CDZ If "America First" is abandoned, who wins the next election?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
If Trump and the GOP abandon their "America First" policies, who wins the next election?

So assume, that:

Trump does not renegotiate and fix NAFTA from the abuses coming from Mexico and Canada
Trump is not able to put in place a border tariff
Trump is not able to return jobs back to America and his major voting bloc
Trump is not able to decrease the trade imbalance with China
Trump is unable to decrease/turn around the deficit

If all of these issues and a few other which he promised fail, who wins the next election? Who would be the likely Democratic opposition?

My guess is the Democrats will work hard to obstruct and convince Trump to abandon these ideas, both inside and outside his party, knowing full well that his failure to succeed with these would spell doom for him or any other GOP for re-election. Certainly, a major shakeup of trade abuses and lost jobs would be a horrible outcome for the Democrats going forward as it would be successful and drive votes to the GOP. If he is unable to enact them though, it's a massive boon to the Democrats chances going forward in the mid terms and general election.

If Trump and the GOP abandon their "America First" policies, who wins the next election?

So assume, that:

Trump does not renegotiate and fix NAFTA from the abuses coming from Mexico and Canada
Trump is not able to put in place a border tariff
Trump is not able to return jobs back to America and his major voting bloc
Trump is not able to decrease the trade imbalance with China
Trump is unable to decrease/turn around the deficit

If all of these issues and a few other which he promised fail, who wins the next election? Who would be the likely Democratic opposition?

My guess is the Democrats will work hard to obstruct and convince Trump to abandon these ideas, both inside and outside his party, knowing full well that his failure to succeed with these would spell doom for him or any other GOP for re-election. Certainly, a major shakeup of trade abuses and lost jobs would be a horrible outcome for the Democrats going forward as it would be successful and drive votes to the GOP. If he is unable to enact them though, it's a massive boon to the Democrats chances going forward in the mid terms and general election.


Trump has a bigger job than just enacting the things he said. He has to enact them, and then show that they actually make things better for us. If he screws with NAFTA, imposes tariffs, or pisses off China, and causes a trade war, which many people think would happen, It won't be good for him or the right wing party. Just making things different isn't the same as making them better. Unfortunately, his supporters haven't figured that out yet.
In the scenario you lay out, I see Trump facing a Primary challenge from a Conservative candidate in the Republican Party.

At that point, all bets are off on what happens to Trump and the outcome of the general election as well.
If Trump and the GOP abandon their "America First" policies, who wins the next election?

So assume, that:

Trump does not renegotiate and fix NAFTA from the abuses coming from Mexico and Canada
Trump is not able to put in place a border tariff
Trump is not able to return jobs back to America and his major voting bloc
Trump is not able to decrease the trade imbalance with China
Trump is unable to decrease/turn around the deficit

If all of these issues and a few other which he promised fail, who wins the next election? Who would be the likely Democratic opposition?

My guess is the Democrats will work hard to obstruct and convince Trump to abandon these ideas, both inside and outside his party, knowing full well that his failure to succeed with these would spell doom for him or any other GOP for re-election. Certainly, a major shakeup of trade abuses and lost jobs would be a horrible outcome for the Democrats going forward as it would be successful and drive votes to the GOP. If he is unable to enact them though, it's a massive boon to the Democrats chances going forward in the mid terms and general election.


Trump has a bigger job than just enacting the things he said. He has to enact them, and then show that they actually make things better for us. If he screws with NAFTA, imposes tariffs, or pisses off China, and causes a trade war, which many people think would happen, It won't be good for him or the right wing party. Just making things different isn't the same as making them better. Unfortunately, his supporters haven't figured that out yet.

People talking about trade wars are blowing hot air. If China engaged in a trade war they would be crushed, very simply, American businesses have many low wage, general labour options to choose from other than China, this is what I find funny. The Philippines, India, Vietnam or a whole host of other nations could support U.S manufacturing if they left China. China knows this. Where is China going to recruit the businesses that left? They can't.

There is a massive voting bloc in America expecting change. Much larger than even those who supported Trump. If Trump doesn't succeed, America will making a hard left turn, into socialist territory. This doesn't bode well for anyone.
Depends on how many Supreme Court seats are up for grabs; if there is one or two, the same base will vote for him again, regardless. The moderate centrists don't want either the establishment's 'left' wing or it's 'right' wing back in control. That's just suicide for this country; they're both anti-American and want to loot it and turn it into a third world shithole.
In the scenario you lay out, I see Trump facing a Primary challenge from a Conservative candidate in the Republican Party.

At that point, all bets are off on what happens to Trump and the outcome of the general election as well.

What happens to Trump has already been decided. Leading Republicans in the house and senate hate him, and only jumped on his band wagon when they saw he was their only shot at the white house. They even made him choose Pence in case he goes too crazy,and they have to impeach him. They will support him as long as he doesn't interfere with their goals, and discard him like a used condom the instant they have no more use for him.
If Trump and the GOP abandon their "America First" policies, who wins the next election?

So assume, that:

Trump does not renegotiate and fix NAFTA from the abuses coming from Mexico and Canada
Trump is not able to put in place a border tariff
Trump is not able to return jobs back to America and his major voting bloc
Trump is not able to decrease the trade imbalance with China
Trump is unable to decrease/turn around the deficit

If all of these issues and a few other which he promised fail, who wins the next election? Who would be the likely Democratic opposition?

My guess is the Democrats will work hard to obstruct and convince Trump to abandon these ideas, both inside and outside his party, knowing full well that his failure to succeed with these would spell doom for him or any other GOP for re-election. Certainly, a major shakeup of trade abuses and lost jobs would be a horrible outcome for the Democrats going forward as it would be successful and drive votes to the GOP. If he is unable to enact them though, it's a massive boon to the Democrats chances going forward in the mid terms and general election.


