If ANTIFA is truly anti-fascist, it should renounce all use of violence to advance their agenda

ANTIFA is a paid domestic terror organization. They were ones assaulting Trump rally attendees and smashing windows and lighting fires at his Inauguration. The Left is clearly capable of violence and hate.

And Trump supporters are all fine people

Who says all those are Trump supporters, hmm? I say you're fulla shit. :funnyface:
Because use of violence to advance a political agenda is the very definition of "fascism."

Not really. All ideological actors of the political spectrum use violence to establish civilizations based on their philosophies of government and to maintain their existence. The thing is, Antifa is an oxymoronic organization likely founded as a Vanguard Party to herald postmodern communism into American politics, similar to vanguard parties of the post Bolshevik Era. Oxymoronic because it's name "anti-fascists" uses fascist tactics to suppress opposition political speech, freedom of citizen movement during legal protests and direct action terror tactics in the form of pepper spray, bike locks, and whatever other means of violence. However, Antifa violence ought to surprise no one, and the use of superior violence to stop violence is thematic of human behavior down through history. Problem for Antifa is its members have yet to figure out the 'superior' part. And that's very good for the rest of us, who when called upon to defend the foundational philosophies of our political system will indeed get use of superior violence down very quickly . . . on their masked skulls.
In that case Antifucks wouldn't even exist because they are a home-grown terrorist group based completely on violence. Their own charter brags about how much violence they use to get their political way.

Instead of renouncing violence, Antifa humanoids need to be exterminated. Including their women and children.

Not surprising that you would use words like extermination. I guess it comes with the gas chamber mind set.
ANTIFA is a paid domestic terror organization. They were ones assaulting Trump rally attendees and smashing windows and lighting fires at his Inauguration. The Left is clearly capable of violence and hate.

And Trump supporters are all fine people
I dont recall them attacking anyone, so they are still a fuck of a lot better than your ANTIFA buddies. Not a single crime is taking place in that picture. They might be douches, but they arent criminals.
Because use of violence to advance a political agenda is the very definition of "fascism."
The fascists and the communists are cousins at war with one another and they both are antithetical to us.

“When it is fine for an all-white gang to assault an Asian American in broad daylight? When he’s a conservative journalist. Where is it fine to do this? Portland, Ore. How do you do it? By all means necessary.”

‘Why did I, a Vietnamese-American gay journalist, receive this reaction from a self-described anti-racist social justice movement?’

The answer, [Quillette editor Andy Ngo] wrote, was that he has tried to report honestly on Antifa — which, as Ngo wrote last year, is a ‘far-left movement of communists, socialists, and anarchists who agitate for revolution’, and who revel in ritualized violence against their enemies. If Ngo is not with them, he must be against them. And if he is against them, then he is a ‘fascist’ and deserves what he gets.

This is the logic of ‘By all means necessary’, the moronic line coined by Malcolm X, and familiar from the Malcolm X t-shirts issued to liberal white Humanities’ students on their first day in graduate school. Typically, the t-shirt shows Malcolm X, carbine in hand, peering out of a window as he tries to protect his family. Not against white racists, but against his fellow radicals, the sectarians of the Nation of Islam who would eventually murder him.

The story behind that image, and the false impression given it is reproduced without context, tells us everything we already know, or should know by now, about the radical fetish for violence.
Antifa = Fascist
BLM = Fascist
Democrat Party = Fascist
Propaganda Media (95% Democrat) = Fascist
Higher Education = Fascist
Because use of violence to advance a political agenda is the very definition of "fascism."
So....let me understand you....to use violence against fascism is in itself fascism? So all those guys who fought against NAZI Germany and Fascist Italy were themselves fascists? Interesting to get your take on this, Bucky.
In that case Antifucks wouldn't even exist because they are a home-grown terrorist group based completely on violence. Their own charter brags about how much violence they use to get their political way.

Instead of renouncing violence, Antifa humanoids need to be exterminated. Including their women and children.
Now THAT's true fascism! Thanks for the example....will the OP take heed?
Because use of violence to advance a political agenda is the very definition of "fascism."
So....let me understand you....to use violence against fascism is in itself fascism? So all those guys who fought against NAZI Germany and Fascist Italy were themselves fascists? Interesting to get your take on this, Bucky.
Nazi Germany embraced socialism... it was their guiding light
ANTIFA is a paid domestic terror organization. They were ones assaulting Trump rally attendees and smashing windows and lighting fires at his Inauguration. The Left is clearly capable of violence and hate.

And Trump supporters are all fine people
you scared of yuppies with wal mark tiki torches?
The was a group that started out almost the same way in the 1920s....they were laughed at too and no one took their anti-Jewish message seriously.
In that case Antifucks wouldn't even exist because they are a home-grown terrorist group based completely on violence. Their own charter brags about how much violence they use to get their political way.

Instead of renouncing violence, Antifa humanoids need to be exterminated. Including their women and children.

Not surprising that you would use words like extermination. I guess it comes with the gas chamber mind set.
There are those CRCs who are all talk like that. They would sit on the sidelines and cheer on violence....maybe even get a tingly over it.....but start violence? Nope.....too risky.
ANTIFA is a paid domestic terror organization. They were ones assaulting Trump rally attendees and smashing windows and lighting fires at his Inauguration. The Left is clearly capable of violence and hate.

And Trump supporters are all fine people
I dont recall them attacking anyone, so they are still a fuck of a lot better than your ANTIFA buddies. Not a single crime is taking place in that picture. They might be douches, but they arent criminals.
Because use of violence to advance a political agenda is the very definition of "fascism."
So....let me understand you....to use violence against fascism is in itself fascism? So all those guys who fought against NAZI Germany and Fascist Italy were themselves fascists? Interesting to get your take on this, Bucky.
Nazi Germany embraced socialism... it was their guiding light
Nope...once they got power, they put the socialists in Dachau. They were fascists, modeled after Mussolini's Fascist Party. He coined the phrase.
Because use of violence to advance a political agenda is the very definition of "fascism."
So....let me understand you....to use violence against fascism is in itself fascism? So all those guys who fought against NAZI Germany and Fascist Italy were themselves fascists? Interesting to get your take on this, Bucky.

So these ANTIFA folks are "Freedom Fighters"?

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