If a democrat was spouting all of the non sense Trump was, how would the rightwing react?

What 'nonsense' is he spouting? Can you elaborate on that? And also keep in mind, your girl Hitlery has been spouting dishonest nonsense for many years.

It would be far easier and less time consuming to elaborate on what nonsense he ISN'T spouting, to whit; nonsense that has yet to occur to him to spout off about.

Demagogues rarely rely on reason and evidence to support their positions and instead rely on appeals to emotion, most often fear and anger, sound like anyone you know?

So be specific. What 'Nonsense' is he spouting? I actually think the man is speaking truth. It's truly refreshing.
Say a democrat called a rival's bathroom break "disgusting" or openly mocked a reporter's disability, would conservatives kick up a whiney bitchfest over it?

Of course they would.

The rightwing lacks any objectivity when it comes to republican candidates. it doesn't matter what they say or do, they will defend them. It's pretty nauseating to hear.

Liberals on the other hand can be objective. We can openly criticize democrats like Bernie or Hillary by maintaining a nuanced perspective on the candidates we support. That's what critical thinking looks like, repubs.

Say a Republican claimed there was a video that ISIS was using of a Democrat candidate for a recruitment tool, what would the Liberals say?
How do those remotely compare? I'm talking about a candidate running for president calling another person's bathroom break disgusting. That's just stupid. It's something an 8th grader would say.

Now I don't know if Hillary's claim is true or false, but it's a safe assumption that it could be true. If ISIS wanted to convince Muslims the world over that America hates Muslims, they could easily use videos of Trump for it as propaganda. Why wouldn't they?

Because they already ARE using a video of Bill Clinton and Obama for recruiting. Hillary's claim has already been proven a lie by the news media. Get yourself up-to-date.
Lol who proved it to be a lie? Fox News? You're making shit up.

You don't know how to Google anything up? Get a Conservative to show you how. It's all over the internet.
All they are saying is that it hasn't been proven. That's it. It doesn't mean it isn't true which is what I originally said.
What 'nonsense' is he spouting? Can you elaborate on that? And also keep in mind, your girl Hitlery has been spouting dishonest nonsense for many years.

It would be far easier and less time consuming to elaborate on what nonsense he ISN'T spouting, to whit; nonsense that has yet to occur to him to spout off about.

Demagogues rarely rely on reason and evidence to support their positions and instead rely on appeals to emotion, most often fear and anger, sound like anyone you know?

So be specific. What 'Nonsense' is he spouting? I actually think the man is speaking truth. It's truly refreshing.

What would be the point of me reciting all of the Donald's outlandish pronouncements since apparently you've already bought into his line of bullshit? what I see as utter nonsense you see as truth, time will tell which one of us is perceiving reality and which one of us is projecting our desire for "hope and change" onto a reality TV show celebrity.

"You (demagogues) are like the fishers for eels; in still waters they catch nothing, but if they thoroughly stir up the slime, their fishing is good; in the same way it's only in troublous times that you line your pockets.” -- Aristophanes
Say a Republican claimed there was a video that ISIS was using of a Democrat candidate for a recruitment tool, what would the Liberals say?
How do those remotely compare? I'm talking about a candidate running for president calling another person's bathroom break disgusting. That's just stupid. It's something an 8th grader would say.

Now I don't know if Hillary's claim is true or false, but it's a safe assumption that it could be true. If ISIS wanted to convince Muslims the world over that America hates Muslims, they could easily use videos of Trump for it as propaganda. Why wouldn't they?

Because they already ARE using a video of Bill Clinton and Obama for recruiting. Hillary's claim has already been proven a lie by the news media. Get yourself up-to-date.
Lol who proved it to be a lie? Fox News? You're making shit up.

You don't know how to Google anything up? Get a Conservative to show you how. It's all over the internet.
All they are saying is that it hasn't been proven. That's it. It doesn't mean it isn't true which is what I originally said.

Well, suck it up. This one has been proven:

It Is Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, Not Donald Trump, In An ISIS Recruiting Video - Citizens for Trump
Say a democrat called a rival's bathroom break "disgusting" or openly mocked a reporter's disability, would conservatives kick up a whiney bitchfest over it?


Hillary's health is a legitimate issue. Everyone knows she's a boozer and spends half her life in the BR. As for the reporter and his disability, what's wrong with mocking him?. All the press is against trump and he has the right to fight back.
How do those remotely compare? I'm talking about a candidate running for president calling another person's bathroom break disgusting. That's just stupid. It's something an 8th grader would say.

