Idiot Maddow reports Palin invasion spoof as fact-video


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004

Nice work, Rachel.
The MSNBC host reported a bogus Palin spoof as fact last night on her show.
How pathetic.
Via Breitbart TV:

The smug liberal sure thought she was being cute, didn’t she?
The Atlantic reported on the gaffe:

The Internet’s finest satirists hooked a big fish in the media world last night. In an embarrassing segment on her MSNBC show, Rachel Maddow slammed conservatives for attacking President Obama’s Egypt policies. Her targets included Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, former ambassador to the UN John Bolton and Stephenson Billings at Only problem is Stephenson Billings is not a real person. He’s a fictional byproduct of a website that also warns readers that the Xbox Kinect is a terrorist training tool and the Japanese have created scary robot babies which “threaten humanity.”

The article that caught Maddow’s eye called for an “American-led invasion” into Egypt and begged former Alaska governor Sarah Palin to lead the war cry.

read the rest and comments at.
Idiot Maddow Reports Palin Invasion Spoof as Fact (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

lots of comments on youtube also.:lol:
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meh, I'm sure she will just brush it off tonight.

Shit happens

People make mistakes and sometimes a room full of people make the same mistake. (follow the leader off a cliff)
Wow, she's certainly smarter than those blonde airheads over at Fox News......
Ohh well if she followed Fox's directions they went to Iraq anyway.

Journalism in America is crap.
I don't know why anyone even watches that ridiculous excuse for a news network. Everyone that has a show on MSNBC and NBC for that matter are nothing but propagandist, plain and simple.

The facts are in and they do not lie. NBC is the Obama news network. Let's all hope Comcast can right that sinking ship. No pun intended.
It sure would be fun to watch all of the rats run from that cesspool. Especially lizard neck Matthews, or what I like to call him these days........Balloon Head!

Don't believe the US media, Look elsewhere for your news.
Let's see how she reacts compared to Fox News when they screw up
steffie with her double digit IQ calling rachel maddow, the rhodes scholar and stanford graduate an idiot is pretty funny.
steffie with her double digit IQ calling rachel maddow, the rhodes scholar and stanford graduate an idiot is pretty funny.

oh jilly, you still crack me up after all this time we've known each other.:lol:
Now you got anything to say on the post about MadCow or you just gonna throw insults around?
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What a maroon.

"maroon"? Racheal is a womeon of color (Reddish brown to be specific)? Well, no wonder the right wing hates her. It's not that she is a Rhodes Scholar, it's not that she graduated from Stanford, it's not her sexual orientation, it because she is not white.
steffie with her double digit IQ calling rachel maddow, the rhodes scholar and stanford graduate an idiot is pretty funny.

Exactly what I was thinking.

Rachel is probably the smartest person on television.

Or is it Megan Kelly....
Let's see how she reacts compared to Fox News when they screw up

Um, Rach.... Brilliant?

Seventh result on Google - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Christwire is a satirical website that publishes blog style articles that highlight perceived excesses of Christian conservatives. ...
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Usually, they're better about, you know, Googling stuff.

Maybe she's still in mourning since Keith left? :dunno:

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