If a person uses a link to a blog as a NEWS SOURCE is it valid?

Is a blog a proper news source?

  • No, an opinion is not a news source

    Votes: 14 93.3%
  • Yes, because they must know something in order to form their opinion

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • No, not when it is a serious issue that involves quite a bit of research

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, as long as it is something bad about the party I don't support

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Thomas Paine was ignored by the Founders as soon as the war was over. He was in fact a hired propagandist, and not a 'Founder'; he only held minor appointed offices, like secretary to somebody while in England. Some of the others, widely popular during the war, were deported after the war was over, like James Otis.
You think a blog is a good site to get information of someone saying FACTS? For example the BLOG that said Rep. Omar is not really a U.S. citizen, that she lied about her identity when entering the U.S. It had absolutely no proof to support that, and was just a blog of his opinion.

You decide. We just allow freedom of expression and attempt to get discussions. We are not "fact checkers" or algorithmic filters...

Cool so does this mean Mind Wars can put all her stuff in politics? :rolleyes:

Why not? You deviants spam the boards with total rubbish every single day; Mindwars posts topics far more credible and objective than your ilk ever does here, just spraying out spam issue after spam issue. That's probably why you're whining about it.
If someone starts a thread in Politics or another place on the forum, and they use a link to a blog, is that a valid link to proclaim it as a proper news source? Doesn't the forum require a news link in the OP related to the title and purpose of the thread?
It is a valid link, and it can be attacked in debate as an opinion and not a news source...but for purposes here, where a link is required it serves that purpose.

It would be a moderation nightmare if we had to determine what was or was not a proper news source. Plus opinion pieces can give interesting insights to stimulate discussion.

The link literally says it is a blog, not news.

So??? Get over it.. Thomas Paine was America's "1st blogger".. His "pamphlets" ran contrary to some reported news but rung TRUER than the "news" coming out of the feuding politicians...

Really? You are comparing Thomas Paine to some random blogger who write a derogatory, new age birther, blog without ANY evidence whatsoever?

Here we go again... you're all about defending this conspiracy theory idiot bloggers.

No. I'm not.. We accept discussions based on blog material. We only RARELY disallow any source that isn't Stormfront or similar.. Because we are not JUDGING the material.. YOU ARE... That's the point..

Use the links and facts in the article and do some sleuthing.. You might learn something, you might not.. This whole message board experience only pays off when YOU are engaged..

If you want "algorithms", fact checkers, shadow banners, and safety filters, try facebook, google, YouTube, etc...

EVEN twitter is news for some damn reason.. And that's FAR WORSE than a blog...
If someone starts a thread in Politics or another place on the forum, and they use a link to a blog, is that a valid link to proclaim it as a proper news source? Doesn't the forum require a news link in the OP related to the title and purpose of the thread?

Most blogs are FAR more accurate than CNN or MSNBC.

Just sayin...
You think a blog is a good site to get information of someone saying FACTS? For example the BLOG that said Rep. Omar is not really a U.S. citizen, that she lied about her identity when entering the U.S. It had absolutely no proof to support that, and was just a blog of his opinion.

You decide. We just allow freedom of expression and attempt to get discussions. We are not "fact checkers" or algorithmic filters...

Cool so does this mean Mind Wars can put all her stuff in politics? :rolleyes:

We've reached an accommodation with the InfoWars fans. If the story on Infowars is just ripped from a primary source, we require an OP with that PRIMARY source... It's the sane thing to do...
If someone starts a thread in Politics or another place on the forum, and they use a link to a blog, is that a valid link to proclaim it as a proper news source? Doesn't the forum require a news link in the OP related to the title and purpose of the thread?

Most blogs are FAR more accurate than CNN or MSNBC.

Just sayin...

The last great American investigative reporters like Greenwald, Carter, and others MAY occasionally publish in "mainstream" papers or outlets.. But they CHOOSE to be to independent and largely "blog based" so that they have complete freedom to spend their time as THEY see fit...

