If a democrat was spouting all of the non sense Trump was, how would the rightwing react?

Liberals long for the good old days when there was a double standard, when Republicans had to be as clean as a fresh winter snow and never say anything negative while Democrats could lie, smear, cheat and the press looked the other way.

That hasn't changed.
Say a Republican claimed there was a video that ISIS was using of a Democrat candidate for a recruitment tool, what would the Liberals say?
How do those remotely compare? I'm talking about a candidate running for president calling another person's bathroom break disgusting. That's just stupid. It's something an 8th grader would say.

Now I don't know if Hillary's claim is true or false, but it's a safe assumption that it could be true. If ISIS wanted to convince Muslims the world over that America hates Muslims, they could easily use videos of Trump for it as propaganda. Why wouldn't they?

Because they already ARE using a video of Bill Clinton and Obama for recruiting. Hillary's claim has already been proven a lie by the news media. Get yourself up-to-date.
'Proven a lie by the news media.' Are you serious? First, they haven't 'proven' anything. And, second, the news media is not the court system in America. This is the USA. We do not convict people of wrong doing based on what the media says. Wow. Just wow. It is too bad that some people think we should put our faith in the news media rather than the courts in America. However, you only do that when it's media reporting what you want to hear and concluding what you want to conclude. If the news media has a perspective different from yours, then you go on and on about how biased and corrupt they are.

You have zero critical thinking skills.

All you need do to prove your point is to provide a link to any ISIS video using Trump as a recruiting tool. Produce the link and prove me wrong. That should be simple enough.
Nonsense. You know we don't have access to recruiting material ISIS might use.

Of course we do. That statement is beyond stupid. How would we have the one featuring Obama and Bill Clinton? How would they use a video to recruit were that video not readily available to be seen? It simply boils down to the fact that you have nothing to back up your own wild statements. Understood.
Liberals on the other hand can be objective.
ROFLMAO! hate to break it to you but you and your fellow partisan lemmings in the Democrat Party are about as "objective" as the Spanish Inquisition, hell you had your nominee picked 2 days after President Dipshits last election.

Hyper-partisans and their hypocrisy it's so cute.
You follow a hyper partisan statement with an accusation of hyper partisanship.

The fact is that Trump is saying what a majority of americans have been thinking for many years.

PC is destroying this country. It must be stopped. Trump is the only candidate who has any chance of fixing the mess created by 60 years of liberals in both parties.
The fact is that Trump is saying what a majority of americans have been thinking for many years.

PC is destroying this country. It must be stopped. Trump is the only candidate who has any chance of fixing the mess created by 60 years of liberals in both parties.
What 'nonsense' is he spouting? Can you elaborate on that? And also keep in mind, your girl Hitlery has been spouting dishonest nonsense for many years.

It would be far easier and less time consuming to elaborate on what nonsense he ISN'T spouting, to whit; nonsense that has yet to occur to him to spout off about.

Demagogues rarely rely on reason and evidence to support their positions and instead rely on appeals to emotion, most often fear and anger, sound like anyone you know?

So be specific. What 'Nonsense' is he spouting? I actually think the man is speaking truth. It's truly refreshing.
They don't understand the idea of someone telling the truth.
The majority of Americans ARE NOT BIGOTS AND RACISTS.....trumps base

wrong, the bigots and racists all reside in the dem party. Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan, DeBlasio, Obama, Clinton, and more than half of Hollywood.

Do you understand that when Obama appoints a majority of blacks to positions in his administration that that is a racist action?
What 'nonsense' is he spouting? Can you elaborate on that? And also keep in mind, your girl Hitlery has been spouting dishonest nonsense for many years.

It would be far easier and less time consuming to elaborate on what nonsense he ISN'T spouting, to whit; nonsense that has yet to occur to him to spout off about.

Demagogues rarely rely on reason and evidence to support their positions and instead rely on appeals to emotion, most often fear and anger, sound like anyone you know?

