If A President Trump Can Successfully Claim National Emergency For A Wall

What's to stop a President Elizabeth Warren from claiming a national emergency because too many people are getting ripped off by the banks and use tax payer dollars to recompense the funds lost?

What's to stop a President Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez from claiming a national emergency because too many Americans are poor and in need of health care so use billions of tax payer dollars to rectify that situation?

Is this the slippery slope Republicans are CURRENTLY clamoring for?

Yes. It is.

It's just like back when Democrats decided it would be an awesome idea if government got in bed with insurance companies. But - uh oh! the Republicans got back in power and screwed it all up. Who could have seen that coming?
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When Bush declared war on Iraq because they had weapons of mass destruction (of course they didn't)

Sorry, you obviously have been following CNN, George Soros, and The Nation.

Aside from the fact that Sadam Hussein had two years to move WMD's to Syria where we have seen them used, there were WMD's found in Iraq. In addition, we moved over 500 tonnes of yellowcake from Iraq to safe storage in Canada.

Well Iraq probably have biological and chemical weapons as the CIA reported. Still he had no way to deliever it to US soil.
He had no nuclear weapons but the same report said he was trying to get them
Still at that point in time that Bush declared war they did have weapons that could attack US soil. I do not believe he said that he would use them to attack the US in a first strike capacity.

Bush made this an issues that they have nuclear weapons and wanted nuclear weapons for some motive and convienced enought people that the US and their allies had to remove him as he was a threat.

Nuclear weapons in my opinion are weapons of mass destruction.

Stock piles of chemicals they had can only be used in Iraq which did not pose a threat to US soil is not weapons of mass destruction

Still you can make the argument and he certainly did

So with no nuclear weapons and some chemical weapons he played the fear card and pushed the nuclear weapon argument

Did he believe that his dad was mistaken when daddy didn't finish the job and pulled out.

Or did he want to be a war president and get re elected. He wanted to establish an American presence in the Middle east.

Still he created fear and used it to push a war. There was no threat that a few well placed bombs could not have solved.
What's to stop a President Elizabeth Warren from claiming a national emergency because too many people are getting ripped off by the banks and use tax payer dollars to recompense the funds lost?

What's to stop a President Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez from claiming a national emergency because too many Americans are poor and in need of health care so use billions of tax payer dollars to rectify that situation?

Is this the slippery slope Republicans are CURRENTLY clamoring for?
Biden could just argue that demolishing the wall is a national emergency.
What's to stop a President Elizabeth Warren from claiming a national emergency because too many people are getting ripped off by the banks and use tax payer dollars to recompense the funds lost?

What's to stop a President Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez from claiming a national emergency because too many Americans are poor and in need of health care so use billions of tax payer dollars to rectify that situation?

Is this the slippery slope Republicans are CURRENTLY clamoring for?

Leftards don't have the slightest fucking clue about how "banks" work or how the Federal Reserve foreign owned central bank operates......so get the fuck out of here with your weak ass shit.
Banks produce chemtrails and shoot little kids in the basement of pizza restaurants, idn’t that right, conspiracy nut?

Awwwww, lil faun chimes in with some lame bullshit reply......it's all it has.
Trump is an assault on our nation. The reason the mostly all white Republicans can't see that is because they are enablers.

Well Iraq probably have biological and chemical weapons as the CIA reported. Still he had no way to deliever it to US soil.
He had no nuclear weapons but the same report said he was trying to get them
Still at that point in time that Bush declared war they did have weapons that could attack US soil. I do not believe he said that he would use them to attack the US in a first strike capacity.

Bush made this an issues that they have nuclear weapons and wanted nuclear weapons for some motive and convienced enought people that the US and their allies had to remove him as he was a threat.

Nuclear weapons in my opinion are weapons of mass destruction.

Stock piles of chemicals they had can only be used in Iraq which did not pose a threat to US soil is not weapons of mass destruction

Still you can make the argument and he certainly did

So with no nuclear weapons and some chemical weapons he played the fear card and pushed the nuclear weapon argument

Did he believe that his dad was mistaken when daddy didn't finish the job and pulled out.

