If ANTIFA is truly anti-fascist, it should renounce all use of violence to advance their agenda

Because use of violence to advance a political agenda is the very definition of "fascism."
So....let me understand you....to use violence against fascism is in itself fascism? So all those guys who fought against NAZI Germany and Fascist Italy were themselves fascists? Interesting to get your take on this, Bucky.
Nazi Germany embraced socialism... it was their guiding light
Nope...once they got power, they put the socialists in Dachau. They were fascists, modeled after Mussolini's Fascist Party. He coined the phrase.

They threw the internationalist socialist in the ovens not the nationalist

SO NOW Is the US military , US post office ...and lets throw in food stamps and medicaide fascist or socialist ?

[paste:font size="6"]National Socialist People's Welfare
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NSV badge
The National Socialist People's Welfare (German: Nationalsozialistische Volkswohlfahrt, NSV) was a social welfare organization during the Third Reich. The NSV was established in 1931 as a local welfare organization; on 3 May 1933, shortly after the Nazi Party took power in Weimar Germany, Hitler turned it into a party organization of the NSDAP. The main offices were in Berlin. The structure of the NSV was based on the Nazi Party model, with local, county (Kreis) and district (Gau) administrations.[1]

Erich Hilgenfeldt, who worked as office head at the NSV, organized a charity drive to celebrate Adolf Hitler's birthday on 20 April, 1931. Following this move Joseph Goebbels named him the leader of the NSV. The NSV became established as the single Nazi Party welfare organ on 3 May 1933.[2] On 21 September in the same year, Hilgenfeldt was appointed as Reich Commissioner for the Winterhilfswerk (Winter Support Programme). Under Hilgenfeldt, the programme was massively expanded so that the régime deemed it worthy to be called the "greatest social institution in the world". One method of expansion was to absorb, or in Nazi parlance coordinate, already existing yet non-Nazi charity organizations. In 1933, Hitler decreed the banning of all private charity organizations in Germany, ordering NSV chairman Hilgenfeldt to "see to the disbanding of all private welfare institutions", which provided the Nazis the means to engage in the social engineering of society through the selection of who could receive government benefits.[3] Hitler had essentially nationalized local municipalities, German federal states and private delivery structures that had provided welfare services to the public.[4]

NSV membership card, 1935
The NSV was the second largest Nazi group organization by 1935, second only to the German Labour Front. It had 4.7 million members and 520,000 volunteer workers. Nazi Party members who were active in communal welfare professionally or as volunteers had to be NSV members.[5]

With 17 million Germans receiving assistance under the auspices of NSV by 1939, the agency "projected a powerful image of caring and support".[6] The Nazis provided a plethora of social welfare programs under the Nazi concept of Volksgemeinschaft, which promoted the collectivity of a people's community where citizens would sacrifice themselves for the greater good. The NSV operated 8,000 day-nurseries by 1939 and funded holiday homes for mothers, distributed additional food for large families and was involved with a wide variety of other facilities.[7]

The Nazi social welfare provisions included old age insurance, rent supplements, unemployment and disability benefits, old-age homes and interest-free loans for married couples, along with healthcare insurance, which was not decreed mandatory until 1941.[8] One of the NSV branches, the Office of Institutional and Special Welfare, was responsible "for travellers' aid at railway stations; relief for ex-convicts; 'support' for re-migrants from abroad; assistance for the physically disabled, hard-of-hearing, deaf, mute, and blind; relief for the elderly, homeless and alcoholics; and the fight against illicit drugs and epidemics".[9] The Office of Youth Relief, which had 30,000 branch offices by 1941, took the job of supervising "social workers, corrective training, mediation assistance" and dealing with judicial authorities to prevent juvenile delinquency.[10]

One of the NSV's premier activities was the Winter Relief of the German People, which coordinated an annual drive to collect charity for the poor under the slogan: "None shall starve or freeze". These social welfare programs represented a Hitlerian endeavor to lift the community above the individual while promoting the wellbeing of all bona fide citizens. As Hitler told a reporter in 1934, he was determined to give Germans "the highest possible standard of living".[11]

During World War II, the NSV took over more and more governmental responsibilities, especially in the fields of child and youth labor. The expenses for the Nazi’s welfare state continued to mount, increasing significantly just before and after the beginning of World War II. In three budgetary years, the funds required by Germany's social welfare programs had more than doubled from 640.4 million Reichmarks in 1938 to 1.395 billion Reichmarks by 1941.[12]
Because use of violence to advance a political agenda is the very definition of "fascism."
So....let me understand you....to use violence against fascism is in itself fascism? So all those guys who fought against NAZI Germany and Fascist Italy were themselves fascists? Interesting to get your take on this, Bucky.
Nazi Germany embraced socialism... it was their guiding light
Nope...once they got power, they put the socialists in Dachau. They were fascists, modeled after Mussolini's Fascist Party. He coined the phrase.
Because use of violence to advance a political agenda is the very definition of "fascism."
So....let me understand you....to use violence against fascism is in itself fascism? So all those guys who fought against NAZI Germany and Fascist Italy were themselves fascists? Interesting to get your take on this, Bucky.

