IDF Is The World's Largest Terrorist Organization

The IDF is the enforcement arm of the Zionist criminal organization that rules the terrorist base camp called Israel.

The criminal enterprise known as Zionism is a centuries old cabal hiding behind the veneer of a religion called Judaism.

Zionism finances it's self through racketeering, extortion, gun running, and various international banking scams.

And has no problem using murder, rape, kidnapping,or torture, in order to expand it's criminal enterprise around the world.

And to make it worse, you already know it isn't true! - Jeremiah
IDF Is The World's largest Terrorist Organization

"Q: Joe; as a former airborne special operations commander with a remarkable experience in intelligence affairs, you have had the opportunity to visit some of the Palestinian territories and lands Israel occupies. What was your first impression upon visiting those areas? What’s your analysis of the Israelis’ treatment of the Palestinian people?

A: The poverty of the people obviously forced to live in what was for all intents and purposes an enormous outdoor prison run by sadist monsters and sociopaths was heartbreaking. I have been in more than a few impoverished nations but the combination of the struggle of everyday life coupled with the fact that these good people were occupied by the largest most barbaric brutal terrorist organization on earth was heartbreaking. Soldiers would beat and humiliate old women children and other defenseless civilians with a rage and brutality unparalleled in my experiences with terrorists in Nicaragua and El Salvador. The wanton murder of children was the crimes that will burn in my mind forever. Remember these brave people have their backs to the sea with no place to escape Israeli brutality."

IDF is the World?s Largest Terrorist Organization: Joe Cortina | Veterans Today

The title of this thread, while it is the title of an article written by Captain Joe Cortina, a former airborne special operations officer and U.S. Army Training Center commander, was inspired by Miko Peled's book The General's Son.

Toward the end of his book, Miko Peled shares that he he now refers to the IDF as a terrorist organization.

Who would know better than him?

He was in the IDF, his father was in the IDF from the beginning, a general in the IDF, he knows the history of the IDF from when it began!

Veterans today's is a NUTJOB conspiracy site dedicated to spreading anti Americanism and anti Semetism while using the name "veterans" to fool people. It's like Sunni man, an enemy within America and Jew hating poster who calls himself a patriotic American. Hilarious.

Remember when they used the name "HolyLand Foundation" to launder money to the terrorists? Both CAIR and Muslim Brotherhood are named in that trial by the way. Makes you wonder when the state department is going to get around to adding their names to the state dept. terror list, doesn't it? Guess when they take them off the guest list at the White House, eh? - Jeri
So according to Gaza Sherri, the IDF is worse than the Taliban, Boko Haram, Abu Yousef and Hamas!
Sounds more like Fatima than Sherri if you ask me.

They have killed more human beings then those organizations, Btslem documents over 8000 Palestinians killed since the onset of the First Intifada.

Can you document 8000 human beings by name killed by any one of those organizations?

As far as how many Palestinians Israel has killed since the Occupation began or since ethnic cleansing began in 1947, I do not have a figure for that.

Why, in your eyes, is their killing clothed in morality?

Islamic terrorists are not human beings that deserve to live.
The IDF is far worse than all of the so called terrorist organizations of the world put together........ :cool:
Nah. If you want a list of terrorist organizations. Look up the state dept and other civilized Western nations and you see Hamas and Hezbollah there in an all Muslim lineup. Ha ha.

Even though they are listed in the trial of Holyland Foundation. Things that make you wonder! - J.
Veterans today's is a NUTJOB conspiracy site dedicated to spreading anti Americanism and anti Semitism while using the name "veterans" to fool people.
Roudy, the continuous throwing around of the word "anti-semitism" for every criticism of Israel is just so pathetic......... :cuckoo:

To identify what is going on here! Your attacks on Israel and the Jewish people are all the evidence he needs to use the word, Sunni Man! If the shoe fits, put it on!

