If an 'afterlife' exists, what's the physical reality of it?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Assuming for the sake of example, some kind of after-death continuation of consciousness and thought exists, how does it work?

Thought is the electrical impulses passing between neurons in our brains. But when we die this ceases. Yet if some kind of heaven exists where we continue to think and experience, then so must thought. How?
Assuming for the sake of example, some kind of after-death continuation of consciousness and thought exists, how does it work?

Thought is the electrical impulses passing between neurons in our brains. But when we die this ceases. Yet if some kind of heaven exists where we continue to think and experience, then so must thought. How?

Hold a crystal up in the sunlight. The light you see streaming through is the physical reality of the after life.

The Bible describes heaven:

King James Bible
And the twelve gates were twelve pearls; every several gate was of one pearl: and the street of the city was pure gold, as it were transparent glass.

We will all be light - colors, and the streets of purest gold will be like sunlight. We think gold like the metal. when we read those verses, but transparency is very plainly described. But glass is not it, that is just the closest analogy to pure light the human can imagine. It is all light, like the sun, including us.

Jesus referred to pearls in the context of wisdom. ('Cast not you pearls (wisdom) before swine.') So the pearl gates will be the sum total of all universal wisdom in one place as abstract and transparent as the streets of purest gold like glass'. Those who enter will be the ones who have the understanding of these pearls and have chosen their Creator as their savior.
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I don't have an answer for this. But I'm genuinely curious how it would work. If we 'continue' after our bodies stop working, and presumedly cease to even exist as bodies via decomposition and such, yet 'we' still perceive and 'think' then some mechanism must exist enabling that to be. Is there anything in science providing for a possibility no matter how unlikely for thought to exist minus a brain? Though is simply electricity afterall, and we have electricity minus brains. So can the electricity in our brains somehow continue outside and independent of the brain?
I don't have an answer for this. But I'm genuinely curious how it would work. If we 'continue' after our bodies stop working, and presumedly cease to even exist as bodies via decomposition and such, yet 'we' still perceive and 'think' then some mechanism must exist enabling that to be. Is there anything in science providing for a possibility no matter how unlikely for thought to exist minus a brain? Though is simply electricity afterall, and we have electricity minus brains. So can the electricity in our brains somehow continue outside and independent of the brain?

The body is but a house for the real you=your spirit and soul!!!
Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be.
Remind me that my days are numbered—
how fleeting my life is.
You have made my life no longer than the width of my hand.
My entire lifetime is just a moment to you;
at best, each of us is but a breath.” Interlude
We are merely moving shadows,
and all our busy rushing ends in nothing.
We heap up wealth,
not knowing who will spend it.
And so, Lord, where do I put my hope?
My only hope is in you.
Rescue me from my rebellion.
Do not let fools mock me.
I am silent before you; I won’t say a word,
for my punishment is from you.
But please stop striking me!
I am exhausted by the blows from your hand.
When you discipline us for our sins,
you consume like a moth what is precious to us.
Each of us is but a breath. Interlude
Hear my prayer, O Lord!
Listen to my cries for help!
Don’t ignore my tears.
For I am your guest—
a traveler passing through,
as my ancestors were before me.
Leave me alone so I can smile again
before I am gone and exist no more.
psalm 39:4-13
Could look this up I suppose, but will share my thoughts to spark some discussion.

Could some kind of an afterlife exist BUT gods NOT exist? In other words, could the afterlife be as natural a thing as life? Do any major religions not have an afterlife idea? Where death is really the end of everything?
I waited patiently for the Lord to help me,
and he turned to me and heard my cry.
He lifted me out of the pit of despair,
out of the mud and the mire.
He set my feet on solid ground
and steadied me as I walked along.
He has given me a new song to sing,
a hymn of praise to our God.
Many will see what he has done and be amazed.
They will put their trust in the Lord.
Oh, the joys of those who trust the Lord,
who have no confidence in the proud
or in those who worship idols.
O Lord my God, you have performed many wonders for us.
Your plans for us are too numerous to list.
You have no equal.
If I tried to recite all your wonderful deeds,
I would never come to the end of them.
psalm 40:1-5
Am familar with them. Unfortunately NDE is only that, near-death. Why I'm so interested in the Jahi McMath case. She's brain-dead. She's well and truly dead and gone. But if she came back with ANY amount of brain activity it'd provide a much more useful example of the afterlife whatever it turns out to be.
The occult teaches that there are many higher dimensions that interpenetrate this one, but their atoms vibrate at a far higher rate. According to the theory we have a number of bodies, the first one being the soul or causual body. This is a formless, and infinitely expandable bubble of energy that is separated from the God head by a thin bubble of energy. Then we have the first inhabitable body that is called the mental body, and it exists on the mental plane. Lower that that is the astral body which also has its own realm.
It has been said that the astral plane is as real as Charring cross. That is to say it is much like this world. Then we have a connecting sheath called the etheric body which contains energy centers called chakras. It is through the chakras that the spirit mind is connected to the brain.
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GIS, if I wanted to read Scripture I'd go to biblegateway and do so. Quoting Scripture isn't appropriate in this thread. It doesn't answer the questions posed. If you wanna quote something applicable to your own statement that'd be appropriate, but simply regurgitating text doesn't answer much of anything.

