will alter it's charter and work peaceably with Fatah to negotiate for a balanced and fair peace agreement with Israel?
Can you guarantee that any money given the PA/Hamas in the future by foreign countries will be used to rebuild homes, infrastructure and the creation of legal jobs, and not for waging war of any kind on Israel or lining greedy pockets?
Can you guarantee that school books, TV and other media will stop calling for war, violence, hate or spreading of lies against Israel or the jewish people?
Can you guarantee that jews who want to become palestinians and join their spouses will be treated as equals and not abused?
The only thing I can guarantee is Jews will continue their creeping annexation of Palestine and then WHINE when their victims resist.

Your people are the problem in Palestine just as they've been in numerous other parts of the world over centuries of time.

Can you even imagine that EVER changing?

I can't.
I want to IDF to lift its belligerent occupation of Gaza.
I want heroic Jews on gunboats to stop murdering children playing on a Gaza pier.
I want Jews and their US enablers to lift the illegal blockade that's responsible for Hamas war crimes.
Jews who believe they alone are entitled to all the land between the River and the sea should be the ones calling for a moving van.
I hear France is offering warm welcomes.

Can you make some guarantee that no bombs or weapons will be imported?
Can you make some guarantee that building material will not be used for tunnels?
Can you guarantee that any illegal tunnels to Israel or Egypt will be disclosed and dismantled?
Can you guarantee that weapons still existing will be removed? That schools and mosques will be weapon free?
Can you guarantee that there will be no more attacks on Israel or the Sinai?
Can you guarantee that Hamas will alter it's charter and work peaceably with Fatah to negotiate for a balanced and fair peace agreement with Israel?
Can you guarantee that any money given the PA/Hamas in the future by foreign countries will be used to rebuild homes, infrastructure and the creation of legal jobs, and not for waging war of any kind on Israel or lining greedy pockets?
Can you guarantee that school books, TV and other media will stop calling for war, violence, hate or spreading of lies against Israel or the jewish people?
Can you guarantee that jews who want to become palestinians and join their spouses will be treated as equals and not abused?
The only thing I can guarantee is Jews will continue their creeping annexation of Palestine and then WHINE when their victims resist.

Your people are the problem in Palestine just as they've been in numerous other parts of the world over centuries of time.

Can you even imagine that EVER changing?

I can't.

Can you ever imagine Dhimmi George ever changing? He is so avid now for his new masters that he is blind to what is happening in the rest of the Middle East even though he rushes to this forum from early morning and stays to late at night (so much going on in Los Angeles that is free, but Dhimmi George has to serve his new masters). He is a fool if he thinks that viewers with brains actually think that he cares about the Arabs but is just using them as his pawns in his fight against his favorite scapegoat, the Jews.

Meanwhile, Aris who was brought up in Lebanon and keeps in touch with her school chums from all over the world and also reads numerous publications to keep up to date about the area certainly knows an awful lot about what is going on in the rest of the Middle East. Unlike Dhimmi George, Aris doesn't need a scapegoat.
Why do some of us appear to believe the Jews are entitled to all the land between the River and the sea?

Because Arabs have the rest of the Middle East.
Which doesn't give Jews the right to steal Arab land in Palestine.

In 1947 Jews owned 7% of the land of Palestine and within two years 80% of Palestinians had been dispossessed of their homes, farms, and businesses.

Jewish Owned Land in Palestine as of 1947 - Palestine Remembered

Public land became part of Israel.
I want to IDF to lift its belligerent occupation of Gaza.
I want heroic Jews on gunboats to stop murdering children playing on a Gaza pier.
I want Jews and their US enablers to lift the illegal blockade that's responsible for Hamas war crimes.
Jews who believe they alone are entitled to all the land between the River and the sea should be the ones calling for a moving van.
I hear France is offering warm welcomes.

Can you make some guarantee that no bombs or weapons will be imported?
Can you make some guarantee that building material will not be used for tunnels?
Can you guarantee that any illegal tunnels to Israel or Egypt will be disclosed and dismantled?
Can you guarantee that weapons still existing will be removed? That schools and mosques will be weapon free?
Can you guarantee that there will be no more attacks on Israel or the Sinai?
Can you guarantee that Hamas will alter it's charter and work peaceably with Fatah to negotiate for a balanced and fair peace agreement with Israel?
Can you guarantee that any money given the PA/Hamas in the future by foreign countries will be used to rebuild homes, infrastructure and the creation of legal jobs, and not for waging war of any kind on Israel or lining greedy pockets?
Can you guarantee that school books, TV and other media will stop calling for war, violence, hate or spreading of lies against Israel or the jewish people?
Can you guarantee that jews who want to become palestinians and join their spouses will be treated as equals and not abused?
The only thing I can guarantee is Jews will continue their creeping annexation of Palestine and then WHINE when their victims resist.

