If Anyone Wonders Why I Left the Republican Party Just Look At the Cheney Vote

$858 billion tax cut deal signed in 2010.

In 2009, $288 billion were cut as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.2

In 2013, Obama approved the permanent extension of the Bush tax cuts for those below a certain income level.

a WHITES ARE PURE PARTY post 26497925
DumBama did just the opposite. He increased their taxes

You are lying. He cut billions in taxes mostly for workers

No Republicans voted for Obama’s tax cuts.

So Quit accusing Democrats of lying when that is all the Lilly WHITE insurrectionists Party has been doing for 13 years when the “Kenya born” President saved even all the hate mongering White people from the Bush/Republican economic disaster and seven years of one deadly and disastrous needless war that he inherited in 2009.

The 9/11 related war was so neglected by the stupid invasion of Iraq, white America has forgotten that Afghanistan was nearly lost by Bush, therefore Obama was reluctantly forced to salvage the real 9/11 War as he ended OIF.

Obama ended the dumb war as Obama warned Bush against doing it in 2002. You know the pre-war era when TrumpQ told Howard Stearn on air he was good with Dubya’s planned invasion.
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Than there was other anti-Trump vote against the alternate electors.

Dude, you left the Republican Party of Honest Abe on the day you were mesmerized by birther TrumpQ riding down the golden escalator and joined the Whites Only Party of dishonest DJTQ.

Your recent proclamation here is redundant and not important as we witness your god like white savior and now martyr slip into a permanent irrelevant state of endless displays of agitation and ignorance about the world.
Than there was other anti-Trump vote against the alternate electors.

What alternate electors? There are no legitimate alternate electors. There are only pro-Trump violent and deadly seditionists and their supporters who were violently attempting to subvert a legitimate election that DJTQ lost by seven million votes.

Everyone should take advantage of a quiet moment to imagine what might have occurred if the Jan. 6 insurrectionist mob had succeeded in its objectives. Then-Vice President Mike Pence could well have died in an act of political assassination. Not far from his corpse, several members of Congress might have also been murdered. It is likely that the right-wing traitors would have also taken other elected officials as hostages, demanding that the Senate resort to extralegal measures to install Donald Trump as dictator, and effectively destroy American democracy.​
This article first appeared in Salon.
As bombs exploded around the Capitol, authority would have then fallen on Trump himself to summon the U.S. military to rescue the hostages, capture or kill the terrorists, and ensure that Joe Biden become president. Given the improbability of Trump sabotaging his own path to power, the country would have collapsed into such chaos and violence that it would have resembled a second civil war.

Liz Cheney gets it. I have no fondness for Liz Cheney but in this matter she is a patriot who gets the gravity of JANUARY 6 and the threat to democracy we witnessed.

For that she has my respect.
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The commies are the Democrat party, and has been for some time now.

FYI This article makes me think about you and your fellow apocalyptic DJTQ zombies.

With your unhinged dread of lazy people and now defunct Communism.

'A moment of moral and political nihilism': Theologian Adam Kotsko on our current crisis

Paul Rosenberg, Salon

If you look at what neoliberalism is promising, it's kind of boring. There's not a lot of dynamism or meaning to it. It's just like, if we set up economic incentives in the right way, then the right people will be rewarded and the lazy people will be punished, or something like that. I think Thomas Frank once wrote an article where he called neoliberalism "The God That Sucked." [Note: Frank was referring to the market with that term, but by extension the ideology of neoliberalism was clearly implicated.]​
I think this apocalyptic rhetoric really gives us a sense of meaning and moral heft that it doesn't objectively have. It's the paradox of somebody claiming, "I'm on this great moral crusade and opposing these powerful forces," when really they're saying we should let the rich get even richer. The apocalyptic stance helps to resolve some of this cognitive dissonance, and give people an emotional attachment to it that wouldn't otherwise exist.​
Liz Cheney gets it. I have no fondness for Liz Cheney but in this matter she is a patriot who gets the gravity of JANUARY 6 and the threat to democracy we witnessed.

For that she has my respect.

Then you got conned. The Cheney and Bush family have been personal friends for decades. Not only did Trump mop the floor with Jeb, but before and after his win, had some pretty strong words for GW's leadership as well. Lez brought her dirty laundry to the halls of Congress to air it out. It's as unprofessional as it gets; using your vote as a personal vendetta.
Actually, the death rate in IL is down, which is why we can start opening up again. It should also be pointed out that by this point, the shutdowns are largely being ignored in Illinois.

