If a woman aborted my child, I would probably go ape shit. Why are the feelings of the father...

Men don't get pregnant. Women do. Therefore it is ultimately the woman's responsibility to not get pregnant if they are not ready.
Do you actually read threads or just dump on random posts?

Feel free to open the quote boxes and read the conversation.

I've read most all of them.. not one explanation as to how women are forced to have children. As well, not one explanation as to why I am obligated to support others' children.

You've obviously missed it.

Seriously, how does one force a woman to have a child? Women don't get pregnant by osmosis you know... conception is a purely voluntary act.

If abortion weren't an option, obviously.
Like I said, read the thread before responding.

Not getting pregnant is an option. Millions do it. Go to any abortion clinic, I guarantee you, it is a collection of hobags and it probably isn't their first rodeo.

No shit. That was not the context of the conversation at all though.
I'm not for abortion (except in cases of rape, incest, mother's life in danger, or the baby will die during child birth regardless).

With that said...if you're going to have legalized abortion-the choice should be the women's and not the man's.
Men don't get pregnant. Women do. Therefore it is ultimately the woman's responsibility to not get pregnant if they are not ready.

No, dope. The man makes the deposit that sets it all in motion. Putting it all on the woman is not only dishonest and misogynistic but retarded. Any guy that would knock up a woman due to such an attitude is an irresponsible douche of the highest order.
I assumed no such thing. Now you're relying on your own delusions and projecting them onto me.

Legal abortion is a right which the U.S. Supreme Court affirmed. That is not my opinion but established fact. Those who state otherwise are merely expressing their opinion, which I noted and discarded in favor of the law of our land.

So are limitations on late term abortions, which you oh so conveniently left out.

That is people who consider the unborn to be people with rights, to be forcing their views on "others" legally and constitutionally.
I left nothing out, dimwit. I purposefully said, "legal abortions." The Supreme Court, in affirming the right of abortion, stated there are limitations on that right. Just as there are limitations on other rights.

So, your talk of th
I assumed no such thing. Now you're relying on your own delusions and projecting them onto me.

Legal abortion is a right which the U.S. Supreme Court affirmed. That is not my opinion but established fact. Those who state otherwise are merely expressing their opinion, which I noted and discarded in favor of the law of our land.

So are limitations on late term abortions, which you oh so conveniently left out.

That is people who consider the unborn to be people with rights, to be forcing their views on "others" legally and constitutionally.
I left nothing out, dimwit. I purposefully said, "legal abortions." The Supreme Court, in affirming the right of abortion, stated there are limitations on that right. Just as there are limitations on other rights.

So, do you have anything to say about the OP's point, ie the way men have no say in what happens to their children?
Sure, my opinion is that men know they have no rights in forcing a woman to either have an abortion or to not have one. That places a higher burden on men to take even extra precautions in not getting a woman pregnant if they can't deal with consequences of having no rights over the woman's body.

So true. If a man doesn't want to face that dilemma, he shouldn't put himself or the woman in that position.
same could be said of the woman.
Men don't get pregnant. Women do. Therefore it is ultimately the woman's responsibility to not get pregnant if they are not ready.

Suuuure, uh-huh. Men bear no responsibility. :eusa_doh:

I didn't say that at all. Try reading what I said. If I were a woman I'd either be on BC, he'd wear a condom, or it ain't happening.
Again, you're putting the responsibility on the woman. Men and women share the responsibility of getting pregnant.
I'm not for abortion (except in cases of rape, incest, mother's life in danger, or the baby will die during child birth regardless).

With that said...if you're going to have legalized abortion-the choice should be the women's and not the man's.
If women get a choice then men should get a choice whether to finance that embryo for 18 years.
Men don't get pregnant. Women do. Therefore it is ultimately the woman's responsibility to not get pregnant if they are not ready.