I think in the future, because of the partisan rifts, and the shorter attention spans and the pressure of money and stockholders, THE ONLY PLACE you will see in depth "investigative reporting" is in Blog-like websites or consortiums....
Thomas Paine was ignored by the Founders as soon as the war was over. He was in fact a hired propagandist, and not a 'Founder'; he only held minor appointed offices, like secretary to somebody while in England.

Why the need to minimize what he did? This "propaganda" is still readable and applicable today...

Is this the propaganda you're referring to???

His The American Crisis (1776–1783) was a pro-revolutionary pamphlet series. Common Sense was so influential that John Adams said: "Without the pen of the author of Common Sense, the sword of Washington would have been raised in vain".[7

Getting an entire nation BEHIND the concept of Independence was HIS war... He did his job to sway ENOUGH to make the Founding successful... Paine IS a "founding father" of this country...
There is NO requirement for a link in every thread that is a lie.

In Zone 2 the Mods have very often said that unless you provide a link to support your thread they will close it.

Kat WillHaftawaite flacaltenn Dont Taz Me Bro ?

and they use a link to a blog,

He's siting someones opinion.

Opinions don't always need a 'news source'.

So you know what thread brought this question to mind. Saying someone isn't an American citizen and is an illegal immigrant isn't really something you have an opinion about. It takes facts to prove, it isn't subjective, it is objective. There are specific rules in order to become a naturalized citizen.

The reason I tagged you was because the retired poster said that threads about subjects that are objective or real don't require a link.

So you know what thread brought this question to mind.

no idea

Saying someone isn't an American citizen and is an illegal immigrant isn't really something you have an opinion about.

why not?

It takes facts in order to have an opinion on it. Omar was a naturalized citizen at 17. You can't just say you THINK she was a different person and lied about it. You need facts or some kind of source for that, not just something you pull out of thin air.

It's not like a discussion asking who you think the best and worst President is. Or say you think that the citizenship test and requirements should be changed.

Specifically concerning THIS person and this story -- there's enough smoke coming out of "mainstream news"...

For instance, her two apparently simultaneous marriages is a thing. And it seems the purpose might have been to get SOMEONE into the country with a "90 day fiance" marriage...

New documents revisit questions about Rep. Ilhan Omar's marriage history

So -- this is why USMB moderation is not in the business of truth checking.....
If someone starts a thread in Politics or another place on the forum, and they use a link to a blog, is that a valid link to proclaim it as a proper news source? Doesn't the forum require a news link in the OP related to the title and purpose of the thread?
It is a valid link, and it can be attacked in debate as an opinion and not a news source...but for purposes here, where a link is required it serves that purpose.

It would be a moderation nightmare if we had to determine what was or was not a proper news source. Plus opinion pieces can give interesting insights to stimulate discussion.

The link literally says it is a blog, not news.

So??? Get over it.. Thomas Paine was America's "1st blogger".. His "pamphlets" ran contrary to some reported news but rung TRUER than the "news" coming out of the feuding politicians...

Really? You are comparing Thomas Paine to some random blogger who write a derogatory, new age birther, blog without ANY evidence whatsoever?

Here we go again... you're all about defending this conspiracy theory idiot bloggers.

No. I'm not.. We accept discussions based on blog material. We only RARELY disallow any source that isn't Stormfront or similar.. Because we are not JUDGING the material.. YOU ARE... That's the point..

Use the links and facts in the article and do some sleuthing.. You might learn something, you might not.. This whole message board experience only pays off when YOU are engaged..

If you want "algorithms", fact checkers, shadow banners, and safety filters, try facebook, google, YouTube, etc...

EVEN twitter is news for some damn reason.. And that's FAR WORSE than a blog...

A BLOG is not a source, it is opinion. I can find blogs that say rich people like Trump drink baby blood as a sacrifice to the devil in order to stay rich. It's 100% untrue but I bet I can find a blog somewhere on the internet that says it. You going to leave it in politics?

This blog about Omar is just the same birther crap like Obama. She IS A US CITIZEN. They don't just let anyone become a naturalized citizen, ESPECIALLY from Somalia, without doing a check on her. It is not like she was some special person that could get by without being checked due to her family status, she was just a refugee.

