If Anyone Wonders Why I Left the Republican Party Just Look At the Cheney Vote

Wow....you should do something about that.

All I can do is vote, and support great leaders like Trump. If others do the exact opposite, there is nothing I can do about that.

You can't be serious.

Trump was not a great leader.

He was a great divider, a great demagogue, a great liar, and a great con artist, however.

Foreign Wars Started
Reagan - 7
Bush I - 4
Clinton - 3
Bush II - 5
Obama - 7
Trump - 0

Trump supported and provided arms for the Saudi's war on Yemen. Trump owns a war. Plus he continued the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
" Trump supported and provided arms for the Saudi's war on Yemen. Trump owns a war. Plus he continued the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. "
What is it with libtards and honesty. If you have to lie to win an argument, is it really winning? Trump inherited the wars you claim he started, and de-escalated. But hey, the New York Times told you to hate Donald Trump so it really doesn't matter at all what he did in office, does it?
You gave the right answer "when industry is forced to pay the right money". Your rationale is flawed because even if you hope for all illegals to be deported and as you've stated we don't need any more people in the United States ,globalization is alive and well and industry (corporations) who are publicly traded will move manufacturing, etc to other places to get the salaries they feel will be best for the company and its shareholders. So industry will never be forced to pay more then they think a job is worth. Trump didn't bring back manufacturing plants and jobs from overseas but he did have an effect when some companies moved some operations of their supply chains to other countries. Capitalism and supply and demand theories work but there working in a global setting, America will lose if it tries to go it alone, Impossible.

Wrong, because not all industries can move overseas. Most companies desire to produce near their customers. Transporting products is a huge cost. Globalization is not a new concept. It's been happening most of my life. Industry started moving out in the 70's when unions began getting greedy which made our products in the store more expensive. The workers got more money, and the unions got more out of their paychecks. American consumers started getting cheap and buying foreign made products.

For the industries that remain in the US, supply and demand works quite well unless you throw a monkey wrench in the system like illegals. If an employer can't find workers, they have to increase their offer, and that's how wages naturally increase.

In this country, we have a totally opposite view of the economy than let's say Europe. In Europe, they have solidarity with their workers. They buy their own products at any cost. In fact Italy was the hardest hit by Covid at the beginning. Italian consumers resisted buying any product unless is had a Made In Italy label on it. It's illegal to put that label on any product unless it is made in that country. Like we do with Mexico and others here, they brought in foreigners to do the job for nothing. They can produce products cheaper, and still be able to put the Italy label on it. Their foreign workers were from China, especially from the Wuhan area.
Trump’s leadership on the economy and specifically on increasing employment, was a tad slower under TrumpQ!s first three years when compared to Obama’s last three.

But @Ray From Cleveland sees TrumpQ as god!s gift to America who turned the Obama anti-business economic and unemployment disaster around because he is a brilliant leader.

I'll give anybody credit for the economy if they do something to improve job creation. Trump lowered taxes on business. He created a policy that for every new job regulation created, two had to be removed in it's place. He got rid of Commie Care regulations and fines.

DumBama did just the opposite. He increased their taxes. He inflicted them with his stupid healthcare mandates. He kept burdening them with more regulations. It's why under him, we had the slowest recovery since WWII.
What they don't seem to grasp, particularly the OP here, is that getting into Congress, or the Presidency, requires taking an Oath to the Constitution, regardless what party they got in with, and since fealty to that Oath is exactly what Liz Cheney exhibited, is his whole complaint here, he's in for a rude awakening when he finds out there ain't no end-around to avoid that Oath.
Yes there is. I mean a prosecutor is the vice president... And she not only didn't advocate prosecutions against people who broke the law, she asked for donations to get them out.

Pretty big end around ain't it?

While I recognize you're desperately crowing "look over there" to change an inconvenient subject, I don't even have any idea wtf you're talking about, so you may as well drop it and stay on the issue. Which is the Constitution and the Oath government servants take to uphold it. Here, we have one such government servant applying that Oath as written, and an OP that wants to wet his pants that she did so. And (again) he's in for a surprise when he finds out that the Insurrectionista Party he envisions, whatever he wants to call it, is equally subject to that same Oath as a condition of membership.

But of course I already posted that, yesterday, didn't I.
Naw, it exists because people like you think "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" are real.
So an organization that acts for the benefit of the white race is racist, but an organization that acts for the benefit of the Jewish race is not racist because whites are racist. OK, got it.

