If a person uses a link to a blog as a NEWS SOURCE is it valid?

Is a blog a proper news source?

  • No, an opinion is not a news source

    Votes: 14 93.3%
  • Yes, because they must know something in order to form their opinion

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • No, not when it is a serious issue that involves quite a bit of research

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, as long as it is something bad about the party I don't support

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
It would be a moderation nightmare if we had to determine what was or was not a proper news source.

No it wouldn't. It's not difficult to spot spoof news websites, or to recognize bullshit like Gateway Pundit for the bullshit that it is. The problem is there are millions of ass hats who want to trade in bullshit, and this board loves all the traffic.
It would be a moderation nightmare if we had to determine what was or was not a proper news source.

No it wouldn't. It's not difficult to spot spoof news websites, or to recognize bullshit like Gateway Pundit for the bullshit that it is. The problem is there are millions of ass hats who want to trade in bullshit, and this board loves all the traffic.

he problem is there are millions of ass hats who want to trade in bullshit,


and many of them work for cable news
It would be a moderation nightmare if we had to determine what was or was not a proper news source.

No it wouldn't. It's not difficult to spot spoof news websites, or to recognize bullshit like Gateway Pundit for the bullshit that it is. The problem is there are millions of ass hats who want to trade in bullshit, and this board loves all the traffic.

The issue is he number of staff that want the title and the power, but not the responsibility. They don't get paid and it is voluntary you will be told... but that is exactly the point. If it is too much work, then step down. Seems pretty simple to me. I've been a Mod on a few different forums, but when life got too busy and I couldn't adequately keep up my responsibilities on the forum I stepped down.
It would be a moderation nightmare if we had to determine what was or was not a proper news source.

No it wouldn't. It's not difficult to spot spoof news websites, or to recognize bullshit like Gateway Pundit for the bullshit that it is. The problem is there are millions of ass hats who want to trade in bullshit, and this board loves all the traffic.

i like using this link to help determine a source's credibility:

Media Bias/Fact Check - Search and Learn the Bias of News Media

& they also have lists showing left, right & least biased sites & sources. this list is the least biased:

Least Biased - Media Bias/Fact Check
A senior mod told you the policy just because you wanna cheat and shut down conversations you don't like doesn't mean you get to by the rules. Accept it and move on.

Cheat and shut down conversations? Using a blog as your source would be like asking the guy in front of the Barber shop if he thinks there are aliens then telling your wife you need to beef up security at your house because he told you they would attack someday.
You have been told the rules quit crying.

Just because someone disagrees with something, doesn't mean they are crying... and you are the one that said that none of the threads required links. :rolleyes:

I think it must be a Gunny thing, out of all the ones I dealt with at Parris Island had a God complex. When the Navy Lt. at the BMC told them I had pneumonia the Gunny that ran the confidence course that day just would not apologize for treating me like shit right before I had the chest x-ray and the Lt. told him.

They don't get paid and it is voluntary you will be told... but that is exactly the point. If it is too much work, then step down. Seems pretty simple to me. I've been a Mod on a few different forums, but when life got too busy and I couldn't adequately keep up my responsibilities on the forum I stepped down.

This board exists for one reason: Someone owns it, and that someone is making money from it.
You think a blog is a good site to get information of someone saying FACTS? For example the BLOG that said Rep. Omar is not really a U.S. citizen, that she lied about her identity when entering the U.S. It had absolutely no proof to support that, and was just a blog of his opinion.

You decide. We just allow freedom of expression and attempt to get discussions. We are not "fact checkers" or algorithmic filters...

Cool so does this mean Mind Wars can put all her stuff in politics? :rolleyes:
Yes – lies, misinformation, unsubstantiated conspiracy theories, and rightwing fake news is very much part of our political reality.

Indeed, conservatives use lies, misinformation, unsubstantiated conspiracy theories, and fake news as a partisan weapon to advance their agenda and attack their political opponents.

Conservativism flourishes in an environment of chaos and uncertainty, where the truth doesn’t matter and lies are contrived and propagated with impunity.

Yes – lies, misinformation, unsubstantiated conspiracy theories, and leftwing fake news is very much part of our political reality.

