If 25% of a commodity is removed, will the consumers' cost go up?

The pause for review on new leases did not cause a drop in production on federal lands.
I believe the point was that it *could* result in contraction of the domestic production possibilities curve in the future for those commodities, which is true, however given that the market isn't as simple as some apparently believe it doesn't necessarily entail corresponding price increases, for example we import crude oil, refine it and then turn around and export the refined products, contraction of the domestic crude oil PPC might involve reducing such exports to meet domestic demand.
Saudi Arabia accounts for less than 10 % of our petroleum imports.
7% in 2020 (on a downward sloping trend line).;)

BlindBoob want's to keep funding terrorist supporting and oppressive governments and not develop energy domestically. He's a dick that way.

But in his defense, BlindBoob realizes that terrorist supporting and oppressive government's aren't on the earth as we are and drilling oil there and shipping it across oceans doesn't affect our environment.

Arguing with leftists is always an experience in stupid

You want cheap gasoline at any price? Then nationalize the US oil industry. We have the highest lift costs in the world. Our domestic producers have to make a profit or go out of business.
We had cheap gas when Trump was POTUS. Hell it was 1.50 or less. Now, under your boy Biden its 2.85 or higher. With his try at ending drilling for oil on Fed land and his wanting to end fracking he hasn't done America any favors.

Hell when I was a kid gas was 19 cents a gallon. The supposed oil shortage in the 70's ended that.
In May 2019 ave gas price was nearly 3 dollars. and it fell to nearly 2 dollars in a year.

The pause for review on new leases did not cause a drop in production on federal lands.

Saudi Arabia accounts for less than 10 % of our petroleum imports.

You and the girls in the Democrat locker room are just poking each other away and giggling like crazy.

The point is that when they suspend new leases, that means the 25% is frozen and as Heath said will "eventually" be eliminated. I'm not like you, I actually read his OP.

And we both know Biden would never have approved the end of the "pause" in leases. Stop lying

It was the drilling permits that would have endangered production much sooner. But that ended months ago. It's was always doubtful that Joe would be able to abolish oil production on federal lands through his pause on lease sales.

So Joe's not responsible because he should have knows the courts would stop them. So you only support Joe TRYING to fund despotic governments and drill and drill and ship oil from overseas because you think that doesn't affect our environment.

A standard you applied to Trump ... never ...

Or in your native language, slap, slap, giggle, giggle.

Joe is responsible for both pauses and neither one cause a big spike in prices at the pump. Speaking of Trumpybear, he proudly protected the oil in Syria after stabbing our allies against ISIS in the back.

You and the girls in the Democrat locker room are just poking and giggling away, you're just ranting. You hate Trump to the point of total irrationality. I got it
You brought up the old Trumpyberra.

You still lack credibility.

Right, I pointed out that your standard's totally changed when the President switched from Trump to Biden. It's called hypocrisy.

But then you are just one of the girls in the Democrat locker room poking each other and giggling. You're not even intellectually engaged in any of this. Just Trump is bad, Biden is good. Justify whatever Biden does.

But it is a fact that you're supporting funding despotic governments and actually believe that drilling overseas and shipping oil in little boats across big oceans is better than drilling domestically. That's just wrong for a lot of reasons. But you aren't going to process them. It contradicts Trump bad, Biden good, as deep as you get
Last edited:
The pause for review on new leases did not cause a drop in production on federal lands.

Saudi Arabia accounts for less than 10 % of our petroleum imports.
Didn't say it would cause a drop production on federal lands...immediately!

Oil exploration takes time, including getting the Feds to sign off on 10 year leases.

So the oil companies production levels out and the USA stops being energy independent.
Prices go up as the below illustration shows just in one year USA gas prices up by 45%!
Again... I NEVER said it was the ONLY reason gas prices have increased 45%.
But when 25% of the USA oil production comes from Federal lands... LOOKOUT as more knowledge experts than you and me
are telling us that!

View attachment 502417
Case in point...
Bush signed an average of 368/month over 8 years...
Obama less than 176/month
Trump averaged 415/month...
Now Biden has a moratorium...meaning ZERO!

View attachment 502412
It's disingenuous to compare the price during last years pandemic, a better measure is 2 years ago when the economy was still humming.