- Jeremiah
Veterans today's is a NUTJOB conspiracy site dedicated to spreading anti Americanism and anti Semitism while using the name "veterans" to fool people.
Roudy, the continuous throwing around of the word "anti-semitism" for every criticism of Israel is just so pathetic......... :cuckoo:
Hah? Calling the Israeli Defense Forces terrorist while you Terrorist Muslim neanderthals run around killing people in the name of Allah is anti Semitic and typical Islamic stupidity.
So according to Gaza Sherri, the IDF is worse than the Taliban, Boko Haram, Abu Yousef and Hamas!
Sounds more like Fatima than Sherri if you ask me.

They have killed more human beings then those organizations, Btslem documents over 8000 Palestinians killed since the onset of the First Intifada.

Can you document 8000 human beings by name killed by any one of those organizations?

As far as how many Palestinians Israel has killed since the Occupation began or since ethnic cleansing began in 1947, I do not have a figure for that.

Why, in your eyes, is their killing clothed in morality?


Because they were defending themselves whereas your gang is on the attack, Sherri! There is a difference! - J. * It is not morally wrong for the Israeli people to defend themselves from these attacks. The civilain casualities inside Gaza as a result are the responsibility of Hamas who was the aggressor against Israel.
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veterans today is a propaganda sheet that tries to seem credible by using "veterans" as a veneer. it is like "jewish war veterans.".

joe cortina is a nut case.

i do not believe the word "terrorist" furthers any argument on either side.

we do not have to resort to propaganda.

we are winning the arguments without it.

But people use the word in our world today and we cannot stop the use of that word, and in all fairness, it as much describes the acts of the IDF as it describes the acts of others when they kill innocent civilians. One big difference being, many more innocent are killed by the IDF then any of the groups labelled terrorist, the threat to innocent civilians in our world, whether in Occupied Palestine or Lebanon or Syria, is far greater from their terror acts, which is why people of conscience must speak out against these acts of terror of the IDF and call them for what they are, acts of terrorism!

Killing innocent civilians, these are acts of terror, whoever carries them out, whether they are carried out by individuals or groups or armies or states!

In Lebanon in 1982, Israel killed 20,000 Lebanese in airstrikes in Beirut, mainly civilians. These were acts of terror against civilians and should be labelled for the terrorist attacks they were!

Should we or should we not confront the Hypocrisy head on of demonizing the lone terrorist and giving medals to the terrorists who kills thousands?

Should we not call anyone who unlawfully targets and kills civilians terrorist?

I am editing this post, the war on terror is not what the Israeli Palestinian conflict is about, which I inappropriately brought up. I do think Israel's leaders spend much effort trying to make others think the conflict is about terror, but it is not, terror is simply a tactic used by both sides at times in this conflict.

IDF Is The World's largest Terrorist Organization

"Q: Joe; as a former airborne special operations commander with a remarkable experience in intelligence affairs, you have had the opportunity to visit some of the Palestinian territories and lands Israel occupies. What was your first impression upon visiting those areas? What’s your analysis of the Israelis’ treatment of the Palestinian people?

A: The poverty of the people obviously forced to live in what was for all intents and purposes an enormous outdoor prison run by sadist monsters and sociopaths was heartbreaking. I have been in more than a few impoverished nations but the combination of the struggle of everyday life coupled with the fact that these good people were occupied by the largest most barbaric brutal terrorist organization on earth was heartbreaking. Soldiers would beat and humiliate old women children and other defenseless civilians with a rage and brutality unparalleled in my experiences with terrorists in Nicaragua and El Salvador. The wanton murder of children was the crimes that will burn in my mind forever. Remember these brave people have their backs to the sea with no place to escape Israeli brutality."

IDF is the World?s Largest Terrorist Organization: Joe Cortina | Veterans Today

The title of this thread, while it is the title of an article written by Captain Joe Cortina, a former airborne special operations officer and U.S. Army Training Center commander, was inspired by Miko Peled's book The General's Son.

Toward the end of his book, Miko Peled shares that he he now refers to the IDF as a terrorist organization.

Who would know better than him?

