IDF Opens Pathway For Gaza Residents To Evacuate.....Hamas Tried To Prevent It

Thanks for validating that you are a Zionist Fascist Traitor who cheers when Israel murders Americans....

Any photos of "Osama" in Saudi??

Why not?

Show me where I “.cheer” when Israel “ murders “ Americans . YOU cheered when 9/11 Happened When did I ever say Odama was in Saudi? Stop with your BLACK HATE and JEWISH RACISM; Worry about “ your own”. 🇮🇱
Say it again

So are those little kids (some whose parents were murdered in front of their eyes) released as hostages in the last few rounds, fake too? But wait, those kids are counted as civilians by you enemy within Islamist corksoakers. The West is slowly waking up, get ready for deportation Ahmed.
Just because an Islamist says it's "fake" doesn't nean he really thinks so, it's a way to avoid embarrassment.
But you have nothing to say when Palestinians kill, kidnap, rape, burn and decapitate Americans? Vewy Intowesting….

Because that is complete BULLSHIT just like the "gliders" and 911...

BTW, which was it...

silent gliders (with no launch point)
parachutes (filmed in Egypt, busted immediately)
gliders with engines turning a fan on the back (laughable Scooby Doo caliber bullshit... and LOUD not silent)
Why is there NO DAMAGE to Tel Aviv?

It takes an IQ over 5 to notice them. Which is why you never do...



tim osman | Tumblr

That's the "official version...."

If you dispute that, then you dispute the "official version of 911" which makes you "anti semitic" since 911 was a Zionist Fascist false flag hate hoax...

BTW, who is talking to Jimmy Carter's NSA in 1980 here, at a base in Pakistan, not Saudi....


tim osman | Tumblr


9-11. NEVER HAPPENED????🥱🤗👍You are SICK Just more proof that your HATE for the JEWISH PEOPLE is a mental illness
Because that is complete BULLSHIT just like the "gliders" and 911...

BTW, which was it...

silent gliders (with no launch point)
parachutes (filmed in Egypt, busted immediately)
gliders with engines turning a fan on the back (laughable Scooby Doo caliber bullshit... and LOUD not silent)
Why is there NO DAMAGE to Tel Aviv?

It takes an IQ over 5 to notice them. Which is why you never do...



tim osman | Tumblr

Bullshit, that would be your insane claims. You are why there are instructions on shampoo.
That's the "official version...."

If you dispute that, then you dispute the "official version of 911" which makes you "anti semitic" since 911 was a Zionist Fascist false flag hate hoax...

BTW, who is talking to Jimmy Carter's NSA in 1980 here, at a base in Pakistan, not Saudi....


tim osman | Tumblr


This is where you show the world how much of an undereducated braindead moron you are that you portray “veteranstoday” as a source. If there was such a thing as digital toilet paper, that would be it.

Veterans Today​

Veterans Today is an American antisemitic and conspiracy theory website. It describes itself as a "military veterans and foreign affairs journal", while multiple sources describe it as a pro-Kremlin propaganda outlet.

It has published false headlines such as, "Pravda: Ukraine indignant at 80% of Jews in power" and "Water Terrorism by India to Overawe Pakistan." A joint article with Press TV, written by Jim Fetzer, was entitled: "Did Mossad death squads slaughter American children at Sandy Hook?" According to Veterans Today, Israel was behind the 9/11 attacks in collaboration with the United States and Julian Assange of WikiLeaks is controlled by the Israeli government. Duff wrote in an August 2021 article for the website: "The biggest story of the last 20 years is one of the brazen uses of nuclear weapons by Israel against its perceived enemies. Israel nuked the US on 9/11 and [Veterans Today] has proven it beyond a doubt."

In 2012, the website's chairman, Gordon Duff, told an interviewer that "about 30% of what's written on Veterans Today, is patently false. About 40% of what I write, is at least purposely, partially false, because if I didn't write false information I wouldn't be alive"
9-11. NEVER HAPPENED????🥱🤗👍You are SICK Just more proof that your HATE for the JEWISH PEOPLE is a mental illness

Reading Comp is SUB caliber....

Pentagon - cruise missile
North Tower - bomb inside
South Tower - 767 cargo version drone
Shanksville - nothing, a ditch dug with metal junk inserted, soaked with gasoline and set on fire
Ever notice how all the lunatics and scum of the world happen to also be pro Palestinian as well?


Noticing that Zionist Fascism did

USS Liberty
Marines in Lebanon 1983

and the 10-7 false flag hate hoax (actually Netanyahu shot a total of 4 rockets into the homes of his Israeli political opponents)

makes one "pro Palestinian"

Actually it makes one

patriotic to America
against sending $15 billion to Zionist Fascist non-ally Israel for faking an attack and committing genocide

To cheer what Israel has done makes one

a traitor
a fascist
a useless worthless person deserving of another Covid "vax" shot
This is where you show the world how much of an undereducated braindead moron you are that you portray “veteranstoday” as a source. If there was such a thing as digital toilet paper, that would be it.

Veterans Today​

Veterans Today is an American antisemitic and conspiracy theory website. It describes itself as a "military veterans and foreign affairs journal", while multiple sources describe it as a pro-Kremlin propaganda outlet.

It has published false headlines such as, "Pravda: Ukraine indignant at 80% of Jews in power" and "Water Terrorism by India to Overawe Pakistan." A joint article with Press TV, written by Jim Fetzer, was entitled: "Did Mossad death squads slaughter American children at Sandy Hook?" According to Veterans Today, Israel was behind the 9/11 attacks in collaboration with the United States and Julian Assange of WikiLeaks is controlled by the Israeli government. Duff wrote in an August 2021 article for the website: "The biggest story of the last 20 years is one of the brazen uses of nuclear weapons by Israel against its perceived enemies. Israel nuked the US on 9/11 and [Veterans Today] has proven it beyond a doubt."

In 2012, the website's chairman, Gordon Duff, told an interviewer that "about 30% of what's written on Veterans Today, is patently false. About 40% of what I write, is at least purposely, partially false, because if I didn't write false information I wouldn't be alive"

And here we have the SUB parroting the same type of "politifact" bullshit that was used to say

Michelle Obama is really a woman
Co2 is causing Global Warming
Covid Vax is safe and effective
Trump tried to overthrow the US government
1/6 was worse than 911

and the SUB dutifully parrots with not a thought as to the slant involved.

Zionist Fascism = LEFT WING = W Cheney Schumer Christie Haley Feinstein Waxman Biden McConnell

Democrats and RINOs

Noticing that Zionist Fascism did

USS Liberty
Marines in Lebanon 1983

and the 10-7 false flag hate hoax (actually Netanyahu shot a total of 4 rockets into the homes of his Israeli political opponents)

makes one "pro Palestinian"

Actually it makes one

patriotic to America
against sending $15 billion to Zionist Fascist non-ally Israel for faking an attack and committing genocide

To cheer what Israel has done makes one

a traitor
a fascist
a useless worthless person deserving of another Covid "vax" shot
Look, if you insist on making yourself look like an idiot, please be my

And here we have the SUB parroting the same type of "politifact" bullshit that was used to say

Michelle Obama is really a woman
Co2 is causing Global Warming
Covid Vax is safe and effective
Trump tried to overthrow the US government
1/6 was worse than 911

and the SUB dutifully parrots with not a thought as to the slant involved.

Zionist Fascism = LEFT WING = W Cheney Schumer Christie Haley Feinstein Waxman Biden McConnell

Democrats and RINOs

With lunatics like you as supporters, Palestinians don’t need any enemies.

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