If Anyone Wonders Why I Left the Republican Party Just Look At the Cheney Vote

As usual you conflate the argument your dead wrong major corporations will never be forced to pay higher wages in the U.S. whether there is ilegals here or not and without our population increasing. Dream on most call centers are overseas why? It's cheaper. Prove your foolish argument that most european cuntries by locally without any components in their goods that wasn't made there. If that were the case there was no need to set up operations in other countries because it would detract from the bottom line. Your backing a dying horse.

I've talked with many Europeans and even worked with a few who moved here. That's what they tell me. The Italy story I read from the media, and they point out exactly what I said.

With no illegals in the country and an employer can't find workers, what is he supposed to do, close down? Of course not. He would have no choice but to offer enough money to attract workers.
In your scenario which I believe will never happen, we are takling about a local company that needs low skilled workers and if what the companies offer isn't enough to get the workers because in their cost analysis of doing business with offering a wage that these low skilled Americans can't accept, then the company will go out of business.
What they don't seem to grasp, particularly the OP here, is that getting into Congress, or the Presidency, requires taking an Oath to the Constitution, regardless what party they got in with, and since fealty to that Oath is exactly what Liz Cheney exhibited, is his whole complaint here, he's in for a rude awakening when he finds out there ain't no end-around to avoid that Oath.
Yes there is. I mean a prosecutor is the vice president... And she not only didn't advocate prosecutions against people who broke the law, she asked for donations to get them out.

Pretty big end around ain't it?

While I recognize you're desperately crowing "look over there" to change an inconvenient subject, I don't even have any idea wtf you're talking about, so you may as well drop it and stay on the issue.
I'm not trying to change the subject at all. You said there was "a rude awakening when he finds out there ain't no end-around to avoid that Oath."

Yes... Yes there is. It's happening, has happened.

I mean a prosecutor is the vice president... And she not only didn't advocate prosecutions against people who broke the law, she asked for donations to get them out.

Aaaaaaaaaaaand you just did the same thing AGAIN.

Aaaaaaaaaaaand you just did the same thing AGAIN.

Yes... I did... I'm addressing the point you made. Is that not the thing to do?

Edit: I even provided a link so it could start you down the road so you could actually see what you don't know about.
Trump is the only President who who had do deal with something like Covid where Democrat cities and states closed up.....

They had to close up because he failed to take preventative measures, called it a hoax, and pretended it wasn't serious.

Can you explain to me the benefit of back stabbing Trump and the RNC losing every election afterwards? I have no idea where you're coming from. What they will do is cater to the establishment and the conservatives to try and keep the party together. Remember, Trump got 12 million more votes than his first election, and the most votes of any incumbent in history. Trump is not just a man or candidate, Trump is a movement that can't be stopped. Why do you think the commies are so scared to death of him running again?

Because he's a crazy person who can do real damage?

The GOP needs to end Trump's movement because in 20 years, they'll all be stained by it. The reason why the GOP survived McCarthyism and Watergate is because republicans of decency and courage said, "This man doesn't stand for us" when they crossed a line. Trump has crossed a bunch of lines.
They had to close up because he failed to take preventative measures, called it a hoax, and pretended it wasn't serious.

They had to? Then why are they trying to open up now when the cases and death rates are much worse than when they closed down? Why is your Mayor fighting a group of her very own constituents to open up the schools?

You sheep are such suckers. You refuse to look at the man behind the curtain. Nazis only care about two things: Power and control. They don't care how many millions of people were harmed or killed by their actions, just as long as they could win an election because that's the only thing that mattered to them.

Because he's a crazy person who can do real damage?

The GOP needs to end Trump's movement because in 20 years, they'll all be stained by it. The reason why the GOP survived McCarthyism and Watergate is because republicans of decency and courage said, "This man doesn't stand for us" when they crossed a line. Trump has crossed a bunch of lines.

You mean real damage like when he brought us the greatest economy in 50 years? Well if that's damage, let's all hope and pray he comes back to damage us more. The guy who said you can't run a country by executive orders because that's the way a dictatorship is ran just wrote 41 in a little over 2 weeks. That's somebody that will damage this country.
Aaaaaaaaaaaand you just did the same thing AGAIN.