The thread is now in conspiracy theory, but unless you draw the line somewhere, you will continue to have people that get pissed off because some post in politics stay despite a source like an OP-ED or a blog, while others are moved that use the same type of source. I think you are biased, while others may think Coyote or others are biased towards them.
In Zone 2 the Mods have very often said that unless you provide a link to support your thread they will close it.

Kat WillHaftawaite flacaltenn Dont Taz Me Bro ?

and they use a link to a blog,

He's siting someones opinion.

Opinions don't always need a 'news source'.

So you know what thread brought this question to mind. Saying someone isn't an American citizen and is an illegal immigrant isn't really something you have an opinion about. It takes facts to prove, it isn't subjective, it is objective. There are specific rules in order to become a naturalized citizen.

The reason I tagged you was because the retired poster said that threads about subjects that are objective or real don't require a link.

So you know what thread brought this question to mind.

no idea

Saying someone isn't an American citizen and is an illegal immigrant isn't really something you have an opinion about.

why not?

It takes facts in order to have an opinion on it. Omar was a naturalized citizen at 17. You can't just say you THINK she was a different person and lied about it. You need facts or some kind of source for that, not just something you pull out of thin air.

It's not like a discussion asking who you think the best and worst President is. Or say you think that the citizenship test and requirements should be changed.

Specifically concerning THIS person and this story -- there's enough smoke coming out of "mainstream news"...

For instance, her two apparently simultaneous marriages is a thing. And it seems the purpose might have been to get SOMEONE into the country with a "90 day fiance" marriage...

New documents revisit questions about Rep. Ilhan Omar's marriage history

So -- this is why USMB moderation is not in the business of truth checking.....

That doesn't make her not a U.S. citizen. She was smart NOT to talk about it, because then it just gives it validity, and no mate what she says people are going to continue to believe what they want to believe. So once she denies it once, that's all it takes, no reason to keep talking about it. Did you read the full article? It says the more people looked into it, the less they found. If she misused campaign funds then she should be punished for it, which is more than likely a fine. In this day and age of how easy it is to find information, if people could not find a smoking gun from 2016 to now... then there is none.
A senior mod told you the policy just because you wanna cheat and shut down conversations you don't like doesn't mean you get to by the rules. Accept it and move on.
A senior mod told you the policy just because you wanna cheat and shut down conversations you don't like doesn't mean you get to by the rules. Accept it and move on.

Cheat and shut down conversations? Using a blog as your source would be like asking the guy in front of the Barber shop if he thinks there are aliens then telling your wife you need to beef up security at your house because he told you they would attack someday.
A senior mod told you the policy just because you wanna cheat and shut down conversations you don't like doesn't mean you get to by the rules. Accept it and move on.

Cheat and shut down conversations? Using a blog as your source would be like asking the guy in front of the Barber shop if he thinks there are aliens then telling your wife you need to beef up security at your house because he told you they would attack someday.
You have been told the rules quit crying.
A senior mod told you the policy just because you wanna cheat and shut down conversations you don't like doesn't mean you get to by the rules. Accept it and move on.

Cheat and shut down conversations? Using a blog as your source would be like asking the guy in front of the Barber shop if he thinks there are aliens then telling your wife you need to beef up security at your house because he told you they would attack someday.
You have been told the rules quit crying.

Just because someone disagrees with something, doesn't mean they are crying... and you are the one that said that none of the threads required links. :rolleyes:

I think it must be a Gunny thing, out of all the ones I dealt with at Parris Island had a God complex. When the Navy Lt. at the BMC told them I had pneumonia the Gunny that ran the confidence course that day just would not apologize for treating me like shit right before I had the chest x-ray and the Lt. told him.
A senior mod told you the policy just because you wanna cheat and shut down conversations you don't like doesn't mean you get to by the rules. Accept it and move on.

Cheat and shut down conversations? Using a blog as your source would be like asking the guy in front of the Barber shop if he thinks there are aliens then telling your wife you need to beef up security at your house because he told you they would attack someday.
You have been told the rules quit crying.

