IDF Is The World's Largest Terrorist Organization

Veterans today's is a NUTJOB conspiracy site dedicated to spreading anti Americanism and anti Semitism while using the name "veterans" to fool people.
Roudy, the continuous throwing around of the word "anti-semitism" for every criticism of Israel is just so pathetic......... :cuckoo:

To identify what is going on here! Your attacks on Israel and the Jewish people are all the evidence he needs to use the word, Sunni Man! If the shoe fits, put it on!

- Jeremiah

He keeps trying to throw them at us.....
IDF Is The World's largest Terrorist Organization

"Q: Joe; as a former airborne special operations commander with a remarkable experience in intelligence affairs, you have had the opportunity to visit some of the Palestinian territories and lands Israel occupies. What was your first impression upon visiting those areas? What’s your analysis of the Israelis’ treatment of the Palestinian people?

A: The poverty of the people obviously forced to live in what was for all intents and purposes an enormous outdoor prison run by sadist monsters and sociopaths was heartbreaking. I have been in more than a few impoverished nations but the combination of the struggle of everyday life coupled with the fact that these good people were occupied by the largest most barbaric brutal terrorist organization on earth was heartbreaking. Soldiers would beat and humiliate old women children and other defenseless civilians with a rage and brutality unparalleled in my experiences with terrorists in Nicaragua and El Salvador. The wanton murder of children was the crimes that will burn in my mind forever. Remember these brave people have their backs to the sea with no place to escape Israeli brutality."

IDF is the World?s Largest Terrorist Organization: Joe Cortina | Veterans Today

The title of this thread, while it is the title of an article written by Captain Joe Cortina, a former airborne special operations officer and U.S. Army Training Center commander, was inspired by Miko Peled's book The General's Son.

Toward the end of his book, Miko Peled shares that he he now refers to the IDF as a terrorist organization.

Who would know better than him?

He was in the IDF, his father was in the IDF from the beginning, a general in the IDF, he knows the history of the IDF from when it began!


Next he'll throw his medals over the wall of Knesset and someday run for Prime Minister and then settle for the Israeli equivalent of Secretary of State?

Well, that type of thing happens all the time in Israel. I think you have to be a terrorist, first, before you become Prime Minister in Israel.

Touche. At least early in Israeli history, but no Prime Minister has spoken out as treasonously as this twerp and John Kerry.
Joe Cortina is just another scumbag that makes money bashing Jews and Israel. What else is new? Here's more of the "masterpieces" (of shit that is) he's produced, right from Sherri's own link!

Joe Cortina | Veterans Today

He's known for being rabid Jew hating Holocaust Denier:

Since I wrote this documented expose of some of the outright lies and deceptions surrounding the so-called Zionist holocaust – better described as a ‘hollowhoax...

Not to mention makes money writing articles bashing America, and praying for it's destruction:

I am finally convinced that a huge percentage of the American people are the worst hypocrites imaginable – considering the fact that some 80% of us claim to be “Christians”. The AVAILABLE facts that our barbarian young sons have murdered many thousands of COMPLETELY innocent women and children in Afghanistan and ten times that many in Iraq, tells me a great deal about our present day character.

Geez, sounds alot like the garbage and hate that Sherri vomits on this board, doesn't it?
In the article in the OP, the author explains his basis for labelling the IDF as a terrorist organization further.

He says he has observed legitimate military organizations and he has observed terrorist groups in other nations and the IDF fulfills the most stringent description of a terrorist organization.

"They attack and murder innocent civilians, murder public officials as well as news media personnel, attack medical facilities, bomb and destroy homes and businesses, target helpless civilians especially defenseless children and infants schools churches and mosques."

The targeting and attacking of civilians and civilian objects is what identifies terror acts and organizations that regularly engage in such acts should be viewed as terrorist organizations.

IDF is the World?s Largest Terrorist Organization: Joe Cortina | Veterans Today

Personally, what I oppose most as an American is that my country funds this terrorism of the IDF, I do not like to be a part of providing money and weapons to murder innocent children and civilians with in Palestine.

The article in the OP has zero credibility.
Next he'll throw his medals over the wall of Knesset and someday run for Prime Minister and then settle for the Israeli equivalent of Secretary of State?

