IDF preps for ground strike

Wow. The denial of reality is astonishing. "There are no tunnels going into Israel. And the tunnels are all used strictly for smuggling." Just wow. How can we possibly have discussions with people who are so shut off from reality?
I based my position on a UN report.

What did you base yours on? Word of mouth?

What UN report, which session was it part of and what is its number, as in UN res242 or UN res 181
There aren't any Jews in Gaza you dolt.

The reality you're having so much trouble with is that the tunnels are an attack on a sovereign nation which demand a response. And this time its going to be a much much more effective response.

I predict the entire tunnel system will be flooded, permanently
The tunnels go into Egypt, not Israel.

According to the evidence you are LYING to protect your terrorist hero's

Inside the tunnels Hamas built: Israel's struggle against new tactic in Gaza war

Was Israel Justified in Going after Hamas Terrorist Tunnels?

3 distinct sources all saying the same thing, and all you have is some trade mission that talks about just the tunnels from gaza into Egypt because they are for trade.
Post #175 of this thread.

Nationals of a foreign force are not protected persons under the 4th Geneva Convention. And if they're not protected persons, that makes them fair game.

The context was blowing up public buses. Now you are going to argue that "nationals of a foreign force" means Israelis, not necessarily Jews, but we all know what you meant.
Of coarse it means Israeli's. They are nationals of the country Israel. Jews aren't necessarily nationals of that country now are they?

Why do you fuckers constantly try to twist this into a religious issue? Judaism is a religion; Zionism is a political movement. The two are not the same.

But if you're trying to take the low road and call me a "Jew hater", then at least have the balls to tell me why would I hate Jews? Why would I hate someone because they call God by a different name?

Because that is what you have been told to do of course. You have been told that the Jews are better than you, richer than you, better educated than you, better thought of than you, get better women than you do, get better jobs than you and lastly murdered your god.

Your god who just so happened to be a Jew
Gilad Shalit and his friends were on a vacay in Egypt. You have zero credibility posting this nonsense.
So you proved my point.

The tunnel went to Egypt and he was taken and sold for two packs of Pall Malls, thereby satisfying its economic purpose.

You bought him back, didn't you? Capitalism.

Now for the truth to blow your claims out of the water

Gilad Shalit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Gilad Shalit ( גלעד שליט (help·info), Gilˁad Šaliṭ born 28 August 1986) is an Israeli sports columnist and a former MIA soldier of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). On 25 June 2006, Shalit was captured by Hamas militants in a cross-border raid via underground tunnels near the Israeli border
Ignoramous, I've been on both sides of the wall. Stopped 99% of your terrorists.

Shitforbrains thinks Jews can freely go into Gaza.
Oh yeah, well I was going to find a cure for cancer the other night, but I got tired and went to bed.
Funny how all supporters of Palestinians require lies to support their agenda.
Get shot if you get close to the wall.
Jews can live in Gaza freely.
No tunnels into Israel.
What hoot!
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Post #175 of this thread.

Nationals of a foreign force are not protected persons under the 4th Geneva Convention. And if they're not protected persons, that makes them fair game.

The context was blowing up public buses. Now you are going to argue that "nationals of a foreign force" means Israelis, not necessarily Jews, but we all know what you meant.
Of coarse it means Israeli's. They are nationals of the country Israel. Jews aren't necessarily nationals of that country now are they?

Why do you fuckers constantly try to twist this into a religious issue? Judaism is a religion; Zionism is a political movement. The two are not the same.

But if you're trying to take the low road and call me a "Jew hater", then at least have the balls to tell me why would I hate Jews? Why would I hate someone because they call God by a different name?
Why bring Judism into the discussion?
Because the only thing that animates you is your hatred of Jews.
Why else worry about a few square miles of desert when there are actual real atrocities occurring around the world.
Why bring Judism into the discussion?
Because the only thing that animates you is your hatred of Jews.
Why else worry about a few square miles of desert when there are actual real atrocities occurring around the world.
Why would I hate Jews?
Funny how all supporters of Palestinians require lies to support their agenda.
Get shot if you get close to the wall.
Jews can live in Gaza freely.
What hoot!
Why's that so hard to believe?

They get shot at while they fish and farm.
Yes, Jews do get shot at while they fish and farm.
But you claimed Palestinians get shot if they approach the wall.
That's a lie.
Why bring Judism into the discussion?
Because the only thing that animates you is your hatred of Jews.
Why else worry about a few square miles of desert when there are actual real atrocities occurring around the world.
Why would I hate Jews?
You tell us. Hatred of Jews is common in evildoers.

Racism and bigotry are signs of a low IQ

Inteligence study links low IQ to bigotry and racism,d.amc

Also see,d.amc

So as the IDF preps for an overwhelming ground assault certain people will continue to kick and scream about the evil Joooooooos when in fact its their own actions and the support of terrorist actions that foment the Israeli response.

IE for those who might not comprehend that last.

The idiots are bringing it on themselves by digging tunnels into Israel.
Blowing up school buses is not resistance.
It is in the OPT.

Nationals of a foreign force are not protected persons under the 4th Geneva Convention. And if they're not protected persons, that makes them fair game.

Look, I don't like the targeting of school buses either, but I don't see any pro-Israeli types condemning the bombing of hospitals and schools in Gaza. Those are war crimes and you're not condemning them.

I absolutely condemn the bombing of hospitals and schools in Gaza. It should never have to happen. I just lay the blame where it belongs -- on those bringing weapons to hospitals and schools converting them to military targets.

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