Idiot Howard Dean: 'Hate Speech Is Not Protected By The First Amendment' (I Beg To Differ!)

Shutting down opposing voices is unAmerican, but remember, these are people who aren't that fond of the country to begin with.
What is especially ironic about these brownshirts is that they are actually convinced that their utter contempt for the liberal principle of freedom of speech is now a necessary component of being a modern liberal.
Oh yeah. From what I've seen, they appear to think of themselves as liberals, although some will opt for the more telling "progressive" designation.

As I mentioned in another thread, I've developed a great respect for the power of ideology. These people are just consumed.

I like to use the boiling lobster analogy, myself. The left in America has gradually shifted from being a proponent of liberal values to an opponent in many ways such as we see here in this thread or in so many others. Since the shift has been gradual, however, very few seem to notice and their allegiance to their identification as "left" precludes them from examining their own opinions in relation to what is or is not liberal.

Their extreme authoritarianism is the antithesis of liberalism, and they have become everything they hate by jousting at an imaginary windmill they call "fascism" by being utterly fascist, themselves.
I wonder if this has ever been examined. It's a huge shift, but as you say, it has happened under the cloak of the "liberal" label.
Shutting down opposing voices is unAmerican, but remember, these are people who aren't that fond of the country to begin with.
What is especially ironic about these brownshirts is that they are actually convinced that their utter contempt for the liberal principle of freedom of speech is now a necessary component of being a modern liberal.
Oh yeah. From what I've seen, they appear to think of themselves as liberals, although some will opt for the more telling "progressive" designation.

As I mentioned in another thread, I've developed a great respect for the power of ideology. These people are just consumed.

I like to use the boiling lobster analogy, myself. The left in America has gradually shifted from being a proponent of liberal values to an opponent in many ways such as we see here in this thread or in so many others. Since the shift has been gradual, however, very few seem to notice and their allegiance to their identification as "left" precludes them from examining their own opinions in relation to what is or is not liberal.

Their extreme authoritarianism is the antithesis of liberalism, and they have become everything they hate by jousting at an imaginary windmill they call "fascism" by being utterly fascist, themselves.
I wonder if this has ever been examined. It's a huge shift, but as you say, it has happened under the cloak of the "liberal" label.

Nick Cohen wrote a book called "What's Left?: How the Left Lost its way", and liberals such as Christopher Hitchens have touched upon it.
Shutting down opposing voices is unAmerican, but remember, these are people who aren't that fond of the country to begin with.
What is especially ironic about these brownshirts is that they are actually convinced that their utter contempt for the liberal principle of freedom of speech is now a necessary component of being a modern liberal.
Oh yeah. From what I've seen, they appear to think of themselves as liberals, although some will opt for the more telling "progressive" designation.

As I mentioned in another thread, I've developed a great respect for the power of ideology. These people are just consumed.

I like to use the boiling lobster analogy, myself. The left in America has gradually shifted from being a proponent of liberal values to an opponent in many ways such as we see here in this thread or in so many others. Since the shift has been gradual, however, very few seem to notice and their allegiance to their identification as "left" precludes them from examining their own opinions in relation to what is or is not liberal.

Their extreme authoritarianism is the antithesis of liberalism, and they have become everything they hate by jousting at an imaginary windmill they call "fascism" by being utterly fascist, themselves.
I wonder if this has ever been examined. It's a huge shift, but as you say, it has happened under the cloak of the "liberal" label.

Nick Cohen wrote a book called "What's Left?: How the Left Lost its way", and liberals such as Christopher Hitchens have touched upon it.
Oh, I'm a big Hitch fan, may he rest in peace.

Thanks for the tip.
Shutting down opposing voices is unAmerican, but remember, these are people who aren't that fond of the country to begin with.
What is especially ironic about these brownshirts is that they are actually convinced that their utter contempt for the liberal principle of freedom of speech is now a necessary component of being a modern liberal.
Oh yeah. From what I've seen, they appear to think of themselves as liberals, although some will opt for the more telling "progressive" designation.

As I mentioned in another thread, I've developed a great respect for the power of ideology. These people are just consumed.

I like to use the boiling lobster analogy, myself. The left in America has gradually shifted from being a proponent of liberal values to an opponent in many ways such as we see here in this thread or in so many others. Since the shift has been gradual, however, very few seem to notice and their allegiance to their identification as "left" precludes them from examining their own opinions in relation to what is or is not liberal.

Their extreme authoritarianism is the antithesis of liberalism, and they have become everything they hate by jousting at an imaginary windmill they call "fascism" by being utterly fascist, themselves.
I wonder if this has ever been examined. It's a huge shift, but as you say, it has happened under the cloak of the "liberal" label.

Nick Cohen wrote a book called "What's Left?: How the Left Lost its way", and liberals such as Christopher Hitchens have touched upon it.
Whoa, now I know who you're talking about, I went to YouTube. Yeah, he's an excellent voice for this.
I would say that you need to learn how to comprehend what is going on about you. The discussion is centered around the use of language in a way that some would find offensive. What you posted is charges agains a physical act of vandalism.

Two separate issues.
No they're not. They're being charged with a hate crime. Hate speech and hate crime go hand in hand. You claim you have the right to hate speech under the 1st amendment, while your ilk is going out of their way to charge two teens with a hate crime for torching a political sign. You're a fucking hypocrite!
Then you need to be charged with a crime.
The Right's great priorities,

to have the right to walk into a bank carrying a gun, call the black teller a n****r and a c**t, and walk out,

unmolested by anyone including the law.

That, of all things, is what conservatives really really really care about.
The Right's great priorities,

to have the right to walk into a bank carrying a gun, call the black teller a n****r and a c**t, and walk out,

unmolested by anyone including the law.

That, of all things, is what conservatives really really really care about.

Douche bag Nazi snow flakes have 1000 ways to justify repealing the First Amendment. They also deny they are opposed to freedom of speech.

Their logic goes like this: If you support allowing socialists to voice their opinions, then you endorse concentration camps and the murder of millions of people.

Leftists are the most despicable people imaginable.
The Right's great priorities,

to have the right to walk into a bank carrying a gun, call the black teller a n****r and a c**t, and walk out,

unmolested by anyone including the law.

That, of all things, is what conservatives really really really care about.

A very hateful thing to say about people whose political beliefs are different from yours - it also happens to be uninformed. Lucky for you and your ilk there are no 'hate speech' laws as such.
To address your scenario about being 'unmolested by anyone including the law' - it depends on what you're doing with the gun...and the law pertaining to carrying a gun. Hate crime legislation, which I disagree with, is primarily a penalty enhancing tool.
As far as calling the teller names, if she responds by bonking you upside the head with a bag of quarters, she will be charged with assault, but you could be charged with incitement...unless you are brandishing the gun, which is already a crime, and rest assured you would be molested by the law - and rightfully so.

Why Hate Speech Is Protected Under The Law
Hate Crime Laws | CRT | Department of Justice

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