IDF Opens Pathway For Gaza Residents To Evacuate.....Hamas Tried To Prevent It

Ladies and gentlemen, the Frankenstein mind of Palestinian supporter, in full technicolor.

The Israelis won't let them return. We have see all this before. Israel is talking about resettling Gaza.
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They can go back to Jordan and Egypt where they’re from originally anyhow, but ooops, they don’t want them either.

They have been in Palestine for 4000 years. Like the Jews and Phoenicians they are also descendants of the Cannanites.
With Gaza City almost cleared and pacified now IDF is focusing on The Southern Enclaves of Gaza ( With leaflet drops completed informing civilians where to go ) ...
The Israelis won't let them return. We have see all this before. Israel is talking about resettling Gaza.
As opposed to bloodthirsty Palestinians committing genocide on any Jew that lives from the river to sea. I’ll take option 1. :clap2:
As opposed to bloodthirsty Palestinians committing genocide on any Jew that lives from the river to sea. I’ll take option 1. :clap2:
Then how come all the Palestinians that work in Israel haven't committed 50x more terrorists attacks? They could have if they wanted to, if they were all that bad.

The truth is that most Palestinians have the utmost respect for Israelis that want peace. They don't respect genocidal maniacs like you. No person on earth should have respect for people like you. No matter what the nationality.
Then how come all the Palestinians that work in Israel haven't committed 50x more terrorists attacks? They could have if they wanted to, if they were all that bad.

The truth is that most Palestinians have the utmost respect for Israelis that want peace. They don't respect genocidal maniacs like you. No person on earth should have respect for people like you. No matter what the nationality.
Because Palestinians and Arabs that live and work in Israel enjoy the highest living standards in the ME region, in comparison to other Arab countries.

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They have no where to go. This is genocide. Israel will resettle Gaza.
There are safe corridors. The word "genocide" flows around..
look at the Hamas charter.


Palestinian use human shields




View attachment 859939

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There are safe corridors. The word "genocide" flows around..
look at the Hamas charter.


Palestinian use human shields




View attachment 859939

You're just a criminal thief.

Only Faux "News" speaks for Hamas...

Hamas has been saying, all along, it did no attack and has no hostages, but to a PARROT of Faux, that isn't what matters because it doesn't fit the narrative...

Curious, the Israelis claim all these hostages, yet is CARPET BOMBING with NO CONCERN that "hostages" may be inside the buildings....

because the hate hoaxing Zionist Fascists know there are NO HOSTAGES....

"Free Palestine" can't decide between total denial of 7th Oct.
And parading hostages as bargaining chip.
You're a very immoral man.
Why, because I’m against IslamoNazi Palestinian savages (and their friends), as they keep repeating, want to finish what Hitler started on the Jews, except this time in their own holy land?

You people can bray all you want, from now until eternity. You can lie and spread your bullshit and propaganda. It won’t change a thing. the Jews are in their own holy land, and are here to stay. The days when you IslamoNazis would kill and persecute Jews with no consequences are long gone.

Don’t like it here in the US because it’s pro Israel? You and your Palestinian entourage can get lost to the shithole you came from.
"Free Palestine" can't decide between total denial of 7th Oct.
And parading hostages as bargaining chip.

False. The Palestinian media has, all along, said Hamas did nothing and that there was no attack and no hostages.

The Zionist Fascist Faux "News" and its left wing sisters "speak for Hamas" apparently, or they make movies for SUBS with IQ<5 to justify yet more Zionist Fascist Treason against America, this time by luring America into war over a false flag hate hoaxed lie.
Ladies and gentlemen, the Frankenstein mind of Palestinian supporter, in full technicolor.

When you cannot debate the facts, this is where you go...

So, which version of the "gliders" is correct.

The first one, that the Hamas "terrorists" descended from a formation 300 feet in the air in silent hand gliders.... problem - no launch point

Second version - they "parachuted" in - problem - video from Egypt not Israel/Gaza.

Third Version - the gliders got airborne by a gas powered fan on the back.... ooppps no longer SILENT.... but a contraption worthy of a Scooby Doo cartoon....

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