So be specific. What 'Nonsense' is he spouting? I actually think the man is speaking truth. It's truly refreshing.
They don't understand the idea of someone telling the truth.

the truth scares the shit out of liberals.
What 'nonsense' is he spouting? Can you elaborate on that? And also keep in mind, your girl Hitlery has been spouting dishonest nonsense for many years.

It would be far easier and less time consuming to elaborate on what nonsense he ISN'T spouting, to whit; nonsense that has yet to occur to him to spout off about.

Demagogues rarely rely on reason and evidence to support their positions and instead rely on appeals to emotion, most often fear and anger, sound like anyone you know?

So be specific. What 'Nonsense' is he spouting? I actually think the man is speaking truth. It's truly refreshing.

What would be the point of me reciting all of the Donald's outlandish pronouncements since apparently you've already bought into his line of bullshit? what I see as utter nonsense you see as truth, time will tell which one of us is perceiving reality and which one of us is projecting our desire for "hope and change" onto a reality TV show celebrity.

"You (demagogues) are like the fishers for eels; in still waters they catch nothing, but if they thoroughly stir up the slime, their fishing is good; in the same way it's only in troublous times that you line your pockets.” -- Aristophanes

Check out some of the dishonest nonsense Hitlery's spouted over the years. She's a corrupt liar. Trump's more likely just saying things you don't wanna hear. You've mistaken that for 'nonsense.' Most Americans don't wanna hear truth. They say they do, but they don't. They just wanna hear PC Bullshite and demand more Freebies.

And those types of folks usually lean Democrat. They're not gonna support a Republican. They never intended to. So their incessant whining about Trump is predictable and lame. I don't care what they think.
Check out some of the dishonest nonsense Hitlery's spouted over the years. She's a corrupt liar.
What makes you think I care what Hillary has to say? she's as big of a lying asshole as Trump is, so the devil take her too.

Trump's more likely just saying things you don't wanna hear. You've mistaken that for 'nonsense.' Most Americans don't wanna hear truth. They say they do, but they don't. They just wanna hear PC Bullshite and demand more Freebies.
Trumps not saying things that I "don't wanna hear", he's saying things that are so void of actual content as to be pure fiction, he's a demagogue that appeals to emotion and many sheeple are buying into it just like they did with Obama, it's the Trumpian version of "hope and change" nothing more....
You follow a hyper partisan statement with an accusation of hyper partisanship.

...and you read things that aren't there (in typical hyper partisan fashion); I don't have any love for the GOP either (or any other political party, they all suck)...... now go back and read what I wrote again and this time put the voices in your head on mute.
All I want is a libturd to admit Hillary let four Americans down in Benghazi.
SURE I WILL ,,,right after you admit the *&^&*%$% gwb let down 1000's of our guys

SURE I WILL... right after YOU admit that these traitors as this HARVARD study proved helped RECRUIT terrorists....
as Obama recently said:"I cannot think of a more potent recruitment tool for ISIL than some of the rhetoric that’s coming out of here during the course of this debate.”

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "War is lost", So when Reid said that the insurgents increased bombings!
U.S. Rep. Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,” Don't think insurgents weren't happy to repeat this while recruiting?
Senator Kerry(D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children." Terrorists AGREED!!!
Senator Obama(D) .."troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians," Calling our military civilian killers sure sounds good to terrorists!

Now I'm going to prove that the above statements were more of a recruiting tool of terrorists because
these comments have been shown to increase violence!
This Harvard showed : THE "EMBOLDENMENT EFFECT" asked:

"Are insurgents in Iraq emboldened by voices in the news media expressing dissent or calling for troop withdrawals from Iraq?

The short answer is YES!!!
According to Radha Iyengar, a Robert Wood Johnson Scholar in health policy research at Harvard and Jonathan Monten of the Belfer Center
at the university's Kennedy School of Government.

Are insurgents affected by information on US casualty sensitivity? Using data on attacks and variation in access to international news across
Iraqi provinces, we identify an “emboldenment” effect by comparing the rate of insurgent attacks in areas with higher and lower access to
information about U.S news after public statements critical of the war.
We find in periods after a spike in war-critical statements, insurgent attacks increases by 5-10 percent.
The results suggest that insurgent groups respond rationally to expected probability of US withdrawal.