Well, that type of thing happens all the time in Israel. I think you have to be a terrorist, first, before you become Prime Minister in Israel.

Touche. At least early in Israeli history, but no Prime Minister has spoken out as treasonously as this twerp and John Kerry.

God has a speacial way of dealing with terrorist Prime Ministers in Israel, he makes them "the living dead." Ariel Sharon has been in a coma now for 7 years, and I just read they think he can hear but not move. God certainly does have a sense of humour and a special way to hand out justice, imagine being locked in a body and hearing but not being able to even move your body for 7 years.

Comatose Ariel Sharon shows signs of consciousness | Maan News Agency


He has even become an experiment for Israelis, to understand how comas work.

Israelis even experiment on Zionists.

Next he'll throw his medals over the wall of Knesset and someday run for Prime Minister and then settle for the Israeli equivalent of Secretary of State?

Well, that type of thing happens all the time in Israel. I think you have to be a terrorist, first, before you become Prime Minister in Israel.

Touche. At least early in Israeli history, but no Prime Minister has spoken out as treasonously as this twerp and John Kerry.

Why is this American in the article in the OP speaking out about Israeli terrorism "treasonous?"

Do you see Americans as having some obligation to support Israel?

Last I checked, Israel was not part of the US.
Well, that type of thing happens all the time in Israel. I think you have to be a terrorist, first, before you become Prime Minister in Israel.

Touche. At least early in Israeli history, but no Prime Minister has spoken out as treasonously as this twerp and John Kerry.

God has a speacial way of dealing with terrorist Prime Ministers in Israel, he makes them "the living dead." Ariel Sharon has been in a coma now for 7 years, and I just read they think he can hear but not move. God certainly does have a sense of humour and a special way to hand out justice, imagine being locked in a body and hearing but not being able to even move your body for 7 years.

Comatose Ariel Sharon shows signs of consciousness | Maan News Agency


He has even become an experiment for Israelis, to understand how comas work.

Israelis even experiment on Zionists.


Refu'ah Shleima.
veterans today is a propaganda sheet that tries to seem credible by using "veterans" as a veneer. it is like "jewish war veterans.".

joe cortina is a nut case.

i do not believe the word "terrorist" furthers any argument on either side.

we do not have to resort to propaganda.

we are winning the arguments without it.

But people use the word in our world today and we cannot stop the use of that word, and in all fairness, it as much describes the acts of the IDF as it describes the acts of others when they kill innocent civilians. One big difference being, many more innocent are killed by the IDF then any of the groups labelled terrorist, the threat to innocent civilians in our world, whether in Occupied Palestine or Lebanon or Syria, is far greater from their terror acts, which is why people of conscience must speak out against these acts of terror of the IDF and call them for what they are, acts of terrorism!

Killing innocent civilians, these are acts of terror, whoever carries them out, whether they are carried out by individuals or groups or armies or states!

In Lebanon in 1982, Israel killed 20,000 Lebanese in airstrikes in Beirut, mainly civilians. These were acts of terror against civilians and should be labelled for the terrorist attacks they were!

Should we or should we not confront the Hypocrisy head on of demonizing the lone terrorist and giving medals to the terrorists who kills thousands?

Should we not call anyone who unlawfully targets and kills civilians terrorist?

I am editing this post, the war on terror is not what the Israeli Palestinian conflict is about, which I inappropriately brought up. I do think Israel's leaders spend much effort trying to make others think the conflict is about terror, but it is not, terror is simply a tactic used by both sides at times in this conflict.


i don't use the word at all and if i object to it when they use it, i am going to object when we use it.

it is a meaningless as it is used and a poorly understood word. i think the IDF is a ill disciplined, amoral group of thugs and bullies as a whole and while i think that some of the results of their behaviour may reult in terrorising portions of the palestinian population, as a tactic, i do not think the IDF has either the foresite or the where withall to truly wage a terror campaign.

there is no purpose, rhyme, or reason to the actions of the IDF. there is no consistency of action. terrorism requires that rhyme and reason and purpose.

we are winning or, they are losing. we do not need to fight by theeir rules. sure, indulge in them occasionally, but we have facts and truth on our side. we have no need for clearly propaganda sites nor do we need handy little catch words. they love it when they suck us into their game.

if you would like, i can give you some hypothetical examples of terrorism.
Joe Cortina is just another scumbag that makes money bashing Jews and Israel. What else is new? Here's more of the "masterpieces" (of shit that is) he's produced, right from Sherri's own link!