Just because someone disagrees with something, doesn't mean they are crying... and you are the one that said that none of the threads required links. :rolleyes:

I think it must be a Gunny thing, out of all the ones I dealt with at Parris Island had a God complex. When the Navy Lt. at the BMC told them I had pneumonia the Gunny that ran the confidence course that day just would not apologize for treating me like shit right before I had the chest x-ray and the Lt. told him.
Quote where I said NONE....
It is a valid link, and it can be attacked in debate as an opinion and not a news source...but for purposes here, where a link is required it serves that purpose.

It would be a moderation nightmare if we had to determine what was or was not a proper news source. Plus opinion pieces can give interesting insights to stimulate discussion.

The link literally says it is a blog, not news.

So??? Get over it.. Thomas Paine was America's "1st blogger".. His "pamphlets" ran contrary to some reported news but rung TRUER than the "news" coming out of the feuding politicians...

Really? You are comparing Thomas Paine to some random blogger who write a derogatory, new age birther, blog without ANY evidence whatsoever?

Here we go again... you're all about defending this conspiracy theory idiot bloggers.

No. I'm not.. We accept discussions based on blog material. We only RARELY disallow any source that isn't Stormfront or similar.. Because we are not JUDGING the material.. YOU ARE... That's the point..

Use the links and facts in the article and do some sleuthing.. You might learn something, you might not.. This whole message board experience only pays off when YOU are engaged..

If you want "algorithms", fact checkers, shadow banners, and safety filters, try facebook, google, YouTube, etc...

EVEN twitter is news for some damn reason.. And that's FAR WORSE than a blog...

A BLOG is not a source, it is opinion. I can find blogs that say rich people like Trump drink baby blood as a sacrifice to the devil in order to stay rich. It's 100% untrue but I bet I can find a blog somewhere on the internet that says it. You going to leave it in politics?

This blog about Omar is just the same birther crap like Obama. She IS A US CITIZEN. They don't just let anyone become a naturalized citizen, ESPECIALLY from Somalia, without doing a check on her. It is not like she was some special person that could get by without being checked due to her family status, she was just a refugee.

The thread is now in conspiracy theory, but unless you draw the line somewhere, you will continue to have people that get pissed off because some post in politics stay despite a source like an OP-ED or a blog, while others are moved that use the same type of source. I think you are biased, while others may think Coyote or others are biased towards them.

Rubbish.Many bloggers do their research. Just because you personally might not like the conclusions they draw from facts doesn't mean you get to snivel about anything. As a fake news spammer yourself you lack any credibility of your own, so you don't get to decide anything re what s a valid 'source'. Dispute the facts; whining about the source is what people do when they don't really know anything. Even Nazi arithmetic textbooks claimed 2 + 2 = 4. Whether you like the source of that or not isn't of any interest re the facts.
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Thomas Paine was ignored by the Founders as soon as the war was over. He was in fact a hired propagandist, and not a 'Founder'; he only held minor appointed offices, like secretary to somebody while in England.

Why the need to minimize what he did? This "propaganda" is still readable and applicable today...

Is this the propaganda you're referring to???

His The American Crisis (1776–1783) was a pro-revolutionary pamphlet series. Common Sense was so influential that John Adams said: "Without the pen of the author of Common Sense, the sword of Washington would have been raised in vain".[7

Getting an entire nation BEHIND the concept of Independence was HIS war... He did his job to sway ENOUGH to make the Founding successful... Paine IS a "founding father" of this country...

Doesn't matter whether anybody likes his writing or not; he was not a 'Founder', and when his services as a writer were no longer necessary the 'Founders' pretty much ignored him. He lived off of charity after the war was over. He never held any important post in government, he was an employee. Thomas Jefferson was far more important, did the same job; nothing Paine did compares to Jefferson's contributions or many others. Paine is mostly popular today because if his atheism, being one of the two or three famous people from that era out of hundreds of Founders assorted Xian bashers can point to as 'proof' of whatever cherry picked narrative they want to peddle, including mindless self-indulgence.

I seriously doubt many of those who drop his name in defense of some point or other has ever actually read his writings, same with Jefferson and Franklin. I'm glad Adams liked his writing, but book reviews from the 18th Century from partisans aren't worth much. Even Adams was only one opinion among the 5,000 or so people who ran things back then. No way Paine is comparable with the Founders.
He's siting someones opinion.