BTW, here is the real history of the ADL, an organization as dangerous as it is contemptible:

And here is the 13-year-old Catholic girl the Jew Leo Frank--the ADL's founding hero--raped and murdered. He subsequently tried to pin the crime on several black men.

Sorry dude, the party of anarchy, sedition and insurrection isn't too popular these days. Guess you are fkd.
Do you know what you're talking about ? I'll answer that rhetorical question. NO, YOU DON'T. That's because you are the airhead "kid" here. Trump got 90% of the AMERICAN vote in 2020, and his party is, by far the most popular. Democrats got near zero vote, which is why they had to go to fraud, to get Biden in the White House.

As for "anarchy, sedition and insurrection" that's what the Democrat Fraud party now is,
81.2 million votes say different.

Breaking: Dems rigged and cheated, their vote count is illegitimate and so is Biden. :talk2hand:
Sticking to the Big Lie, eh.

Everyone knows Dems rigged, cheated, and stuffed ballot boxes. They have been doing it for decades. :talk2hand:
Define everyone.

Lib please your own Dem operative in NJ/PA elections who's been stuffing your ballot boxes for years ratted you out. :talk2hand:
Don’t live the lie.

Makes you act ignorant to friends and family.
DumBama did just the opposite. He increased their taxes.
cutting taxes as Trump did had no lasting positive effect other than to increase the deficit. They never delivered the high GDP way above 3.0 that TrumoQ promised. So WTF - TrumpQ never got a year over 3.0 GDP after calling Obama’s failure to do it a disgrace. Well TrumpQ’s failure to get over 3.0 is a colossal failure because he ran up the deficit to please his wealthy cronies and his grifter family and now schmucks like you have to pay it all back.
. It's why under him, we had the slowest recovery since WWII

The recovery never sped up under TrumpQ. JIB creation slowed and unemployment declined at the same OBAMA pace. GDP never got above 3.0 and was not headed there before the fake Democrat Plague hit.

Are you sending TrumpQ any money? If not which not. He did it all for you and all the suckers like you.
Well, yeah, because Cletus is a dumb name. But why should Jamal or Lakeisha be discriminated against because they have black names?

No more “dumb” than Lakeisha or Jamal. How about Bubba, is that a “dumb“ name too?

Okay, so you admit that racial discrimination is widespread.

No, I said people discriminate every day for a myriad of reasons. You do it, I do it, black people do it, we all do it. I didn’t say ”racial” discrimination was widespread. You read that into what I posted as usual.
The recovery never sped up under TrumpQ. JIB creation slowed and unemployment declined at the same OBAMA pace. GDP never got above 3.0 and was not headed there before the fake Democrat Plague hit.

Once you made it to the top of the mountain, how much higher could you climb? If Trump had been in charge instead of DumBama at the time, the economy would have grown twice as fast. Trump would have put pro business policies in place, not party before country. The truth of the matter is the only reason it grew at all with DumBama is the feds pumping money into the market. During the beginning of his second term when thanks to fracking which he also hated, fuel prices took a plunge.
cutting taxes as Trump did had no lasting positive effect other than to increase the deficit. They never delivered the high GDP way above 3.0 that TrumoQ promised. So WTF - TrumpQ never got a year over 3.0 GDP after calling Obama’s failure to do it a disgrace. Well TrumpQ’s failure to get over 3.0 is a colossal failure because he ran up the deficit to please his wealthy cronies and his grifter family and now schmucks like you have to pay it all back.

You don't go into deficits by collecting less, you go into deficits by spending. Before the virus we had the best economy in 50 years. If you didn't have TDS, you wouldn't be able to say that was a failure.
You gave the right answer "when industry is forced to pay the right money". Your rationale is flawed because even if you hope for all illegals to be deported and as you've stated we don't need any more people in the United States ,globalization is alive and well and industry (corporations) who are publicly traded will move manufacturing, etc to other places to get the salaries they feel will be best for the company and its shareholders. So industry will never be forced to pay more then they think a job is worth. Trump didn't bring back manufacturing plants and jobs from overseas but he did have an effect when some companies moved some operations of their supply chains to other countries. Capitalism and supply and demand theories work but there working in a global setting, America will lose if it tries to go it alone, Impossible.