Trump has a bigger job than just enacting the things he said. He has to enact them, and then show that they actually make things better for us. If he screws with NAFTA, imposes tariffs, or pisses off China, and causes a trade war, which many people think would happen, It won't be good for him or the right wing party. Just making things different isn't the same as making them better. Unfortunately, his supporters haven't figured that out yet.

People talking about trade wars are blowing hot air. If China engaged in a trade war they would be crushed, very simply, American businesses have many low wage, general labour options to choose from other than China, this is what I find funny. The Philippines, India, Vietnam or a whole host of other nations could support U.S manufacturing if they left China. China knows this. Where is China going to recruit the businesses that left? They can't.

There is a massive voting bloc in America expecting change. Much larger than even those who supported Trump. If Trump doesn't succeed, America will making a hard left turn, into socialist territory. This doesn't bode well for anyone.

China is already pushing their version of the TPP. They call it the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). All the countries that were joining in the TPP are still looking for a trade partnership, and that is the only one available. Trump finally realized healthcare is complicated. Trade is complicated too. Lets just hope he figures that out before he screws us all.
No worries about a collection of low wage export dependent countries making 'trade deals'; they don't have the markets with disposable incomes, and they are also competitors; it will fly just as grandly as the BRICS comedy did, where the corrupt countries got together and tried to screw each other. It was hilarious, and so would a Chinese version of TPP be pretty funny. Their banking system is ridiculously unstable, their currency valuations a joke, and their trustworthiness is less than zero.
And, of course a huge slice of that trade imbalance is owned by American companies exporting back to the USA. Trump won't be able to tax China, because his masters would be inconvenienced.
The effect of the Russia hacks investigation have yet to be felt. It could be the decisive factor. Another Watergate...

That ridiculous fantasy hasn't gone anywhere in months and never will. It's just spin invented to make the witless minions feel better and keep them motivated like all the rest of the fake news campaign. You know it's a lost cause when your Party has to recruit paid rioters and thugs off of Craig's List advertisements to provide itself with photo ops.
The effect of the Russia hacks investigation have yet to be felt. It could be the decisive factor. Another Watergate...

that ridiculous fantasy hasn't gone anywhere in months and never will. It's just spin invented to make the witless minions feel better and keep them motivated like all the rest of the fake news campaign. You know it's a lost cause when your Party has to recruit paid rioters and thugs off of Craig's List advertisements to provide itself with photo ops.

You could be right. I don't think so.
The effect of the Russia hacks investigation have yet to be felt. It could be the decisive factor. Another Watergate...

that ridiculous fantasy hasn't gone anywhere in months and never will. It's just spin invented to make the witless minions feel better and keep them motivated like all the rest of the fake news campaign. You know it's a lost cause when your Party has to recruit paid rioters and thugs off of Craig's List advertisements to provide itself with photo ops.

You could be right. I don't think so.

the Democratic Party has too many conflicting groups to appease, most of them so devoted to identity politics between groups who compete with each other over social services and too heavily racist to ever do anything but fracture, plus they keep alienating more and more people within their own establishment. Nobody can take their fans in the media seriously on anything, too many blatantly obvious lies, fake news, and outright delusional arrogance. Turnouts are going to drop like rocks for the foreseeable future, Trump or no Trump, and the same reasons that got Trump elected will just be be moved on to yet another outsider if he happens to renege and become just another pol. Trump becoming unpopular is not going to result in any great return to voting for Democratic hacks, no matter what the spin doctors keep telling everybody.
The effect of the Russia hacks investigation have yet to be felt. It could be the decisive factor. Another Watergate...

that ridiculous fantasy hasn't gone anywhere in months and never will. It's just spin invented to make the witless minions feel better and keep them motivated like all the rest of the fake news campaign. You know it's a lost cause when your Party has to recruit paid rioters and thugs off of Craig's List advertisements to provide itself with photo ops.

You could be right. I don't think so.

the Democratic Party has too many conflicting groups to appease, most of them so devoted to identity politics between groups who compete with each other over social services and too heavily racist to ever do anything but fracture, plus they keep alienating more and more people within their own establishment. Nobody can take their fans in the media seriously on anything, too many blatantly obvious lies, fake news, and outright delusional arrogance. Turnouts are going to drop like rocks for the foreseeable future, Trump or no Trump, and the same reasons that got Trump elected will just be be moved on to yet another outsider if he happens to renege and become just another pol. Trump becoming unpopular is not going to result in any great return to voting for Democratic hacks, no matter what the spin doctors keep telling everybody.

I don't know where you are getting your information, but they are lying to you. Those right wing talking heads you have been listening to are saying what they want to be true, not what is true. I guess when your leader blatantly lies about how big his crowd was, and whether it rained on his speech, even when the truth is clear for anyone to see, you think lying is the way to go.
  1. I think it's far too early to engage in speculation about the 2020 or 2018 election outcome.
  2. "If "America First" is abandoned, who wins the next election?"

    Regardless of whether that so-called slogan is maintained, it certainly should be because it is such an empty one. The notion that any elected leaders (who aren't in part or wholly clandestine insurgents of foreign government) would act in any way that they don't believe is best for America is tantamount to saying that water isn't always wet. Agree or disagree with a politician or party's approach(s) to resolving the nation's issues....One can do that to one's content. Even so, it's just irresponsible to think their motives for advocating for their respective positions and policies be for any reason other than because they believe the given policy is in the country's best interest.

    Individual leaders can be mistaken, misguided, even completely, mostly or somewhat inept. Even if they are, for one to consider their proposals and actions from a starting position that assumes they do so expressly to put another nation's interests ahead of the U.S.' is to enter a policy discussion with a kind of jaundice that in nearly all cases will preclude any solution from actually happening.

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