If All Goes Well With The Economy Next Year.What Will The Democrats Complain About?

:argue: What if all goes as expected and the DOW stays over 19,000. First time apps for unemployment keeps dropping, we start creating 250,000 to 300,000 jobs a month, the debt/deficit finally starts to go in reverse. By March/April, actual unemployment is closer to 15% {well, being its about 25% now !!!!!!} yah,right! Is it really 5% ??:laugh2::laugh2:

Should be interesting to see what Pelosi will come up with this time!
Queen Nancy can't say that when President Trump took office that we were losing 500 Million jobs a month this time around! :slap:
We'll need more workers if all that happens.
The economy is doing well right now and the OP says it's not. So there definition on of a good economy is flexible.
Then why are there still record of people on welfare?

A failure of trickle down economics

What the heck is "trickle down economics"?

:argue: What if all goes as expected and the DOW stays over 19,000. First time apps for unemployment keeps dropping, we start creating 250,000 to 300,000 jobs a month, the debt/deficit finally starts to go in reverse. By March/April, actual unemployment is closer to 15% {well, being its about 25% now !!!!!!} yah,right! Is it really 5% ??:laugh2::laugh2:

Should be interesting to see what Pelosi will come up with this time!
Queen Nancy can't say that when President Trump took office that we were losing 500 Million jobs a month this time around! :slap:

What is Trump going to do to reverse the Labor Participation Rate?

That is THE most important economic factor
Trump will jack the not in labor force up to 100 million to hide his ever increasing unemployment rate.
:argue: What if all goes as expected and the DOW stays over 19,000. First time apps for unemployment keeps dropping, we start creating 250,000 to 300,000 jobs a month, the debt/deficit finally starts to go in reverse. By March/April, actual unemployment is closer to 15% {well, being its about 25% now !!!!!!} yah,right! Is it really 5% ??:laugh2::laugh2:

Should be interesting to see what Pelosi will come up with this time!
Queen Nancy can't say that when President Trump took office that we were losing 500 Million jobs a month this time around! :slap:

What is Trump going to do to reverse the Labor Participation Rate?

That is THE most important economic factor
Trump will jack the not in labor force up to 100 million to hide his ever increasing unemployment rate.
And how do you think he will do that?
:argue: What if all goes as expected and the DOW stays over 19,000. First time apps for unemployment keeps dropping, we start creating 250,000 to 300,000 jobs a month, the debt/deficit finally starts to go in reverse. By March/April, actual unemployment is closer to 15% {well, being its about 25% now !!!!!!} yah,right! Is it really 5% ??:laugh2::laugh2:

Should be interesting to see what Pelosi will come up with this time!
Queen Nancy can't say that when President Trump took office that we were losing 500 Million jobs a month this time around! :slap:

What is Trump going to do to reverse the Labor Participation Rate?

That is THE most important economic factor
Trump will jack the not in labor force up to 100 million to hide his ever increasing unemployment rate.
And how do you think he will do that?
By magnanimously letting Boomers retire.
:argue: What if all goes as expected and the DOW stays over 19,000. First time apps for unemployment keeps dropping, we start creating 250,000 to 300,000 jobs a month, the debt/deficit finally starts to go in reverse. By March/April, actual unemployment is closer to 15% {well, being its about 25% now !!!!!!} yah,right! Is it really 5% ??:laugh2::laugh2:

Should be interesting to see what Pelosi will come up with this time!
Queen Nancy can't say that when President Trump took office that we were losing 500 Million jobs a month this time around! :slap:
I suppose the democrats will have to adopt the republican practice of creating scandals out of whole cloth.
Economy has been pretty stable for years and Trump will probably not screw it up

What makes anyone believe Republicans will do anything about the deficit? They only care about deficits when Democrats are in power. Trump tax cuts to his billionaire buddies will put us back on the deficit gravy train
whats needed is for the rich to continue paying the same amount while those on the bottom also start paying. Nobody at all should get out of paying off the debt. I dont care if you only made 10 grand this year, some of that should go to the government to pay down the debt. You should not get a free ride
Economy has been pretty stable for years and Trump will probably not screw it up