He was in the IDF, his father was in the IDF from the beginning, a general in the IDF, he knows the history of the IDF from when it began!


Next he'll throw his medals over the wall of Knesset and someday run for Prime Minister and then settle for the Israeli equivalent of Secretary of State?
IDF Is The World's largest Terrorist Organization

"Q: Joe; as a former airborne special operations commander with a remarkable experience in intelligence affairs, you have had the opportunity to visit some of the Palestinian territories and lands Israel occupies. What was your first impression upon visiting those areas? What’s your analysis of the Israelis’ treatment of the Palestinian people?

A: The poverty of the people obviously forced to live in what was for all intents and purposes an enormous outdoor prison run by sadist monsters and sociopaths was heartbreaking. I have been in more than a few impoverished nations but the combination of the struggle of everyday life coupled with the fact that these good people were occupied by the largest most barbaric brutal terrorist organization on earth was heartbreaking. Soldiers would beat and humiliate old women children and other defenseless civilians with a rage and brutality unparalleled in my experiences with terrorists in Nicaragua and El Salvador. The wanton murder of children was the crimes that will burn in my mind forever. Remember these brave people have their backs to the sea with no place to escape Israeli brutality."

IDF is the World?s Largest Terrorist Organization: Joe Cortina | Veterans Today

The title of this thread, while it is the title of an article written by Captain Joe Cortina, a former airborne special operations officer and U.S. Army Training Center commander, was inspired by Miko Peled's book The General's Son.

Toward the end of his book, Miko Peled shares that he he now refers to the IDF as a terrorist organization.

Who would know better than him?

He was in the IDF, his father was in the IDF from the beginning, a general in the IDF, he knows the history of the IDF from when it began!

Veterans today's is a NUTJOB conspiracy site dedicated to spreading anti Americanism and anti Semetism while using the name "veterans" to fool people. It's like Sunni man, an enemy within America and Jew hating poster who calls himself a patriotic American. Hilarious.

Remember when they used the name "HolyLand Foundation" to launder money to the terrorists? Both CAIR and Muslim Brotherhood are named in that trial by the way. Makes you wonder when the state department is going to get around to adding their names to the state dept. terror list, doesn't it? Guess when they take them off the guest list at the White House, eh? - Jeri

The Holy Land Foundation is simply a charitable organization whose members have been unlawfully tried by American courts and the imprisonment of their members is a travesty of American justice. They should be awarded The Nobel Peace Prize, these brave and courageous men who have been unlawfully imprisoned for acts of charity. And the case has become famous in the civil rights struggle in America, it is called the case of The Holy Land Five.

"The case of the Holy Land Foundation (HLF) in which five Palestinian American Muslims were convicted and sentenced in a US court to decades behind bars based on questionable testimony by two anonymous Israeli intelligence officers, demonstrates the invasive nature of Israeli influence in American courts. There is an abundance of information about this case so we won’t get into too many details here, only to say that HLF, at one time the largest Muslim charity in the US was accused of providing “material support to Hamas.” It is a bewildering accusation to say the least. HLF provided much needed charity to Palestinians by raising modest funds for orphans and widows that had to qualify in order to receive these funds, and contributed to libraries and hospitals in the West Bank and Gaza. Israeli authorities began a campaign against HLF in 1996. They closed down the HLF office in Jerusalem and arrested the local director, a Palestinian from Jerusalem. He was interrogated by the Israeli police, and the internal security service (Shabak). He was asked repeatedly if the organization has ties to Hamas and if moneys were given particularly to orphans whose fathers were members of Hamas who became Shahids, either through suicide attacks or because they were killed by Israel. He repeatedly claimed that HLF was not affiliated to Hamas, and that all recipients had to go through the same screening process by social workers who determined if they qualified for aid. He showed that HLF did not in any way favor the orphans of Hamas “Shahids.” Still he was charged, convicted and had spent several years in an Israeli prison."

