Idiot Maddow reports Palin invasion spoof as fact-video

Can you show where he ever admitted fault? I know he's sorry -- sorry he got caught.

You guys make this to easy.

Rather Admits 'Mistake in Judgment' (
:clap2: Cool. Doesn't look like he really learned anything, though:

At the same time, he said, "The fact that copies of the documents could be true was not enough. We needed to be able to prove they were authentic."

"Obviously," Rather added, "I would like to get the original documents if they still exist."

meaning he still believed the content even though he knew they were fake
Fox News Boycott | Republicans Want to Acquire Another FOX-Style Network

what may be a Freudian Slip, author Robert G. Kaufman, makes the following statement regarding what the Republican party should do “when Obama fails” (his words).

“If I had to recommend one single thing that the Republicans should be doing to help articulate the message, it is to acquire another television network so that there is not just FOX, but multiple sources of alternative information that will do a much better job than we did in 2008 to keep things honest. “

Obviously, this isn’t a revelation about the GOP owning Fox News, but rather the fact that Fox News is responsible to the right. This further proves that Fox News is neither fair nor balanced.
yeah, a real reliable source that is
what a clown you are :lol:
I don't think the facts were wrong either. Rather got snookered.

Even Bush "Can't recall" what the heck he was doing. But he did admit to maybe reading magazines on base.

So, I dunno, it took about a million or so tax payer bucks to teach him to be a grade A pilot? (And from what I understand..a pretty good one at that)

Only to use his skills to read magazines on base?

And that's not news?

:lol: You really think it was about the taxpayers getting their money's worth?

No, it was about discrediting Bush, for anything, with anything, even if it had to be made up. As this was.

So you think that was money well spent.

Good to know.:clap2:
BUsh completed his service
he had more than enough flight time to meet the required time
Sumptin tells me that Divecon just got on and is catching up on this thread.


Or his ADD just kicked in. :laugh2:
I have met people who were not so pretty or handsome and yet managed to be wonderful people.

I wish some of you here would not be so stuck on how someone looks
How many women do you know who go out of their way to look like the Fonz?


What motivates a woman to strap down her breasts and strap on a fake penis?
What motivates a woman to strap down her breasts and strap on a fake penis?

I don't know if Rachel Maddow goes that far. However, if you are interested you may want to read Stone Butch Blues by Leslie Feinberg. Transgender issues are pretty complex.
This gets you off huh? Mr. Maddow kinda' looks Tom Cruises' retarded brother. To each his own I guess.


That's a bad picture. She's cleaned up nicely.

Not my type..but definitely attractive.
No, that's how she looks all the time. MessNBC just "feminizes" her for the show.
This is true. She only looks like a woman when she's on the air or making a public appearance. To be more palatable to mainstream society.
No, that's how she looks all the time. MessNBC just "feminizes" her for the show.


So you know her personally?

My bad..I didn't know she was a friend.
The internet is everyones friend.

Did you know she used to have long blond hair? Now if you'd have posted a pic of her when she looked like that, then I'd agree that she used to be attractive.

I disagree. Still looks manly to me. Like a gay man in drag. Who doesn't pass well.
:clap2: Cool. Doesn't look like he really learned anything, though:

At the same time, he said, "The fact that copies of the documents could be true was not enough. We needed to be able to prove they were authentic."

"Obviously," Rather added, "I would like to get the original documents if they still exist."

meaning he still believed the content even though he knew they were fake
Yup. "Fake but Accurate" is what passes for journalism at CBS.

So you know her personally?

My bad..I didn't know she was a friend.
The internet is everyones friend.

Did you know she used to have long blond hair? Now if you'd have posted a pic of her when she looked like that, then I'd agree that she used to be attractive.

I disagree. Still looks manly to me. Like a gay man in drag. Who doesn't pass well.

Off hand I'd say she looks a bit like Sean Penn from Fast Times at Ridgemont High.

Liberal sycophants all know that Maddow is like Obama - a Godlike being of perfection and beauty. Even when she screws up, she does it perfectly and with a sense of charismatic style and grace that conservatives could only hope to imitate in their finest moments. She is always the smartest person in the room, unless Obama is there. She is brilliant, fascinating, and amazing - even when she is wiping her arse.
Liberal sycophants all know that Maddow is like Obama - a Godlike being of perfection and beauty. Even when she screws up, she does it perfectly and with a sense of charismatic style and grace that conservatives could only hope to imitate in their finest moments. She is always the smartest person in the room, unless Obama is there. She is brilliant, fascinating, and amazing - even when she is wiping her arse.

hey hey hey ..unless you've graduated from Stanford or are a Rhodes

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