If 99.99% of police DO NOT kill unarmed suspects, why does the entire force need to be “reimagined”?

"Defund the Police" is a simplistic approach to a complex issue. Just like "Build the Wall".

I wonder if we're just no longer capable of anything better than this.
"Defund the Police" is a simplistic approach to a complex issue. Just like "Build the Wall".

I wonder if we're just no longer capable of anything better than this.

You mean like "49 or War" or "Tippecanoe and Tyler, Too" or "I like Ike". Simplistic slogans have been a fixture of American politics forever, Vichy Mac.

Here's an in depth thoughtful political ad from 1952. Notice the complex nuance.

Stay home. You should be saddened by shithole Illinois has become.
You have nothing to feel smug about.

I feel very smug. We still have industry. Compare Chicago to Milwaukee, there's no comparison at all.
Shitty traffic, shitty roads, shitty people and plenty of gangbangers.
Illinois should make that the state motto.
The fact of police being necessary is evidence of the failure of society. As long as police are necessary, some will abuse their power. That is simply a fact of human nature. Thus, even that abuse is a result of social problems. As long as criminality is accepted, some level of abuse of power is inevitable. It can be confronted and punished on a case by case basis, but realism must rule as to dealing with it.
As for a $27,000,000.00 settlement, well, that is a commentary on the excesses of tort law.
The police do NOT need to be reformed. Society needs to be reformed.

We spent the past year and a half screaming fuck the police, the system is racist, it's racist for a criminal to be arrested, we should destroy and loot to support defunding the police, and so on.

The one and only problem we have is no one anywhere is telling society to stop breaking the law. Somehow we got away from telling people to obey the law.

So i say reform society and teach them to obey the law.

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