Wrong, because not all industries can move overseas. Most companies desire to produce near their customers. Transporting products is a huge cost. Globalization is not a new concept. It's been happening most of my life. Industry started moving out in the 70's when unions began getting greedy which made our products in the store more expensive. The workers got more money, and the unions got more out of their paychecks. American consumers started getting cheap and buying foreign made products.

For the industries that remain in the US, supply and demand works quite well unless you throw a monkey wrench in the system like illegals. If an employer can't find workers, they have to increase their offer, and that's how wages naturally increase.

In this country, we have a totally opposite view of the economy than let's say Europe. In Europe, they have solidarity with their workers. They buy their own products at any cost. In fact Italy was the hardest hit by Covid at the beginning. Italian consumers resisted buying any product unless is had a Made In Italy label on it. It's illegal to put that label on any product unless it is made in that country. Like we do with Mexico and others here, they brought in foreigners to do the job for nothing. They can produce products cheaper, and still be able to put the Italy label on it. Their foreign workers were from China, especially from the Wuhan area.
As usual you conflate the argument your dead wrong major corporations will never be forced to pay higher wages in the U.S. whether there is ilegals here or not and without our population increasing. Dream on most call centers are overseas why? It's cheaper. Prove your foolish argument that most european cuntries by locally without any components in their goods that wasn't made there. If that were the case there was no need to set up operations in other countries because it would detract from the bottom line. Your backing a dying horse.
Yes the vote to remove Liz Cheney. 145-61 to allow her to stay in the 3rd most powerful position in the US House. Liz Cheney, who voted to impeach President Trump, gets an approval from 70% of House Republicans ? Than there was other anti-Trump vote against the alternate electors.

I have just had it with these RINO Trump haters. I am back to being an Independent again, as are tens of thousands (and growing) former Republicans. A recent Rasmussen poll shows support for new Trump PArty outvoting Republicans 23 to 17%.

Obviously, in order to defeat Democrats there can't be these 2 factions in existence. Something has got to go, and it sure isn't going to be the Trump supporters. So the anti-Trumpers by continuing on as they are, are having the Republican Party hemmoraghing members, and insuring Democrat wins in 2022.

First, the key to understanding why House Republicans voted so overwhelmingly to keep Liz Cheney is that they voted secretly - and behind closed doors. This allowed them to vote their conscience - free from intimidation.

Most Republicans want a return to sanity, but they are afraid of the Trump scum thugs.

If Trump scum take over the GOP, they will lose at the polls in record numbers. If the RINOS take control - and learn to ignore the Trump scum - the GOP will remain viable. After all, who are the Trump scum going to vote for? A RINO or a Democrat?
"It will be rocket fuel for our economy," Trump promised.

you wouldn't be able to say that was a failure.
I don’t have to say TrumpQ’s economic record and tax cuts were a failure. Trump did. There was no rocket fuel. More like whale oil - “"as rare as the milk of queens." From Moby Dick.,

TrumpQ defined his economic failure when he dismissed Obama as the first president in US history to not have full year GDP above 3.0.

Well not only did TrumpQ become the second president to be “Obama weak” on the GDP, he was the first I believe to stimulate a growth economy with huge tax cuts mostly for the top brackets and corporations. 60% to the top 20%

The stimulation didn’t do what TrumpQ and his ADMIN said it would;

"It will be rocket fuel for our economy," Trump promised.

Boosters of the tax cut insisted the economy would grow so fast, it would more than make up for the revenue lost to lower rates.

"The tax plan will pay for itself with economic growth," Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said.

Reality has not been kind to the ranknfile in the Trump sedition movement.

That is why you want nothing to do with it, right?
First, the key to understanding why House Republicans voted so overwhelmingly to keep Liz Cheney is that they voted secretly - and behind closed doors. This allowed them to vote their conscience - free from intimidation.

The reason they voted secretly is because they knew there would be backlash from their constituents. It was underhanded and devious because voters should know how their representatives are voting on everything.

If Trump scum take over the GOP, they will lose at the polls in record numbers. If the RINOS take control - and learn to ignore the Trump scum - the GOP will remain viable. After all, who are the Trump scum going to vote for? A RINO or a Democrat?