Yes... I did... I'm addressing the point you made. Is that not the thing to do?

Edit: I even provided a link so it could start you down the road so you could actually see what you don't know about.

I'm not interested in your red herrings, even if they do have links. The thread is about the Republican Party and the Cheney vote and why the latter induces the OP to quit the former. Literally nothing in ANY of that has anything to do with anybody's "bail" or with Kamala Freaking Harris. Do not think you changed the entire topic simply because you attempted to and failed.
Why do you think the commies are so scared to death of him running again?

I don’t know what TrumpQ can do to scare commies if he runs in ‘24. Commies have never been relevant in American politics and never will be.

Why would TrumpQ or one of his offspring run in 2024.

Trump is not just a man or candidate, Trump is a movement that can't be stopped.

TrumpQ was stopped. I along with 80 million of my fellow Americans stopped him. And when the low life filthy facsist incited a violent riot to try to throw our legally certified votes out he committed ‘violence’ against me and every single one of us who reject his racist facsist anti-demicracy movement.

IF Trump runs in 2024 he has has already fucked himself out of winning. He can’t win. His fascist insurrection to hang Mike Pence if Pence s didn’t overturn the legitimate election disqualifies TrumpQ morally and rationally from ever running again.

TrumoQ can’t run within our 240 year old system because he and his idiot supporters will never believe the outcome is legitimate. Why spend all that time and money when the opposition controls the outcome.
I don’t know what TrumpQ can do to scare commies if he runs in ‘24. Commies have never been relevant in American politics and never will be.

Why would TrumpQ or one of his offspring run in 2024.

The commies are the Democrat party, and has been for some time now. Why would Trump run? Because Biden is going to fuckup this country so bad he'll feel obligated to come back and fix it. A little over two weeks and over 40 executive orders, our southern border being overrun with diseased invaders, pissed off our Canadian neighbors, pissed off the people in New Mexico, pissed off an American Indian tribe, gasoline up 30 cents a gallon, and will soon put us another 2 trillion in the hole so they can payoff their union member schools and failed Democrat cities and states that have been running them into the hole for the last couple of years.

TrumpQ was stopped. I along with 80 million of my fellow Americans stopped him. And when the low life filthy facsist incited a violent riot to try to throw our legally certified votes out he committed ‘violence’ against me and every single one of us who reject his racist facsist anti-demicracy movement.

IF Trump runs in 2024 he has has already fucked himself out of winning. He can’t win. His fascist insurrection to hang Mike Pence if Pence s didn’t overturn the legitimate election disqualifies TrumpQ morally and rationally from ever running again.

TrumoQ can’t run within our 240 year old system because he and his idiot supporters will never believe the outcome is legitimate. Why spend all that time and money when the opposition controls the outcome.

The rioters were from all makes and models. They had people who didn't vote, Democrat registered voters, and when they catch them all, we'll find out the real makup of the rioters. I don't know if Trump will run in 24, but that's what the Democrats fear the most because he will wipe the floor with them.
The commies are the Democrat party, and has been for some time now.

you must be 96 years old. Frail in the mind. The fascists just attempted to overthrow the certified election. You should be more concerned about that.

I nor any conservative didn't stand against it. All the talk shows I watched and radio shows I listened to berated the rioters.

Not frail in the mind at all. All one has to do is go to the US Communist Party website and look at their policies, then try to compare them to the Democrat policies. You'll find very few differences. Then search their opinion of presidential candidates like Sanders, Obama, Hillary, Trump, McCain and see who they despised and who they praised.
I don’t know what agendas you think are exactly the same but I know the Democrats have never tried to confiscate private property. That’s a major difference

Not yet. However they have taken control over land. They've stopped people from building or improving their property because they found some tit mouse or some other endangered species as they like to call it. What good is land you can't use?
because they found some tit mouse or some other endangered species as they like to call it.

The endangered species you need to be worrying about is conservatives that have a functioning brain. The ones not susceptible to TrumpQ’s idiotic election rejection scam and attempt to delay or even stop the peaceful transition of power after an election he so clearly lost and got his sorry lying incompetent ass kicked out of office.

