If Anyone Wonders Why I Left the Republican Party Just Look At the Cheney Vote

If employers were jailed for hiring illegal then maybe there wouldn't be so many illegals. I know that they don't teach this stuff at the right wing fountains of knowledge like rush, hannity etc. because they want angry working class guys with pitch forks voting republican. Hate is the only product republicans produce but they're good at it. You're being played for suckers, guys.
Now the real question is, did she vote this way because she thought it would gain her political support, or because she for whatever reason, was convinced Trump really should be impeached. I don't know.
She voted with Trump something like 96% of the time; so, I think it’s safe to say that she voted her conscience on the matter of impeachment.
If employers were jailed for hiring illegal then maybe there wouldn't be so many illegals. I know that they don't teach this stuff at the right wing fountains of knowledge like rush, hannity etc. because they want angry working class guys with pitch forks voting republican. Hate is the only product republicans produce but they're good at it. You're being played for suckers, guys.

Blame America first, we know the motto of the left. But as we speak, Biden stopped the construction of the border wall. He eliminated most of Trump's successful policies that reduced border crossings. He plans on giving amnesty to 2.5 million illegals already in this country. But it's the employers fault. Right. :rolleyes:
Sorry dude, the party of anarchy, sedition and insurrection isn't too popular these days. Guess you are fkd.
Do you know what you're talking about ? I'll answer that rhetorical question. NO, YOU DON'T. That's because you are the airhead "kid" here. Trump got 90% of the AMERICAN vote in 2020, and his party is, by far the most popular. Democrats got near zero vote, which is why they had to go to fraud, to get Biden in the White House.

As for "anarchy, sedition and insurrection" that's what the Democrat Fraud party now is,

It's time to take you meds, and go to bed. Trump didn't even get 50% of the vote. That was Joe Biden. Trump has never won the popular vote. Not in 2016, or 2020.
Yes the vote to remove Liz Cheney. 145-61 to allow her to stay in the 3rd most powerful position in the US House. Liz Cheney, who voted to impeach President Trump, gets an approval from 70% of House Republicans ? Than there was other anti-Trump vote against the alternate electors.

I have just had it with these RINO Trump haters. I am back to being an Independent again, as are tens of thousands (and growing) former Republicans. A recent Rasmussen poll shows support for new Trump PArty outvoting Republicans 23 to 17%.

Obviously, in order to defeat Democrats there can't be these 2 factions in existence. Something has got to go, and it sure isn't going to be the Trump supporters. So the anti-Trumpers by continuing on as they are, are having the Republican Party hemmoraghing members, and insuring Democrat wins in 2022.

I'm a Democrat and i support you 100%.
I don't know why people keep thinking a 3rd party is needed, or to stay GOP to vote out rhinos, or vote for this or that. Voting is now a moot point. Anything you vote for or against will be changed via machines and human hands to help it happen. In short...voting is dead.
It is hard to see how it ever could be trusted again. Forget anything that Democrats are able to get their hands on. Just look at them letting transsexual MEN compete against women, in womens' sports. Ugh!
It's time to take you meds, and go to bed. Trump didn't even get 50% of the vote. That was Joe Biden. Trump has never won the popular vote. Not in 2016, or 2020.
Trump got 90% of the AMERICAN vote. Biden got next to nothing, and most of his was illegal aliens. Trump win the AMERICAN popular vote in 2016 too.
Yes the vote to remove Liz Cheney. 145-61 to allow her to stay in the 3rd most powerful position in the US House. Liz Cheney, who voted to impeach President Trump, gets an approval from 70% of House Republicans ? Than there was other anti-Trump vote against the alternate electors.

I have just had it with these RINO Trump haters. I am back to being an Independent again, as are tens of thousands (and growing) former Republicans. A recent Rasmussen poll shows support for new Trump PArty outvoting Republicans 23 to 17%.

Obviously, in order to defeat Democrats there can't be these 2 factions in existence. Something has got to go, and it sure isn't going to be the Trump supporters. So the anti-Trumpers by continuing on as they are, are having the Republican Party hemmoraghing members, and insuring Democrat wins in 2022.