A pause for Review is not a permanent ban and as we've seen in the last few days he is constrained in what he can do, like all presidents.

So you're seriously arguing that when a Democrat reduces future oil supplies that doesn't affect price.

This is the stupid that you are
The pause for review on new leases did not cause a drop in production on federal lands.

Saudi Arabia accounts for less than 10 % of our petroleum imports.

You and the girls in the Democrat locker room are just poking each other away and giggling like crazy.

The point is that when they suspend new leases, that means the 25% is frozen and as Heath said will "eventually" be eliminated. I'm not like you, I actually read his OP.

And we both know Biden would never have approved the end of the "pause" in leases. Stop lying

It was the drilling permits that would have endangered production much sooner. But that ended months ago. It's was always doubtful that Joe would be able to abolish oil production on federal lands through his pause on lease sales.

So Joe's not responsible because he should have knows the courts would stop them. So you only support Joe TRYING to fund despotic governments and drill and drill and ship oil from overseas because you think that doesn't affect our environment.

A standard you applied to Trump ... never ...

Or in your native language, slap, slap, giggle, giggle.

Joe is responsible for both pauses and neither one cause a big spike in prices at the pump. Speaking of Trumpybear, he proudly protected the oil in Syria after stabbing our allies against ISIS in the back.

You and the girls in the Democrat locker room are just poking and giggling away, you're just ranting. You hate Trump to the point of total irrationality. I got it
You brought up the old Trumpyberra.

You still lack credibility.

Right, I pointed out that your standard's totally changed when the President switched from Trump to Biden. It's called hypocrisy.

But then you are just one of the girls in the Democrat locker room poking each other and giggling. You're not even engaged in anything real. Just Trump is bad, Biden is good. Justify whatever Biden does.

But it is a fact that you're supporting funding despotic governments and actually believe that drilling overseas and shipping oil in little boats across big oceans is better than drilling domestically. That's just wrong for a lot of reasons. But you aren't going to process them. It contradicts Trump bad, Biden good, as deep as you get

You didn't point out anything. You just make more and more wild claims that you never back up.

Carter championed energy independence from the ME 45 years ago. RayGun hooked us up.
The pause for review on new leases did not cause a drop in production on federal lands.

Saudi Arabia accounts for less than 10 % of our petroleum imports.

You and the girls in the Democrat locker room are just poking each other away and giggling like crazy.

The point is that when they suspend new leases, that means the 25% is frozen and as Heath said will "eventually" be eliminated. I'm not like you, I actually read his OP.

And we both know Biden would never have approved the end of the "pause" in leases. Stop lying

It was the drilling permits that would have endangered production much sooner. But that ended months ago. It's was always doubtful that Joe would be able to abolish oil production on federal lands through his pause on lease sales.

So Joe's not responsible because he should have knows the courts would stop them. So you only support Joe TRYING to fund despotic governments and drill and drill and ship oil from overseas because you think that doesn't affect our environment.

A standard you applied to Trump ... never ...

Or in your native language, slap, slap, giggle, giggle.

Joe is responsible for both pauses and neither one cause a big spike in prices at the pump. Speaking of Trumpybear, he proudly protected the oil in Syria after stabbing our allies against ISIS in the back.

You and the girls in the Democrat locker room are just poking and giggling away, you're just ranting. You hate Trump to the point of total irrationality. I got it
You brought up the old Trumpyberra.

You still lack credibility.

Right, I pointed out that your standard's totally changed when the President switched from Trump to Biden. It's called hypocrisy.

But then you are just one of the girls in the Democrat locker room poking each other and giggling. You're not even intellectually engaged in any of this. Just Trump is bad, Biden is good. Justify whatever Biden does.

But it is a fact that you're supporting funding despotic governments and actually believe that drilling overseas and shipping oil in little boats across big oceans is better than drilling domestically. That's just wrong for a lot of reasons. But you aren't going to process them. It contradicts Trump bad, Biden good, as deep as you get

Our lift and extraction costs are just about double what they are in the ME.. Further, you have to look at quality.. Are you looking at heavy sour crude or Texas sweet. Most US wells produce less than 50 barrels a day so there are no economies of scale.

