IDF Is The World's Largest Terrorist Organization

veterans today is a propaganda sheet that tries to seem credible by using "veterans" as a veneer. it is like "jewish war veterans.".

joe cortina is a nut case.

i do not believe the word "terrorist" furthers any argument on either side.

we do not have to resort to propaganda.

we are winning the arguments without it.

But people use the word in our world today and we cannot stop the use of that word, and in all fairness, it as much describes the acts of the IDF as it describes the acts of others when they kill innocent civilians. One big difference being, many more innocent are killed by the IDF then any of the groups labelled terrorist, the threat to innocent civilians in our world, whether in Occupied Palestine or Lebanon or Syria, is far greater from their terror acts, which is why people of conscience must speak out against these acts of terror of the IDF and call them for what they are, acts of terrorism!

Killing innocent civilians, these are acts of terror, whoever carries them out, whether they are carried out by individuals or groups or armies or states!

In Lebanon in 1982, Israel killed 20,000 Lebanese in airstrikes in Beirut, mainly civilians. These were acts of terror against civilians and should be labelled for the terrorist attacks they were!

Should we or should we not confront the Hypocrisy head on of demonizing the lone terrorist and giving medals to the terrorists who kills thousands?

Should we not call anyone who unlawfully targets and kills civilians terrorist?

I am editing this post, the war on terror is not what the Israeli Palestinian conflict is about, which I inappropriately brought up. I do think Israel's leaders spend much effort trying to make others think the conflict is about terror, but it is not, terror is simply a tactic used by both sides at times in this conflict.

What a silly woman you are, Frau Sherri, when you don't even know how other military act around the world. Do you really feel they would put up with the things that the IDF does?
IDF....Israel Defense forces...That’s what they do, they defend the Jewish people in Israel. They don't conquer, they defend. Any land which has been captured by them has been in Defense of the Jewish people, and they are good at it...Thank G-d
IDF....Israel Defense forces...That’s what they do, they defend the Jewish people in Israel. They don't conquer, they defend. Any land which has been captured by them has been in Defense of the Jewish people, and they are good at it...Thank G-d

Occupiers and baby killers and land thieves and ethnic cleansers and spitting on God, who they set themselves above!

God's Justice is coming, it will not be long now, I can feel it in the air!

IDF....Israel Defense forces...That’s what they do, they defend the Jewish people in Israel. They don't conquer, they defend. Any land which has been captured by them has been in Defense of the Jewish people, and they are good at it...Thank G-d

Occupiers and baby killers and land thieves and ethnic cleansers and spitting on God, who they set themselves above!

God's Justice is coming, it will not be long now, I can feel it in the air!

You're funnin' us, ain'tcha?

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