Joe Cortina | Veterans Today

He's known for being rabid Jew hating Holocaust Denier:

Since I wrote this documented expose of some of the outright lies and deceptions surrounding the so-called Zionist holocaust – better described as a ‘hollowhoax...

Not to mention makes money writing articles bashing America, and praying for it's destruction:

I am finally convinced that a huge percentage of the American people are the worst hypocrites imaginable – considering the fact that some 80% of us claim to be “Christians”. The AVAILABLE facts that our barbarian young sons have murdered many thousands of COMPLETELY innocent women and children in Afghanistan and ten times that many in Iraq, tells me a great deal about our present day character.

Geez, sounds alot like the garbage and hate that Sherri vomits on this board, doesn't it?

actually, he reminded me of you, although by far better spoken.
Well, that type of thing happens all the time in Israel. I think you have to be a terrorist, first, before you become Prime Minister in Israel.

Touche. At least early in Israeli history, but no Prime Minister has spoken out as treasonously as this twerp and John Kerry.

God has a speacial way of dealing with terrorist Prime Ministers in Israel, he makes them "the living dead." Ariel Sharon has been in a coma now for 7 years, and I just read they think he can hear but not move. God certainly does have a sense of humour and a special way to hand out justice, imagine being locked in a body and hearing but not being able to even move your body for 7 years.

Comatose Ariel Sharon shows signs of consciousness | Maan News Agency


He has even become an experiment for Israelis, to understand how comas work.

Israelis even experiment on Zionists.


just for the record, i do think ariel sharon has committed acts of "terrorism", although i use the word very reluctantly. sabra and shatila though, was such an act in the sense that it was more than just a was a lesson.
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Touche. At least early in Israeli history, but no Prime Minister has spoken out as treasonously as this twerp and John Kerry.

God has a speacial way of dealing with terrorist Prime Ministers in Israel, he makes them "the living dead." Ariel Sharon has been in a coma now for 7 years, and I just read they think he can hear but not move. God certainly does have a sense of humour and a special way to hand out justice, imagine being locked in a body and hearing but not being able to even move your body for 7 years.

Comatose Ariel Sharon shows signs of consciousness | Maan News Agency


He has even become an experiment for Israelis, to understand how comas work.

Israelis even experiment on Zionists.


just for the record, i do think ariel sharon has committed acts of "terrorism", although i use the word very reluctantly. sabra and shatila though, was such an act in the sense that it was more than just a was a lesson.
It doesn't matter what you say, nobody has convicted Sharon of "terrorism", Arab accusations are a dime a dozen, they don't mean jack shit. For the record, Sabra and Shattila was committed by Christians who were returning all the atrocities and genocides Muslims had committed upon them as a result of the ethnic cleansing campaign by Muslims in Lebanon.
Joe Cortina is just another scumbag that makes money bashing Jews and Israel. What else is new? Here's more of the "masterpieces" (of shit that is) he's produced, right from Sherri's own link!

Joe Cortina | Veterans Today

He's known for being rabid Jew hating Holocaust Denier:

Since I wrote this documented expose of some of the outright lies and deceptions surrounding the so-called Zionist holocaust – better described as a ‘hollowhoax...

Not to mention makes money writing articles bashing America, and praying for it's destruction:

I am finally convinced that a huge percentage of the American people are the worst hypocrites imaginable – considering the fact that some 80% of us claim to be “Christians”. The AVAILABLE facts that our barbarian young sons have murdered many thousands of COMPLETELY innocent women and children in Afghanistan and ten times that many in Iraq, tells me a great deal about our present day character.

Geez, sounds alot like the garbage and hate that Sherri vomits on this board, doesn't it?

actually, he reminded me of you, although by far better spoken.
meh, lame response, try again.
Well, that type of thing happens all the time in Israel. I think you have to be a terrorist, first, before you become Prime Minister in Israel.