Has NOTHING to do with Trump. He's always looking to take credit, but the President has little to do with the ppb.
The pause for review on new leases did not cause a drop in production on federal lands.
I believe the point was that it *could* result in contraction of the domestic production possibilities curve in the future for those commodities, which is true, however given that the market isn't as simple as some apparently believe it doesn't necessarily entail corresponding price increases, for example we import crude oil, refine it and then turn around and export the refined products, contraction of the domestic crude oil PPC might involve reducing such exports to meet domestic demand.
Saudi Arabia accounts for less than 10 % of our petroleum imports.
7% in 2020 (on a downward sloping trend line).;)
OH I certainly agree in SA downward imports in 2020...again WHY? Federal leases increased under Trump.
I'm not going to get into a pissing contest regarding which President did what since I'm not interested in it, the fact of the matter is that the primary driver for increased domestic production has been innovation by private industry resulting in the ability to efficiently extract deposits that were previously inaccessible (e.g. fracking) and increasing efficiency in delivery to market of the resulting outputs, it's market dynamics not political shenanigans.
You obviously are too young to remember the early 70s when this happened!
No I'm obviously NOT since I remember the Arab Oil Embargo quite well, but thanks for trying to imply that I'm somehow in favor of increased imports. All I did was state some general facts about how the market works that you appeared to be missing, I didn't advocate for any particular course of action.
The pause for review on new leases did not cause a drop in production on federal lands.

Saudi Arabia accounts for less than 10 % of our petroleum imports.
Didn't say it would cause a drop production on federal lands...immediately!

Oil exploration takes time, including getting the Feds to sign off on 10 year leases.

So the oil companies production levels out and the USA stops being energy independent.
Prices go up as the below illustration shows just in one year USA gas prices up by 45%!
Again... I NEVER said it was the ONLY reason gas prices have increased 45%.
But when 25% of the USA oil production comes from Federal lands... LOOKOUT as more knowledge experts than you and me
are telling us that!

View attachment 502417
Case in point...
Bush signed an average of 368/month over 8 years...
Obama less than 176/month
Trump averaged 415/month...
Now Biden has a moratorium...meaning ZERO!

View attachment 502412
It's disingenuous to compare the price during last years pandemic, a better measure is 2 years ago when the economy was still humming.

A pause for Review is not a permanent ban and as we've seen in the last few days he is constrained in what he can do, like all presidents.

So you're seriously arguing that when a Democrat reduces future oil supplies that doesn't affect price.

This is the stupid that you are

Market speculation on the Presidents actions were barely noticeable and hardly effected the price at the pump at all.
Question... If 25% of a commodity is reduced and eventually eliminated, will that increase the costs to the consumers of that commodity?

About a quarter (25%) of U.S. oil and an eighth of the nation's natural gas is produced on federal lands.
Supporting link: U.S. oil and natural gas production to fall in 2021, then rise in 2022 - Today in Energy - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

If 25% of oil and gas on Federal lands is eliminated from the supply will the cost go up to gasoline consumers?


As gas prices soar, Americans can blame Joe Biden​

Biden's attack on U.S. energy producers, starting with his freeze on federal oil and gas leases, will assuredly take a toll on output down the road and cause prices at the pump to rise.
But today, Biden has pushed those prices, which were already rising because of severe weather, even higher by gratuitously alienating Saudi Arabia. The Gulf kingdom just surprised energy markets by announcing it would not raise oil output, despite developing supply constraints and rising prices.
Oil prices jumped on the news, popping 4 percent to pre-pandemic levels for the first time in a year; the surge rattled markets alread
Doesn't mean much with the left's push toward electric vehicles. Demand could be decreased by twenty-five percent as well.
Right... so where does the lubricant for your electric cars come from?
I use to think ah the answer is "synthetic oil"... Right?
But then.. a little research...
"The base material, however, is still overwhelmingly crude oil that is distilled and then modified physically and chemically."

So.... all the electric cars will still need increasingly more expensive "crude oil" to make synthetic lubricants... PLUS
hmmm... where will the power come from to charge those EVs?
Hmmm... Nuclear for sure but...
There are 53 nuclear reactors currently under construction around the world.
Only two are in the United States, once the world’s leader in nuclear energy development
So it seems we'll still need more costly crude oil which will either be imported and GROSSLY expensive...just to lubricate EVs
not even mentioning all those wind turbines that use oil.
Tsk..tsk.tsk... leaking oil polluting the environment!

