Idiot Glenn Beck breaks the law and gives freebies to invading illegal kids.


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Section 1324 of title 8 of the US Code makes it a federal crime to encourage illegals to come here. And the penalties are very severe - if obozo would enforce the law.

Glenn Beck to Bring Soccer Balls, Hot Meals to Illegals: 'We Must Open Our Hearts'

8 Jul 2014 3276

Glenn Beck said bringing soccer balls, teddy bears, and hot meals to illegal immigrants who have been detained along the U.S.-Mexico border will be the most right thing he has ever done.
On July 19, Beck will travel to McAllen, Texas, because he believes Americans must "open our hearts" to the illegal immigrant children who have been unlawfully entering the country.

“We’re going to fill some tractor-trailers with food, with water,” Beck said. “The churches have asked us if we could bring teddy bears and soccer balls, so we’ve loaded up a whole tractor-trailer of nothing but teddy bears and soccer balls. And then I’m going to go serve breakfast and lunch, and I’m going to help unload these trucks, hot meals for 3,000. That’s what we’re doing.”

Some illegal immigrants have been found to have contagious diseases and dangerous gang affiliations, but Beck also emphasized that the United States should be accessible to "all those fleeing poverty and violence."
What the hell is wrong with private individuals and groups trying to help children in need?

I DO NOT condone doing so for the gangbangers and adults - only the little children in need.

Yeah! This whole invasion by illegal aliens in America has gone on long enough, ever since anyone here can remember. Here's proof:

Caught on canvas: Look, you can even see some of the legal residents in the background indulging these criminal immigrants.

Say what? Beck is an idiot for furnishing food and water to illegal immigrants? You want to put him in jail for giving them soccer balls and teddy bears? Beck ain't your freaking enemy. The guy who sits in the White House and prevents journalists and even US representatives from visiting the camps and tells us that he wants to make the US a "nation of immigrants" is the freaking enemy.
There are literally billions of people in this world who want to come here and go on welfare and live off the white people.
What the hell is wrong with private individuals and groups trying to help children in need?

I DO NOT condone doing so for the gangbangers and adults - only the little children in need.

At what age do you stop "helping" illegals because they are "children in need"?

My understanding is that most of these so-called "Children" who came on their own are in their teens and can care for themselves and, IMHO, be sent immediately back to Mexico.

Those who are truly too young to care for themselves came with a parent or other adult and they should, along with adult they came with, be sent back to Mexico.
What the hell is wrong with private individuals and groups trying to help children in need?

I DO NOT condone doing so for the gangbangers and adults - only the little children in need.

It's a crime as i explained in the OP. If glenn wants to help these people he should give them things when they are in their home country not encourage them to come here and live off american taxpayers.

Yeah! This whole invasion by illegal aliens in America has gone on long enough, ever since anyone here can remember. Here's proof:

Caught on canvas: Look, you can even see some of the legal residents in the background indulging these criminal immigrants.


Um, we have "laws" now.

Would you like to see those laws go away, dissolve the border?

He's not encouraging them to come here he's giving them items to cope ONCE THEY ARE HERE.

Plus, do you think there are illegals going "Ohhh I was going to stay in la casa but I heard one guy is giving away soccer balls. Bye La Familia!"?
What the hell is wrong with private individuals and groups trying to help children in need?

I DO NOT condone doing so for the gangbangers and adults - only the little children in need.

It's a crime as i explained in the OP. If glenn wants to help these people he should give them things when they are in their home country not encourage them to come here and live off american taxpayers.
well , Obama is giving them food and water too so I guess he should go to jail as well
Beck has been very clear that he wants the illegal children returned. He also has compassion for those that are already here in need. And he still wants those here returned..with a soccer ball & teddy bear.
I've seen several threads here asking Where are the So Called Christians helping the children?? How come the Christians aren't willing to help?? Now here's a guy putting up his time & money to help out and you're trashing him by saying he's breaking the law.
I've donated & made phone calls. What have YOU done today to help the Cause??? There's still time to help out.

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