If Anyone Wonders Why I Left the Republican Party Just Look At the Cheney Vote

Wait a minute. Voting is a right and gun ownership is a right. Why should we not be able to apply the same standards to any right if the commies want to play that game?

Um, because a gun tax is perfectly allowable under a "Well-Regulated Militia".

A Poll tax is disallowed under the 24th Amendment. Specifically prohibited.

Now, before we get into the whole discussion of what a bunch of dead slave rapists meant when they wrote the constitution (which I couldn't care less about) let's put it into practical terms.

Why do you think it's a good idea for crazy people to be able to buy guns? Most sensible people would think that was a BAD thing.
You on the left have no idea how dumb it sounds when you try to blame Trump for a worldwide pandemic.

Don’t lie. It’s a pathetic way to have a discussion. I didn’t blame TrumpQ for a worldwide pandemic. that’s a lie. Apologize right now.

I said: “Biden inherited a pandemic mess. “

TrumpQ is no it to blame for the pandemic but he was President when it hit us. Are you saying TrumpQ did not leave a Pandemic mess among many other messes for Joe to clean up?
Don’t lie. It’s a pathetic way to have a discussion. I didn’t blame TrumpQ for a worldwide pandemic. that’s a lie. Apologize right now.

You said "thank you DJT." WTF is that supposed to mean if you're not blaming him?

I said: “Biden inherited a pandemic mess. “

TrumpQ is no it to blame for the pandemic but he was President when it hit us. Are you saying TrumpQ did not leave a Pandemic mess among many other messes for Joe to clean up?

So what did you want him to do about it other than what he did? China gave us this mess, not Trump. Our economy would have continued rolling through 2020 if not for the China flu. He tried to keep us going as much as he could, but liberal cities and states decided to shutdown, and he has no control over them; States Rights.
Um, because a gun tax is perfectly allowable under a "Well-Regulated Militia".

It is? Where is that in the Constitution?

A Poll tax is disallowed under the 24th Amendment. Specifically prohibited.

Now, before we get into the whole discussion of what a bunch of dead slave rapists meant when they wrote the constitution (which I couldn't care less about) let's put it into practical terms.

Why do you think it's a good idea for crazy people to be able to buy guns? Most sensible people would think that was a BAD thing.

It's not a poll tax, it would be a mental competency test.

People who have been certified to be nuts can't get a gun now. Why is it a bad idea to test everybody? Because then they could refuse just about anybody the ability to buy a gun. Furthermore people who need mental help will resist getting any, then they and their family will suffer. Don't we have enough suicides in this country as it is?

Democrats are the lowest scum of the earth. Much like you, they hate our Constitution, and are looking for tools to try and get around it.
You said "thank you DJT." WTF is that supposed to mean if you're not blaming him?

Yes, thanks for leaving the mess. It was his job to protect the citizenry TrumpQ started a year ago saying he had it all under control. And this is how the TrumpQ pandemic bullshit & lie train got rollin’

THE PRESIDENT: Well, we’re testing everybody that we need to test. And we’re finding very little problem. Very little problem.​

Remarks by President Trump, Vice President Pence, and Members of the Coronavirus Task Force in Press Conference | The White House
President Trump, Vice President Pence, and Members of the Coronavirus Task Force in Press Conference James S. Brady Press Briefing Room a February 26, 2020 6:37 P.M. EST

THE PRESIDENT: Because of all we’ve done, the risk to the American people remains very low.

THE PRESIDENT: As most of you know, the — the level that we’ve had in our country is very low, and those people are getting better, or we think that in almost all cases they’re better, or getting. We have a total of 15.

THE PRESIDENT: Of the 15 people — the “original 15,” as I call them — 8 of them have returned to their homes, to stay in their homes until fully recovered. One is in the hospital and five have fully recovered. And one is, we think, in pretty good shape and it’s in between hospital and going home.

So we have a total of — but we have a total of 15 people, and they’re in a process of recovering, with some already having fully recovered.

THE PRESIDENT: Hopefully, we’re not going to have to spend so much because we really think we’ve done a great job in keeping it down to a minimum. And again, we’ve had tremendous success — tremendous success — beyond what people would have thought.

THE PRESIDENT: And, so far, if you look at what we have with the 15 people and their recovery, one is — one is pretty sick but hopefully will recover, but the others are in great shape.

THE PRESIDENT: But we’re very, very ready for this, for anything — whether it’s going to be a breakout of larger proportions or whether or not we’re — you know, we’re at that very low level, and we want to keep it that way.

So we’re at the low level. As they get better, we take them off the list, so that we’re going to be pretty soon at only five people. And we could be at just one or two people over the next short period of time. So we’ve had very good luck.