Dirty Secret Behind Wind Turbines, They Need Lots Of Oil​

Screen Shot 2021-06-17 at 11.55.51 AM.png
I always find the war against domestic oil production totally nuts. Regardless of what prices do as a result, the fact is that limiting local production is 100% NEGATIVE for the environment. The US has standards, laws and, importantly, control over how domestic products are obtained. The only thing that reducing production here does is move that production to places that do not have those same regulations, safety concerns and have absolutely zero environmental concerns.

It is nothing more than virtue signaling to the base while going completely counter to everything that they claim to stand for. It shows how little politicians like Biden actually care about the crap they spew.
The pause for review on new leases did not cause a drop in production on federal lands.

Saudi Arabia accounts for less than 10 % of our petroleum imports.

You and the girls in the Democrat locker room are just poking each other away and giggling like crazy.

The point is that when they suspend new leases, that means the 25% is frozen and as Heath said will "eventually" be eliminated. I'm not like you, I actually read his OP.

And we both know Biden would never have approved the end of the "pause" in leases. Stop lying

It was the drilling permits that would have endangered production much sooner. But that ended months ago. It's was always doubtful that Joe would be able to abolish oil production on federal lands through his pause on lease sales.

So Joe's not responsible because he should have knows the courts would stop them. So you only support Joe TRYING to fund despotic governments and drill and drill and ship oil from overseas because you think that doesn't affect our environment.

A standard you applied to Trump ... never ...

Or in your native language, slap, slap, giggle, giggle.

Joe is responsible for both pauses and neither one cause a big spike in prices at the pump. Speaking of Trumpybear, he proudly protected the oil in Syria after stabbing our allies against ISIS in the back.

You and the girls in the Democrat locker room are just poking and giggling away, you're just ranting. You hate Trump to the point of total irrationality. I got it
You brought up the old Trumpyberra.

You still lack credibility.

Right, I pointed out that your standard's totally changed when the President switched from Trump to Biden. It's called hypocrisy.

But then you are just one of the girls in the Democrat locker room poking each other and giggling. You're not even engaged in anything real. Just Trump is bad, Biden is good. Justify whatever Biden does.

But it is a fact that you're supporting funding despotic governments and actually believe that drilling overseas and shipping oil in little boats across big oceans is better than drilling domestically. That's just wrong for a lot of reasons. But you aren't going to process them. It contradicts Trump bad, Biden good, as deep as you get

You didn't point out anything. You just make more and more wild claims that you never back up.

Carter championed energy independence from the ME 45 years ago. RayGun hooked us up.

You're mixing up your own definition for terms again. It's true we don't directly buy a lot from the middle east, but that's because of geography.

Energy independence doesn't mean not buying from a particular source, it means that overall we are an energy exporter, not importer.

It's so hard talking to brain dead partisans like you because you make up new definitions for terms like "energy independence" while you and the girls in the Democrat locker room are poking each other and giggling and I have to unpack what you said and figure out what terms you liked and redefined to make it work with your stupid crap
I always find the war against domestic oil production totally nuts. Regardless of what prices do as a result, the fact is that limiting local production is 100% NEGATIVE for the environment. The US has standards, laws and, importantly, control over how domestic products are obtained. The only thing that reducing production here does is move that production to places that do not have those same regulations, safety concerns and have absolutely zero environmental concerns.

It is nothing more than virtue signaling to the base while going completely counter to everything that they claim to stand for. It shows how little politicians like Biden actually care about the crap they spew.