You are proof positive that aging queers do not a good political pundit make. You do know that commie fucks in Nazi Germany joined the brownshirt fascists when their cause was lost, correct??? They were called "Beef-steak Nazis....brown on the outside, red on the inside. Fascists and commies? Not a red c---t hair's worth of difference.
At some point these #antifaterroristorganization pricks are gonna try to assault somebody who is armed, knows how to use the weapon, and is willing to defend themselves, I'm gonna have me a beer in celebration and contribute to the defense fund.
Because use of violence to advance a political agenda is the very definition of "fascism."
So....let me understand you....to use violence against fascism is in itself fascism? So all those guys who fought against NAZI Germany and Fascist Italy were themselves fascists? Interesting to get your take on this, Bucky.
Nazi Germany embraced socialism... it was their guiding light
Nope...once they got power, they put the socialists in Dachau. They were fascists, modeled after Mussolini's Fascist Party. He coined the phrase.
So tell us...when did you start believing that the People's Republic of China is a Republic? Hmmmm?
At some point these #antifaterroristorganization pricks are gonna try to assault somebody who is armed, knows how to use the weapon, and is willing to defend themselves, I'm gonna have me a beer in celebration and contribute to the defense fund.
"At some point"......and yet they've killed no one while far right fascists have killed already.
Because use of violence to advance a political agenda is the very definition of "fascism."
So....let me understand you....to use violence against fascism is in itself fascism? So all those guys who fought against NAZI Germany and Fascist Italy were themselves fascists? Interesting to get your take on this, Bucky.
Nazi Germany embraced socialism... it was their guiding light
Nope...once they got power, they put the socialists in Dachau. They were fascists, modeled after Mussolini's Fascist Party. He coined the phrase.
So tell us...when did you start believing that the People's Republic of China is a Republic? Hmmmm?
Another name for socialism... Socialism has killed more people in the history of civilization and then any other Regime/disease.

Socialism is the most deadly disease man has ever known... fact
So....let me understand you....to use violence against fascism is in itself fascism? So all those guys who fought against NAZI Germany and Fascist Italy were themselves fascists? Interesting to get your take on this, Bucky.
Nazi Germany embraced socialism... it was their guiding light
Nope...once they got power, they put the socialists in Dachau. They were fascists, modeled after Mussolini's Fascist Party. He coined the phrase.
So tell us...when did you start believing that the People's Republic of China is a Republic? Hmmmm?
Another name for socialism... Socialism has killed more people in the history of civilization and then any other Regime/disease.

Socialism is the most deadly disease man has ever known... fact
So you believe China is a Republic, eh?
Nazi Germany embraced socialism... it was their guiding light
Nope...once they got power, they put the socialists in Dachau. They were fascists, modeled after Mussolini's Fascist Party. He coined the phrase.
So tell us...when did you start believing that the People's Republic of China is a Republic? Hmmmm?
Another name for socialism... Socialism has killed more people in the history of civilization and then any other Regime/disease.

Socialism is the most deadly disease man has ever known... fact
So you believe China is a Republic, eh?
Nope...once they got power, they put the socialists in Dachau. They were fascists, modeled after Mussolini's Fascist Party. He coined the phrase.
So tell us...when did you start believing that the People's Republic of China is a Republic? Hmmmm?
Another name for socialism... Socialism has killed more people in the history of civilization and then any other Regime/disease.

Socialism is the most deadly disease man has ever known... fact
So you believe China is a Republic, eh?
But they say they are a Republic. What gives?
So tell us...when did you start believing that the People's Republic of China is a Republic? Hmmmm?
Another name for socialism... Socialism has killed more people in the history of civilization and then any other Regime/disease.

Socialism is the most deadly disease man has ever known... fact
So you believe China is a Republic, eh?
But they say they are a Republic. What gives?
And Yet they don’t call themselves a republic, Hitler’s party called themselves socialists.
Because use of violence to advance a political agenda is the very definition of "fascism."
They need to be indicted, incarcerated, sued and stripped of all their assets until they do.

Ted Cruz seeks federal action against Portland mayor after antifa attacks journalist.

To federal law enforcement: investigate & bring legal action against a Mayor who has, for political reasons, ordered his police officers to let citizens be attacked by domestic terrorists.”​

“U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell, who like Mr. Ngo is openly gay, said he had asked the Justice Department to investigate the incident, tweeting, ‘This is outrageous. Where was Portland Mayor? @tedwheeler’.”​

Ngo isn’t the right kind of gay, and therefore deserves whatever he gets according to the status insecure Gentrified Leftists that want to tax according to skin color, take our health insurance and give it to illegals, bus our young children miles from home to dangerous neighborhoods and swarm and beat those that disagree with them, hospitalizing a conservative gay journalist with a brain bleed for the crime of "wrong-thoughts"!
Anti-Fa is the lefts brown shirts.

They are seperate but equal parts of the same party.

The Democrats accuse others of wrong doing with no evidence.
The Democrats plant evidence.
The Democrats slander opponents.
The Democrats lie about everything.
The Democrats murder babies.

The Democrats are evil and hate the US.

Then they condone Anti-Fa actions and not a peep is even whispered about them by Democrats.

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