IDF Opens Pathway For Gaza Residents To Evacuate.....Hamas Tried To Prevent It

Exactly what did you expect would happen? One of the many fallouts 🥱🥲
I don't get your disjointed train of thought.

That's like saying all Jews should be punished because they elected Netanyahu, or an excuse for hate crimes.
So Israel fired 1100+ Bedouin Arabs from ( IDF) ( Israeli Navy ) ( Israeli Air Force ) ( Mossad ) and another 2500 from ( Police Forces ) ( Embassy / Consulate corps ) ...
No. Private sector jobs. Probably some of the ones you mentioned as well.
So let’s let a West Bank Arab/ Arabs into Tel Aviv and into our Home to paint our twin Toddlers bedroom while only the Wife / Maid and Twin Toddlers are Home .😆🤣😝
That makes a lot of sense only to you
I don't get your disjointed train of thought.

That's like saying all Jews should be punished because they elected Netanyahu, or an excuse for hate crimes.
You DON’T understand why the Israelis are on their guard and defensive for anyone who MIGHT have connections to Hamas or secretly celebrate what happened? Can’t help you
Hate Crimes are the three Israelis who were killed a few days ago at a Bus Stop outside Jerusalem by Hamas militants with 11 injured. See the difference? Of course you don’t.
Hey, Loser Prime Minister Barak offered almost everything Arafat wanted and it was rejected. Olmert offered Abbas almost everything he wanted and that was rejected. So tell me Loser; would could ANY Prime Minister could have offered
How much of the West Bank was offered in those deals?
How much of the West Bank was offered in those deals?
Hey, Loser, Olmert offered to dismantle most of them. If Abbas objected, please tell us what his “ proposals” were? Olmert offered that ALL of Jerusalem be a INTERNATIONAL CITY with the Palestinians having their Capital in E Jerusalem and THAT was rejected. In one of your ridiculous posts didn’t I see the word “ compromise’ ??? LOL 😂 ONE More thing; Loser; the PLO OFFICIALLY came out and stated that Jews had NO RIGHTS to the Western Wall!! Is that YOUR idea of “. Compromise?” What’s to stop them from barring Jews then from ALL their Holy Sites, Loser
Why, because I’m against IslamoNazi Palestinian savages (and their friends), as they keep repeating, want to finish what Hitler started on the Jews, except this time in their own holy land?

You people can bray all you want, from now until eternity. You can lie and spread your bullshit and propaganda. It won’t change a thing. the Jews are in their own holy land, and are here to stay. The days when you IslamoNazis would kill and persecute Jews with no consequences are long gone.

Don’t like it here in the US because it’s pro Israel? You and your Palestinian entourage can get lost to the shithole you came from.
My family has been here since NYC was New Amsterdam.
My family has been here since NYC was New Amsterdam.
So what. That’s even worse If true. As if those pro Hamas marches that began the day after the Oct. 7 massacre, before Israel had launched its counter offensive don't have any brainwashed idiots. You and your Palestinian enemy within fifth columners can still leave. People like you are now the problem with this country and the West in general.
So Palestinians just want money? Nice antisemitic trope there, Rudolf.

The Palestinians that worked in Israel and lived in the occupied territories can no longer go to Israel, and a lot of the Muslims that have Israeli citizenship have been fired from their jobs.
That isn’t the case with the Arabs that are IsraelI citizens. You have reading comprehension issues, which is common problem among the pro Pali crowd.
Thank you for proving to everyone on the board that you’re Psychotic. 👍

Thanks for validating that you are a Zionist Fascist Traitor who cheers when Israel murders Americans....

Any photos of "Osama" in Saudi??

Why not?

Thanks for validating that you are a Zionist Fascist Traitor who cheers when Israel murders Americans....

Any photos of "Osama" in Saudi??

Why not?

But you have nothing to say when Palestinians kill, kidnap, rape, burn and decapitate Americans? Vewy Intowesting….

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