THE PRESIDENT: And we have a total of 15 cases, many of which, or most — within a day, I will tell you most of whom are fully recovered. I think that’s, really, a pretty impressive mark.

THE PRESIDENT: We have the greatest — it’s the greatest tourism country in the world. So instead of leaving our country, leaving our shores, they’ll stay
THE PRESIDENT; I think every aspect of our society should be prepared. I don’t think it’s going to come to that, especially with the fact that we’re going down, not up. We’re going very substantially down, not up.

THE PRESIDENT; But we have it so well under control. I mean, we really have done a very good job.

Q Thank you, Mr. President. Thank you, Mr. President. Are financial markets overreacting here?

THE PRESIDENT: I think the financial markets are very upset when they look at the Democrat candidates standing on that stage making fools out of themselves. And they say, “If we ever have a President like this…”

Q So far, your administration is only testing less than 500 people. And health officials are questioning whether that’s enough, comparing to other countries who have tested more than tens of thousands of people. Are you planning to test more people?

THE PRESIDENT: Well, we’re testing everybody that we need to test. And we’re finding very little problem. Very little problem.

THE PRESIDENT; So far, we’ve done a great job. When you have 15 people, with this whole world coming into the United States, and the 15 people are either better or close to being better, that’s pretty good.
He tried to keep us going as much as he could, but liberal cities and states decided to shutdown,

That’s not true. TrumpQ briefly took credit for shutting things down to save 2 million lives.

Dying on Airplanes

Remarks by President Trump, Vice President Pence, and Members of the Coronavirus Task Force in Press Briefing

Issued on: April 1, 2020

THE PRESIDENT: It says 100- to 200,000. Anything — it’s a lot of people, right? It’s a lot of people.
Well, you didn’t ask the other question. What would have happened — because this is the question that I’ve been asking Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx for a long time, and they’ve been working on this for a long time.

The question is: What would have happened if we did nothing? Because there was a group that said, “Let’s just ride it out. Let’s ride it out.” What would have happened? And that number comes in at 1.5 to 1.6 million people, up to 2.2 and even beyond. So that’s 2.2 million people would have died if we did nothing, if we just carried on our life.

Now, I don’t think that would have been possible because you would have had people dying all over the place. This would not have been a normal life. How many people have even seen anybody die? You would have seen people dying on airplanes. You would have been seeing people dying in hotel lobbies. You would’ve seen death all over.

So I think, from a practical standpoint, that couldn’t have been carried out too far. But — but if you — if you did nothing, on the higher side, the number would be 2.2 and maybe even more, and on the lower side, 1.6 million people.
That’s not true. TrumpQ briefly took credit for shutting things down to save 2 million lives.

Dying on Airplanes

Remarks by President Trump, Vice President Pence, and Members of the Coronavirus Task Force in Press Briefing

Issued on: April 1, 2020

THE PRESIDENT: It says 100- to 200,000. Anything — it’s a lot of people, right? It’s a lot of people.
Well, you didn’t ask the other question. What would have happened — because this is the question that I’ve been asking Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx for a long time, and they’ve been working on this for a long time.

The question is: What would have happened if we did nothing? Because there was a group that said, “Let’s just ride it out. Let’s ride it out.” What would have happened? And that number comes in at 1.5 to 1.6 million people, up to 2.2 and even beyond. So that’s 2.2 million people would have died if we did nothing, if we just carried on our life.

Now, I don’t think that would have been possible because you would have had people dying all over the place. This would not have been a normal life. How many people have even seen anybody die? You would have seen people dying on airplanes. You would have been seeing people dying in hotel lobbies. You would’ve seen death all over.

So I think, from a practical standpoint, that couldn’t have been carried out too far. But — but if you — if you did nothing, on the higher side, the number would be 2.2 and maybe even more, and on the lower side, 1.6 million people.

Seems to me this quote was about international travel and not shutting down businesses and schools. The President of the United States doesn't have the authority to do that, only Mayors and Governors do with limited constitutional abilities.
Be president of all Americans including those that live in big blue liberal cities where COVID19 has the best opportunity to spread.

not be president of this mess:

Being the President doesn't mean you control states or cities. If Trump had that kind of control, the all summer long riots would have ended in three days. Read the Constitution!
People who have been certified to be nuts can't get a gun now. Why is it a bad idea to test everybody? Because then they could refuse just about anybody the ability to buy a gun. Furthermore people who need mental help will resist getting any, then they and their family will suffer. Don't we have enough suicides in this country as it is?

Actually, the real reason is.... most of the gun fetishists are really nuts.... and a psych evaluation would expose that.