If an afterlife exists, something in science would suggest how it exists. Scripture cannot prove Scripture anymore than Harry Potter books prove magic exists.
The occult teaches that there are many higher dimensions that interpenetrate this one, but their atoms vibrate at a far higher rate. According to the theory we have a number of bodies, the first one being the soul or causual body. This is a formless, and infinitely expandable bubble of energy that is separated from the God head by a thin bubble of energy. Then we have the first inhabitable body that is called the mental body, and it exists on the mental plane. Lower that that is the astral body which also has its own realm.
It has been said that the astral plane is as real as Charring cross. That is to say it is much like this world. Then we have a connecting sheath called the etheric body which contains energy centers called chakras. It is through the chakras that the spirit mind is connected to the brain.

Only blinded total fools would consult demons looking for truth!!!!nd you???
The occult teaches that there are many higher dimensions that interpenetrate this one, but their atoms vibrate at a far higher rate. According to the theory we have a number of bodies, the first one being the soul or causual body. This is a formless, and infinitely expandable bubble of energy that is separated from the God head by a thin bubble of energy. Then we have the first inhabitable body that is called the mental body, and it exists on the mental plane. Lower that that is the astral body which also has its own realm.
It has been said that the astral plane is as real as Charring cross. That is to say it is much like this world. Then we have a connecting sheath called the etheric body which contains energy centers called chakras. It is through the chakras that the spirit mind is connected to the brain.

'The occult teaches..' doesn't make much sense. Occult just means hidden. And if mentioning chakras my thinking goes to Hinduism which isn't occultic at all.
The occult teaches that there are many higher dimensions that interpenetrate this one, but their atoms vibrate at a far higher rate. According to the theory we have a number of bodies, the first one being the soul or causual body. This is a formless, and infinitely expandable bubble of energy that is separated from the God head by a thin bubble of energy. Then we have the first inhabitable body that is called the mental body, and it exists on the mental plane. Lower that that is the astral body which also has its own realm.
It has been said that the astral plane is as real as Charring cross. That is to say it is much like this world. Then we have a connecting sheath called the etheric body which contains energy centers called chakras. It is through the chakras that the spirit mind is connected to the brain.

Only blinded total fools would consult demons looking for truth!!!!nd you???

My views are based upon a lot of experience, I had a burning sensation like fire running through me in my youth and I saw a diagram of the chakras and recognized them all
as the locations of my sensations. I went to spiritualist churches for healing and after a couple of years the problem was cured. Iwas told the problem was cause by my etheric body being loose. I could feel psychic atmosphere in old churches and I used to feel a psychic warmth envelope me when I walked into one.
I once went to a franciscan monestary in Italy, and was quite overwhelmed by the powerful atmosphere. It was the strongest I had ever felt.

I am sure I can tell the difference between good and evil forces by the psychic sensations I have felt all my life. My nervous system was like a psychic barometer. I have also had many evidential messages from the spirit world through mediums. If they had been demons they would have destroyed me long ago, because I was psychically open to subtle energys.
Could look this up I suppose, but will share my thoughts to spark some discussion.

Could some kind of an afterlife exist BUT gods NOT exist? In other words, could the afterlife be as natural a thing as life? Do any major religions not have an afterlife idea? Where death is really the end of everything?

I was taught there is no 'natural' vs 'supernatural.' It is all natural. People once thought diseases were caused by the supernatural. Then someone discovered germs. It is all like that. It all fits together.

The Bible even says we don't have the big picture:

1 Corinthians 13:12

King James Version (KJV)

12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
'The occult teaches..' doesn't make much sense. Occult just means hidden. And if mentioning chakras my thinking goes to Hinduism which isn't occultic at all.

I have had much healing through my chakras and as I just said I can feel them. I attended a healing class conducted by the late Ursula Roberts, a spiritualist medium, and she taught healing by using the chakras. See the following link for some of her trance lectures.

Wisdom of Ramadahn

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