If anyone thinks conservatives are racist

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
I have a really simple test for you, ask any conservative to imagine a hypotheitcal situation where their daughter has a choice between marrying someone like Chris Mathews or Clarence Thomas and see how long it takes them to come up with an answer.
If anyone thinks conservatives are racist
No one believes conservatives are not inherently ‘racist,’ nor does rightist dogma approve of ‘racism.’

Racists do, however, identify more often as conservative and republican; thus the issue for conservatives is to explore why – what is it about rightwing dogma racists find attractive, or what is it about rightwing dogma that makes racists feel comfortable in the GOP.
"...Conservatives are racist..." is a rather vacuous thought in any event, but there can be no doubt that there are principled positions taken by Conservatives that line up nicely with racist thinking, and many racists find a comfortable home within the Conservative/Republican camp.

For example, Conservatives oppose the judge-made institution called, "affirmative action," because it violates the equal protection provisions of the Constitution, and it enforces unequal treatment of citizens - which invariably places some at an undeseerved disadvantage. Racists oppose affirmative action because they oppose anything that could possibly give a ****** a break.

As for the hypothetical, Chris Mathews is so repugnant that it is not possible to imagine any female actually wanting to marry him, and Clarence Thomas is a married Christian.

But hopefully, the True Conservative will have raised his daughter to have character and to recognize character in others, so the race of her choice would be an issue, but not a defining issue. Hopefully.

Consider that Dick Cheyney did not disown his daughter for "marrying" her GF.
If anyone thinks conservatives are racist
No one believes conservatives are not inherently ‘racist,’ nor does rightist dogma approve of ‘racism.’

Racists do, however, identify more often as conservative and republican; thus the issue for conservatives is to explore why – what is it about rightwing dogma racists find attractive, or what is it about rightwing dogma that makes racists feel comfortable in the GOP.

One part come from the fact that a majority of blacks are democrats, so you get a portion of racists that vote republican for just that simple reason.

The other is since the libertarian part of the republican party supports less government intervention in general, they may feel that republican governments may just leave them the hell alone, and will not create programs they probably oppose, such as welfare et al.
One part come from the fact that a majority of blacks are democrats, so you get a portion of racists that vote republican for just that simple reason.

By that reasoning, you would get a portion of racists who vote democrat for just that simple reason.
If anyone thinks conservatives are racist
No one believes conservatives are not inherently ‘racist,’ nor does rightist dogma approve of ‘racism.’

Racists do, however, identify more often as conservative and republican; thus the issue for conservatives is to explore why – what is it about rightwing dogma racists find attractive, or what is it about rightwing dogma that makes racists feel comfortable in the GOP.

I bet you would rather that your hypothetical daughter marry the white guy.
If anyone thinks conservatives are racist
No one believes conservatives are not inherently ‘racist,’ nor does rightist dogma approve of ‘racism.’

Racists do, however, identify more often as conservative and republican; thus the issue for conservatives is to explore why – what is it about rightwing dogma racists find attractive, or what is it about rightwing dogma that makes racists feel comfortable in the GOP.

Just so.

However, the left has plenty of racists as well.
If anyone thinks conservatives are racist
No one believes conservatives are not inherently ‘racist,’ nor does rightist dogma approve of ‘racism.’

Racists do, however, identify more often as conservative and republican; thus the issue for conservatives is to explore why – what is it about rightwing dogma racists find attractive, or what is it about rightwing dogma that makes racists feel comfortable in the GOP.

Well, I don't know any of these racists, but I imagine a lot of them wouldn't want to vote along side black people, and we know which party is giving free handouts in exchange for black votes, therefore voting democrat is off the table for them.
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