Or did he want to be a war president and get re elected. He wanted to establish an American presence in the Middle east.

Still he created fear and used it to push a war. There was no threat that a few well placed bombs could not have solved.

Are you intentionally...making up things about the events leading up to the war in Iraq or are you that misinformed? Really, you must have been either totally disconnected to be that uninformed or you are trying to paint a false picture to please other Progressives.

Which is it and why?

The war in Iraq, sanctioned by both the United Nations and our Congress had nothing to do with whether or not the weapons could be used inside the United States. Where do you get such things?
Here's the problem... Reagan in the 80s, gave out an amnesty bill, that made a ton of illegals into citizens. Instead of being a solution to the problem, it caused even more people to violate our laws, and enter the US illegally.

Democrats agreed that if President Reagan signed an Amnesty Bill they would increase funding for border security. Once again they lied. The number of illegal aliens who applied for amnesty was not tons, but rather 2.9 million. The Amnesty Bill allowed for 3 million.

Yeah, of course the democrats lied. They lie about everything. It just depends on how you define "IS".

Again, this is why you require the wall first.
Trump is an assault on our nation. The reason the mostly all white Republicans can't see that is because they are enablers.


Clinton was an assault on our nation. The reason the mostly all mindless Democrats refuse see that is because they are enablers.

When Bush declared war on Iraq because they had weapons of mass destruction (of course they didn't)

Sorry, you obviously have been following CNN, George Soros, and The Nation.

Aside from the fact that Sadam Hussein had two years to move WMD's to Syria where we have seen them used, there were WMD's found in Iraq. In addition, we moved over 500 tonnes of yellowcake from Iraq to safe storage in Canada.

Well Iraq probably have biological and chemical weapons as the CIA reported. Still he had no way to deliever it to US soil.
He had no nuclear weapons but the same report said he was trying to get them
Still at that point in time that Bush declared war they did have weapons that could attack US soil. I do not believe he said that he would use them to attack the US in a first strike capacity.

Bush made this an issues that they have nuclear weapons and wanted nuclear weapons for some motive and convienced enought people that the US and their allies had to remove him as he was a threat.

Nuclear weapons in my opinion are weapons of mass destruction.

Stock piles of chemicals they had can only be used in Iraq which did not pose a threat to US soil is not weapons of mass destruction

Still you can make the argument and he certainly did

So with no nuclear weapons and some chemical weapons he played the fear card and pushed the nuclear weapon argument

Did he believe that his dad was mistaken when daddy didn't finish the job and pulled out.

Or did he want to be a war president and get re elected. He wanted to establish an American presence in the Middle east.

Still he created fear and used it to push a war. There was no threat that a few well placed bombs could not have solved.

In all the statements I read from Bush on Iraq, I don't see where Bush singled out Nuclear over WMDs in general. After all, the cease fire agreement involved all WMDs, not just nuclear.

Look at what happened before Bush was even in office.

At the Principals meeting, [National Security Advisor] Sandy Berger asked, "What if we do not hit it and then, after an attack, nerve gas is released in the New York City subway? What will we say then?"

Reno eventually declined to vote, "but the rest recommended unanimously that al-Shifa be destroyed." In August 1998, the United States launched Operation Infinite Reach, a series of cruise missile attacks against the Sudanese facility as well as several al-Qaeda training camps in Afghanistan.

The fact that al-Qaeda was struck was important. Osama bin Laden and his lieutenants were actually the primary targets of Infinite Reach, largely as retaliation for al-Qaeda's involvement in terrorist bombings against U.S. embassies in Africa. But in justifying the operation, Clinton administration officials argued that they were acting against a triple threat, a synergy between Sudan's manufacture of chemical weapons, the Iraqis, and al-Qaeda terrorists.