More excuses again. You have many more deaths and cases now than when you closed down. Just because it's slowing down thanks to the Trump vaccine doesn't mean it's any better. It was all for politics as usual with the left. If Hillary had been the President (God forbid) during the virus, no commie city or state would have ever shutdown.

Guy, Biden was leading Trump in every poll before the plague hit and his campaign was struggling. That's how bad people wanted to get rid of the Trump Shit Show. The man's popularity never got above 50% except for the fantasies of Rasmussen. The only thing the Plague did was get the lazy and complacent off their asses to vote.

Polls are BS. But we can agree on the mail-in voting part. Democrats could never win elections without the politically ignorant, and mail-in voting got those politically ignorant to vote by plopping a ballot on their kitchen table. Now the commies are trying to pass a law to force every state to use mail-in so they can rig elections from this time forward.

He's the third Republican in a row to inherit a good economy, proceed to fuck it up, and leave under a cloud.

He didn't fuck up anything. In fact outside of China (if you can trust their reporting) we had the least GDP damage of all G7 countries. Who fucked us up is Joe and Hunter's buddies in China.
You can’t function without conspiracy theories can you? You sucked up the “false flag’ one pretty good I see.

I already posted a site that showed it was not just Republican voters at the riot. They found non-registered voters they arrested as well as registered Democrat voters. There is no conspiracy theories when you have reports of it, and as I said, this will all come out in the end who was there and why; that is unless it looks bad for the Democrats. Then the MSM will barely report on it.
They found non-registered voters they arrested as well as registered Democrat voters.

You are so deep into your conspiracy theories You can’t even think anymore. You forgot that Democrats can be Trump supporters. Unregistered voters can be Trump supporters. It’s not a matter of what party someone belongs to it’s a matter of who was a Trump supporter and who wasn’t.
You are so deep into your conspiracy theories You can’t even think anymore. You forgot that Democrats can be Trump supporters. Unregistered voters can be Trump supporters. It’s not a matter of what party someone belongs to it’s a matter of who was a Trump supporter and who wasn’t.

So what you're telling me is that people risked their lives, risked going to prison for X amount of years, and they weren't even interested in politics enough to register to vote? Why would registered Democrats be that upset? Why wouldn't they have switched parties when they began to approve of Trump?

Talk about conspiracy theories.
Cheney did what ALL our politicians were voted in office to do. Use their education in civics, law, and government, actually WORKING towards advanced knowledge, ( that we don't have the time to devote our self's to.) The fact that she voted most of the time with her party shows she is a Republican. The fact that she voted for impeachment knowing full well she would get this back lash, shows she honors doing what she thinks is best for her party & country. Not a sheep who's only priority is keeping her job. We no longer vote people in due to advanced education in government. we vote them in due to party even if their idiots. Both party's do it.
Cheney did what ALL our politicians were voted in office to do. Use their education in civics, law, and government, actually WORKING towards advanced knowledge, ( that we don't have the time to devote our self's to.) The fact that she voted most of the time with her party shows she is a Republican. The fact that she voted for impeachment knowing full well she would get this back lash, shows she honors doing what she thinks is best for her party & country. Not a sheep who's only priority is keeping her job. We no longer vote people in due to advanced education in government. we vote them in due to party even if their idiots. Both party's do it.

You really believe that? Well hey, I have a bridge for sale if you're interested.
So what you're telling me is that people risked their lives, risked going to prison for X amount of years, and they weren't even interested in politics enough to register to vote?

Your problem is it not supposed to make sense when we’re dealing with cult members, cult followers. Quit trying to rationalize Trump voters. They are wacky. They are insurrectionist. They are stupid.
Your problem is it not supposed to make sense when we’re dealing with cult members, cult followers. Quit trying to rationalize Trump voters. They are wacky. They are insurrectionist. They are stupid.

I'm not rationalizing anything, just pointing out facts. Rioting is common trait of the left, not the right. It's not to say they can't be motivated to do something like that, but not likely in any large numbers. I'll wait for the evidence to all come out. In the meantime, as I pointed out, it was not just Trump people there.

John Sullivan, 26, founder of protest group Insurgence USA, recorded himself entering through a Capitol window that had been broken out by the rioters before roaming the halls of Congress during the January 6 attack.

Sullivan, of Utah, told authorities that he was in Washington D.C. that day as an activist and journalist who was recording the events, but admitted he did not have any press credentials.