What makes anyone believe Republicans will do anything about the deficit? They only care about deficits when Democrats are in power. Trump tax cuts to his billionaire buddies will put us back on the deficit gravy train
whats needed is for the rich to continue paying the same amount while those on the bottom also start paying. Nobody at all should get out of paying off the debt. I dont care if you only made 10 grand this year, some of that should go to the government to pay down the debt. You should not get a free ride
by Feb 1...the left: OMG !!! whats with all of these illegal executive orders !@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Economy has been pretty stable for years and Trump will probably not screw it up

What makes anyone believe Republicans will do anything about the deficit? They only care about deficits when Democrats are in power. Trump tax cuts to his billionaire buddies will put us back on the deficit gravy train
whats needed is for the rich to continue paying the same amount while those on the bottom also start paying. Nobody at all should get out of paying off the debt. I dont care if you only made 10 grand this year, some of that should go to the government to pay down the debt. You should not get a free ride

You have to go where the money is. The lower 40% of Americans only have two TENTHS of a percent of our nations wealth. How much money do you expect to get out of them?

By the way......President elect Trump pays no taxes

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Really, you want to rant about the gains in the stock market and credit BO for that. Absurd, silly and without basis. But I'll let you do it any way. Because now you have to blame BO for the expansion of the wealth gap. Yep, he let the rich get richer, while the bottom 50%, those folks the Libs claim to represent, got a another $1 or 2 per hour added to their min wage job. All hail BO!

I don't know Bucky...you are a hard man to please

All we heard from Conservatives over the last eight years is.....Obama is trying to redistribute wealth

Now, we get complaints that all the increase in national wealth went to the wealthy

Correct, conservatives generally don't think in a communistic sense, we don't favor redistribution, or taking from the haves and just giving to the have nots. I prefer to give equal opportunity, let the have nots become the haves through hard work, innovation etc. keep the lines of opportunity open. Handing somebody food stamps is cruel if they are an able bodied or able minded person. It robs them of dignity and stymies their pursuit of the American Dream.

Nobody has recommended taking from the rich and giving to the poor

But why do we continue policies that only enrich the one percent if they don't result in more jobs and wealth at lower levels? Why continue to help those who obviously don't need it?

I agree, so what policies do you think we need to help the bottom 50% toincrease their income/wealth the way the top 20% have?

Again, I think just giving the middle class money is a waste

But what prevents the middle class from accumulating wealth and passing it on? Medical bills will wipe out a families savings and medical insurance is becoming way too expensive. Sending your kids to college puts families in debt and forces recent graduates to become slaves to their loans.
Used to be, owning a home was the best investment a family could make. But housing prices are stagnant and you will never see the return your parents and grandparents saw.

So, I would like to see an investment in middle class healthcare and education. Neither are tax deductible right now so that would be a start. I'd also like to see middle class subsidies for healthcare and education

Ok, now we are getting somewhere with a discussion on what might be done to decrease the wealth gap.

With respect to healthcare- I have a doctor, a very good doctor, I see every 6 months. This guy is old school. I never see a nurse, he does the exam, he interviews me, he even draws my blood. He spends about 20 minutes with me every 6 months. When the blood results come in, he calls me on Saturday to discuss the results. I only tell you this so you understand the type of doctor he is, how much he cares about his profession and his patients.

I asked the good doctor about Obamacare. His words- it's Medicare on steroids, it's terrible. I can't afford to take anymore Medicare patients. They are 30% of my patients, take 50% of my time, and are less than 20% of my income. I asked why they take 50% of your time. His response- they are sicker and they don't listen to me, they don't take responsibility for their health. My Medicare patients receive 75% of the prescription I write. They just want a pill to feel better. They won't change their lifestyle....he went on and on.

USA is less than 5% of the world population yet we consume well over 60% of prescription drugs. Let's just say our entire healthcare system has been taken over by big pharmaceutical companies. They create drugs to fight the effects of the drugs they prescribe. People who don't have to pay for healthcare are not incentivized to take responsibility for their own health. High cholesterol, take cholesterol drug. Why bother exercising and watching your diet? Insurance pays for the drug and I can eat all the crap I want. This conversation is one that would take a lot of beers to cover and there is no easy solution.