SO SURE I WILL AGREE if you agree these traitors helped kill 3,400 more troops after Saddam was removed because obviously like the above
traitors you loved Saddam and all his killings of hundreds of thousands of children!
"If a Democrat was spouting all of the nonsense Trump was, how would the right win react?"

Dismantling the culture of Political Correctness that has been crippling this country?

Sending the latest wave of 11,000,000 invaders (Illegal Aliens) home?

Barring the citizens of Muslim-dominated countries from entering the United States for a while?

Forcing jobs back on-shore, through tariffs and tax penalties?

Cutting the throats of ISIS and hitting them where they live?

The right would vote Democrat that year.

Trouble is, that's a fantasy...

There isn't a Leftist on the face of the planet with the balls to say and do such things...

Never gonna happen.
There isn't a Leftist on the face of the planet with the balls to say and do such things...

Never gonna happen.

You're right, the left has it's own unique brand of bullshit, the most popular being; we'll give everybody mountains of goodies, paid for by other people.

Of course Trumps brand of bullshit is no better than the kind the left continuously assaults reason and common sense with. :)
Say a democrat called a rival's bathroom break "disgusting" or openly mocked a reporter's disability, would conservatives kick up a whiney bitchfest over it?

Of course they would.

The rightwing lacks any objectivity when it comes to republican candidates. it doesn't matter what they say or do, they will defend them. It's pretty nauseating to hear.

Liberals on the other hand can be objective. We can openly criticize democrats like Bernie or Hillary by maintaining a nuanced perspective on the candidates we support. That's what critical thinking looks like, repubs.
It would be ignored just like republicans are ignoring the nonsense Sanders is spouting
Say a democrat called a rival's bathroom break "disgusting" or openly mocked a reporter's disability, would conservatives kick up a whiney bitchfest over it?

Of course they would.

The rightwing lacks any objectivity when it comes to republican candidates. it doesn't matter what they say or do, they will defend them. It's pretty nauseating to hear.

Liberals on the other hand can be objective. We can openly criticize democrats like Bernie or Hillary by maintaining a nuanced perspective on the candidates we support. That's what critical thinking looks like, repubs.
Obviously, Democrat voters could care less if their candidates are criminals.

So....do us all a favor and STFU.
Say a democrat called a rival's bathroom break "disgusting" or openly mocked a reporter's disability, would conservatives kick up a whiney bitchfest over it?

Of course they would.

The rightwing lacks any objectivity when it comes to republican candidates. it doesn't matter what they say or do, they will defend them. It's pretty nauseating to hear.

Liberals on the other hand can be objective. We can openly criticize democrats like Bernie or Hillary by maintaining a nuanced perspective on the candidates we support. That's what critical thinking looks like, repubs.

You mean objectivity like calling the term "schlonged" vulgar despite NPR, a mouthpiece for the Liberal agenda, using the same term related to the defeat of Mondale and the first female VP candidate G. Ferraro from 1984?
There isn't a Leftist on the face of the planet with the balls to say and do such things...

Never gonna happen.

You're right, the left has it's own unique brand of bullshit, the most popular being; we'll give everybody mountains of goodies, paid for by other people.

Of course Trumps brand of bullshit is no better than the kind the left continuously assaults reason and common sense with. :)

3 stages of truth.png

Trump: Build a great wall... deport illegal immigrants.


violently opposed

Today ...

The Department of Homeland Security has begun preparing for a series of raids that would target for deportation hundreds of families who have flocked to the United States since the start of last year, according to people familiar with the operation.

The nationwide campaign, to be carried out by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents as soon as early January, would be the first large-scale effort to deport families who have fled violence in Central America, those familiar with the plan said. More than 100,000 families with both adults and children have made the journey across the southwest border since last year, though this migration has largely been overshadowed by a related surge of unaccompanied minors.
U.S. plans raids to deport families who surged across border

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