You must realize, not even your fellow trump Nazis give a sh!t why you bailed on the GOP. Like all average American citizens, you just ain't that important.

Wow....you should do something about that.

All I can do is vote, and support great leaders like Trump. If others do the exact opposite, there is nothing I can do about that.

You can't be serious.

Trump was not a great leader.

He was a great divider, a great demagogue, a great liar, and a great con artist, however.
Whats even more hilarious is the whole "he accomplished more...." He built like 45 miles of new wall, didn't do infrastructure, didn't do healthcare, the "tax break" was for the ultra wealthy, he did appoint 3 justices to the Supreme Court...as if that is an "accomplishment"....lol. The trade war was a fiasco, the cover response was a fiasco....

I'm sure Ray Ray will post some stock list he'll cut and paste from somewhere that has "put America first" as an accomplishment.
Democrat airheads never stop showing us the results of their leftist OMISSION media.

Trump accomplishments
1. RECORD positive numbers on the economy, record highs in stock market even right now, despite Covid shutdowns
2. stopped the absurd practice of giving China unrestricted access to our valuable market, and reduced the amount of imports coming from China.
3. holding China accountable for cyber theft,
4. taking Mexico and Central American countries to task for illegal immigration,
5. created 10 million jobs in 4 months, created over 400,000 manufacturing jobs,
6. unemployment claims hit 50 year low,
7. lowest unemployment for blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and disabled in US history, 8.lowest unemployment for women in over 70 years,
9. lowest unemployment rate ever recorded for Americans without a high school diploma,
10. 4 million Americans off food stamps,
11. vocational training topped 4 million - highest ever,
12. highest median wage in US history .
13. Obamacare individual mandate penalty GONE,
14. FDA approved more affordable generic drugs than ever before in history. > drug companies are freezing or reversing planned price increases,
15. reformed the Medicare program to stop hospitals from overcharging low-income seniors on their drugs—saving seniors hundreds of millions of dollars,
16. Signed Right-To-Try legislation,
17. $6 billion in NEW funding to fight the opioid epidemic (the most ever),
18. Signed VA Choice Act and VA Accountability Act,
19. expanded VA telehealth services, walk-in-clinics, and same-day urgent primary and mental health care (I got surgeries and benefits from this myself),
20. United States is a net natural gas exporter for the first time since 1957,
21. withdrew the United States from the job-killing Paris Climate Accord,
22. pressured NATO allies, and they're spending $69 billion more on defense since 2016,
23. made the Space Force the 6th branch of the Armed Forces,
24. withdrew from the horrible, one-sided Iran Deal, 25. moved U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem,
25. protected Americans from terrorists with the Travel Ban, upheld by Supreme Court, 26. issued Executive Order to keep open Guantanamo Bay,
27. MCA deal,
28. reached a breakthrough agreement with the E.U. to increase U.S. exports
29. pressured NATO allies, and they're spending $69 billion more on defense since 2016,
30. net exports increased $59 Billion in 2018,
31. improved vetting and screening for refugees, and switched focus to overseas resettlement,
33. provided quality detention centers for migrant children in Southwest Key Programs
34. created 8,700 Opportunity Zones with investment incentives for companies to invest in distressed communities
35. Got Israel/UAE/Bahrain agreement (the Abraham Accord), establishing Middle East peace
36. Defeated ISIS and killed their leaders incl. # 1 al Baghdadi.
37. Killed Iranian terrorist leader Sulemani.
38. Stopped domestic terrorist mobs by sending federal troops & National Guard
39. record of number of regulations cut, further boosting the economy
40. opened ANWR and approved Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines thereby making America # 1 energy producer in the world (no other president ever did that),
41. rebuilt the US military to a $721 Billion/yr budget
42. increased wages for military personnel
43. We found out when we expected President Trump to lead us through a COVID pandemic, as our Covid mortality rate was REDUCED from over 17,000/week in April. to about 2000/week in October/November, as a result of the many smart things that the president has done.90% REDUCTION. > it's a HUGE SUCCESS.
44. Massive production of Ventilators - These were left in short supply after the Obama/Biden admin (we now have so many we're exporting them),
45. the Navy hospital ships sent to New York,
46. the stimulus checks,
47. The Task Force advice (ex. social distancing),
48. opposition/criticism of New York's dumb nursing home policies,
49. federal aid to hospitals, rapidly expanding production & distribution of medical supplies
50. travel bans (which Democrats called Trump a "racist' for),
51. Trump's advocacy of Hydroxychloriquin (now proven to be effective, despite criticism from Democrats), and Regeneron.
52. fast, continual development of a vaccine.
53. Created & signed the MISSION ACT, replacing the failed Obama Choice Act
54. Presided over the largest GDP growth (33.1%) in US history.
You must realize, not even your fellow trump Nazis give a sh!t why you bailed on the GOP. Like all average American citizens, you just ain't that important.
Another idiot who thinks I'm just talking about ME.
You can't be serious. Trump was not a great leader.