Opinions don't always need a 'news source'.

So you know what thread brought this question to mind. Saying someone isn't an American citizen and is an illegal immigrant isn't really something you have an opinion about. It takes facts to prove, it isn't subjective, it is objective. There are specific rules in order to become a naturalized citizen.

The reason I tagged you was because the retired poster said that threads about subjects that are objective or real don't require a link.

So you know what thread brought this question to mind.

no idea

Saying someone isn't an American citizen and is an illegal immigrant isn't really something you have an opinion about.

why not?

It takes facts in order to have an opinion on it. Omar was a naturalized citizen at 17. You can't just say you THINK she was a different person and lied about it. You need facts or some kind of source for that, not just something you pull out of thin air.

It's not like a discussion asking who you think the best and worst President is. Or say you think that the citizenship test and requirements should be changed.

Specifically concerning THIS person and this story -- there's enough smoke coming out of "mainstream news"...

For instance, her two apparently simultaneous marriages is a thing. And it seems the purpose might have been to get SOMEONE into the country with a "90 day fiance" marriage...

New documents revisit questions about Rep. Ilhan Omar's marriage history

So -- this is why USMB moderation is not in the business of truth checking.....

That doesn't make her not a U.S. citizen. She was smart NOT to talk about it, because then it just gives it validity, and no mate what she says people are going to continue to believe what they want to believe. So once she denies it once, that's all it takes, no reason to keep talking about it. Did you read the full article? It says the more people looked into it, the less they found. If she misused campaign funds then she should be punished for it, which is more than likely a fine. In this day and age of how easy it is to find information, if people could not find a smoking gun from 2016 to now... then there is none.

But no matter about OTHER claims. There's enough IGNORED elements to her story that reasonable folks DO want to explore... Therefore -- they can explore it on USMB...

It's more than campaign finance violations. THere is potentially IRS fraud and immigration fraud attached to the UN-debunked stories... And those stories are EMBARGOED by the mainstream media....

You're in an age when "appealing to authority" is ill-advised. Because "authority" now has agendas and political baggage.... Applies to the papers, the network "news" and most social media sites. We're not changing.. Period...
I seriously doubt many of those who drop his name in defense of some point or other has ever actually read his writings, same with Jefferson and Franklin. I'm glad Adams liked his writing, but book reviews from the 18th Century from partisans aren't worth much. Even Adams was only one opinion among the 5,000 or so people who ran things back then. No way Paine is comparable with the Founders.

And many HAVE read the writings. And they get to weigh in.. There are many "notables" who occasionally get credited for the Founding.. T. Paine is one of them.. Highly referenced that way in academic writing... For instance, (out of dozens I found)

  1. "Founding Father Thomas Paine: He Genuinely Abhorred Slavery". The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education (48): 45. 2005. JSTOR 25073236.
  2. ^ David Braff (2009). "Forgotten Founding Father: The Impact of Thomas Paine". In Joyce Chumbley (ed.), Thomas Paine: In Search of the Common Good (2009) pp. 39–43
Easy to find history written that way...

Thomas Paine

Thomas Paine was a Founding Father, the philosopher of the American War for Independence, and a true revolutionary. His essays and pamphlets, especially Common Sense, noted for its plain language, resonated with the common people of America and roused them to rally behind the movement for independence. Following the American Revolution, Paine immigrated to Europe where the British government declared him and outlaw for his anti-monarchist views, and where he actively participated in the French Revolution.

In there is "your clue" where Paine's priorities and usefulness lie.. He moved his quest for freedom of govt oppression to France. Being a "rabble rouser" doesn't pay that well.. LOL....

Ask the former CIC "community organizer" about that... :113:

His station in life AFTER the war was largely up to him... Heroes aren't all "successful" people.. And politics was NOT his bag...
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If someone starts a thread in Politics or another place on the forum, and they use a link to a blog, is that a valid link to proclaim it as a proper news source? Doesn't the forum require a news link in the OP related to the title and purpose of the thread?
Can we get a list of these "valid" news sources ?

Forum List