Indeed, liberals use lies, misinformation, unsubstantiated conspiracy theories, and fake news as a partisan weapon to advance their agenda and attack their political opponents.

Liberalism flourishes in an environment of chaos and uncertainty, where the truth doesn’t matter and lies are contrived and propagated with impunity.

They don't get paid and it is voluntary you will be told... but that is exactly the point. If it is too much work, then step down. Seems pretty simple to me. I've been a Mod on a few different forums, but when life got too busy and I couldn't adequately keep up my responsibilities on the forum I stepped down.

This board exists for one reason: Someone owns it, and that someone is making money from it.

And despite that, asks for donations to keep it running.
I have found that if one expresses and opinion and backs it up with a link then, some lefty vehemently disagrees, they summarily dis the link.
i only use & accept sources based on university research level criteria. unbiased valid news outlets, & online citations from sources ending in .org or .gov or .edu

blogs, sources ending in .net or .com & (unless it's already 'general knowledge' ) wikipedia is never to be used as a valid source for anything.

That's pretty impressive.. However, you don't understand the role of "non-authoritative" sources... And you OVER-ESTIMATE the scruples and honesty of the sites on your list.. CERTAINLY, there are crappy .ORG sites.. And the 535 .GOV sites assigned to Congress Critters are a WASTELAND deeper in shit than Sunday morning cable news shows.. And OTHER .GOV sites are set-ups for propagandizing the current administration's effort to PUSH certain agenda items.. So it's NOT a fertile field of much other than bullshit and statistics that are TUNED to very WONKY definitions.. Statistics that "normal people" without critical thinking abilities should not be parroting.. ]

And some of the most partisan and spinnable sites on the web hide behind .ORG labels.. As well as some "think tanks" that are nothing but extensions of partisan spin.. I'd REALLY be impressed if I searched your content and found that NEVER have you quoted from "factcheck.org" instead of thinking critically for yourself and doing some research..:113:

If you want to be a purest or what Spiro Agnew back in the days referred to as "an effete corps of impudent snobs" -- you should trudging thru CPAN and Congressional testimony or press conferences for "gems" of wisdom... Mining there is a dirty business..

IMO -- "non-authoritive" sources play an ever increasing VITAL role in public education as the "media" abandons their charters and methods. It's like those "research librarians" you could lean on before the internet matured.. They were skillful in telling you WHERE TO LOOK for information that maybe they didn't fully understand. And MANY times a week, the BEST investigative journalism (maybe the ONLY investigative journalism) comes from sources that you DID NOT list....
i only use & accept sources based on university research level criteria. unbiased valid news outlets, & online citations from sources ending in .org or .gov or .edu

blogs, sources ending in .net or .com & (unless it's already 'general knowledge' ) .

lol lol lol sure you do ...

you are free to do any kind of research into any of my posting history & find out. it's allllllllllllllll there & i guarantee you would eat your words.

You mean like you did in this post? lol
If someone starts a thread in Politics or another place on the forum, and they use a link to a blog, is that a valid link to proclaim it as a proper news source? Doesn't the forum require a news link in the OP related to the title and purpose of the thread?

FWIW, I don't necessarily trust ANY source, but some are better than others.
He's siting someones opinion.

Opinions don't always need a 'news source'.

So you know what thread brought this question to mind. Saying someone isn't an American citizen and is an illegal immigrant isn't really something you have an opinion about. It takes facts to prove, it isn't subjective, it is objective. There are specific rules in order to become a naturalized citizen.

The reason I tagged you was because the retired poster said that threads about subjects that are objective or real don't require a link.

So you know what thread brought this question to mind.

no idea

Saying someone isn't an American citizen and is an illegal immigrant isn't really something you have an opinion about.

why not?

It takes facts in order to have an opinion on it. Omar was a naturalized citizen at 17. You can't just say you THINK she was a different person and lied about it. You need facts or some kind of source for that, not just something you pull out of thin air.

It's not like a discussion asking who you think the best and worst President is. Or say you think that the citizenship test and requirements should be changed.

It takes facts in order to have an opinion on it.

Since when?

