If an 'afterlife' exists, what's the physical reality of it?

If you believe a spiritual person can heal you I don't dispute the possibility of being healed of many things by them. Many complaints about our health are pure psychology anyway. If you believe you're sick, you'll be sick. And if you believe some 3rd party or physical mechanism can heal you, it can and will. Call it the Placebo Effect or something spiritual, the reality's reality regardless.

In the cases of Christian Scientists expecting children to believe in such things, I worry what the hcildren are doing is more about obeediance to their parents, than they're truly believing in being healed. Why they usually die when facing serious conditions. Faith can indeed heal, but it's important to udnerstand the difference between genuinely held belief and faith, and things children express. An adult with a well reasoned belief and udnerstanding of themselves is a far-cry from a child being able to do the same thing.
Here is a spiritualist book that purportedly describes the afterlife.


I'm less interested in religious descriptions or accounts than a physicist's account or hypothesis of how that'd happen with this thread. I know there's pleanty of descriptions of the afterlife from religious people. But as a scientist, my thing is if it's true, how is it possible?

I would say anything real in the universe functions by way of some kind of physics or other science. Thus if an afterlife is real then something in science should be able to explain how it exists or functions. Even if only very very theoretically.
I was involved in the British meditation society for a number of years. It was founded by Guru Raj Ananda, who has since died. But he left a lot of teachings, and there are a number of tapes of his talks at the following site. For a quick introduction to him view the video near the bottom of the page.

Gururaj Ananda Yogi
Here is some more spiritualist teaching. I first became interested in spiritualism after reading a book called the teachings of Silver Birch in the 1960's. This site contains some of those teachings.

Silver Birch's Teachings
Assuming for the sake of example, some kind of after-death continuation of consciousness and thought exists, how does it work?

Thought is the electrical impulses passing between neurons in our brains. But when we die this ceases. Yet if some kind of heaven exists where we continue to think and experience, then so must thought. How?

There is no afterlife. When you die your soul lives on and either exists in a peaceful state or a punished state depending on your following Gods law. When Judgement day arrives all the people that died that meet the criteria will be restored to new bodies. Those that served Satan will be eliminated.
Here is a spiritualist book that purportedly describes the afterlife.


I'm less interested in religious descriptions or accounts than a physicist's account or hypothesis of how that'd happen with this thread. I know there's pleanty of descriptions of the afterlife from religious people. But as a scientist, my thing is if it's true, how is it possible?

I would say anything real in the universe functions by way of some kind of physics or other science. Thus if an afterlife is real then something in science should be able to explain how it exists or functions. Even if only very very theoretically.

The mind body problem is solved by the theory that the chakras in the etheric body are energy centers that channel the spirit mind down into the brain. Thus providing the mechanism that allows the dualistic view that the mind can be separate from the body.

Science has yet to explain consciousness in spite of the likes of Daniel Dennet writing a book called consciousness explained. It has been said of Dennet that he explained consciousness away without explaining it. Which is what happens when rational minds try to negate spiritual ideology.
Assuming for the sake of example, some kind of after-death continuation of consciousness and thought exists, how does it work?

Thought is the electrical impulses passing between neurons in our brains. But when we die this ceases. Yet if some kind of heaven exists where we continue to think and experience, then so must thought. How?

There is no afterlife. When you die your soul lives on and either exists in a peaceful state or a punished state depending on your following Gods law. When Judgement day arrives all the people that died that meet the criteria will be restored to new bodies. Those that served Satan will be eliminated.

That's a much more realistic description oddly enough. Restoring a dead body to life, for a god or alien civilization doesn't sound beyond the realm of possibility afterall. If this girl McMath resumes brain functioning it'll serve as proof of concept.

Afterall we're all 'dead' or not-existing prior to being born. So if bringing biological matter together iside the womb can create life from lifelessness, restoring life to an existing organism seems comparatively easy.
Assuming for the sake of example, some kind of after-death continuation of consciousness and thought exists, how does it work?

Thought is the electrical impulses passing between neurons in our brains. But when we die this ceases. Yet if some kind of heaven exists where we continue to think and experience, then so must thought. How?
Spirit is beyond the physical. Thought is beyond the neurons in the brain. When you check out of this world, your spirit evolves to the next level, not your brain, though your spirit will have conscientiousness.
I used to channel psychic energy through the chakras in my palms and direct it into my temples, to give myself healing. But I had no conformation these chakras existed for twenty years, other than the fact I could feel the energy flowing through them.
Not until I got the book, Hands of light, by Barbara Brennan did I find a diagram that showed the twenty one minor chakras. Usually diagrams only show the main seven chakras.

Barbara Brennan School of Healing

The Mental Body
If you believe a spiritual person can heal you I don't dispute the possibility of being healed of many things by them. Many complaints about our health are pure psychology anyway. If you believe you're sick, you'll be sick. And if you believe some 3rd party or physical mechanism can heal you, it can and will. Call it the Placebo Effect or something spiritual, the reality's reality regardless.

In the cases of Christian Scientists expecting children to believe in such things, I worry what the hcildren are doing is more about obeediance to their parents, than they're truly believing in being healed. Why they usually die when facing serious conditions. Faith can indeed heal, but it's important to udnerstand the difference between genuinely held belief and faith, and things children express. An adult with a well reasoned belief and udnerstanding of themselves is a far-cry from a child being able to do the same thing.

I saw the late Harry Edwards give a healing demonstration on stage in London and people who were crippled with arthritis gained movement in their arms and hands that they had not had for years. Of course it could all have been actors pretending, but I don't think so
because my mother wrote to Harry Edwards asking for absent healing for me, and he sent her a letter in which he clearly understood my condition, even though he had never seen me. He claimed the spirit world spoke to him and told him things about people and that is how he knew.

Welcome to the Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary
If you believe a spiritual person can heal you I don't dispute the possibility of being healed of many things by them. Many complaints about our health are pure psychology anyway. If you believe you're sick, you'll be sick. And if you believe some 3rd party or physical mechanism can heal you, it can and will. Call it the Placebo Effect or something spiritual, the reality's reality regardless.

In the cases of Christian Scientists expecting children to believe in such things, I worry what the hcildren are doing is more about obeediance to their parents, than they're truly believing in being healed. Why they usually die when facing serious conditions. Faith can indeed heal, but it's important to udnerstand the difference between genuinely held belief and faith, and things children express. An adult with a well reasoned belief and udnerstanding of themselves is a far-cry from a child being able to do the same thing.

I saw the late Harry Edwards give a healing demonstration on stage in London and people who were crippled with arthritis gained movement in their arms and hands that they had not had for years. Of course it could all have been actors pretending, but I don't think so
because my mother wrote to Harry Edwards asking for absent healing for me, and he sent her a letter in which he clearly understood my condition, even though he had never seen me. He claimed the spirit world spoke to him and told him things about people and that is how he knew.

Welcome to the Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary

YES! Demons are thousands of years old,they do have lots of information,they also know JESUS and at his name they SCREAM in fear.==Suddenly, a man in the synagogue who was possessed by an evil spirit began shouting, 24 “Why are you interfering with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are—the Holy One of God!” Mark 1:23

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