With respect to college education and debt- Let's think about what kind of degrees we are financing. Interior design, women's studies, social work, etc.... I am not suggesting these are not noble areas of study, but going $100K in debt to become a kindergarten teacher is insane. What hope do these kids have of getting a job that will pay them enough to pay off their debt, buy a house and live a middle class life style? We need to rethink the degrees which are financed. You can go to community college for 2 years at 10% of the cost and save tens of thousands of dollars on your degree. Why has college got so expensive? I think there are several factors, but one is making a 4 year degree available to anyone willing to go in debt for it. It's simple supply and demand. More applicants with a government guaranteed loan and the universities can get more money. Again, we need along time over beers to get thru all the issues there. And there are no easy solutions.

Sorry that's so long and I understand if you don't take the time to read it all.
And there is the difference in leftist thinking and those on the right. The left thinks the way to spread the wealth is to demand higher pay for the lowest, non skilled labor; the right would prefer to create an opportunity for that person to move past minimum wage. I'm not saying they are successful at doing so, but if there was a common vision between the Dems and reps, success would be more likely. Sure, the Reps could say let's increase minimum wage so full time min worker makes $25k per year. But that doesn't do anything for the growing wealth gap. Min wage workers are a very small portion of the work force, less than 5%. Lets think bigger.

Why didn't distribution of wealth increase under Bush?

Lower tax rates increase wealth of the one percent.....It doesn't trickle down

Again, you're being excessively partisan. The wealth gap has been increasing Since the late 1970s. Since 1980 we have had 20years of a Rep president and 16 years of Dem president- now use your imagination and explain how the Dems have helped the wealth gap and the GOP has caused it to grow. It transcends party lines. It is an issue within our system and it also occurred leading into the Great Depression.

View attachment 99009

What event happened in 1980?

The election of Reagan and commitment to supply side economics. As you posted, that "trickle down" never happened

Ok, again with the completely partisan agenda. If it is all Reagans fault, who never had both houses of congress during his presidency, then you would have to accept that BO and Clinton were ineffective presidents in your eyes, because they did nothing to stem the tide of the wealth gap. Especially when you consider they both enjoyed periods of democratic majorities in both houses.

I'm not trying to point fingers at either party. We made a commitment to supply side economics and it has failed the middle class miserably. You, yourself pointed to the gap that has occurred since we committed to supply side

Frankly, the wealthy do not contribute as much as they did pre 1980 and the middle class has had to pick up the slack by paying more for education and healthcare

I don't understand how you can say the wealthy ( let's use the top 20% as the wealthy) don't pay as much as they did pre 1980. They pay more of the total tax bill now than they did pre 1980. They also constitute a larger portion of total income...income gap!
I don't know Bucky...you are a hard man to please

All we heard from Conservatives over the last eight years is.....Obama is trying to redistribute wealth

Now, we get complaints that all the increase in national wealth went to the wealthy

Correct, conservatives generally don't think in a communistic sense, we don't favor redistribution, or taking from the haves and just giving to the have nots. I prefer to give equal opportunity, let the have nots become the haves through hard work, innovation etc. keep the lines of opportunity open. Handing somebody food stamps is cruel if they are an able bodied or able minded person. It robs them of dignity and stymies their pursuit of the American Dream.

Nobody has recommended taking from the rich and giving to the poor

But why do we continue policies that only enrich the one percent if they don't result in more jobs and wealth at lower levels? Why continue to help those who obviously don't need it?

I agree, so what policies do you think we need to help the bottom 50% toincrease their income/wealth the way the top 20% have?

Again, I think just giving the middle class money is a waste

But what prevents the middle class from accumulating wealth and passing it on? Medical bills will wipe out a families savings and medical insurance is becoming way too expensive. Sending your kids to college puts families in debt and forces recent graduates to become slaves to their loans.
Used to be, owning a home was the best investment a family could make. But housing prices are stagnant and you will never see the return your parents and grandparents saw.

So, I would like to see an investment in middle class healthcare and education. Neither are tax deductible right now so that would be a start. I'd also like to see middle class subsidies for healthcare and education

Ok, now we are getting somewhere with a discussion on what might be done to decrease the wealth gap.