You're assuming a lot. Saudi ARAMCO has a stellar safety record and environmental controls.
The pause for review on new leases did not cause a drop in production on federal lands.
I believe the point was that it *could* result in contraction of the domestic production possibilities curve in the future for those commodities, which is true, however given that the market isn't as simple as some apparently believe it doesn't necessarily entail corresponding price increases, for example we import crude oil, refine it and then turn around and export the refined products, contraction of the domestic crude oil PPC might involve reducing such exports to meet domestic demand.
Saudi Arabia accounts for less than 10 % of our petroleum imports.
7% in 2020 (on a downward sloping trend line).;)
OH I certainly agree in SA downward imports in 2020...again WHY? Federal leases increased under Trump.
I'm not going to get into a pissing contest regarding which President did what since I'm not interested in it, the fact of the matter is that the primary driver for increased domestic production has been innovation by private industry resulting in the ability to efficiently extract deposits that were previously inaccessible (e.g. fracking) and increasing efficiency in delivery to market of the resulting outputs, it's market dynamics not political shenanigans.
You obviously are too young to remember the early 70s when this happened!
No I'm obviously NOT since I remember the Arab Oil Embargo quite well, but thanks for trying to imply that I'm somehow in favor of increased imports. All I did was state some general facts about how the market works that you appeared to be missing, I didn't advocate for any particular course of action.
So "market" working will overcome the loss of Federal lands that produce 25% of oil production?
Plus how did you extract my opinion regarding increased oil importing from my early 70s comparison?
I'm simply repeating what the experts in the field have pointed out...
1) 25% comes from Federal lands.
2) Biden's put a moratorium (which by the way was found illegal by the courts recently) on Federal leases.
And by the way I voted ignorantly because I thought he was smart for Carter... little did I know until I followed his
leadership in the Misery Index!
The pause for review on new leases did not cause a drop in production on federal lands.

Saudi Arabia accounts for less than 10 % of our petroleum imports.

You and the girls in the Democrat locker room are just poking each other away and giggling like crazy.

The point is that when they suspend new leases, that means the 25% is frozen and as Heath said will "eventually" be eliminated. I'm not like you, I actually read his OP.

And we both know Biden would never have approved the end of the "pause" in leases. Stop lying

It was the drilling permits that would have endangered production much sooner. But that ended months ago. It's was always doubtful that Joe would be able to abolish oil production on federal lands through his pause on lease sales.

So Joe's not responsible because he should have knows the courts would stop them. So you only support Joe TRYING to fund despotic governments and drill and drill and ship oil from overseas because you think that doesn't affect our environment.

A standard you applied to Trump ... never ...

Or in your native language, slap, slap, giggle, giggle.

Joe is responsible for both pauses and neither one cause a big spike in prices at the pump. Speaking of Trumpybear, he proudly protected the oil in Syria after stabbing our allies against ISIS in the back.

You and the girls in the Democrat locker room are just poking and giggling away, you're just ranting. You hate Trump to the point of total irrationality. I got it
You brought up the old Trumpyberra.

You still lack credibility.

Right, I pointed out that your standard's totally changed when the President switched from Trump to Biden. It's called hypocrisy.

But then you are just one of the girls in the Democrat locker room poking each other and giggling. You're not even intellectually engaged in any of this. Just Trump is bad, Biden is good. Justify whatever Biden does.

But it is a fact that you're supporting funding despotic governments and actually believe that drilling overseas and shipping oil in little boats across big oceans is better than drilling domestically. That's just wrong for a lot of reasons. But you aren't going to process them. It contradicts Trump bad, Biden good, as deep as you get

Our lift and extraction costs are just about double what they are in the ME.. Further, you have to look at quality.. Are you looking at heavy sour crude or Texas sweet. Most US wells produce less than 50 barrels a day so there are no economies of scale.

Has NOTHING to do with Trump. He's always looking to take credit, but the President has little to do with the ppb.

So you're claiming Biden in his infinite wisdom is forcing oil companies to make good business decisions because he knows more about their business than they do.

You're seriously saying you believe that

If 25% of a commodity is removed, will the consumers' cost go up?​

Almost 100% of the horses that drove the buggies have been removed in early 20th century while transportation costs to consumers plumetted.

Gotcha, so we don't need more energy?

You realize you made that up, you're full of shit. Right? Energy needs in the world are going up, not down
The pause for review on new leases did not cause a drop in production on federal lands.

Saudi Arabia accounts for less than 10 % of our petroleum imports.

You and the girls in the Democrat locker room are just poking each other away and giggling like crazy.

The point is that when they suspend new leases, that means the 25% is frozen and as Heath said will "eventually" be eliminated. I'm not like you, I actually read his OP.

And we both know Biden would never have approved the end of the "pause" in leases. Stop lying

It was the drilling permits that would have endangered production much sooner. But that ended months ago. It's was always doubtful that Joe would be able to abolish oil production on federal lands through his pause on lease sales.