Touche. At least early in Israeli history, but no Prime Minister has spoken out as treasonously as this twerp and John Kerry.

God has a speacial way of dealing with terrorist Prime Ministers in Israel, he makes them "the living dead." Ariel Sharon has been in a coma now for 7 years, and I just read they think he can hear but not move. God certainly does have a sense of humour and a special way to hand out justice, imagine being locked in a body and hearing but not being able to even move your body for 7 years.

Comatose Ariel Sharon shows signs of consciousness | Maan News Agency


He has even become an experiment for Israelis, to understand how comas work.

Israelis even experiment on Zionists.

Whereas your gay pedophile terrorist leader Arafat stole billions from his people and ran away to France only to die of AIDS. Wow.
Okay, let's try Islamen logic then. Can you show me ONE European or Western country like the US that has named the IDF "terrorist" as they have Hamas and Hezbollah?
On the other hand, can you name one Islamic country that does not consider the IDF to be terrorists??.......... :cool:
Islamic countries don't count. Ha ha ha! But there are plenty of Muslim countries that do not consider IDF "terrorist". Egypt, Turkey, Jordan, UAE, Kuwait, Morocco, Tunisia, etc.
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what a freaking moron sheri the munter is

hardly. you are just angry because she is beyond the grasp of your boop crone negs.

no. she's a lying hag.

but no surprise that a charming anti-semite would be ok with that.

good thing i know lots of other irish folk who weren't pieces of garbage like you, or i might be full of mindless hatred...

just like you. :thup:
Okay, let's try Islamen logic then. Can you show me ONE European or Western country like the US that has named the IDF "terrorist" as they have Hamas and Hezbollah?
On the other hand, can you name one Islamic country that does not consider the IDF to be terrorists??.......... :cool:

Muslim countries evaluate the IDF the way muslims have evaluated all jews and
---for that matter---anyone not willing to lick the stinking ass of muhummad ibn
abdullah al kanzeer------as ---SOMETHING THEY WANT TO DESTROY What point
are you trying to make? just laying a red flag on top of the filth you adore?

well in any case-----when do you think the Hezbollah people will start getting
bullets in their heads like the shiites of pakistan have learned to enjoy?
Right now----it seems there is a TRUCE between the ali lovers and the ali
fuckers but I doubt that it will last------I will never forget the POISON
GLANCES -----I noted when pakistanis ran into iranians-------it took me
more than a year to find out WHY (for the record---the poison is even
more malignant when an Iranian just THINKS "arab"-----lets see what
Touche. At least early in Israeli history, but no Prime Minister has spoken out as treasonously as this twerp and John Kerry.

God has a speacial way of dealing with terrorist Prime Ministers in Israel, he makes them "the living dead." Ariel Sharon has been in a coma now for 7 years, and I just read they think he can hear but not move. God certainly does have a sense of humour and a special way to hand out justice, imagine being locked in a body and hearing but not being able to even move your body for 7 years.

Comatose Ariel Sharon shows signs of consciousness | Maan News Agency


He has even become an experiment for Israelis, to understand how comas work.

Israelis even experiment on Zionists.


Refu'ah Shleima.

Lipush be not distressed at the endless vulgarity of sherri It is a characteristic
of people of her ilk and her creed. It one of the reasons that muslims ---
wherever they are-----if they need a doctor------seek out a jewish doctor-----
even the saudis ------import jewish doctors but when in saudi arabia
they are cautioned not to say "refuah shleima"

the most disgusting and the most base people in the world----engage in the
filth of USING a serious illness in the manner sherri just did in her sick post.
Her "god" is a god of "hell" "eternal torment" -----and psychopathy.
I have seen lots of gutter shit and she is-----as she is

the "experiment" comment is typical "reaction formation" nazi farting..
One of the asses she still licks is that of MENGELE----another is DOCTOR
ARIBERT HEIM----who like her-----converted to islam---even more suited to
his personality than his former creed------sherri's former creed Queen
Isabellas creed-----the filth that infected even south america -----on the wane
now-----but infected it was -----even more than was southern USA

Isabella got the gold----Montezuma got murdered ---south USA got
the slaves------and the native population was genocided out of existence
-its a time sherri misses and wishes to resurrect she misses that
"strange fruit" party

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