With respect to healthcare- I have a doctor, a very good doctor, I see every 6 months. This guy is old school. I never see a nurse, he does the exam, he interviews me, he even draws my blood. He spends about 20 minutes with me every 6 months. When the blood results come in, he calls me on Saturday to discuss the results. I only tell you this so you understand the type of doctor he is, how much he cares about his profession and his patients.

I asked the good doctor about Obamacare. His words- it's Medicare on steroids, it's terrible. I can't afford to take anymore Medicare patients. They are 30% of my patients, take 50% of my time, and are less than 20% of my income. I asked why they take 50% of your time. His response- they are sicker and they don't listen to me, they don't take responsibility for their health. My Medicare patients receive 75% of the prescription I write. They just want a pill to feel better. They won't change their lifestyle....he went on and on.

USA is less than 5% of the world population yet we consume well over 60% of prescription drugs. Let's just say our entire healthcare system has been taken over by big pharmaceutical companies. They create drugs to fight the effects of the drugs they prescribe. People who don't have to pay for healthcare are not incentivized to take responsibility for their own health. High cholesterol, take cholesterol drug. Why bother exercising and watching your diet? Insurance pays for the drug and I can eat all the crap I want. This conversation is one that would take a lot of beers to cover and there is no easy solution.

With respect to college education and debt- Let's think about what kind of degrees we are financing. Interior design, women's studies, social work, etc.... I am not suggesting these are not noble areas of study, but going $100K in debt to become a kindergarten teacher is insane. What hope do these kids have of getting a job that will pay them enough to pay off their debt, buy a house and live a middle class life style? We need to rethink the degrees which are financed. You can go to community college for 2 years at 10% of the cost and save tens of thousands of dollars on your degree. Why has college got so expensive? I think there are several factors, but one is making a 4 year degree available to anyone willing to go in debt for it. It's simple supply and demand. More applicants with a government guaranteed loan and the universities can get more money. Again, we need along time over beers to get thru all the issues there. And there are no easy solutions.

Sorry that's so long and I understand if you don't take the time to read it all.
Keep in mind what Medicare is
Insurance for those 65 and older. The very people insurance companies do not want to cover.

The number one major for college students is business not interior design or women's studies

Regardless, both healthcare and education are strangling the middle class
If the prosperity continues what will I say?

I think I'll go with the RW propganda machine's line from the nineties...

...the good economy under Clinton was just a continuation of something Reagan put in place.

Obama now instead of Reagan, of course.
Correct, conservatives generally don't think in a communistic sense, we don't favor redistribution, or taking from the haves and just giving to the have nots. I prefer to give equal opportunity, let the have nots become the haves through hard work, innovation etc. keep the lines of opportunity open. Handing somebody food stamps is cruel if they are an able bodied or able minded person. It robs them of dignity and stymies their pursuit of the American Dream.

Nobody has recommended taking from the rich and giving to the poor

But why do we continue policies that only enrich the one percent if they don't result in more jobs and wealth at lower levels? Why continue to help those who obviously don't need it?

I agree, so what policies do you think we need to help the bottom 50% toincrease their income/wealth the way the top 20% have?

Again, I think just giving the middle class money is a waste

But what prevents the middle class from accumulating wealth and passing it on? Medical bills will wipe out a families savings and medical insurance is becoming way too expensive. Sending your kids to college puts families in debt and forces recent graduates to become slaves to their loans.
Used to be, owning a home was the best investment a family could make. But housing prices are stagnant and you will never see the return your parents and grandparents saw.

So, I would like to see an investment in middle class healthcare and education. Neither are tax deductible right now so that would be a start. I'd also like to see middle class subsidies for healthcare and education

Ok, now we are getting somewhere with a discussion on what might be done to decrease the wealth gap.

With respect to healthcare- I have a doctor, a very good doctor, I see every 6 months. This guy is old school. I never see a nurse, he does the exam, he interviews me, he even draws my blood. He spends about 20 minutes with me every 6 months. When the blood results come in, he calls me on Saturday to discuss the results. I only tell you this so you understand the type of doctor he is, how much he cares about his profession and his patients.