Now I don't know if Hillary's claim is true or false, but it's a safe assumption that it could be true. If ISIS wanted to convince Muslims the world over that America hates Muslims, they could easily use videos of Trump for it as propaganda. Why wouldn't they?

Because they already ARE using a video of Bill Clinton and Obama for recruiting. Hillary's claim has already been proven a lie by the news media. Get yourself up-to-date.
Lol who proved it to be a lie? Fox News? You're making shit up.

You don't know how to Google anything up? Get a Conservative to show you how. It's all over the internet.
All they are saying is that it hasn't been proven. That's it. It doesn't mean it isn't true which is what I originally said.

Well, suck it up. This one has been proven:

It Is Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, Not Donald Trump, In An ISIS Recruiting Video - Citizens for Trump
Well gee no shit they would use Obama. He's the president.
Say a democrat called a rival's bathroom break "disgusting" or openly mocked a reporter's disability, would conservatives kick up a whiney bitchfest over it?

Of course they would.

The rightwing lacks any objectivity when it comes to republican candidates. it doesn't matter what they say or do, they will defend them. It's pretty nauseating to hear.

Liberals on the other hand can be objective. We can openly criticize democrats like Bernie or Hillary by maintaining a nuanced perspective on the candidates we support. That's what critical thinking looks like, repubs.
I would demand an IRS audit to see where they got the money to buy their balls.
Because they already ARE using a video of Bill Clinton and Obama for recruiting. Hillary's claim has already been proven a lie by the news media. Get yourself up-to-date.
Lol who proved it to be a lie? Fox News? You're making shit up.

You don't know how to Google anything up? Get a Conservative to show you how. It's all over the internet.
All they are saying is that it hasn't been proven. That's it. It doesn't mean it isn't true which is what I originally said.

Well, suck it up. This one has been proven:

It Is Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, Not Donald Trump, In An ISIS Recruiting Video - Citizens for Trump
Well gee no shit they would use Obama. He's the president.

Well, Bill Clinton isn't the President and Donald Trump isn't in it. Nice try at spinning it though. LOL!!
Lol who proved it to be a lie? Fox News? You're making shit up.

You don't know how to Google anything up? Get a Conservative to show you how. It's all over the internet.
All they are saying is that it hasn't been proven. That's it. It doesn't mean it isn't true which is what I originally said.

Well, suck it up. This one has been proven:

It Is Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, Not Donald Trump, In An ISIS Recruiting Video - Citizens for Trump
Well gee no shit they would use Obama. He's the president.

Well, Bill Clinton isn't the President and Donald Trump isn't in it. Nice try at spinning it though. LOL!!
Are you pretending I am defending Bill? I don't give a shit either way if he is in their propaganda videos lol.
Say a democrat called a rival's bathroom break "disgusting" or openly mocked a reporter's disability, would conservatives kick up a whiney bitchfest over it?

Of course they would.

The rightwing lacks any objectivity when it comes to republican candidates. it doesn't matter what they say or do, they will defend them. It's pretty nauseating to hear.

Liberals on the other hand can be objective. We can openly criticize democrats like Bernie or Hillary by maintaining a nuanced perspective on the candidates we support. That's what critical thinking looks like, repubs.

He wasn't making fun of a reporter. He was making fun of the many ways the president happens to look like a drooling retard.
Say a democrat called a rival's bathroom break "disgusting" or openly mocked a reporter's disability, would conservatives kick up a whiney bitchfest over it?

Of course they would.

The rightwing lacks any objectivity when it comes to republican candidates. it doesn't matter what they say or do, they will defend them. It's pretty nauseating to hear.

Liberals on the other hand can be objective. We can openly criticize democrats like Bernie or Hillary by maintaining a nuanced perspective on the candidates we support. That's what critical thinking looks like, repubs.

It is easy to defend a 0% tax rate for the middle class.
Say a democrat called a rival's bathroom break "disgusting" or openly mocked a reporter's disability, would conservatives kick up a whiney bitchfest over it?

Of course they would.

The rightwing lacks any objectivity when it comes to republican candidates. it doesn't matter what they say or do, they will defend them. It's pretty nauseating to hear.

Liberals on the other hand can be objective. We can openly criticize democrats like Bernie or Hillary by maintaining a nuanced perspective on the candidates we support. That's what critical thinking looks like, repubs.