Israel?s Invasion of US Justice, By Miko Peled « Miko Peled

How pathetic and low we have become, charitable organizations coming to the aid of children and civilians we attack and kill in Gaza, we try to stop the charities from helping those we have injured and maimed and rendered homeless and children rendered motherless and fatherless, and the ones trying to help these children we imprison.

And you claim to be a Christian, as you support the attacks on these charities?

Should I be laughing or crying about that?

The US Repubs get their base to gleefully donate tax-dollars because so many of them are evangelicals. They think that if they can hasten the end-times by bringing about their doom they can go to heaven

seriously, what do evangelicals have in common w/ jews or israelis?

Anyway, I don't like my tax-dollars going to fund weapons for a foreign country who continually thumbs the US in the eye but thats just me. :dunno:
IDF Is The World's largest Terrorist Organization

"Q: Joe; as a former airborne special operations commander with a remarkable experience in intelligence affairs, you have had the opportunity to visit some of the Palestinian territories and lands Israel occupies. What was your first impression upon visiting those areas? What’s your analysis of the Israelis’ treatment of the Palestinian people?

A: The poverty of the people obviously forced to live in what was for all intents and purposes an enormous outdoor prison run by sadist monsters and sociopaths was heartbreaking. I have been in more than a few impoverished nations but the combination of the struggle of everyday life coupled with the fact that these good people were occupied by the largest most barbaric brutal terrorist organization on earth was heartbreaking. Soldiers would beat and humiliate old women children and other defenseless civilians with a rage and brutality unparalleled in my experiences with terrorists in Nicaragua and El Salvador. The wanton murder of children was the crimes that will burn in my mind forever. Remember these brave people have their backs to the sea with no place to escape Israeli brutality."

IDF is the World?s Largest Terrorist Organization: Joe Cortina | Veterans Today

The title of this thread, while it is the title of an article written by Captain Joe Cortina, a former airborne special operations officer and U.S. Army Training Center commander, was inspired by Miko Peled's book The General's Son.

Toward the end of his book, Miko Peled shares that he he now refers to the IDF as a terrorist organization.

Who would know better than him?

He was in the IDF, his father was in the IDF from the beginning, a general in the IDF, he knows the history of the IDF from when it began!


Next he'll throw his medals over the wall of Knesset and someday run for Prime Minister and then settle for the Israeli equivalent of Secretary of State?

Well, that type of thing happens all the time in Israel. I think you have to be a terrorist, first, before you become Prime Minister in Israel.
The US Repubs get their base to gleefully donate tax-dollars because so many of them are evangelicals. They think that if they can hasten the end-times by bringing about their doom they can go to heaven

seriously, what do evangelicals have in common w/ jews or israelis?

Anyway, I don't like my tax-dollars going to fund weapons for a foreign country who continually thumbs the US in the eye but thats just me. :dunno:

The Abortion issue is why the evangelicals support Republicans.
Veterans today's is a NUTJOB conspiracy site dedicated to spreading anti Americanism and anti Semetism while using the name "veterans" to fool people. It's like Sunni man, an enemy within America and Jew hating poster who calls himself a patriotic American. Hilarious.

Remember when they used the name "HolyLand Foundation" to launder money to the terrorists? Both CAIR and Muslim Brotherhood are named in that trial by the way. Makes you wonder when the state department is going to get around to adding their names to the state dept. terror list, doesn't it? Guess when they take them off the guest list at the White House, eh? - Jeri

The Holy Land Foundation is simply a charitable organization whose members have been unlawfully tried by American courts and the imprisonment of their members is a travesty of American justice. They should be awarded The Nobel Peace Prize, these brave and courageous men who have been unlawfully imprisoned for acts of charity. And the case has become famous in the civil rights struggle in America, it is called the case of The Holy Land Five.