The gun industry's entire marketing plan is based on pandering to the mentally ill. Their key customer is not the guy who bought a gun in the 1990's, stuck it in his nightstand or closet and largely forgot about it. It's the guy who wants 47 guns and hundreds of rounds of ammunition.

The problem is, those are the ones who are a couple tacos short of a combination platter.
Being the President doesn't mean you control states or cities. If Trump had that kind of control, the all summer long riots would have ended in three days. Read the Constitution!

Actually, the riots could have ended in three days if the Republicans had taken police reform seriously and passed laws to reform the Police Departments.

The riots happened because Trump took the side of the police when the police were pretty clearly in the wrong.
Seems to me this quote was about international travel and not shutting down businesses and schools.

No it is more of your ignorance. By April it was apparent that shutting down international travel was not going to protect America. This was TrumpQ’s acknowledgment that shutting down businesses and schools was necessary in order to prevent the deaths of up to 2 million Americans. This was the point in time when TrumpQ tried to take credit for what business leaders, civic leaders, mayors governors, Democratic politicians did to try and protect the American people. Later, of course we know Trump attacked the idea of shutting down the government because he never had a consistent plan to deal with the coronavirus. It’s probably his biggest failure.
No consistent message for the safety of all America. No leadership with a national plan to deal with it.
No it is more of your ignorance. By April it was apparent that shutting down international travel was not going to protect America. This was TrumpQ’s acknowledgment that shutting down businesses and schools was necessary in order to prevent the deaths of up to 2 million Americans. This was the point in time when TrumpQ tried to take credit for what business leaders, civic leaders, mayors governors, Democratic politicians did to try and protect the American people. Later, of course we know Trump attacked the idea of shutting down the government because he never had a consistent plan to deal with the coronavirus. It’s probably his biggest failure.
No consistent message for the safety of all America. No leadership with a national plan to deal with it.

There is only so much anybody can do with something as new as this to the US. As my 90 year old father said, he's lived a long time and has seen a lot, but he never experienced anything like this in his life. Again, saying this is Trump's failure is like saying it was DumBama's failure when 200K Americans died from the flu. What was he supposed to do about it?

As for your quote, if Trump was talking about closing business, schools and not travel, link to it.
Actually, the riots could have ended in three days if the Republicans had taken police reform seriously and passed laws to reform the Police Departments.

The riots happened because Trump took the side of the police when the police were pretty clearly in the wrong.

You are so FOS I can smell you all the way here in Cleveland. The riots took place almost instantly. It had nothing to do with Trump, and the federal government does not control local police departments. This all took place in a commie city in a commie state. If you think it was because there was no police reform, then blame the commies, not the Republican President who had nothing to do with it. It's the same thing when DumBama was in charge. Two riots under him and again, both in commie cities in commie states.
Actually, the real reason is.... most of the gun fetishists are really nuts.... and a psych evaluation would expose that.

The gun industry's entire marketing plan is based on pandering to the mentally ill. Their key customer is not the guy who bought a gun in the 1990's, stuck it in his nightstand or closet and largely forgot about it. It's the guy who wants 47 guns and hundreds of rounds of ammunition.

The problem is, those are the ones who are a couple tacos short of a combination platter.

The problem is you never shot a gun in your life, and that's why you know nothing about them.

First of all, if somebody likes to collect guns, it's because it's like collecting cars, baseball cards, rare coins: They go up in value. If you knew anything about shooting guns, you'd realize they are all different, even guns of the same make and caliber. I have three beautiful Les Paul customs. Does that mean I have a guitar fetish? No, they go up in price. One of my guitars I got years ago is worth over $10,000 today. There are guitarists that would kill to get my 1976 Marshall 100 Superlead amp if they could. Even though my guitars are all Gibson Les Paul's, each play differently. Each has a different sound to them.

Ammunition goes up and down in price based on supply and demand. When people who enjoy target practicing see a low price on ammo, they stock up. Target practicing is great fun, but it's also very pricey. You can blow $100.00 an hour just doing that, so people who enjoy shooting guns try to save as much as they can on ammo.

The commies are only trying to find ways to skirt the Constitution. You people not only hate our country, you hate our free society.
As for your quote, if Trump was talking about closing business, schools and not travel, link to it.

Think about it dumb ass. Trump had to be talking about closing down businesses and schools. He was talking about saving 2.2 million lives. Are you saying Trump thought he could save 2.2 million lives by shutting down air travel from China? If so you are even dumber than I originally thought.
What Flu pandemic killed 200 while Obama was president?

I didn't say it was a pandemic. It's just that's how many people die from the flu during 8 years on average. Point being is that a President has no control over the actions of people. Many don't want to get a flu shot. They figure they'll take their chances, just like people who don't wear a mask today. A President cannot control a virus, germ, or any microorganism.

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