Say a Republican claimed there was a video that ISIS was using of a Democrat candidate for a recruitment tool, what would the Liberals say?
How do those remotely compare? I'm talking about a candidate running for president calling another person's bathroom break disgusting. That's just stupid. It's something an 8th grader would say.

Now I don't know if Hillary's claim is true or false, but it's a safe assumption that it could be true. If ISIS wanted to convince Muslims the world over that America hates Muslims, they could easily use videos of Trump for it as propaganda. Why wouldn't they?

Because they already ARE using a video of Bill Clinton and Obama for recruiting. Hillary's claim has already been proven a lie by the news media. Get yourself up-to-date.
'Proven a lie by the news media.' Are you serious? First, they haven't 'proven' anything. And, second, the news media is not the court system in America. This is the USA. We do not convict people of wrong doing based on what the media says. Wow. Just wow. It is too bad that some people think we should put our faith in the news media rather than the courts in America. However, you only do that when it's media reporting what you want to hear and concluding what you want to conclude. If the news media has a perspective different from yours, then you go on and on about how biased and corrupt they are.

You have zero critical thinking skills.
Last edited:
Say a democrat called a rival's bathroom break "disgusting" or openly mocked a reporter's disability, would conservatives kick up a whiney bitchfest over it?

Of course they would.

The rightwing lacks any objectivity when it comes to republican candidates. it doesn't matter what they say or do, they will defend them. It's pretty nauseating to hear.

Liberals on the other hand can be objective. We can openly criticize democrats like Bernie or Hillary by maintaining a nuanced perspective on the candidates we support. That's what critical thinking looks like, repubs.

He wasn't making fun of a reporter. He was making fun of the many ways the president happens to look like a drooling retard.
And here you are, trying to rewrite history to be something you want it to be because the reality isn't to your liking. We all witnessed it. We know what he did. We know he was ridiculing a handicapped person because we all saw it. Your attmept to make it something it wasn't is ludicrous and pathetic.
Say a democrat called a rival's bathroom break "disgusting" or openly mocked a reporter's disability, would conservatives kick up a whiney bitchfest over it?

Of course they would.

The rightwing lacks any objectivity when it comes to republican candidates. it doesn't matter what they say or do, they will defend them. It's pretty nauseating to hear.

Liberals on the other hand can be objective. We can openly criticize democrats like Bernie or Hillary by maintaining a nuanced perspective on the candidates we support. That's what critical thinking looks like, repubs.

Trump is a "progressive" acting like a "progressive" the only reason you far left drones hate him is because of a letter behind his name..
Say a democrat called a rival's bathroom break "disgusting" or openly mocked a reporter's disability, would conservatives kick up a whiney bitchfest over it?

Of course they would.

The rightwing lacks any objectivity when it comes to republican candidates. it doesn't matter what they say or do, they will defend them. It's pretty nauseating to hear.

Liberals on the other hand can be objective. We can openly criticize democrats like Bernie or Hillary by maintaining a nuanced perspective on the candidates we support. That's what critical thinking looks like, repubs.

Say a Republican claimed there was a video that ISIS was using of a Democrat candidate for a recruitment tool, what would the Liberals say?
How do those remotely compare? I'm talking about a candidate running for president calling another person's bathroom break disgusting. That's just stupid. It's something an 8th grader would say.

Now I don't know if Hillary's claim is true or false, but it's a safe assumption that it could be true. If ISIS wanted to convince Muslims the world over that America hates Muslims, they could easily use videos of Trump for it as propaganda. Why wouldn't they?

Because they already ARE using a video of Bill Clinton and Obama for recruiting. Hillary's claim has already been proven a lie by the news media. Get yourself up-to-date.
'Proven a lie by the news media.' Are you serious? First, they haven't 'proven' anything. And, second, the news media is not the court system in America. This is the USA. We do not convict people of wrong doing based on what the media says. Wow. Just wow. It is too bad that some people think we should put our faith in the news media rather than the courts in America. However, you only do that when it's media reporting what you want to hear and concluding what you want to conclude. If the news media has a perspective different from yours, then you go on and on about how biased and corrupt they are.

You have zero critical thinking skills.

Oh the comments of the irony impaired far left drones!

It is cute to watch them truly believe they have a choice in their nominations..
Say a democrat called a rival's bathroom break "disgusting" or openly mocked a reporter's disability, would conservatives kick up a whiney bitchfest over it?

Of course they would.