"The case of the Holy Land Foundation (HLF) in which five Palestinian American Muslims were convicted and sentenced in a US court to decades behind bars based on questionable testimony by two anonymous Israeli intelligence officers, demonstrates the invasive nature of Israeli influence in American courts. There is an abundance of information about this case so we won’t get into too many details here, only to say that HLF, at one time the largest Muslim charity in the US was accused of providing “material support to Hamas.” It is a bewildering accusation to say the least. HLF provided much needed charity to Palestinians by raising modest funds for orphans and widows that had to qualify in order to receive these funds, and contributed to libraries and hospitals in the West Bank and Gaza. Israeli authorities began a campaign against HLF in 1996. They closed down the HLF office in Jerusalem and arrested the local director, a Palestinian from Jerusalem. He was interrogated by the Israeli police, and the internal security service (Shabak). He was asked repeatedly if the organization has ties to Hamas and if moneys were given particularly to orphans whose fathers were members of Hamas who became Shahids, either through suicide attacks or because they were killed by Israel. He repeatedly claimed that HLF was not affiliated to Hamas, and that all recipients had to go through the same screening process by social workers who determined if they qualified for aid. He showed that HLF did not in any way favor the orphans of Hamas “Shahids.” Still he was charged, convicted and had spent several years in an Israeli prison."

Israel?s Invasion of US Justice, By Miko Peled « Miko Peled

How pathetic and low we have become, charitable organizations coming to the aid of children and civilians we attack and kill in Gaza, we try to stop the charities from helping those we have injured and maimed and rendered homeless and children rendered motherless and fatherless, and the ones trying to help these children we imprison.

And you claim to be a Christian, as you support the attacks on these charities?

Should I be laughing or crying about that?

How pathetic, Hamas and Hezbollah are listed as terrorist by the US and European Union, and she thinks IDF is terrorist, because a stupid ass Nazi website says so. Ha ha ha.
In the article in the OP, the author explains his basis for labelling the IDF as a terrorist organization further.

He says he has observed legitimate military organizations and he has observed terrorist groups in other nations and the IDF fulfills the most stringent description of a terrorist organization.

"They attack and murder innocent civilians, murder public officials as well as news media personnel, attack medical facilities, bomb and destroy homes and businesses, target helpless civilians especially defenseless children and infants schools churches and mosques."

The targeting and attacking of civilians and civilian objects is what identifies terror acts and organizations that regularly engage in such acts should be viewed as terrorist organizations.

IDF is the World?s Largest Terrorist Organization: Joe Cortina | Veterans Today

Personally, what I oppose most as an American is that my country funds this terrorism of the IDF, I do not like to be a part of providing money and weapons to murder innocent children and civilians with in Palestine.

Human rights groups regularly document terrorism/unlawful targeting of civilians and civilian objects of the IDF, like in this report below.

OPT Violations Bulletin - Issue 27 - December 2012 2012 – Overview

"In 2012, 39 children were killed by Israeli air strikes on Gaza, 33 of which occurred during the Israeli offensive Operation Pillar of Defence, which started on 14November 2012. During this offensive more than 400 children were injured, two were killed by Palestinian rockets falling short of their intended targets, and one child was killed whilst participating in hostilities."

In one military operation in November of 2012 in Gaza, the IDF killed 33 children in airstrikes and the IDF injured 400 children. Two other children were killed, by Palestinian rockets. Only one child was participating in the hostilities, meaning the others were unlawfully killed. Civilian children not participating in hostilties are not lawful targets to attack and kill.

"During 2012, DCI documented 42 cases of settler violence against children in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. Israeli authorities have consistently failed to prevent settler attacks against Palestinians or to take adequate enforcement measures against settlers for their actions."

With regards to settler violence, the IDF allows over 600,000 illegal settlers to unlawfully live on Palestinian land in violation of intl law as war criminals and does not protect the Palestinian people from attacks by these war criminal illegal settlers.

Blessed be the Israel defense forces, the army of Heroes and keepers of gates, blockers of the enemies and of haters of Israel.

May God keep each IDF soldier in sea, land, and air.

"For he who keepeth Israel shall not sleep nor slumber", all of the Israeli Jews in the holy land bless, love, and pray, for the army of Israel will be granted victory on each obstacle they face.

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