"We see evidence that we think is quite clear on contacts between Sudan and Iraq," undersecretary of state Thomas Pickering said. "In fact, El Shifa [sic] officials, early in the company's history, we believe were in touch with Iraqi individuals associated with Iraq's VX [nerve gas] program." UN ambassador Bill Richardson told CNN's Wolf Blitzer shortly after the strikes:
We were convinced, and had evidence supporting this belief, that Iraq was intending to make working relations with known terrorist groups. If Iraq had created such a connection and passed onto al-Qaeda even the smallest of VX gas, with as large as the terrorist network as al-Qaeda had, they could have lunched a terrifying attack virtually anywhere in the world, whether it was our allies or the US directly.

And the danger of this is simply too great to ignore. After the fall of Iraq, the BBC went to report on areas hit by nerve gas from Saddam's military. They sill found clouds of still lethal nerve gas, with freshly killed rats and other animals caught in the invisible gas. Nerve agents are designed to be heavier than air, and last for ages.

25 years after Saddam fired chemical weapons, the gasses are still killing things in the impact zone.

Can you imagine if a chemical agent had been released into a subway? Mustard gas notoriously doesn't have any immediate effects. An area could be contaminated for hours, possibly even a day, giving people a potentially lethal douse, before the first victims started making their way to hospitals.

The danger was exceptional.

Now the mindless left-wing would claim that there was no working connection with al-Qaeda... and in retrospect, we know this is true. However, that does not change the fact they were pursuing such a connection, and the fact we didn't know how much or little connection there was at the time. The only difference between Clinton and Bush, was that Bush was wise enough to know a few missile strikes would not fix anything.
What's to stop a President Elizabeth Warren from claiming a national emergency because too many people are getting ripped off by the banks and use tax payer dollars to recompense the funds lost?

What's to stop a President Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez from claiming a national emergency because too many Americans are poor and in need of health care so use billions of tax payer dollars to rectify that situation?

Is this the slippery slope Republicans are CURRENTLY clamoring for?
Biden could just argue that demolishing the wall is a national emergency.

..... really...... What argument could possibly be made from "we need to remove the protection of our country, because we have a national emergency"? Do tell. I'd love to hear the left-wing view of that argument.
What's to stop a President Elizabeth Warren from claiming a national emergency because too many people are getting ripped off by the banks and use tax payer dollars to recompense the funds lost?

What's to stop a President Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez from claiming a national emergency because too many Americans are poor and in need of health care so use billions of tax payer dollars to rectify that situation?

Is this the slippery slope Republicans are CURRENTLY clamoring for?

Once Trump builds the wall, we can use the billions saved to help the people robbed by banks or needing healthcare. The only flaw I see here is your belief that Warren or Cortez stand a chance in hell of EVER being president. They never will.

And the border IS a national emergency.
Then trump should be impeached for not doing anything about a national emergency for 2 years.

Then by your logic, Obama ought to be shot for not doing anything about it for 8 years. Idiot.
You think Obama didn't do anything?

What about this?


Then there was this:

Trump deportations comment gets some right, some wrong

It gets a rating of half true. One half being Trump was right that Obama sent millions packing. The other half being that Trump also lied that no one was talking about it.

Trump can't ever stick to the truth and his base can't ever be more than liars themselves dressed as sheep.

If Bill Clinton claimed an international emergency when he bombed freaking Europe surely President Trump can claim an emergency and build a freaking wall.
You do realize that America currently is in 30 states of emergency, and we have been since 1979?

Trump has any power he wants to yield. Right now.

Our wonderful Pres. Trump is the best thing to happen to this country in decades.

He deserves to be praised and adored by all citizens for his unselfish service and dedication to the nation.

Only miscreants and malcontents will deny this fact. .... :cool:
Our wonderful Pres. Trump is the best thing to happen to this country in decades.

He deserves to be praised and adored by all citizens for his unselfish service and dedication to the nation.

Only miscreants and malcontents will deny this fact. .... :cool:

Putin has a place for you....

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