The rightwing lacks any objectivity when it comes to republican candidates. it doesn't matter what they say or do, they will defend them. It's pretty nauseating to hear.

Liberals on the other hand can be objective. We can openly criticize democrats like Bernie or Hillary by maintaining a nuanced perspective on the candidates we support. That's what critical thinking looks like, repubs.

Say a Republican claimed there was a video that ISIS was using of a Democrat candidate for a recruitment tool, what would the Liberals say?

Well that is actually true they do use Obama and weak stance as a recruiting tool..

ISIS Recruitment Video Features Bill Clinton and Barack Obama not Donald Trump

It Is Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, Not Donald Trump, In An ISIS Recruiting Video [VIDEO] | RedState

Trump: Bill Clinton, Obama in ISIS video - not me
try as you might....trying to make Trump look worse than hilly is a losing battle....perhaps if you had a principled candidate.....I would say the Donald has read your alinsky handbook......ooooops
Say a democrat called a rival's bathroom break "disgusting" or openly mocked a reporter's disability, would conservatives kick up a whiney bitchfest over it?

Of course they would.

The rightwing lacks any objectivity when it comes to republican candidates. it doesn't matter what they say or do, they will defend them. It's pretty nauseating to hear.

Liberals on the other hand can be objective. We can openly criticize democrats like Bernie or Hillary by maintaining a nuanced perspective on the candidates we support. That's what critical thinking looks like, repubs.

Say a Republican claimed there was a video that ISIS was using of a Democrat candidate for a recruitment tool, what would the Liberals say?
How do those remotely compare? I'm talking about a candidate running for president calling another person's bathroom break disgusting. That's just stupid. It's something an 8th grader would say.

Now I don't know if Hillary's claim is true or false, but it's a safe assumption that it could be true. If ISIS wanted to convince Muslims the world over that America hates Muslims, they could easily use videos of Trump for it as propaganda. Why wouldn't they?

Because they already ARE using a video of Bill Clinton and Obama for recruiting. Hillary's claim has already been proven a lie by the news media. Get yourself up-to-date.
'Proven a lie by the news media.' Are you serious? First, they haven't 'proven' anything. And, second, the news media is not the court system in America. This is the USA. We do not convict people of wrong doing based on what the media says. Wow. Just wow. It is too bad that some people think we should put our faith in the news media rather than the courts in America. However, you only do that when it's media reporting what you want to hear and concluding what you want to conclude. If the news media has a perspective different from yours, then you go on and on about how biased and corrupt they are.

You have zero critical thinking skills.

All you need do to prove your point is to provide a link to any ISIS video using Trump as a recruiting tool. Produce the link and prove me wrong. That should be simple enough.
Say a democrat called a rival's bathroom break "disgusting" or openly mocked a reporter's disability, would conservatives kick up a whiney bitchfest over it?

Of course they would.

The rightwing lacks any objectivity when it comes to republican candidates. it doesn't matter what they say or do, they will defend them. It's pretty nauseating to hear.

Liberals on the other hand can be objective. We can openly criticize democrats like Bernie or Hillary by maintaining a nuanced perspective on the candidates we support. That's what critical thinking looks like, repubs.

Say a Republican claimed there was a video that ISIS was using of a Democrat candidate for a recruitment tool, what would the Liberals say?
How do those remotely compare? I'm talking about a candidate running for president calling another person's bathroom break disgusting. That's just stupid. It's something an 8th grader would say.

Now I don't know if Hillary's claim is true or false, but it's a safe assumption that it could be true. If ISIS wanted to convince Muslims the world over that America hates Muslims, they could easily use videos of Trump for it as propaganda. Why wouldn't they?

Because they already ARE using a video of Bill Clinton and Obama for recruiting. Hillary's claim has already been proven a lie by the news media. Get yourself up-to-date.
'Proven a lie by the news media.' Are you serious? First, they haven't 'proven' anything. And, second, the news media is not the court system in America. This is the USA. We do not convict people of wrong doing based on what the media says. Wow. Just wow. It is too bad that some people think we should put our faith in the news media rather than the courts in America. However, you only do that when it's media reporting what you want to hear and concluding what you want to conclude. If the news media has a perspective different from yours, then you go on and on about how biased and corrupt they are.

You have zero critical thinking skills.

All you need do to prove your point is to provide a link to any ISIS video using Trump as a recruiting tool. Produce the link and prove me wrong. That should be simple enough.
Nonsense. You know we don't have access to recruiting material ISIS might use.

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