Suuuure, uh-huh. Men bear no responsibility. :eusa_doh:

I didn't say that at all. Try reading what I said. If I were a woman I'd either be on BC, he'd wear a condom, or it ain't happening.
Again, you're putting the responsibility on the woman. Men and women share the responsibility of getting pregnant.
Men don't get pregnant. Women do. Therefore it is ultimately the woman's responsibility to not get pregnant if they are not ready.

Suuuure, uh-huh. Men bear no responsibility. :eusa_doh:

I didn't say that at all. Try reading what I said. If I were a woman I'd either be on BC, he'd wear a condom, or it ain't happening.
Again, you're putting the responsibility on the woman. Men and women share the responsibility of getting pregnant.

Women ultimately control whether they get pregnant or not.

Fucking cowards.

You should at least have the courage to give a straight forward answer to a straight forward question.

When they are born they have rights. Until then, they don't. This is well established in law and in fact.

What is most offensive in any of these discussions, is the anti-abortion crowd's eagerness to strip women of their rights the moment they become pregnant, right down to forcing her to undergo vaginal ultrasounds to view her unborn child before she can have an abortion. In other words, they rape her with a blunt object.

Miscarriages increase in times of war, during famines, or other forms of scarcity or danger. Since the time of cave men, women have known of herbs which are aborficants. The "witches" of the Middle Ages were often midwives, healers, who helped women with all matters relating to childbirth, including abortion. Women have always had the right to choose when or if yo have a baby. Only now, those who would strip women of their rights, are determined to win, at the expense of children.

Anti-Abortionists don't give a rat's ass about innocent children. Conservative65 proved that when he said that once the child is born, the kid is the sole responsibility of the mother and he's not going to help her. Scratch an anti-abortionist and you get a misogynist who wants to punish women for "spreading their legs".

The willingness to strip women of their rights under the Constitution and under God - who specifically gave humans free will, the moment an egg is fertilized, shows their true agenda. How dare women choose their own path. How dare they have sex. How dare they think for themselves.

It's no accident, that the Republican Party, which opposes the Equal Rights Amendment, also opposes abortion, as well as mandated maternity leave, job security for pregnant women, and universal health care. It's not about innocent babies. It's about control.

You could have just said number two!

No matter how cleverly you think you can word it, you are essentially saying the same thing. TO YOU and your ilk, a child's rights do not begin unless and until they live too long and develop past the point where you can't deny them any longer.

No amount of verbal gymnastics on your part is going to change that fact.
I have a god daughter I am raising. I cant be too cruel and yes I am in a dark place. I like the dark. Its my spiritual guidance.
How do you have a goddaughter when you obviously don't believe in God? Did the parents just pick you randomly off the street?
Its just a term. It doesnt mean my goddaughter is actually a god.
No. I have known the mother since we were young adults.
To be a godmother, you have to participate in the child's baptism, stand in her place and say the words for her denouncing Satan and all the rest.

And in the Catholic Church, at least, you must be a believing Catholic to be a godmother. And they make sure of it, you don't get to be a godmother if you are just a casual Catholic.

You, ma'am, are a complete sociopath who calls unborn children "parasites". I have to assume you are a non-believer.
Looks like you thought I was a woman too. :laugh:

I'm a godfather and we did none of that bullshit. I have just been in the childs life since her birth. Hell I was the one there with her mom when she was born instead of her real father.
Buy a dictionary you aren't a godfather it's got religious connotations. There are no secular godfathers.
I dont need to buy a dictionary. Godfather has zero religious connotations for me. There are plenty of secular godfathers. There is even a movie about them.
It is interesting that you felt that the way to defend your position was to make up a strawman and attack that.

THat indicates that you AGREE with me that your actual position is morally and ethically indefensible, but that you hold to it anyway.
I am not responsible for your delusions.

So, back to the OP.

So, you support the status quo that men have no control, but complete responsibility.

I do not see that as morally or ethically defensible.
It's also not my problem that your illiteracy prevents you from comprehending what I'm saying. I never said men have "no control."

They have plenty of control. Up until the point their seed impregnates a woman. As I pointed out, that is their opportunity to exercise their control.

And beyond that point, no control, and full responsibility.