The Trump conservatives have no national political future now that their overlord, sent by God himself, is a certified loser and an insurrectionist with a failed coup under his belt. What are true conservatives to do after losing fifty million of the craziest ones to Father Trump?
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Yes the vote to remove Liz Cheney. 145-61 to allow her to stay in the 3rd most powerful position in the US House. Liz Cheney, who voted to impeach President Trump, gets an approval from 70% of House Republicans ? Than there was other anti-Trump vote against the alternate electors.

I have just had it with these RINO Trump haters. I am back to being an Independent again, as are tens of thousands (and growing) former Republicans. A recent Rasmussen poll shows support for new Trump PArty outvoting Republicans 23 to 17%.

Obviously, in order to defeat Democrats there can't be these 2 factions in existence. Something has got to go, and it sure isn't going to be the Trump supporters. So the anti-Trumpers by continuing on as they are, are having the Republican Party hemmoraghing members, and insuring Democrat wins in 2022.

You should start another party.
I nor any conservative didn't stand against it.
I assume you are saying that you did not take a stand on January 6 against the certification of Biden’s huge win. So you didn’t physically take action to stop the certification on that day.

But what if TrumpQ’s monkeys somehow pulled it off throwing the entire process into turmoil, getting it into court along with some justification for Marshall Law and Trump stays and a radical conservative SCOTUS sides with RUDY and SIDNEY ‘bat shit crazy’ POWELL and January 20 is postponed indefinitely.

Are you siding with TrumpQ’s insurrectionists or with the black voters in Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta, Phoenix, Pittsburgh whose votes were thrown out?
I assume you are saying that you did not take a stand on January 6 against the certification of Biden’s huge win. So you didn’t physically take action to stop the certification on that day.

But what if TrumpQ’s monkeys somehow pulled it off throwing the entire process into turmoil, getting it into court along with some justification for Marshall Law and Trump stays and a radical conservative SCOTUS sides with RUDY and SIDNEY ‘bat shit crazy’ POWELL and January 20 is postponed indefinitely.

Are you siding with TrumpQ’s insurrectionists or with the black voters in Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta, Phoenix, Pittsburgh whose votes were thrown out?

As I stated, I'm against any violence or riots no matter what's involved. But it was not Trump's insurrections alone.

Of course they didn't find them all yet let alone why they came, but in the end we will find out who exactly was there and why.
Of course they didn't find them all yet let alone why they came, but in the end we will find out who exactly was there and why.

You can’t function without conspiracy theories can you? You sucked up the “false flag’ one pretty good I see.

What’s odd about that conspiracy theory is that TrumpQ has not put his blessing on it. He would, but he probably can’t because how would it look if he calls his crazy right wing front line forces ‘ANTIFA’ when they were trying so bravely and patriotically to keep their cult master in power.
Stoppin’ the Steal,

They’d feel shit upon wouldn’t they?
They had to? Then why are they trying to open up now when the cases and death rates are much worse than when they closed down? Why is your Mayor fighting a group of her very own constituents to open up the schools?

Actually, the death rate in IL is down, which is why we can start opening up again. It should also be pointed out that by this point, the shutdowns are largely being ignored in Illinois.

You sheep are such suckers. You refuse to look at the man behind the curtain. Nazis only care about two things: Power and control. They don't care how many millions of people were harmed or killed by their actions, just as long as they could win an election because that's the only thing that mattered to them.

Guy, Biden was leading Trump in every poll before the plague hit and his campaign was struggling. That's how bad people wanted to get rid of the Trump Shit Show. The man's popularity never got above 50% except for the fantasies of Rasmussen. The only thing the Plague did was get the lazy and complacent off their asses to vote.

You mean real damage like when he brought us the greatest economy in 50 years? Well if that's damage, let's all hope and pray he comes back to damage us more.

Uh, Trump was the only President to LOSE jobs on his watch. The economy wasn't any better under him than it was in the last few years of Obama. In some aspects, like manufacturing, it was worse because he fucked up supply chains so badly. His trade wars were murder on the agricultural sector, who required huge bailouts when the Chinese stopped buying our products.

He's the third Republican in a row to inherit a good economy, proceed to fuck it up, and leave under a cloud.

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