The RNC has some grave concerns here. The threat of a third party Trump may form is a huge threat to them. If Trump would form another party, the Republicans can kiss every election thereafter goodbye. They are skating on thin ice so don't expect the Democrat lights to takeover anytime soon.
As usual you conflate the argument your dead wrong major corporations will never be forced to pay higher wages in the U.S. whether there is ilegals here or not and without our population increasing. Dream on most call centers are overseas why? It's cheaper. Prove your foolish argument that most european cuntries by locally without any components in their goods that wasn't made there. If that were the case there was no need to set up operations in other countries because it would detract from the bottom line. Your backing a dying horse.

I've talked with many Europeans and even worked with a few who moved here. That's what they tell me. The Italy story I read from the media, and they point out exactly what I said.

With no illegals in the country and an employer can't find workers, what is he supposed to do, close down? Of course not. He would have no choice but to offer enough money to attract workers.
First, the key to understanding why House Republicans voted so overwhelmingly to keep Liz Cheney is that they voted secretly - and behind closed doors. This allowed them to vote their conscience - free from intimidation.

The reason they voted secretly is because they knew there would be backlash from their constituents. It was underhanded and devious because voters should know how their representatives are voting on everything.

If Trump scum take over the GOP, they will lose at the polls in record numbers. If the RINOS take control - and learn to ignore the Trump scum - the GOP will remain viable. After all, who are the Trump scum going to vote for? A RINO or a Democrat?

The RNC has some grave concerns here. The threat of a third party Trump may form is a huge threat to them. If Trump would form another party, the Republicans can kiss every election thereafter goodbye. They are skating on thin ice so don't expect the Democrat lights to takeover anytime soon.

If Trump forms a third party, the Democrats will sweep elections across the country. The only hope the Trump scum and RINOs have is if the Democrats run extreme leftists in extreme conservative areas - Its doubtful that they'll do that.

The choice the RINOS (i.e. traditional Republicans) have is to either continue to ally with Trump scum - and lose elections in record numbers - or to dump the Trump scum and move to the Political middle.

Traditional Republicans can pick up a whole lot of votes from Anti_Trump Republicans, independent voters and conservative Democrats.

They just need to have enough brains and guts to dump the Trump scum.

If they had dumped Trump and his scum a year ago - by removing him from office - Mike Pence would be President today.
What they don't seem to grasp, particularly the OP here, is that getting into Congress, or the Presidency, requires taking an Oath to the Constitution, regardless what party they got in with, and since fealty to that Oath is exactly what Liz Cheney exhibited, is his whole complaint here, he's in for a rude awakening when he finds out there ain't no end-around to avoid that Oath.
Yes there is. I mean a prosecutor is the vice president... And she not only didn't advocate prosecutions against people who broke the law, she asked for donations to get them out.

Pretty big end around ain't it?

While I recognize you're desperately crowing "look over there" to change an inconvenient subject, I don't even have any idea wtf you're talking about, so you may as well drop it and stay on the issue.
I'm not trying to change the subject at all. You said there was "a rude awakening when he finds out there ain't no end-around to avoid that Oath."

Yes... Yes there is. It's happening, has happened.

I mean a prosecutor is the vice president... And she not only didn't advocate prosecutions against people who broke the law, she asked for donations to get them out.

If Trump forms a third party, the Democrats will sweep elections across the country. The only hope the Trump scum and RINOs have is if the Democrats run extreme leftists in extreme conservative areas - Its doubtful that they'll do that.

The choice the RINOS (i.e. traditional Republicans) have is to either continue to ally with Trump scum - and lose elections in record numbers - or to dump the Trump scum and move to the Political middle.

Traditional Republicans can pick up a whole lot of votes from Anti_Trump Republicans, independent voters and conservative Democrats.

They just need to have enough brains and guts to dump the Trump scum.

If they had dumped Trump and his scum a year ago - by removing him from office - Mike Pence would be President today.

No he wouldn't because first of all, the guy is boring as all hell. Secondly, they had no reason to remove Trump because he didn't do anything wrong. Third of course is the Democrats used mail-in voting push because that draws all the stupid and politically ignorant to vote. They would have never voted otherwise, and politically ignorant people vote Democrat because they don't have any idea WTF they're even voting on.

Can you explain to me the benefit of back stabbing Trump and the RNC losing every election afterwards? I have no idea where you're coming from. What they will do is cater to the establishment and the conservatives to try and keep the party together. Remember, Trump got 12 million more votes than his first election, and the most votes of any incumbent in history. Trump is not just a man or candidate, Trump is a movement that can't be stopped. Why do you think the commies are so scared to death of him running again?

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