I do not see that as morally or ethically defensible.
And your remedy would be what? To force women to carry until birth against their will?
What is morally irreprehensible is the position that men should not have to be held responsible for their own children once they are born.

It is interesting that you felt that the way to defend your position was to make up a strawman and attack that.

THat indicates that you AGREE with me that your actual position is morally and ethically indefensible, but that you hold to it anyway.
I am not responsible for your delusions.

So, back to the OP.

So, you support the status quo that men have no control, but complete responsibility.

I do not see that as morally or ethically defensible.
It's also not my problem that your illiteracy prevents you from comprehending what I'm saying. I never said men have "no control."

They have plenty of control. Up until the point their seed impregnates a woman. As I pointed out, that is their opportunity to exercise their control.

And beyond that point, no control, and full responsibility.

I do not see that as morally or ethically defensible.

And again, instead of defending your position, you attempt to turn the discussion to me.

Very telling.
What is morally irreprehensible is the position that men should not have to be held responsible for their own children once they are born.

Who is saying that? Men who don't support their children are scumbags,

No one said that. He just started spouting off about it instead of answering my post.
I've answered your post. You simply lack the ability to understand it.

I'm actually fairly bright. If I misunderstood you, the problem might be you.
Doubtful since I clearly stated men do have some control and you falsely claimed they have none.

NO, it's you ignoring the context of the thread.
Men don't get pregnant. Women do. Therefore it is ultimately the woman's responsibility to not get pregnant if they are not ready.

No, dope. The man makes the deposit that sets it all in motion. Putting it all on the woman is not only dishonest and misogynistic but retarded. Any guy that would knock up a woman due to such an attitude is an irresponsible douche of the highest order.

Mmm, sans the egg, the man's deposit isn't going to amount to much.
How do you have a goddaughter when you obviously don't believe in God? Did the parents just pick you randomly off the street?
Its just a term. It doesnt mean my goddaughter is actually a god.
No. I have known the mother since we were young adults.
To be a godmother, you have to participate in the child's baptism, stand in her place and say the words for her denouncing Satan and all the rest.

And in the Catholic Church, at least, you must be a believing Catholic to be a godmother. And they make sure of it, you don't get to be a godmother if you are just a casual Catholic.

You, ma'am, are a complete sociopath who calls unborn children "parasites". I have to assume you are a non-believer.
Looks like you thought I was a woman too. :laugh:

I'm a godfather and we did none of that bullshit. I have just been in the childs life since her birth. Hell I was the one there with her mom when she was born instead of her real father.
Buy a dictionary you aren't a godfather it's got religious connotations. There are no secular godfathers.
I dont need to buy a dictionary. Godfather has zero religious connotations for me. There are plenty of secular godfathers. There is even a movie about them.
words used to have meanings before Liberal wacko's twist them into other meanings.
Why do Liberals have the power to redefine words and Conservatives don't.
Like Confederacy, Federalism vs Nationalism.
Men don't get pregnant. Women do. Therefore it is ultimately the woman's responsibility to not get pregnant if they are not ready.

Suuuure, uh-huh. Men bear no responsibility. :eusa_doh:

I didn't say that at all. Try reading what I said. If I were a woman I'd either be on BC, he'd wear a condom, or it ain't happening.
Again, you're putting the responsibility on the woman. Men and women share the responsibility of getting pregnant.

Only one of them can get pregnant. That makes them very unequal partners. The last say he gets was taking off his underpants.
Men don't get pregnant. Women do. Therefore it is ultimately the woman's responsibility to not get pregnant if they are not ready.

Suuuure, uh-huh. Men bear no responsibility. :eusa_doh:

I didn't say that at all. Try reading what I said. If I were a woman I'd either be on BC, he'd wear a condom, or it ain't happening.
Again, you're putting the responsibility on the woman. Men and women share the responsibility of getting pregnant.

Only one of them can get pregnant. That makes them very unequal partners. The last say he gets was taking off his underpants.
That isn't fair.

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