So Joe's not responsible because he should have knows the courts would stop them. So you only support Joe TRYING to fund despotic governments and drill and drill and ship oil from overseas because you think that doesn't affect our environment.

A standard you applied to Trump ... never ...

Or in your native language, slap, slap, giggle, giggle.

Joe is responsible for both pauses and neither one cause a big spike in prices at the pump. Speaking of Trumpybear, he proudly protected the oil in Syria after stabbing our allies against ISIS in the back.

You and the girls in the Democrat locker room are just poking and giggling away, you're just ranting. You hate Trump to the point of total irrationality. I got it
You brought up the old Trumpyberra.

You still lack credibility.

Right, I pointed out that your standard's totally changed when the President switched from Trump to Biden. It's called hypocrisy.

But then you are just one of the girls in the Democrat locker room poking each other and giggling. You're not even intellectually engaged in any of this. Just Trump is bad, Biden is good. Justify whatever Biden does.

But it is a fact that you're supporting funding despotic governments and actually believe that drilling overseas and shipping oil in little boats across big oceans is better than drilling domestically. That's just wrong for a lot of reasons. But you aren't going to process them. It contradicts Trump bad, Biden good, as deep as you get

Our lift and extraction costs are just about double what they are in the ME.. Further, you have to look at quality.. Are you looking at heavy sour crude or Texas sweet. Most US wells produce less than 50 barrels a day so there are no economies of scale.

Has NOTHING to do with Trump. He's always looking to take credit, but the President has little to do with the ppb.

So you're claiming Biden in his infinite wisdom is forcing oil companies to make good business decisions because he knows more about their business than they do.

You're seriously saying you believe that

No.. I am not saying that.. Drilling on Federal Lands has more stringent regulations .. Many domestic companies are rather seat of the pants operations. Domestic production was really bad during Dubya's 8 years. They were just limping long because the ppb was so low they couldn't invest in leases or rigs or exploration. When the ppb went to 100 everybody borrowed money and started drilling.. That is what brought us to 9-10 million bpd in production.

Its a pretty delicate balance... and frankly I want to see US producers stay competitative.

The accusations against Biden are assinine.
The pause for review on new leases did not cause a drop in production on federal lands.
I believe the point was that it *could* result in contraction of the domestic production possibilities curve in the future for those commodities, which is true, however given that the market isn't as simple as some apparently believe it doesn't necessarily entail corresponding price increases, for example we import crude oil, refine it and then turn around and export the refined products, contraction of the domestic crude oil PPC might involve reducing such exports to meet domestic demand.
Saudi Arabia accounts for less than 10 % of our petroleum imports.
7% in 2020 (on a downward sloping trend line).;)
OH I certainly agree in SA downward imports in 2020...again WHY? Federal leases increased under Trump.
I'm not going to get into a pissing contest regarding which President did what since I'm not interested in it, the fact of the matter is that the primary driver for increased domestic production has been innovation by private industry resulting in the ability to efficiently extract deposits that were previously inaccessible (e.g. fracking) and increasing efficiency in delivery to market of the resulting outputs, it's market dynamics not political shenanigans.
You obviously are too young to remember the early 70s when this happened!
No I'm obviously NOT since I remember the Arab Oil Embargo quite well, but thanks for trying to imply that I'm somehow in favor of increased imports. All I did was state some general facts about how the market works that you appeared to be missing, I didn't advocate for any particular course of action.
So "market" working will overcome the loss of Federal lands that produce 25% of oil production?
Of course it will, markets will always reach an equilibrium between supply and demand, and your premise is false, there is no "loss of federal lands that produce 25% of oil production", Biden proposed a PAUSE on new federal land leases and that has been blocked in court. At worst, if Biden got his way it would impact future POTENTIAL production (i.e. the future PPC of domestic petroleum production).