Prior to entering the Capitol building, Sullivan can be seen using a microphone to address the crowd outside and yelling "we about to burn this s**t down" before leading the crowd in a chant of "it's time for a revolution," FBI Special Agent Matthew Foulger said in an affidavit.

Your problem is it not supposed to make sense when we’re dealing with cult members, cult followers. Quit trying to rationalize Trump voters. They are wacky. They are insurrectionist. They are stupid.

I'm not rationalizing anything, just pointing out facts. Rioting is common trait of the left, not the right. It's not to say they can't be motivated to do something like that, but not likely in any large numbers. I'll wait for the evidence to all come out. In the meantime, as I pointed out, it was not just Trump people there.

John Sullivan, 26, founder of protest group Insurgence USA, recorded himself entering through a Capitol window that had been broken out by the rioters before roaming the halls of Congress during the January 6 attack.

Sullivan, of Utah, told authorities that he was in Washington D.C. that day as an activist and journalist who was recording the events, but admitted he did not have any press credentials.

Prior to entering the Capitol building, Sullivan can be seen using a microphone to address the crowd outside and yelling "we about to burn this s**t down" before leading the crowd in a chant of "it's time for a revolution," FBI Special Agent Matthew Foulger said in an affidavit.

Johns Sullivan isnt on the left

left-wing organizers have been keen to stress that they ejected Sullivan from their ranks months ago, accusing him of being either a right-wing infiltrator or a dangerously naive amateur.

I'm also curious why anybody on the left would want to disrupt Biden's electoral confirmation.
So the anti-Trumpers by continuing on as they are, are having the Republican Party hemmoraghing members, and insuring Democrat wins in 2022.


You couldn't be more wrong if you were a liberal...

The Republican party is hemorrhaging members because of Trump and his supporters, not because of the anti-Trumpers...
Liz Cheney gets it. I have no fondness for Liz Cheney but in this matter she is a patriot who gets the gravity of JANUARY 6 and the threat to democracy we witnessed.

For that she has my respect.

Then you got conned. The Cheney and Bush family have been personal friends for decades. Not only did Trump mop the floor with Jeb, but before and after his win, had some pretty strong words for GW's leadership as well. Lez brought her dirty laundry to the halls of Congress to air it out. It's as unprofessional as it gets; using your vote as a personal vendetta.

The GOP establishment has been trying to take down President Trump since the 2016 GOP primary. Plus who the hell thinks the country wanted a 3rd Bush for president that's beyond retarded but the establishment lives in a bubble cutoff from reality.
More excuses again. You have many more deaths and cases now than when you closed down.

Not in Illinois, we don't. In fact, we are down to less than 100 deaths a day at this point.

Polls are BS. But we can agree on the mail-in voting part. Democrats could never win elections without the politically ignorant, and mail-in voting got those politically ignorant to vote by plopping a ballot on their kitchen table. Now the commies are trying to pass a law to force every state to use mail-in so they can rig elections from this time forward.

yes, I know you are terrified of the Darkies getting to vote.

He didn't fuck up anything. In fact outside of China (if you can trust their reporting) we had the least GDP damage of all G7 countries. Who fucked us up is Joe and Hunter's buddies in China.

Uh, guy, our GDP was a disaster... .and, oh, yeah, 400,000 people died. Second Deadliest Event in US history, outside of the Civil War.
In the meantime, Joe Biden is hard at work demolishing the country, opening the floodgates for millions of dirtbag, central American & Mexican invaders, many having Covid and other infections, the only protection being US judges, appointed by Trump (of which there are very many)

Well if a third party forms regardless of who starts it, get used to it. Because a divided Republican party assures Democrat leadership for the rest of our lives. Pretty soon we will be in bread lines.
That's true but there is an argument to be made that the Republican party is already split. What has to happen for us to get our country back is for moderate Democrats and Independents to join Trump Republicans and form their party that emphasizes jobs and America first. The establishment (swampers) must go. But a competitive new party could never come about without Democrats and Independents. I think it's doable.
What has to happen for us to get our country back is for moderate Democrats and Independents to join Trump Republicans and form their party that emphasizes jobs and America first.

There are no moderate Americans anywhere who would join Trump Republicans to form a new party that is anyway associated with the 70 million Deplorables who still consider TrumpQ a politician worthy of their vote.

We just had an election and the moderate white vote went to moderate Joe. Joe has a broader and much more colorful, tolerant and higher educated coalition than TrumpQ and his cult followers could ever dream about..

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