I asked the good doctor about Obamacare. His words- it's Medicare on steroids, it's terrible. I can't afford to take anymore Medicare patients. They are 30% of my patients, take 50% of my time, and are less than 20% of my income. I asked why they take 50% of your time. His response- they are sicker and they don't listen to me, they don't take responsibility for their health. My Medicare patients receive 75% of the prescription I write. They just want a pill to feel better. They won't change their lifestyle....he went on and on.

USA is less than 5% of the world population yet we consume well over 60% of prescription drugs. Let's just say our entire healthcare system has been taken over by big pharmaceutical companies. They create drugs to fight the effects of the drugs they prescribe. People who don't have to pay for healthcare are not incentivized to take responsibility for their own health. High cholesterol, take cholesterol drug. Why bother exercising and watching your diet? Insurance pays for the drug and I can eat all the crap I want. This conversation is one that would take a lot of beers to cover and there is no easy solution.

With respect to college education and debt- Let's think about what kind of degrees we are financing. Interior design, women's studies, social work, etc.... I am not suggesting these are not noble areas of study, but going $100K in debt to become a kindergarten teacher is insane. What hope do these kids have of getting a job that will pay them enough to pay off their debt, buy a house and live a middle class life style? We need to rethink the degrees which are financed. You can go to community college for 2 years at 10% of the cost and save tens of thousands of dollars on your degree. Why has college got so expensive? I think there are several factors, but one is making a 4 year degree available to anyone willing to go in debt for it. It's simple supply and demand. More applicants with a government guaranteed loan and the universities can get more money. Again, we need along time over beers to get thru all the issues there. And there are no easy solutions.

Sorry that's so long and I understand if you don't take the time to read it all.
Keep in mind what Medicare is
Insurance for those 65 and older. The very people insurance companies do not want to cover.

The number one major for college students is business not interior design or women's studies

Regardless, both healthcare and education are strangling the middle class

And you or I have no solution. Tax the rich won't solve it.
Why didn't distribution of wealth increase under Bush?

Lower tax rates increase wealth of the one percent.....It doesn't trickle down

Again, you're being excessively partisan. The wealth gap has been increasing Since the late 1970s. Since 1980 we have had 20years of a Rep president and 16 years of Dem president- now use your imagination and explain how the Dems have helped the wealth gap and the GOP has caused it to grow. It transcends party lines. It is an issue within our system and it also occurred leading into the Great Depression.

View attachment 99009

What event happened in 1980?

The election of Reagan and commitment to supply side economics. As you posted, that "trickle down" never happened

Ok, again with the completely partisan agenda. If it is all Reagans fault, who never had both houses of congress during his presidency, then you would have to accept that BO and Clinton were ineffective presidents in your eyes, because they did nothing to stem the tide of the wealth gap. Especially when you consider they both enjoyed periods of democratic majorities in both houses.

I'm not trying to point fingers at either party. We made a commitment to supply side economics and it has failed the middle class miserably. You, yourself pointed to the gap that has occurred since we committed to supply side

Frankly, the wealthy do not contribute as much as they did pre 1980 and the middle class has had to pick up the slack by paying more for education and healthcare

I don't understand how you can say the wealthy ( let's use the top 20% as the wealthy) don't pay as much as they did pre 1980. They pay more of the total tax bill now than they did pre 1980. They also constitute a larger portion of total income...income gap!

Watch what happens in 1980

Great, we are back to this. You are looking at tax rate and not total amount of taxes paid.
Summary of Latest Federal Income Tax Data

1980- total tax revenues = $ 250 Billion
Revenues paid by top 10% = $123 Billion or 49.28%
Revenues paid by bottom 50% = $18 billion or 7.05%
2011- total tax revenues = $ 1042 billion
Revenues paid by top 10% = $712 billion or 68.26%
Revenues paid by bottom 50% = $30 billion or 2.89%

1980-2011 total tax revenue increased by 919 billion or 4.17 times
Total revenue paid by top 10% increased by 589 billion or 5.79 times
Total revenue paid by bottom 50%increased by 12 billion or 1.67 times

These are raw numbers. The top 10% pay a higher share of taxes now than they did in 1980. The problem is INCOME GAP NOT TAX RATE!

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