IDF preps for ground strike

Wow. The denial of reality is astonishing. "There are no tunnels going into Israel. And the tunnels are all used strictly for smuggling." Just wow. How can we possibly have discussions with people who are so shut off from reality?
I based my position on a UN report.

What did you base yours on? Word of mouth?
Now the freak say it's OK if Jews live in the West Bank and Gaza.
What a freakin loony toon liar.
I never said they couldn't, junior.

They just can't do it with the help of the Israeli government.
Woosh! Reality flies right over your short head again.
No, the Palestinian pigs murder any Jew walking into Gaza.
Get a clue.
Woosh! Reality flies right over your short head again.
No, the Palestinian pigs murder any Jew walking into Gaza.
Get a clue.
The Israeli's murder anyone coming close to their Berlin Wall and I don't see you protesting that? So fuck you!

BTW, prove Jews are murdered in Gaza.
Ignoramous, I've been on both sides of the wall. Stopped 99% of your terrorists.

Shitforbrains thinks Jews can freely go into Gaza.
There aren't any Jews in Gaza you dolt.

The reality you're having so much trouble with is that the tunnels are an attack on a sovereign nation which demand a response. And this time its going to be a much much more effective response.

I predict the entire tunnel system will be flooded, permanently
There aren't any Jews in Gaza you dolt.

The reality you're having so much trouble with is that the tunnels are an attack on a sovereign nation which demand a response. And this time its going to be a much much more effective response.

I predict the entire tunnel system will be flooded, permanently
The tunnels go into Egypt, not Israel.
There aren't any Jews in Gaza you dolt.

The reality you're having so much trouble with is that the tunnels are an attack on a sovereign nation which demand a response. And this time its going to be a much much more effective response.

I predict the entire tunnel system will be flooded, permanently
The tunnels go into Egypt, not Israel.


As I may have mentioned, you're simply not dealing in reality. Even Hamas admits they are tunneling into Israel.

Hamas admits rebuilding terror tunnels into Israel,d.cGc
Yeah, but as Billo already said, Jews are always valid targets.
If you have to lie to make your point, then you have no point to make.

Post #175 of this thread.

Nationals of a foreign force are not protected persons under the 4th Geneva Convention. And if they're not protected persons, that makes them fair game.

The context was blowing up public buses. Now you are going to argue that "nationals of a foreign force" means Israelis, not necessarily Jews, but we all know what you meant.
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Post #175 of this thread.

Nationals of a foreign force are not protected persons under the 4th Geneva Convention. And if they're not protected persons, that makes them fair game.

The context was blowing up public buses. Now you are going to argue that "nationals of a foreign force" means Israelis, not necessarily Jews, but we all know what you meant.
Of coarse it means Israeli's. They are nationals of the country Israel. Jews aren't necessarily nationals of that country now are they?

Why do you fuckers constantly try to twist this into a religious issue? Judaism is a religion; Zionism is a political movement. The two are not the same.

But if you're trying to take the low road and call me a "Jew hater", then at least have the balls to tell me why would I hate Jews? Why would I hate someone because they call God by a different name?
Gilad Shalit and his friends were on a vacay in Egypt. You have zero credibility posting this nonsense.
So you proved my point.

The tunnel went to Egypt and he was taken and sold for two packs of Pall Malls, thereby satisfying its economic purpose.

You bought him back, didn't you? Capitalism.
Well, the UN says they're not. I believe the UN.
If you set up weapon emplacements inside a Hospital that makes it a combat zone and ok to target.
Except that didn't happen. No weapons were placed inside hospitals. And the only evidence on this subject, placed weapons no closer than two football fields away. That's not "inside" a hospital.

There were no weapon emplacements in those school buses Palestinians bombed.
Pick a particular incident; I'm not going to argue hypotheticals.

evidence showing that it is in the hospital grounds. They were using the hospital as a shield to protect their rockets making it a valid military target under the Geneva conventions
Well, the UN says they're not. I believe the UN.

So you believe this do you

UN: Hamas tunnel threats not helpful for rebuilding of Gaza

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip — The U.N. Mideast envoy says threats by Hamas to continue building tunnels into Israel do "not help" reconstruction efforts in war-battered Gaza Strip.

And this

Hamas admits rebuilding tunnel network in wake of Gaza conflict

Now once again what goods are the Palestinians smuggling out of Israel through their tunnels ?
Now the freak say it's OK if Jews live in the West Bank and Gaza.
What a freakin loony toon liar.
I never said they couldn't, junior.

They just can't do it with the help of the Israeli government.

So they can set up their own army to defend them against islamonazi attacks on land they legally own. You do realise that this means you must be opposed to the USA protecting its citizens abroad and throwing them to the wolves ?

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