If A President Trump Can Successfully Claim National Emergency For A Wall

What's to stop a President Elizabeth Warren from claiming a national emergency because too many people are getting ripped off by the banks and use tax payer dollars to recompense the funds lost?

What's to stop a President Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez from claiming a national emergency because too many Americans are poor and in need of health care so use billions of tax payer dollars to rectify that situation?

Is this the slippery slope Republicans are CURRENTLY clamoring for?
What you typed is why we co not care anymore. We know you will do it. Your whole agenda is about winning everything or getting the most you can get by Repubs who keep believing you. You had a chance to get rid of the TSA, Homeland Security, the Patriot Act and more. You expanded it. ICE is part of it. "You argue for the sake of arguing" like Spock's father Sarek told the Tellarite Ambassador in the Star Trek episode Journey to Babel. Logic befuddles you over pure progressive socialist agendas. There are many people who voted for Trump who believe in at least some of your agendas. Unfortunately the reverse is not true.
Winning everything or getting the most you can get is the goal of all political parties. Making believe that your party is immune is just plain silly.
A National Emergency Declaration Could Give Trump Authoritarian Powers

He, like Purin, could then jail opponents and kill all the journalists that he wants.
Conservatives spent 8 years feaongeri g that Obama would declare a crisis so he could abuse the Constitution, and now that’s exactly what they want to happen

That is trump's only way out.....of course this is all a distraction for the storm of subpeonas and the Mueller report....but the state and federal investigations into trump and his crime syndicate are not going away...
What's to stop a President Elizabeth Warren from claiming a national emergency because too many people are getting ripped off by the banks and use tax payer dollars to recompense the funds lost?

What's to stop a President Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez from claiming a national emergency because too many Americans are poor and in need of health care so use billions of tax payer dollars to rectify that situation?

Is this the slippery slope Republicans are CURRENTLY clamoring for?

The fact that they won't ever be presidents?
What's to stop a President Elizabeth Warren from claiming a national emergency because too many people are getting ripped off by the banks and use tax payer dollars to recompense the funds lost?

What's to stop a President Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez from claiming a national emergency because too many Americans are poor and in need of health care so use billions of tax payer dollars to rectify that situation?

Is this the slippery slope Republicans are CURRENTLY clamoring for?

The fact that they won't ever be presidents?

That's not much comfort. Even if they aren't elected, some other Democrat eventually will be. And they'll be happy to do the same shit you're tolerating from Trump. Bend over.
What's to stop a President Elizabeth Warren from claiming a national emergency because too many people are getting ripped off by the banks and use tax payer dollars to recompense the funds lost?

What's to stop a President Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez from claiming a national emergency because too many Americans are poor and in need of health care so use billions of tax payer dollars to rectify that situation?

Is this the slippery slope Republicans are CURRENTLY clamoring for?

The fact that they won't ever be presidents?

They could be. Either one of the two are better speakers and far more intelligent and knowledgeable than Trump. I say this as an ex Trump voter who finally realized this guy is dangerous as well as ignorant.
What's to stop a President Elizabeth Warren from claiming a national emergency because too many people are getting ripped off by the banks and use tax payer dollars to recompense the funds lost?

What's to stop a President Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez from claiming a national emergency because too many Americans are poor and in need of health care so use billions of tax payer dollars to rectify that situation?

Is this the slippery slope Republicans are CURRENTLY clamoring for?

The fact that they won't ever be presidents?

They could be. Either one of the two are better speakers and far more intelligent and knowledgeable than Trump. I say this as an ex Trump voter who finally realized this guy is dangerous as well as ignorant.

The fake Indian a president? Give me a break, she can at best become 1/1024 president.

And that communist chick isn't even American, she can't be the president.

It would be a lot easier for you to just learn to pronounce the words "our president Trump". God-Emperor can work as well... Of course Trump is dangerous to you, he's dangerous to all anti-American bigots. You should be scared.
A National Emergency Declaration Could Give Trump Authoritarian Powers

He, like Purin, could then jail opponents and kill all the journalists that he wants.


You may go change your Depends now.
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A fake Indian and a communist eh? Have you listened to either one of them? Both are articulate and knowledgeable unlike Trump. As far as Indian, communist, I say, is that all you got? Maybe start by looking up the meaning of communism.
Our wonderful Pres. Trump is the best thing to happen to this country in decades.

He deserves to be praised and adored by all citizens for his unselfish service and dedication to the nation.

Only miscreants and malcontents will deny this fact. .... :cool:
Yes, all kneel before Dear Leader Donald Trump! The be all, end all! Dear Leader knows what's best for all of us so bow to your Master!

And you must report to the local authorities on any of your neighbors & family members who question Dear Leader's Trumps authority lest yourself will be brought in for qustioning! :1peleas:
A fake Indian and a communist eh? Have you listened to either one of them? Both are articulate and knowledgeable unlike Trump. As far as Indian, communist, I say, is that all you got? Maybe start by looking up the meaning of communism.

So you went from Trump supporter to O'Cortez supporter. That entirely makes sense... Maybe you should start reviewing some of the stuff she has said.

I don't think I need to lecture you on the meaning of socialism. After all she has already defined it to you:

"When we talk about the word 'socialism,' I think what it really means is just democratic participation in our economic dignity and our economic, social, and racial dignity."

Sounds like a real American to me.
A National Emergency Declaration Could Give Trump Authoritarian Powers

He, like Purin, could then jail opponents and kill all the journalists that he wants.
Conservatives spent 8 years fearmongering that Obama would declare a crisis so he could abuse the Constitution, and now that’s exactly what they want to happen
Trump has pics of numerous right wing conservative office holders, etc cavorting with farm animals & will not hesitate to use them.

Personally, I hope he does right before he's indicted.
And you must report to the local authorities on any of your neighbors & family members who question Dear Leader's Trumps authority lest yourself will be brought in for qustioning! :1peleas:

When did this happen? Where did hear is it going to happen?
Dear Leader Donald Trump! The be all, end all! Dear Leader knows what's best for all of us. And you must report to the local authorities on any of your neighbors & family members who question Dear Leader's Trumps authority lest yourself will be brought in for qustioning
Our beloved Pres. Trump has proven himself to be a magnificent ruler.. :thup:
Our wonderful Pres. Trump is the best thing to happen to this country in decades. He deserves to be praised and adored by all citizens for his unselfish service and dedication to the nation. Only miscreants and malcontents will deny this fact.
Doesn't this belong in the 'Satire' forum? :rolleyes:

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