If A President Trump Can Successfully Claim National Emergency For A Wall

He talked like the parent telling the child that we can’t leave the door open even though the people are nice.
He talked like the parent telling the child that we can’t leave the door open even though the people are nice.
Yeah like a parent suffering from dementia and the child is telling him he will see him next week in the old folks home. :rolleyes:
What's to stop a President Elizabeth Warren from claiming a national emergency because too many people are getting ripped off by the banks and use tax payer dollars to recompense the funds lost?

What's to stop a President Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez from claiming a national emergency because too many Americans are poor and in need of health care so use billions of tax payer dollars to rectify that situation?

Is this the slippery slope Republicans are CURRENTLY clamoring for?

Leftards don't have the slightest fucking clue about how "banks" work or how the Federal Reserve foreign owned central bank operates......so get the fuck out of here with your weak ass shit.
Banks produce chemtrails and shoot little kids in the basement of pizza restaurants, idn’t that right, conspiracy nut?
Technically, you are correct.

America's constitutional government was suspended right after September 11, 2001, and each president extends that emergency every Sept. 11, enabling him to do what ever he wants over the wishes of congress with the stoke of a pen.

This is what makes every president immune to impeachment since September 11, 2001. We are now under an electoral dictatorship and a police state.

OTH, most folks are not aware of this. If you ask the average Joe on the street, "Hey, is the nation in a state of emergency allowing police state powers and the suspension of Habeas Corpus?" The would all probably say no, and believe that their representatives in congress have the final say.

Dismantling that illusion and waking folks up the the C.O.G. nightmare power grab of the Deep State might have some dire consequences at this point. Especially with all these SJW's lurking about. :21:
Wasn't that what Republicans were clamoring for during Bush II's regime?

No matter how many liberals were begging for pause, and there were far too few Democrats to stand up to the ONSLAUGHT of the Republican political campaign during that time BTW, they didn't want to hear it. They wanted blood. And George Bush gave it to them.

So much so, it lead to Colin Powell, a General no doubt, straight up LYING to the American people about some trumped up Yellowcake pablum.

Bottom line, no one has GROWN the "gubment" more than Republicans.

CBS NEWS January 3, 2019, 8:05 AM
Democrats agreed to a border fence in 2006 – is Trump’s wall different?
Democrats agreed to a border fence in 2006 – is Trump’s wall different?
There’s already a wall.

Well, we're not. I'm totally against it. The irony is, I actually don't think you are. I think if AOC was up there proposing this, you would support her to the very end.

I don't see any Americans in need of health care that are not getting it.
Oh really, is that so?

What ELSE hath thine crystal ball revealed to thee oh great and mighty Svengali?


It's called opinion. Have you heard of 'opinion'? You know, what you spew on here constantly, and now mock when others put their opinion on here?

Hypocrite much?
We have a foreign invasion of our southern border. Haven't you heard about in the news? LOL
If you call a trickle an invasion, sure. Messed up head you got there.

It's all relative. This might be the lowest year on record.... but if 10,000 people show up, when the average is a dozen a week.... then it's an invasion. It sounds like the majority of migrants are applying for entry legally. Great. I'm all for it.

But if thousands are crossing illegally, then it's a problem.
America became a joke with this clown as a president. I was listening to congressmen Republicans and Democrats of the areas on the border, and they both agreed that trump is blowing things out of proportion and told him to stop the shutdown, that's what matters now....they also confirmed that most drugs come from ports of entry.
Trump keeps talking to his dumb base and ignores that most Americans don't buy his bullshit.

Then why are people still trying to get into the US, if according to you, the US is a joke.

You people talk out of both sides of your mouth constantly.
What's to stop a President Elizabeth Warren from claiming a national emergency because too many people are getting ripped off by the banks and use tax payer dollars to recompense the funds lost?

What's to stop a President Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez from claiming a national emergency because too many Americans are poor and in need of health care so use billions of tax payer dollars to rectify that situation?

Is this the slippery slope Republicans are CURRENTLY clamoring for?

Once Trump builds the wall, we can use the billions saved to help the people robbed by banks or needing healthcare. The only flaw I see here is your belief that Warren or Cortez stand a chance in hell of EVER being president. They never will.

And the border IS a national emergency.
Then trump should be impeached for not doing anything about a national emergency for 2 years.

Then by your logic, Obama ought to be shot for not doing anything about it for 8 years. Idiot.
Wrong, it wasn’t a national emergency when Obama was president.

Under Reagan, Bush, Clinton and Bush II we had over a million people apprehended at the SW Border according to the CBP...

View attachment 239107

If that didn't qualify as an emergency...why in the world would a much smaller amount (25% of what it was) constitute anything other than a yawn?

Because the orange blob said it. No other reason.

First, that's apprehension. Not illegal entries.

Second, because apprehensions have gone down, doesn't mean the problem does not exist.