There is objective which means something either is or isn't and unbiased, and there is subjective which means it can contain a bias through opinion. Some subjects, like if Omar is a U.S. citizen or not is not a subjective topic. She either is, or isn't. She became a naturalized citizen through a clear process. The blog was saying she wasn't who she said she was when she applied for refugee status which then led to her becoming a naturalized citizen. That takes PROOF, not opinion. That's like saying in your opinion water isn't wet.

A blog is a blog. News is news. If someone tries to use a blog as news, I take it with a grain of salt.

I take it with the whole..what are those round box things called? Box of salt?
i only use & accept sources based on university research level criteria. unbiased valid news outlets, & online citations from sources ending in .org or .gov or .edu

blogs, sources ending in .net or .com & (unless it's already 'general knowledge' ) wikipedia is never to be used as a valid source for anything.

That's pretty impressive.. However, you don't understand the role of "non-authoritative" sources... And you OVER-ESTIMATE the scruples and honesty of the sites on your list.. CERTAINLY, there are crappy .ORG sites.. And the 535 .GOV sites assigned to Congress Critters are a WASTELAND deeper in shit than Sunday morning cable news shows.. And OTHER .GOV sites are set-ups for propagandizing the current administration's effort to PUSH certain agenda items.. So it's NOT a fertile field of much other than bullshit and statistics that are TUNED to very WONKY definitions.. Statistics that "normal people" without critical thinking abilities should not be parroting.. ]

And some of the most partisan and spinnable sites on the web hide behind .ORG labels.. As well as some "think tanks" that are nothing but extensions of partisan spin.. I'd REALLY be impressed if I searched your content and found that NEVER have you quoted from "factcheck.org" instead of thinking critically for yourself and doing some research..:113:

If you want to be a purest or what Spiro Agnew back in the days referred to as "an effete corps of impudent snobs" -- you should trudging thru CPAN and Congressional testimony or press conferences for "gems" of wisdom... Mining there is a dirty business..

IMO -- "non-authoritive" sources play an ever increasing VITAL role in public education as the "media" abandons their charters and methods. It's like those "research librarians" you could lean on before the internet matured.. They were skillful in telling you WHERE TO LOOK for information that maybe they didn't fully understand. And MANY times a week, the BEST investigative journalism (maybe the ONLY investigative journalism) comes from sources that you DID NOT list....

Whaddaya mean normal people don't have critical thinking skills? Most do, don't they?
It would be a moderation nightmare if we had to determine what was or was not a proper news source.

No it wouldn't. It's not difficult to spot spoof news websites, or to recognize bullshit like Gateway Pundit for the bullshit that it is. The problem is there are millions of ass hats who want to trade in bullshit, and this board loves all the traffic.

So you would agree that CNN is not a legitimate source, correct?
No doubt the left would like to eliminate outlets with dissenting views in order to "protect the people".
Thier are some great independent citizen thinkers out there .
The left are simplistic fools for dismissing them outright

The left doesn't want great thinkers, the left wants indoctrinated drones.

On that note..

I just watched this Twilight Zone..and it shows this family with a couple and 1 son, and it's all good, setting is futuristic...

So he going to take the "government test" today..parents look a little nervous but hide it from him.

They drop him at the government testing facility and leave..So he gets there and the dude makes him drink Sodium Pentathol. :wtf:

Turns out it's an IQ test..

Cut to much later in the afternoon and the parents are pacing and very nervous..then they get the call on the videophone.

"We have calculated the results of your son's IQ test. We regret to inform you his IQ was too high, what do you want us to do with the body?"

:eek: That's half the reason I'm still up, I was like "WTF?!"
Thier are some great independent citizen thinkers out there .
The left are simplistic fools for dismissing them outright

The left doesn't want great thinkers, the left wants indoctrinated drones.

On that note..

I just watched this Twilight Zone..and it shows this family with a couple and 1 son, and it's all good, setting is futuristic...

So he going to take the "government test" today..parents look a little nervous but hide it from him.

They drop him at the government testing facility and leave..So he gets there and the dude makes him drink Sodium Pentathol. :wtf:

Turns out it's an IQ test..

Cut to much later in the afternoon and the parents are pacing and very nervous..then they get the call on the videophone.

"We have calculated the results of your son's IQ test. We regret to inform you his IQ was too high, what do you want us to do with the body?"

:eek: That's half the reason I'm still up, I was like "WTF?!"


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