He was a great divider, a great demagogue, a great liar, and a great con artist, however.
Brainwashed DUPE of CNN, MSNBC, etc
Now do you ( or anyone for that matter) that wonders why my iggie list is so big? Idiots. No matter the topic, they (liberals/democrats) always find an excuse for the awful things their party stands for. I, too, was a dem for many many years. I went repub in 2016. But repubs are chickenshit cowards that plot and plan along with the other party, so now I am no longer a repub either. And I won't vote again. No reason to. It won't count.
I don't have time to once again post a paragraph of all his accomplishments, but the most outstanding traits of his leadership were in the economy

Trump’s leadership on the economy and specifically on increasing employment, was a tad slower under TrumpQ!s first three years when compared to Obama’s last three.

But Ray From Cleveland sees TrumpQ as god!s gift to America who turned the Obama anti-business economic and unemployment disaster around because he is a brilliant leader.


That chart shows no change when TrumpQ took over. But we see how RAY sees it. What a miracle that TrumpQ made for America.
Establishment republicans suck and so do establishment democrats.

We elect them and they sell us out to Big Money.

in the end they end up rich and powerful and we end up screwed.
I checked and I apologize for my sarcasm. You have your opinions and I have mine. I looked at your chart and what it tells me corporations who have more undocumented workers have certain needs that can be filled by lower skilled people taking a lower wage which American citizens would not work for that wage. How do you solve that problem and reducing corporations taxes as Trump did, didn't solve the problem just raised our debt.

Outside of agriculture, Americans will do many of these jobs, but we won't do them for nothing.

Up north when the snow and wind take the power out, I see those guys in lift buckets in 0 degree weather, snow blowing in their face at 25 mph to restore our power. I see those guys walking on steel beams 10 stories high like they were walking down the street. Or those guys in the middle of winter with their boots on wading through water trying to fix a water or sewer break. Hell, even in my former line of work before I retired, try piloting a tractor-trailer on snow or icy roads in that vehicle that weighs 75,000 lbs and you can barely see 15 feet in front of you. Our military doesn't pay much, but you can work a short career and retire early in life, or just serve your time and get great benefits when you get out.

It's not that industry can't find people to work, they can't find people that will work for nothing as illegals will do. We Americans will do any of those jobs for the right money. And when industry is forced to pay the right money, that's how our wages increase naturally in this country.
You gave the right answer "when industry is forced to pay the right money". Your rationale is flawed because even if you hope for all illegals to be deported and as you've stated we don't need any more people in the United States ,globalization is alive and well and industry (corporations) who are publicly traded will move manufacturing, etc to other places to get the salaries they feel will be best for the company and its shareholders. So industry will never be forced to pay more then they think a job is worth. Trump didn't bring back manufacturing plants and jobs from overseas but he did have an effect when some companies moved some operations of their supply chains to other countries. Capitalism and supply and demand theories work but there working in a global setting, America will lose if it tries to go it alone, Impossible.

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