Here's my goal as a conservative:

I want to eliminate illegal people in the country. By eliminate I mean either deport them, or put them on a clear path to citizenship. One or the other.
Either give them a path to citizenship that they must take or be deported.... or deport them.

Everyone in this country needs to be a legal citizen of this country, or they need to leave.

Here's the problem... Reagan in the 80s, gave out an amnesty bill, that made a ton of illegals into citizens. Instead of being a solution to the problem, it caused even more people to violate our laws, and enter the US illegally.

So here is the issue. We need to secure the border, and then create a path to citizenship for illegals. This is a two step process. Secure the border FIRST.... then make a path to citizenship for illegals.

Unless you are a brainless left-wing idiot, you can look at the past, learn from the policies of the 80s, and realize this is the only good solution. You must secure the border, and then you create a solution to long-term illegal residences.

"So I hope the president will propose – and Democrats and Republicans in Congress will support – a deal to fund the border wall in return for giving me and my fellow Dreamers the right to stay in the U.S. permanently. This is a reasonable and obvious compromise"

And that is right.
Wut?! Libs weren't sqealing at all when O and Clinton were calling for a wall. Good luck finding any sympathy. No one cares with your disingenuous croc tears.
When was this? Far as a I know Drumpf is the only fool that wanted to build a 30ft concrete wall from sea to shining sea.

Insofar as you get your news from CNN, it is not surprising you are so misinformed as to Obama, Clinton and many other Democrats strongly supporting a wall/barrier/fence along with numerous other Democrats.

Your comment about what President Trump wants is just plain childish. Grow up.


Wut?! Libs weren't sqealing at all when O and Clinton were calling for a wall. Good luck finding any sympathy. No one cares with your disingenuous croc tears.
When was this? Far as a I know Drumpf is the only fool that wanted to build a 30ft concrete wall from sea to shining sea.

Insofar as you get your news from CNN, it is not surprising you are so misinformed as to Obama, Clinton and many other Democrats strongly supporting a wall/barrier/fence along with numerous other Democrats.

Your comment about what President Trump wants is just plain childish. Grow up.


They did support it but he moved the goalposts to 30 ft, in hopes that nobody would notice, and was schooled.
What's to stop a President Elizabeth Warren from claiming a national emergency because too many people are getting ripped off by the banks and use tax payer dollars to recompense the funds lost?

What's to stop a President Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez from claiming a national emergency because too many Americans are poor and in need of health care so use billions of tax payer dollars to rectify that situation?

Is this the slippery slope Republicans are CURRENTLY clamoring for?

Modern R's are an oddly liberal bunch when it suits them. For the sake of debate MAYBE it is an emergency. Dealing with it that way keeps you from ever claiming to be a Constitutional Conservative though.
When Bush declared war on Iraq because they had weapons of mass destruction (of course they didn't)

Sorry, you obviously have been following CNN, George Soros, and The Nation.

Aside from the fact that Sadam Hussein had two years to move WMD's to Syria where we have seen them used, there were WMD's found in Iraq. In addition, we moved over 500 tonnes of yellowcake from Iraq to safe storage in Canada.
Most presidents and those who aspire to be a president have an agenda.

When Ronald Regan declared the Soviet Union to be evil and push the envelope in the arms race in a cold war versus detente

When Bush declared war on Iraq because they had weapons of mass destruction (of course they didn't)

Now Trump declares that the border that has been open since the beginning of America to be suddenly insecure

Is there a theme here ?

How do you stand out from the pack

The more outrageous you sound

ET has set the bar so low that some people will believe anything

And anything is believable

How do you stay grounded

Change the channel

Why do you disagree with what Obama said?

Where did I disagree with President Obama and the above statement?
What's to stop a President Elizabeth Warren from claiming a national emergency because too many people are getting ripped off by the banks and use tax payer dollars to recompense the funds lost?

What's to stop a President Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez from claiming a national emergency because too many Americans are poor and in need of health care so use billions of tax payer dollars to rectify that situation?

Is this the slippery slope Republicans are CURRENTLY clamoring for?
What you typed is why we co not care anymore. We know you will do it. Your whole agenda is about winning everything or getting the most you can get by Repubs who keep believing you. You had a chance to get rid of the TSA, Homeland Security, the Patriot Act and more. You expanded it. ICE is part of it. "You argue for the sake of arguing" like Spock's father Sarek told the Tellarite Ambassador in the Star Trek episode Journey to Babel. Logic befuddles you over pure progressive socialist agendas. There are many people who voted for Trump who believe in at least some of your agendas. Unfortunately the reverse is not true.
Here's the problem... Reagan in the 80s, gave out an amnesty bill, that made a ton of illegals into citizens. Instead of being a solution to the problem, it caused even more people to violate our laws, and enter the US illegally.

Democrats agreed that if President Reagan signed an Amnesty Bill they would increase funding for border security. Once again they lied. The number of illegal aliens who applied for amnesty was not tons, but rather 2.9 million. The Amnesty Bill allowed for 3 million.

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