if animals could talk...

Dec 19, 2010
ahoy mateys,

i was readin' a thread on elephants up in the Clean Debate Zone port 'o call, and musin' 'bout it.

i mean, no one could read that piece and not conclude that our treatment 'o many 'o God's creatures borders on the barbaric...'tis savage stuffs.

Cape Town - Mozambique’s Limpopo National Park – a key element in the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park, or peace park – has been stripped of all its 300-odd rhinos by poachers, with the last remaining 15 animals believed to have been killed last month.
Poachers kill every rhino in game park - IOL SciTech | IOL.co.za

lemme asks ye, me hearties;

do we treat animals with such contempt and disregard mostly as a punishment fer them not speakin' english?

i mean, isn't it hard to imagine a farm whar lambs be raised and slaughtered if the mother sheep were askin', nicely, fer us not to murder thar children? imagine an entire stable (or whatever, i've no idear whar sheep be housed on a farm) 'o sheep screamin' at thar human captors not to take thar infants away to be killed?

ever enjoy a tasty veal shank?

this be the journey that baby calf took, so our needs could be met;

So within moments of birth, male calves are taken away from their mothers and loaded onto trucks. Many are sold at auctions where they are subjected to transportation and handling stresses. The fragile babies are shocked and kicked, and when they can no longer walk, they are dragged by their legs or even their ears.

Calves are confined in crates just 2 feet wide. They are chained by the neck to restrict all movement, making it is impossible for them to turn around, stretch, or even lie down comfortably. This severe confinement makes the calves' meat "tender" because muscles cannot develop.
Truth Behind Veal - the great cruelty for veal

if these young veals, errrm....cows, children basically, were beggin' in rudimentary english not to be slaughtered, wouldn't that basically blunt yer hunger fer veal?


- MeadHallPirate
Are you my daughter? She's like PETA on acid. :)

ahoy The Irish Ram,

well met, matey.

i don't think i be yer daughter, but don't ye find our treatment 'o animals sorta barbaric?

It was a grim, sodden day on an upstate New York farm. A local meat sciences professor named Eric explained to the pig's owners that the most humane method of slaughter was to shoot it at close range between the eyes with a .22 rifle - a stunning blow to knock its central nervous system offline - then slit the main artery so the blood loss would bring about swift, arguably less painful death. The blow would also supposedly reduce the stress on the animal, allowing for better meat quality.

The farmers, having researched the matter thoroughly and consulted with the Humane Animal Farm Care project, believed this to be true. Still, as they stood several yards from the slaughter, half sheltered in the doorway to their goat barn, they flinched at the stark crack of the rifle, and then they cried.

They can certainly be excused for that.

pigs, apparently, be very smart....much smarter than Lassie or Benjie or Rin Tin Tin or any other dog heroes 'o lore.

if they could talk, don't ye think that slaughterin' them would be sorta difficult to stomach?

- MeadHallPirate
So within moments of birth, male calves are taken away from their mothers and loaded onto trucks. Many are sold at auctions where they are subjected to transportation and handling stresses. The fragile babies are shocked and kicked, and when they can no longer walk, they are dragged by their legs or even their ears.

Calves are confined in crates just 2 feet wide. They are chained by the neck to restrict all movement, making it is impossible for them to turn around, stretch, or even lie down comfortably. This severe confinement makes the calves' meat "tender" because muscles cannot develop.
Truth Behind Veal - the great cruelty for veal

the difference is what is found in the Garden and what is found in mankind - there is the same violence's and necessities in both however in man there is consensual evil that eventually will lead to mankind's extinction as the reason to put a stop to it, for those who understand a Goal to be a part of the Everlasting - otherwise the evil will just kill everyone in the end.
ahoy mateys,

i was readin' a thread on elephants up in the Clean Debate Zone port 'o call, and musin' 'bout it.

i mean, no one could read that piece and not conclude that our treatment 'o many 'o God's creatures borders on the barbaric...'tis savage stuffs.

Cape Town - Mozambique’s Limpopo National Park – a key element in the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park, or peace park – has been stripped of all its 300-odd rhinos by poachers, with the last remaining 15 animals believed to have been killed last month.
Poachers kill every rhino in game park - IOL SciTech | IOL.co.za

lemme asks ye, me hearties;

do we treat animals with such contempt and disregard mostly as a punishment fer them not speakin' english?

i mean, isn't it hard to imagine a farm whar lambs be raised and slaughtered if the mother sheep were askin', nicely, fer us not to murder thar children? imagine an entire stable (or whatever, i've no idear whar sheep be housed on a farm) 'o sheep screamin' at thar human captors not to take thar infants away to be killed?

ever enjoy a tasty veal shank?

this be the journey that baby calf took, so our needs could be met;

So within moments of birth, male calves are taken away from their mothers and loaded onto trucks. Many are sold at auctions where they are subjected to transportation and handling stresses. The fragile babies are shocked and kicked, and when they can no longer walk, they are dragged by their legs or even their ears.

Calves are confined in crates just 2 feet wide. They are chained by the neck to restrict all movement, making it is impossible for them to turn around, stretch, or even lie down comfortably. This severe confinement makes the calves' meat "tender" because muscles cannot develop.
Truth Behind Veal - the great cruelty for veal

if these young veals, errrm....cows, children basically, were beggin' in rudimentary english not to be slaughtered, wouldn't that basically blunt yer hunger fer veal?


- MeadHallPirate

if animals could talk... "Please don't eat me". :)
MeadHall - Quite right, it won't do for us to think overmuch on where our animal protein comes from. @ the current rate, we'll crowd out most of the other species of animals, & lots of the fish & other edible biology, & much of the insects & so on by accident.

Or we might switch to a more vegetarian diet - beef requires enormous amounts of feed & water to yield meat.

To see a different take, you might read Zoo, James Patterson. It's a disturbing fantasy of the shoe being on the other paw ...
There is a free, full-length documentary online called "Earthlings" about how animals are treated across the pet, food, clothing, entertainment, and vivisection industries. It is harrowing to watch. I dare any of you to try and get though it. After watching it two years ago, I immediately went vegan after eating meat, dairy, and eggs for 28 years. The truth about how we "process" animals across many industries is atrocious and barbaric.


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