Your people are the problem in Palestine just as they've been in numerous other parts of the world over centuries of time.

Can you even imagine that EVER changing?

I can't.

your antisemitism is showing
Can you make some guarantee that no bombs or weapons will be imported?
Can you make some guarantee that building material will not be used for tunnels?
Can you guarantee that any illegal tunnels to Israel or Egypt will be disclosed and dismantled?
Can you guarantee that weapons still existing will be removed? That schools and mosques will be weapon free?
Can you guarantee that there will be no more attacks on Israel or the Sinai?
Can you guarantee that Hamas will alter it's charter and work peaceably with Fatah to negotiate for a balanced and fair peace agreement with Israel?
Can you guarantee that any money given the PA/Hamas in the future by foreign countries will be used to rebuild homes, infrastructure and the creation of legal jobs, and not for waging war of any kind on Israel or lining greedy pockets?
Can you guarantee that school books, TV and other media will stop calling for war, violence, hate or spreading of lies against Israel or the jewish people?
Can you guarantee that jews who want to become palestinians and join their spouses will be treated as equals and not abused?
The only thing I can guarantee is Jews will continue their creeping annexation of Palestine and then WHINE when their victims resist.

Your people are the problem in Palestine just as they've been in numerous other parts of the world over centuries of time.

Can you even imagine that EVER changing?

I can't.

your antisemitism is showing
Your WHINING, again.
Kill a few Arabs and their kids.
Maybe you'll feel better?
The only thing I can guarantee is Jews will continue their creeping annexation of Palestine and then WHINE when their victims resist.

Your people are the problem in Palestine just as they've been in numerous other parts of the world over centuries of time.

Can you even imagine that EVER changing?

I can't.

your antisemitism is showing
Your WHINING, again.
Kill a few Arabs and their kids.
Maybe you'll feel better?

You're, not your.

Also, nice deflection.

Boy do I love watching you squirm over the fact that Israel exists :cool:
The only thing I can guarantee is Jews will continue their creeping annexation of Palestine and then WHINE when their victims resist.

Your people are the problem in Palestine just as they've been in numerous other parts of the world over centuries of time.

Can you even imagine that EVER changing?

I can't.

your antisemitism is showing
Your WHINING, again.
Kill a few Arabs and their kids.
Maybe you'll feel better?

Dhimmi Geroge, it is always you who is whining, but yet you never mention all the tens of thouands of Arabs (men, women and children) who have been killed in the other Middle East countries. Aris has seen death up close while in Lebanon, while you have actually led a very, very quiet life. People are not that stupid reading this forum not to realize that you are using the Jews as your favorite scapegoats. Once in a while, since you are on a Middle East forum, how about actually giving us some news about what is happening in one of the other Middle East countries?
"Israel has escalated its targeting of civilians in Gaza during its ongoing onslaught on the Strip for the sixteenth consecutive day in an unprecedented manner, a European human rights organisation said today.

"The Euro-Mid Observer for Human Rights, based in Geneva, Switzerland, said the Israeli troops increased their targeting of Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip in recent days.

"The organisation confirmed that around 50 Palestinian families were targeted, wiping out entire families since the start of the Israeli onslaught on Gaza on July 7.

"The number of victims from families completely decimated reached 213.

"Euro-Mid warned against further escalation in the targeting of Palestinian families. It noted that Israeli fighter planes bombed the house of the Abu Jami' family to the east of Khan Younis in the south of the Gaza Strip.

"The house consisted of three floors where five families lived. The attack on Sunday evening resulted in the death of all 26 people inside the house, including 18 children. Only three people survived."

Does that sound like genocide?
213 families extinguished by the IDF sounds suspiciously like the first page of a Final Solution.

It's time for the world to impose a price tag on Israel for its occupation of Palestine.

I wish it were 50,000
The only thing I can guarantee is Jews will continue their creeping annexation of Palestine and then WHINE when their victims resist.

Your people are the problem in Palestine just as they've been in numerous other parts of the world over centuries of time.

Can you even imagine that EVER changing?

I can't.

your antisemitism is showing
Your WHINING, again.
Kill a few Arabs and their kids.
Maybe you'll feel better?

Arab whiner says what?

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