Plus how did you extract my opinion regarding increased oil importing from my early 70s comparison?
Why else would have you said what you did? Did you have some other motivate for stating "You obviously are too you to remember the early 70s when this happened!"? If so what was it?
I'm simply repeating what the experts in the field have pointed out...
1) 25% comes from Federal lands.
2) Biden's put a moratorium (which by the way was found illegal by the courts recently) on Federal leases.
Biden DIDN'T put any moratorium on existing leases, he has ATTEMPTED to put a pause on new leases, that attempt has so far been blocked by a federal judge.
And by the way I voted ignorantly because I thought he was smart for Carter... little did I know until I followed his
leadership in the Misery Index!
What makes you think I give a darn regarding how you voted? The reality is I couldn't care less how anyone voted.
The pause for review on new leases did not cause a drop in production on federal lands.

Saudi Arabia accounts for less than 10 % of our petroleum imports.

You and the girls in the Democrat locker room are just poking each other away and giggling like crazy.

The point is that when they suspend new leases, that means the 25% is frozen and as Heath said will "eventually" be eliminated. I'm not like you, I actually read his OP.

And we both know Biden would never have approved the end of the "pause" in leases. Stop lying

It was the drilling permits that would have endangered production much sooner. But that ended months ago. It's was always doubtful that Joe would be able to abolish oil production on federal lands through his pause on lease sales.

So Joe's not responsible because he should have knows the courts would stop them. So you only support Joe TRYING to fund despotic governments and drill and drill and ship oil from overseas because you think that doesn't affect our environment.

A standard you applied to Trump ... never ...

Or in your native language, slap, slap, giggle, giggle.

Joe is responsible for both pauses and neither one cause a big spike in prices at the pump. Speaking of Trumpybear, he proudly protected the oil in Syria after stabbing our allies against ISIS in the back.

You and the girls in the Democrat locker room are just poking and giggling away, you're just ranting. You hate Trump to the point of total irrationality. I got it
You brought up the old Trumpyberra.

You still lack credibility.

Right, I pointed out that your standard's totally changed when the President switched from Trump to Biden. It's called hypocrisy.

But then you are just one of the girls in the Democrat locker room poking each other and giggling. You're not even intellectually engaged in any of this. Just Trump is bad, Biden is good. Justify whatever Biden does.

But it is a fact that you're supporting funding despotic governments and actually believe that drilling overseas and shipping oil in little boats across big oceans is better than drilling domestically. That's just wrong for a lot of reasons. But you aren't going to process them. It contradicts Trump bad, Biden good, as deep as you get

Our lift and extraction costs are just about double what they are in the ME.. Further, you have to look at quality.. Are you looking at heavy sour crude or Texas sweet. Most US wells produce less than 50 barrels a day so there are no economies of scale.

Has NOTHING to do with Trump. He's always looking to take credit, but the President has little to do with the ppb.

So you're claiming Biden in his infinite wisdom is forcing oil companies to make good business decisions because he knows more about their business than they do.

You're seriously saying you believe that

No.. I am not saying that.. Drilling on Federal Lands has more stringent regulations .. Many domestic companies are rather seat of the pants operations. Domestic production was really bad during Dubya's 8 years. They were just limping long because the ppb was so low they couldn't invest in leases or rigs or exploration. When the ppb went to 100 everybody borrowed money and started drilling.. That is what brought us to 9-10 million bpd in production.

Its a pretty delicate balance... and frankly I want to see US producers stay competitative.

The accusations against Biden are assinine.

Energy companies do seat of their pants operation? OMG you're full of shit.

And yes, you keep arguing that Biden is stopping oil companies from losing money, that is clearly saying he is doing it for their own good, they are just too stupid to know it.

How do you get your head through doorways?
The pause for review on new leases did not cause a drop in production on federal lands.

Saudi Arabia accounts for less than 10 % of our petroleum imports.

You and the girls in the Democrat locker room are just poking each other away and giggling like crazy.

The point is that when they suspend new leases, that means the 25% is frozen and as Heath said will "eventually" be eliminated. I'm not like you, I actually read his OP.

And we both know Biden would never have approved the end of the "pause" in leases. Stop lying
The freeze has no impact upon how much natl gas is being produced. In fact we produce MORE natl gas now than in Nov of 2020.
Whether we return to pre-pandemic production .... we'll see.

Personally I'd rather not see any pause. I agree that there may be future cost increases, but there aren't now. And the best guess is that the increase in 21 will still leave elec prices lower than pre-pandemic.

The thread is a case of premature ejaculation.

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